MongoDB NodeJS driver pooling connection (Question) - node.js

I've just set up a full NodeJS bot, using MongoDB. This Discord server has roughly 24k people spamming the bot left and right with commands, and there for I've used
(Info blurred out, due to having username, password, ips there)
"url": "mongodb://XXXX:XXXX#XXX.XX.XXX.XX.XXX:25000/?authSource=admin?maxPoolSize=500&poolSize=300&autoReconnect=true",
This is my URI, and as you see I've allowed a farely large poolsize.
Normally my application (before i enabled pooling) would have hit 300-600 on average connections, due to having it have multiple instances of "MongoDB.Connect(uri) etc" around in the cose, as well as a massive amount of db.close() at the end of collections.
I've cleaned up the entire thing, and i only call 1 instance of MongoClient.Connect() & then refer this connection around once in the code (as a bypasser).
There after I've made sure to wipe everything that would close the db (db.close();)
I've started up, and everything still seems responsive - so theres no database/mongo errors.
However, looking through MongoDB Compass, my connection count is around 29 stable. Which is good obviously, but when i enabled 300 Pools, shouldn't this be higher?
This is how my mongod.cfg looks like
Is there something i have missed? or is it all behaving as it should?

Each client connects to each server once or twice for monitoring. If you create a client that performs a single operation, while that operation is running against a 4.4 replica set you have 7 open connections.
By reusing clients you can have a dramatic reduction in the number of total connections.
Additionally a further reduction is expected since each of your operations can complete faster (it doesn't have to wait for server discovery).


Handling many connections in node.js

I am making a live app with the use of websockets (express-ws npm package) in node.js.
The users send a message via ws every 10 seconds. Each of such requests takes about 1-1.5 milliseconds to handle (I have made some .time benchmarks). Everything works perfectly while there are less than ~9000 connections. However, if it grows above that, those 9000 requests every 10 seconds take 9000*1.5=13500ms > 10s and some users do not get their requests handled (as node.js is single-threaded). This is my first live app that gets so many online users at the same time so I do not know what to do. How to handle that many connections correctly?
I have read some articles about that and I have found some solutions which do not seem to work for me (at least I do not understand how to make them working).
Use the cluster module. The problem is that the requests have to share variables. I have an array of data which is updated or read during every request and clusters, as I have read and tested, are basically another processes which cannot share memory.
The same applies to worker_threads. They can kinda share memory, but I have to set up the communication between all threads and it still comes up to handling 9000 connections in 10 seconds which are not significantly faster than 9000 connections that have been in the beginning (that 9000 requests are simply a database search and an update with a few validations whether a user is registered and has provided valid data). Probably, if I throw the validation to a worker thread, the connections limit will grow up to 13000, but it is still insufficient.
I thought of creating a separate server on an another port (probably even in c++) and send all the requests that have passed the validation there (websocket between the servers). That seems like the best solution as for now but it still comes up to handling 9000 requests in one thread which will not make it much better.
So, how do I handle that many requests that need to share a variable efficiently? How do game servers which need to update the states of thousands of players multiple times per second do that?

Find the source of waves of latency from Redis using Node.js

I am investigating some latency issues on my server, and I've narrowed it down but not enough to solve it. I'm hoping someone with more experience with Redis or Node.js can help.
Within a function that is called a few thousand times per minute, scaling up and down with web traffic, I send a GET request to my redis client to check if a process is complete. I've noticed increased latency for my web requests, and it appears as though the redis GET command is taking up the bulk of my server time. Which surprised me, as I always thought redis was wicked fast all the time. And if I look at Redis's "time spent" info, it says everything is under 700 microseconds.
That didn't jive with what I was seeing from my transaction monitoring setup, so I added some logging to my code:
const start =;
client.get(`poll:${submittedId}`, (err, res) => {
console.log(`${ - start}`);
//other stuff
Now my logs print the number of milliseconds spend on each redis GET. I watch that for a while, and see a surprising pattern.
Most of the time, there are lots of 1s and an occasional number in the 10s or sometimes 100s. Then, periodically, all the gets across the server slow down, reaching up to several seconds for each get to complete. Then after a while the numbers curve back down and things are running smoothly again.
What could be causing this sort of behaviour?
Things I've tried to investigate:
Like I mentioned, I've combed through redis's performance data, as presented on Heroku's redis dashboard, and it doesn't have any complaints or latency spikes.
I confirmed that all these requests are coming from a small number of connections, because I read that opening and closing too many can cause issues.
I looked into connection pooling, thinking maybe the transactions are being queued and causing a backlog, but the internet seems to say this isn't necessary for Redis and Node.
Really appreciate anyone taking the time to advise on this!
Seems like Redis blocked in bgsave. Check if
your Redis used memory is large.
use lastsave command to assure the bgsave span.
close aof always.
use slowlog to assure if other command blocked.

Node.JS WebSocket High Memory Usage

We currently have a production node.js application that has been underperforming for a while. Now the application is a live bidding platform, and also runs timed auctions. The actual system running live sales is perfect and works as required. We have noticed that while running our timed sales (where items in a sale have timers and they incrementally finish, and if someone bids within the last set time, it will increment the time up X amount of seconds).
Now the issue I have found is that during the period of a timed sale finishing (which can go on for hours) if items have 60 seconds between each lots and have extensions if users bid in the last 10 seconds. So we were able to connect via the devtools and I have done heap memory exports to see what is going on, but all I can see is that all indications point to stream writeable and the buffers. So my question is what am I doing wrong. See below a screenshot of a heap memory export:
As you can see from the above, there is a lot of memory being used specifically for this it was using 1473MB of physical RAM. We saw this rise very quickly (within 30 mins) and each increment seemed to be more than the last. So when it hit 3.5GB it was incrementing at around 120MB each second, and then as it got higher around 5GB it was incrementing at 500MB per second and got to around 6GB and then the worker crashed (has a max heap size of 8GB), and then we were a process down.
So let me tell you about the platform. It is of course a bidding platform as I said earlier, the platform uses Node (v11.3.0) and is clustered using the built in cluster library. It spawns 4 workers, and has the main process (so 5 altogether). The system accepts bids, checks other bids, calculates who is winning and essentially pushes updates to the connected clients via Redis PUB/SUB then that is broadcasted to that workers connected users.
All data is stored within redis and mysql is used to refresh data into redis as redis has performed 10x faster than mysql was able to.
Now the way this works is on connection a small session is created against the connection, this is then used to authenticate the user (which is a message sent from the client) all message events are sent to a handler which pushes it to the correct command these commands are then all set as async functions and run async.
Now this has no issue on small scale, but we had over 250 connections and was seeing the above behaviour and are unsure where to find a fix. We noticed when opening the top obejct, it was connected to buffer.js and stream_writable.js as well. I can also see all references are connected to system / JSArrayBufferData and all refer back to these, there are lots of objects, and we are unable to fix this issue.
We think one of the following:
We log to file using append mode, which logs lots of information to the console and to a file using fs.writeFile and append mode. We did some research and saw that writing to console can be a cause of this kind of behaviour.
It is the get lots function which outputs all the lots for that page (currently set to 50) every time an item finishes, so if the timer ends it will ask for a full page load for all the items on that page, instead of adding new lots in.
There is something else happening here that we are unaware of, maybe the external library we are using that may not be removing a reference.
I have listed the libraries of interest that we require here:
"bluebird": "^3.5.1", (For promisifying the redis library)
"colors": "^1.2.5", (Used on every console.log (we call logs for everything that happens this can be around 50 every few seconds.)
"nodejs-websocket": "^1.7.1", (Our websocket library)
"redis": "^2.8.0", (Our redis client)
Anyway, if there is anything painstakingly obvious I would love to hear, as everything I have followed online and other stack overflow questions does not relate close enough to the issue we are facing.

Connection pool using pg-promise

I'm using Node js and Postgresql and trying to be most efficient in the connections implementation.
I saw that pg-promise is built on top of node-postgres and node-postgres uses pg-pool to manage pooling.
I also read that "more than 100 clients at a time is a very bad thing" (node-postgres).
I'm using pg-promise and wanted to know:
what is the recommended poolSize for a very big load of data.
what happens if poolSize = 100 and the application gets 101 request simultaneously (or even more)?
Does Postgres handles the order and makes the 101 request wait until it can run it?
I'm the author of pg-promise.
I'm using Node js and Postgresql and trying to be most efficient in the connections implementation.
There are several levels of optimization for database communications. The most important of them is to minimize the number of queries per HTTP request, because IO is expensive, so is the connection pool.
If you have to execute more than one query per HTTP request, always use tasks, via method task.
If your task requires a transaction, execute it as a transaction, via method tx.
If you need to do multiple inserts or updates, always use multi-row operations. See Multi-row insert with pg-promise and PostgreSQL multi-row updates in Node.js.
I saw that pg-promise is built on top of node-postgres and node-postgres uses pg-pool to manage pooling.
node-postgres started using pg-pool from version 6.x, while pg-promise remains on version 5.x which uses the internal connection pool implementation. Here's the reason why.
I also read that "more than 100 clients at a time is a very bad thing"
My long practice in this area suggests: If you cannot fit your service into a pool of 20 connections, you will not be saved by going for more connections, you will need to fix your implementation instead. Also, by going over 20 you start putting additional strain on the CPU, and that translates into further slow-down.
what is the recommended poolSize for a very big load of data.
The size of the data got nothing to do with the size of the pool. You typically use just one connection for a single download or upload, no matter how large. Unless your implementation is wrong and you end up using more than one connection, then you need to fix it, if you want your app to be scalable.
what happens if poolSize = 100 and the application gets 101 request simultaneously
It will wait for the next available connection.
See also:
Chaining Queries
Performance Boost
what happens if poolSize = 100 and the application gets 101 request simultaneously (or even more)? Does Postgres handles the order and makes the 101 request wait until it can run it?
Right, the request will be queued. But it's not handled by Postgres itself, but by your app (pg-pool). So whenever you run out of free connections, the app will wait for a connection to release, and then the next pending request will be performed. That's what pools are for.
what is the recommended poolSize for a very big load of data.
It really depends on many factors, and no one will really tell you the exact number. Why not test your app under huge load and see in practise how it performs, and find the bottlenecks.
Also I find the node-postgres documentation quite confusing and misleading on the matter:
Once you get >100 simultaneous requests your web server will attempt to open 100 connections to the PostgreSQL backend and 💥 you'll run out of memory on the PostgreSQL server, your database will become unresponsive, your app will seem to hang, and everything will break. Boooo!
It's not quite true. If you reach the connection limit at Postgres side, you simply won't be able to establish a new connection until any previous connection is closed. Nothing will break, if you handle this situation in your node app.

Check queued reads/writes for MongoDB

I feel like this question would have been asked before, but I can't find one. Pardon me if this is a repeat.
I'm building a service on Node.js hosted in Heroku and using MongoDB hosted by Compose. Under heavy load, the latency is most likely to come from the database, as there is nothing very CPU-heavy in the service layer. Thus, when MongoDB is overloaded, I want to return an HTTP 503 promptly instead of waiting for a timeout.
I'm also using REDIS, and REDIS has a feature where you can check the number of queued commands (redisClient.command_queue.length). With this feature, I can know right away if REDIS is backed up. Is there something similar for MongoDB?
The best option I have found so far is polling the server for status via this command, but (1) I'm hoping for something client side, as there could be spikes within the polling interval that cause problems, and (2) I'm not actually sure what part of the status response I want to act on. That second part brings me to a follow up question...
I don't fully understand how the MondoDB client works with the server. Is one connection shared per client instance (and in my case, per process)? Are queries and writes queued locally or on the server? Or, is one connection opened for each query/write, until the database's connection pool is exhausted? If the latter is the case, it seems like I might want to keep an eye on the open connections. Does the MongoDB server return such information at other times, besides when polled for status?
MongoDB connection pool workflow-
Every MongoClient instance has a built-in connection pool. The client opens sockets on demand to support the number of concurrent MongoDB operations your application requires. There is no thread-affinity for sockets.
The client instance, opens one additional socket per server in your MongoDB topology for monitoring the server’s state.
The size of each connection pool is capped at maxPoolSize, which defaults to 100.
When a thread in your application begins an operation on MongoDB, if all other sockets are in use and the pool has reached its maximum, the thread pauses, waiting for a socket to be returned to the pool by another thread.
You can increase maxPoolSize:
client = MongoClient(host, port, maxPoolSize=200)
By default, any number of threads are allowed to wait for sockets to become available, and they can wait any length of time. Override waitQueueMultiple to cap the number of waiting threads. E.g., to keep the number of waiters less than or equal to 500:
client = MongoClient(host, port, maxPoolSize=50, waitQueueMultiple=10)
Once the pool reaches its max size, additional threads are allowed to wait indefinitely for sockets to become available, unless you set waitQueueTimeoutMS:
client = MongoClient(host, port, waitQueueTimeoutMS=100)
Reference for connection pooling-
