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Closed 2 years ago.
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Am running the command below:-
sudo apt install curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs
I get this error:-
E: Command line option 'L' [from -fLo] is not understood in combination with the other options.
apt install and curl are entirely different commands. sudo apt install curl would install the curl program itself, and then you can do curl -fLo .... You should look into what these commands mean before copy pasting them into your terminal and hitting enter.
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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm configuring my i3blocks for i3wm, and I can't seem to be able to execute sudo command like:
command=sudo ~/.i3/scripts/
inside the file I have this:
apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
plus some echo for formatting the i3blocks bar.
I've tried this:
command=sudo ~/.i3/scripts/ with and without sudo with the apt-get -> The script doesn't launch
command=sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -> the command isn't executed
command=~/.i3/scripts/ with sudo with the apt-get -> the script launch, the i3bar is properly formatted, but the apt-get isn't executed.
Do you have sudo configured so it doesn't ask for a password to your user with the apt-get command? Maybe your command is running but it asks for a password and it fails.
I was abled to accomplish what you're trying to do by allowing my user to run apt-get with sudo without password adding this to the /etc/sudoers file:
<my-user> <my-host> = (root) NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/apt-get
And then adding a block with the command property set like your second option:
command=sudo apt-get update
And verified it works by reloading i3 and checking the timestamp of my latest update with:
stat -c %y /var/lib/apt/periodic/update-success-stamp
Which showed a recent update being successfully done recently:
2015-10-13 08:29:30.996348567 -0430
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to use the yum command in Red Hat 3.4.6-3. How can I install it?
Download the yum version of your choice: wget
Untar the package: tar xvzf yum-2.0.7.tar.gz
change directory into the newly expanded folder: cd yum-2.0.7
run the configuration file: ./configure
make configuration: make
make installation: make install
download yum-2.4.2-0.4.el4.rf.noarch.rpm and install using rpm -ivh yum-2.4.2-0.4.el4.rf.noarch.rpm
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Closed 10 years ago.
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I am trying to install pcre 8.32.
When I tried to install following this tutorial I get this error:
**Cannot --enable-pcregrep-libbz2 because bzlib.h was not found**.
Then I tried: sudo yum install libbz2-dev and now it is saying No package libbz2-dev available.Error: Nothing to do
I am totally confused. What shold I do next?
Try to locate the package that provides the bzlib.h file with:
sudo yum whatprovides */bzlib.h
And then install that package
From your comment the package name is bzip2-devel-1.0.6-3.fc15.i686, so do:
sudo yum install bzip2-devel-1.0.6-3.fc15.i686
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Closed 11 years ago.
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I'm trying to reinstall vim in ubuntu 11.10, but am having trouble. From the software center I click on install, and I get the error message: "Failed to download package files. Check your internet connection". My internet connection is fine.
Then, I click on OK, and this message comes up: "Requires Installation of untrusted packages." I click on OK (the only option), and the installation ceases. Anyone know how I resolve this problem?
Try from command line:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install vim gvim
Before running the commands from #DiogoDoreto 's post, run
sudo apt-get purge vim gvim
Then run update and install.
Purge will clear out all of the old configuration files and will usually fix the problem.
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Closed 11 years ago.
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I'm trying to find ab - Apache HTTP server benchmarking tool for Ubuntu, I'm hoping there's a package I can install for it. I decided I need to do some simple load testing on my applications.
% sudo apt-get install apache2-utils
The command-not-found package in Ubuntu provides some slick functionality where if you type a command that can't be resolved to an executable (or bash function or whatever) it will query your apt sources and find a package that contains the binary you tried to execute. So, in this case, I typed ab at the command prompt:
% ab
The program 'ab' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:
sudo apt-get install apache2-utils
bash: ab: command not found
Another way to search for missing files, e.g. if you use zsh, want to disable command-not-found (slows things down when you misstype commandnames), or are looking for a file that is not an executable:
$ sudo aptitude install apt-file
$ sudo apt-file update
$ apt-file search bin/ab