Mailgun console.log(body) returning undefined - node.js

I am using Mailgun to send email when user click on button to book.
The following is my code:
import mailgun from 'mailgun-js';
const book = () => {
const DOMAIN = '';
const api_key = '**********5d721598c7d08095-07bc7b05-******'; //hidden for privacy
const mg = mailgun({apiKey: api_key, domain: DOMAIN, host: ""});
const data = {
from: 'Excited User <>',
to: ', ',
subject: 'Hello',
text: 'Testing some Mailgun awesomness!'
mg.messages().send(data, function (error, body) {
if (error) {
What i get though from console.log(body) is "undefined".
I have tried this same code with the sandbox and it works fine (the message is queued).
Also, mailgun DNS for my domain are verified.
I am in touch with mailgun support but they cannot be of any help.
Any help would be much appreciated


how do i send emails using mail-gun in my express app

i new to mail-gun i'm trying to send an email after successful payment, but each time the payment is cofirmed , i don't get an email
this how i use it
const domain = ' ';
var mailgun = require('mailgun-js')({
apiKey: "MY_APIKEY",
domain: domain
this is my email template
.create(newCharge, function(err, charge) {
// send response
if (err) {
res.json({ error: err, charge: false });
} else {
var emailTemplate = `Hello ${}, \n
Amount: ${newCharge.amount} \n
Thank you!`;
// compose email
var emailData = {
from: "",
subject: "Bundle of Sticks Receipt - " +,
text: emailTemplate
// send email to customer
emailData["to"] = "";
emailData["subject"] = `New Order: Bundle of Sticks - ${}`;
// send email to supplier
// send response with charge data
res.json({ error: false, charge: charge });
how can i go about this , the payment is always successful but the email dont go through
You should install nodemailer and nodemailer-mailgun-transport and work with those.
And using those it will work a little something like this:
import * as nodemailer from 'nodemailer';
import * as mailGun from 'nodemailer-mailgun-transport';
const auth = {
api_key: <YOUR_API_KEY>
domain: <YOUR_DOMAIN>,
const transporter = nodemailer.createTransport(mailGun(auth));
const mailOptions = {
sender: "John Doe",
from: email,
subject: '<YOUR_SUBJECT>',
text: '<YOUR_TEXT>',
Just edit those to suit your need and variables, but that's generally the approach.

MailGun results in 401 forbidden using nodeJs

I am trying to send an email using mailgun and nodejs.
I took the code MailGun provides you and added my domain name and api key:
const mailgun = require('mailgun-js');
const DOMAIN = '';
const mg = mailgun({apiKey: "this-is-myApiKey", domain: DOMAIN});
const data = {
from: 'Support <>',
to: '',
subject: 'Hello',
text: 'Testing some Mailgun awesomness!'
mg.messages().send(data, function (error, body) {
console.log(1, error);
console.log(2, body);
This results in a 401 forbidden, but if I change to my sandbox domain name, then it works. Does anyone have some helpful tips to fix this? = domain name set under sending domains
this-is-myApiKey = my private api key found here:
It could be due to incorrect domain name of mailgun. Make sure that you are using the correct apikey and domain name.
Might your Domain Name issue.
const mailgun = require("mailgun-js")({
apiKey: 'your_api_key',
domain: ''
const data = {
from: "",
to: '',
subject: 'Hello',
text: 'Testing some Mailgun awesomeness!'
mailgun.messages().send(data, (error, body) => {
message:"mail sent"
That's because in new mailgun api v3 you have to follow a different approach:
See my sample code below its working:
var formData = require('form-data');
const Mailgun = require('mailgun.js');
const mailgun = new Mailgun(formData);
const mg = mailgun.client({
username: 'api',
key: process.env.EMAIL_MAILGUN_API_KEY
mg.messages.create(process.env.EMAIL_MAILGUN_HOST, {
from: "sender na,e <"+process.env.EMAIL_FROM+">",
to: [""],
subject: "Verify Your Email",
text: "Testing some Mailgun awesomness!",
html: "<h1>"+req+"</h1>"
.then(msg => {
}) // logs response data
.catch(err => {
}); // logs any error
make sure to utilize the DNS name you verified. i was trying to use my domain name (as everything in their documentation seems to dictate) and repeatedly faced HTTP 401 errors. as soon as i changed DOMAIN_NAME to VERIFIED_DNS_NAME it worked.
e.g., my domain was however, the DNS name i verified was when i changed my client to utilize that verified DNS name, it all worked

Unable to send email using MailGun Node API

When trying to send a simple test message via mailgun using their Node api I don't get any errors, but I also am not receiving emails nor am I seeing any response in the mailgun logs.
Here is the code I am using ...
const mailgun = require('mailgun-js')({
domain: ''
async function sendInvite() {
var email = process.argv[process.argv.length - 1]
const data = {
from: '',
to: email,
subject: 'Welcome!',
html: '<p>Welcome!</p><p>You are very special!</p>'
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
mailgun.messages().send(data, (error, body) => {
if (error) {
console.log(`Invite sent to ${email}`)
sendInvite().then(() => console.log('Done')).catch((err) => console.error(err))
I discovered that the problem I had was in the format of the domain I was passing into mailgun.
Before I had the following :
const mailgun = require('mailgun-js')({
domain: ''
The problem is that the value for domain should not include the portion of the URL. Instead it should ONLY have your domain, e.g.
Did you attach your credit card to mailGun account? Or if you just need to test your logic, in your account settings you should confirm any email address, which will get emails from mailgun

Nodemailer doesn't send emails, and doesn't return an error message

I would like to know why nodemailer isn't sending emails, but it isn't returning any errors so I don't know what to do. Here's my code (pretty much copied from the nodemailer documentation):
var cors = require('cors');
var corsOptions = {
origin: '',
allowedHeaders: 'accept, content-type',
methods: 'GET, POST'
var nodemailer = require('nodemailer');
module.exports = function(app){
app.options('/email', cors(corsOptions));'/email', cors(corsOptions), function(req, res){
var transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({
service: 'Gmail',
auth: {
user: 'my-email',
pass: 'my-password'
var mailOptions = {
from: 'David Michael <my-email>',
to: 'recipient-email',
subject: 'Just verifying your email address ✔',
text: 'Hello to myself!',
html: '<p><b>Hello</b> to myself</p>'
var emailMessage = "";
transporter.sendMail(mailOptions, function(error, info){
emailMessage = "there was an error :-(, and it was this: " + error.message;
emailMessage = "Message sent: " + info.response;
return res.json({
message: "success",
email: emailMessage
Every time I try it, it successfully returns the JSON object at the end as follows:
Perhaps I should note that I am using CORS because I want to take the user's email address. My client-side app sends a HTTP POST request with a JSON object containing their email address -- however, the current code doesn't do anything with that yet. I want to get the basic mechanism working first.
I am using Openshift. Could that make a difference?
Also, I have tried using non-Gmail email addresses, and the same thing happens.
Any ideas about where I'm going wrong?
Looks like you're returning your JSON response before the asynchronous method returns. Try putting the response inside the callback:
transporter.sendMail(mailOptions, function(error, info){
emailMessage = "there was an error :-(, and it was this: " + error.message;
emailMessage = "Message sent: " + info.response;
return res.json({
message: "success",
email: emailMessage
You may not want to use this in practice though. Waiting for emails to send can be time-consuming and I suspect you'd see lots of timeouts. This should get you in the right direction though!
This also assumes your email address is all set up and you've entered real recipients as well. I know I had issues with Gmail because they're really good at detecting bots :)

Sending emails using Mailgun with NodeMailer package

A couple of days ago I realized that Google has changed the security of gmail accounts, particularly for the possibility of sending emails from applications. After Googling around for a while I couldn't find a fix for it.
So, I resorted to using Mailgun. I created an account and had it enabled with Business verification. However, I still can't send emails. I keep getting an error about the requested URL not being found.
I am suspecting that since I haven't set up a domain yet, it is not picking the mailgun domain it provided by default. Could someone show me how to test sending emails using Mailgun from NodeMailer indicating the sandbox name provided by mailgun.
thanks in advance
var nodemailer = require('nodemailer');
// send mail with password confirmation
var transporter = nodemailer.createTransport( {
service: 'Mailgun',
auth: {
user: '',
var mailOpts = {
from: '',
to: '',
subject: 'test subject',
text : 'test message form mailgun',
html : '<b>test message form mailgun</b>'
transporter.sendMail(mailOpts, function (err, response) {
if (err) {
//ret.message = "Mail error.";
} else {
//ret.message = "Mail send.";
I created the Nodemailer transport for mailgun.
Here it how it works.
You install the package with npm install as you would do with any package, then in an empty file:
var nodemailer = require('nodemailer');
var mg = require('nodemailer-mailgun-transport');
// This is your API key that you retrieve from (free up to 10K monthly emails)
var auth = {
auth: {
api_key: 'key-1234123412341234',
domain: ''
var nodemailerMailgun = nodemailer.createTransport(mg(auth));
from: '',
to: '', // An array if you have multiple recipients.
subject: 'Hey you, awesome!',
text: 'Mailgun rocks, pow pow!',
}, function (err, info) {
if (err) {
console.log('Error: ' + err);
else {
console.log('Response: ' + info);
Replace your API key with yours and change the details and you're ready to go!
It worked me, when I added the domain also to the auth object (not only the api_key). Like this:
var auth = {
auth: {
api_key: 'key-12319312391',
domain: ''
