Microsoft Multi Tenant App as an Individual Developer - Azure Active Directory - azure

I am trying to make a multi-tenant application using Microsoft active directory but found out that you need a MPN ID to do so. However, it seems that you can't sign-up for the Microsoft Partner Network as an Individual Developer and you instead need to be a registered business. Is there anyway to create a multi-tenant application as an individual? I'm assuming something like this must exist akin to how you can publish iOS apps as an individual developer.

When you said "multi-tenant application", it means you need to own an AAD tenant to create it.
I assume that you are already an individual developer registered to Microsoft. What you need to do is Create a new tenant in Azure Active Directory. Sign into with your individual account to do the above operations.
Please note that your account is a personal account currently, you need to follow the the guidance the portal shows (if it shows) to convert it to a work account as well and then you can create the tenant.
After that you can create multi-tenant application in Azure AD.
Select one of the options to make it as multi-tenant app.
"Starting November 9th, 2020 end users will no longer be able to grant consent to newly registered multitenant apps without verified publishers" alert means normal user cannot do user consent but admin still can do admin consent.
You need to do the admin consent for custom's tenant by using admin consent (see this answer). It doesn't matter that if they don't do the admin consent before using your application. When the first time an admin from other tenant tries to sign into your application, he will be required to do admin consent as well.
Please refer to auth code flow to learn about the authentication process. Using /common or /organizationare both OK.


How to change calender entries in one tenant using App registered another tenant

We are currently building an headleass application (without front end). This app has to be run as deamon and need to update calander entries of user in different tenant.
We have our seperate Azure subscription where we have created a VM and hosting app. we have different Azure AD tenant thatn the target tenant. I was thinking of registrating the app in our tenant as multi-tenant app. But then I am not sure how it will authorise to change resurces in another tenant.
Or it is must for app to be registered in target tenant?
One of the most important thing is we dont want interactive admin consent flow, as we want everything to be an automatic process. None of the document explains the significance of tenant ID in authentication flow. Anybody knows anything ?
First, you need to create a multi-tenant application in the original tenant, and then grant the application the Calendars.ReadWrite application permission.
Next, run admin consent url in the browser, and then you need to log in with another tenant's administrator account and consent. The multi-tenant application will then be added to the target tenant as an enterprise application.{tenant-id}/adminconsent?client_id={client-id}.
At the same time, the application will have the Calendars.ReadWrite application permission in the target tenant. Finally, you only need to use the client credential flow to obtain the token and then call the Update calendar api to change the calendar entry of another tenant.

Why is my Azure application asking for admin consetment although i do not request for admin scopes?

I am developing a web application that allow users from any azure organization to give my application reading rights on their OneDrive using windows Graph-Api (scope: File.Read.All)
I registered a multi-tenants application in the azure portal and i configured the application like it is explained in the documentation
I need to Allow a user from other azure organisations to make a consentment for my application to read files content, but in my case i get a "Need admin aproval" after sending Authentication Code URL (tested with a user from another azure organization)
AuthenticationCode: offline_access&state=ZZZ
What a user get after authetification to his Office-365 account
I know that there is other applications who do not have this issue, for exemple the application need only user consentment and not admin consentment even if it ask for read write scopes AuthenticationCode: files.readwrite.all offline_access&state=cId%3Db5ff67d6-3155-4fca-965a-59a3655c4476
What a user get with diagram application
This is not because of any particular scope. The answer to your question is discussed under "application provisioning" in Azure AD (AAD) terms. Put simply, an AAD application needs to be "provisioned" into an AAD tenant, and a tenant admin can choose whether users can initiate this by themselves or not. Here, it seems this is not allowed.
In more detail, when you create an AAD application, you create 2 objects: a representation of the application, and a "Service Principal" that handles access to that application. When you offer your AAD app to other tenants/organizations, they need their own service principal object to be able to access your application, and this happens through admin consent i.e. provisioning.
In general, there are 2 articles that you should take a look:
How and why applications are added to Azure AD
How to: Sign in any Azure Active Directory user using the multi-tenant application pattern
And these code samples should clarify the process:
Developing a Multi-tenant (SaaS) application with the Microsoft Identity Platform
Protect a multi-tenant SaaS web application that calls Microsoft Graph using Azure AD & OpenID Connect
EDIT: Correction: tenant admins can choose or not whether users are allowed to initiate app provisioning. Credits: #jasonJohnston.

How Do I register an application from an external Azure AD tenant?

I have created a Web application in my local Azure AD which I can successfully use to authenticate members of my AD tenant with (using oAuth2 flow). Now I need to extend my supported scenarios to allow a global admin from an external Azure AD tenant to sign-up their company to use this application as well.
Based on the Microsoft Docs this scenario, Multi-Tenant, is supported...
Authentication Scenarios for Azure AD
Multi-Tenant: If you are building an application that can be used by users outside your organization, it must be registered in your company’s directory, but also must be registered in each organization’s directory that will be using the application. To make your application available in their directory, you can include a sign-up process for your customers that enables them to consent to your application. When they sign up for your application, they will be presented with a dialog that shows the permissions the application requires, and then the option to consent. Depending on the required permissions, an administrator in the other organization may be required to give consent. When the user or administrator consents, the application is registered in their directory. For more information, see Integrating Applications with Azure Active Directory.
From my reading it appears that at some point a global admin for the foreign tenant should be presented with a URL which they can follow ( ) which will somehow cause the external application to precipitate like a morning dew into their Azure AD. However, if this is the correct approach I would appreciate a tokenized example of how one correctly builds the login URL for a multi-tenant external Azure AD application which a group admin can follow to allow access in their AzureAD.
Ok, through trial and failure I have found the solution. The group admin for the remote tenant needs to be provided with the following URL which will allow them to register your Azure AD application as an Enterprise Application in their tenant.{}/adminconsent?client_id={YourAppsClientID}&redirect_uri={YourAppsCallbackPage}

Is Azure Active Directory Consent Cached?

We're building a native application that makes use of Azure AD. The application requires some permissions (like read user profile, execute Azure Service Management API etc.).
When a user uses our application the very first time, they are asked to sign in and once they sign in, they are presented with the consent screen (they grant consent to our application). Once the user grants the consent, they can see our app in their Azure AD (under "Applications" tab). So far so good.
Now what this user does is removes our application manually from their Azure AD (again by going under "Applications" tab). Based on our understanding of the consent model, what this means is that the user has removed the consent to our application.
Now when this user signs in into our application, what we are expecting is that the user is presented with a consent screen again (like the 1st time). However the actual behavior is that the user is not presented with such screen and user is simply signed in into our application. Furthermore, when the user goes back into their Azure AD, they don't see our application in the list of consented apps.
So my questions are:
Does Azure AD somehow cache the consent?
If the consent is cached, for how long is this consent cached?
If the consent is cached, is there a way to for us to clear this consent programmatically or otherwise?
Any insights into why is this happening would be highly appreciated.
In Azure Active Directory, user consent is registered as a link between a User Object and a Service Principal Object representing the client application.
This link is represented in the AAD Graph API as an OAuth2PermissionGrant
You said this:
Now what this user does is removes our application manually from their
Azure AD (again by going under "Applications" tab). Based on our
understanding of the consent model, what this means is that the user
has removed the consent to our application.
I want to clarify. As you might know, when you create a new AAD Application, you need to keep in mind the difference between an Application Object and a Service Principal.
Very specifically, if you delete the Service Principal representing the client application, all of the consent links connected to that Service Principal will be destroyed, thus effectively removing consent. The same cannot be said if you only remove the Application Object, which is likely where you are running into issues.
I explain here the easiest steps required to revoke consent for an Azure Active Directory Application. Let me know if this helps.

Azure Active Directory Login: Web App Permissions, User Consent not triggered

I have currently set up a AAD instance and I am authenticating my users against it via my web app, and it’s working great.
When I added and configured the application on AAD, I added the required Application and Delegated Permissions to access the Office365 Calendar API. However, the only thing that is missing is that during the login flow users aren’t being prompted to grant consent for the permissions, as it should happen from what I’ve read in your docs:
I’m not sure what I’m missing. Apparently, from the docs,
After the user has signed in, Azure AD will determine if the user
needs to be shown a consent page. This determination is based on
whether the user (or their organization’s administrator) has already
granted the application consent. If consent has not already been
granted, Azure AD will prompt the user for consent and will display
the required permissions it needs to function. The set of permissions
that is displayed in the consent dialog are the same as what was
selected in the Permissions to other applications control in the Azure
Management Portal.
So maybe somehow I have already probably implicitly granted admin consent for those permissions, but I don’t know how that happened.
I've attached the permissions I configured on the AAD App.
Any help would be appreciated.
If an admin creates an application in their tenant using the AUX portal (, and requests permissions to other applications, then users in that same tenant are pre-consented for that application. Note this behavior is NOT true for our other App Registration Portals ( or
I believe this is why you are not seeing the consent dialogue when user's in your tenant are signing into your application. If you would like to push the consent dialogue experience, there are a few different things you can do:
You can use query strings to prompt "consent" or "admin_consent" during login. Check here:
You can delete the service principal for your application from your tenant using AAD PowerShell. You can learn how to do that here:
You can have a user from another tenant try to login to your multi-tenant application.
You can create your application under a non-admin account.
I hope this helps!
Shawn Tabrizi
Try this:
What is the Resource parameter in Windows Azure AD tenant application oAuth 2.0 specification
Changing the resource parameter to did the trick for me.
Furthermore, Microsoft support suggests disabling all permissions except "Enable sign-on and read users' profiles", apparently to avoid permission related problems. I understand that this is not a solution in your case, but at least it gives you a test case.
