Citation in TeXMaker new version - bibliography

I have reinstalled TexMaker Editor and every time I try to use my .bib file for citations, I only see the ?? instead. I made sure I change the settings in the Quick Build to include the right one but nothing happens. I use the proper packages (I've already used them in a previous .tex file which works perfectly fine). The old file was created on the old version of TexMaker.
Alternatively, does anyone know ow to use a .bib bibliography on Overleaf?
enter image description here


.cabal file keeps reverting to template on save in Visual Studio Code

I've been going through the book Haskell Programming from First Principles and I've gotten to the section on testing where I've started to encounter this strange issue.
Whenever I try and edit the .cabal file for my project, every time I save it it reverts back to the template .cabal file that is generated when creating a project with stack.
I've tried saving without formatting and editing the file in Notes (I'm on Mac), saving, and then reopening the project in vscode (this also reverts the file to the template).
Does anyone have any idea what might be going on? I'm using the basic Haskell extension, the syntax highlighting extension, the debugging extension (which I have not gotten to work, anyway), and brittany for auto-formatting.
Thanks all!
When I checked my package.yaml (as referenced by #Koterpillar) I realized that it was acting as a generator of sorts for my .cabal file.
I then edited package.yaml with the information I needed and it fixed my issue. My .cabal file now contains the appropriate parameters.
Thanks #Koterpillar!

control+/ does not work to comment multi line in sublime 3

I can't comment out multi line in sublime 3. Looked at this Keyboard shortcut to comment lines in Sublime Text 3 already but it is not fixing it
Sublime version is 3.2.1 build 3207 . on windows 10.
Please help me out if have any tips.
The keyboard binding for commenting is indeed Ctrl+/ (Cmd+/ on MacOS) so in the general case what you're trying should work just fine.
That said, the keys in question are bound to the toggle_comment command and that command requires language specific metadata to know what comments are supposed to look like. For example comments look and work differently in HTML than they do in C or JavaScript. Some file types (such as plain text files) aren't code and thus don't have a concept of comments at all.
If the metadata file for a file type is missing, then the toggle_comment command won't do anything because comments are assumed to not be valid, which seems to be what's happening to here.
The first thing to check would be to examine the bottom right of the window to see if Sublime agrees with you about what the file type is supposed to be. For example, newly created tabs are Plain Text files until you save the file for the first time, and comments are not allowed in Plain Text files.
If the file type doesn't say what you think it should, you can click it to open a menu and select the appropriate type for that file.
If the type of the file looks to be correct and the command still doesn't work, then the metadata file needed is not being provided in the package that is adding support for that language. In that case you should raise an issue with whoever is responsible for the package in question and get them to add the appropriate file.
Based on the comments on your question, you think you're editing JavaScript files but Sublime thinks you're editing an ActionScript file instead. The JavaScript package includes the appropriate file, but the ActionScript package does not.
So in your particular case, your best bet is to switch the file type to JavaScript and your problem should go away. If you actually want to be editing ActionScript instead, then you need to create an issue on the Default package tracker and ask for this to be added.

Where are the default packages in Sublime Text 3 on Ubuntu?

I'm migrating from Sublime Text 2 to 3. In Sublime Text 2, I changed a lot of the default settings of the editor -- such as the tab bar height, sidebar color, etc. -- by modifying the Default.sublime-theme file in sublime-text-2/Packages/Theme - Default. I was also able to modify the colors of the default color schemes in a similar fashion. I've been trying to figure out how to do this for Sublime Text 3, but can't seem to find these files. ~/.config/sublime-text-3 only seems to contain overrides for user settings, not the default settings.
This link on the Sublime Text forums seems to give the location for Windows and Mac, but not for Ubuntu. I've searched a bit to no avail. Does anyone have suggestions?
Thank you!
To amplify on #skuroda's answer - ST3 contains all of its data that, in ST2, was stored in Packages/PackageName, in PackageName.sublime-package files that are basically just zip files, or "Resources" as they're now known. Using PackageResourceViewer, you can easily edit the individual files contained within the resource, then save it back again. When saved, the proper directory structure under Packages/PackageName will be created, allowing you to edit the file directly next time. The way file precedence works in Sublime, any file that exists in ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/PackageName/ will override any file of the same name stored in PackageName.sublime-package.
However, since you don't want these files to be accidentally overwritten, I would suggest creating ~/config/sublime-text-3/Packages/User/Themes/ and User/Color Schemes directories and storing your customized files there instead. The User/ directory is protected from overwrites during upgrades, etc., and unless you're planning on creating a customized theme or color scheme for redistribution through Package Control, it's best practice to keep your files in there.
I just realized you hadn't gotten an answer to your original question - where are the files stored? If you installed the .deb file from, all the .sublime-package files are in /opt/sublime_text/Packages.
If you want the easiest way to save your customized settings first copy all the default settings and paste into a new file named Preferences.sublime-settings.
Then make your changes and save the file to:
In order to see the .config folder you will have to enable show hidden files.
The instructions are written at the top of the default settings list in case you are wondering where got this from.
In the ST console, try entering sublime.executable_path(). This should get you close to where you need to be. Also, you should copy the content of the file out and move them (under a new name to the packages folder). You probably don't want your modifications to be reverted on subsequent update. An alternative method is to try overriding the files you need to. I haven't done that for theme files, so I'm unsure if everything will work as it should. If you take the override route, I'd recommend using PackageResourceViewer. I wrote it to help with browsing/overriding package files in ST3.
You can use
dpkg -L <package name>
For example
dpkg -L subli<tab>
Just open up sublime text, hit ctrl+` to open sublime text console, then run these command accordingly
sublime.packages_path() to see user installed packages directory
sublime.installed_packages_path() to see zipped packages (with .sublime-package file type) directory
Mostly likely, you'll find the Default package inside zipped packages directory.
You can use PackageResourceViewer to see zipped packages's contents as #MattDMo suggested, but more over, you can actually extract zipped packages into user installed package directory directly using PackageResourceViewer's extract command.

Setting vimwiki defaults

The situation: I was using vimwiki, I stopped for a brief flirtation with emacs/org-mode, and then ran screaming back to vim. I figured it was a good time to clean up my kludgy setup, and so I started with a fresh ~/.vim directory, installed pathogen, and I've been adding packages that way.
What's very strange is, when I go to start a new vimwiki index file, I get the message:
Vimwiki: Make new directory: /home/thomas/Dropbox/wiki/wiki
despite my .vimrc containing instead
let g:vimwiki_list = [{'path':'~/cerebra/wiki', 'path_html':'~/cerebra/export/html/'}]
That is to say, it's trying to save the wiki in a place almost, but not quite, like my previous vimwiki installation, and ignoring the new setting I've given it.
I bet if I understood how to use find with grep I could find where this setting is so that I could delete it. I examined each file in ~/.vim/bundle/vimwiki, and found no instance of the word "Dropbox" there, and it's nowhere in my vimrc.
from the comments, it turns out, your $HOME/cerebra is a softlink to /home/thomas/Dropbox/wiki.
So vimwiki works just fine.
small suggestion:
You could consider to create a link in dropbox, not the other way round. dropbox supports it.

Vim plugin Align fails to work. Can it be installed without vimball?

I've happily installed the vim Align plugin on my home computer, but on the Red Hat servers at work, the installation doesn't work. The servers at work have a very old copy (2006) of vimball, which from Googling I know doesn't support more recent vimballs, including Align. I can't get the systems group (IT department) to upgrade vimball, so I thought perhaps I could simply copy the various files into ~/.vim/plugin by hand. I copied the 3 files from my home system AlignMapsPlugin.vim AlignPlugin.vim cecutil.vim, but when I attempt to use Align from within vim I get the following error message
E117: Unknown function: Align#Align
I know that it's seeing the plugin, because when I remove the plugin the error message is different (it says "Not an editor command Align").
Is there a workaround for this? I love "Align" and would sure like to use it at work as well as at home.
{rtp}/plugin is not the only location where plugin files can be placed. The name of the function suggests that there is at least one file in {rtp}/autoload named Align.vim (autoloaded functions must have names looking like path#to#file#with#function#without#leading#autoload#function_name(), this example is for function located in {rtp}/autoload/path/to/file/with/function/without/leading/autoload.vim). But I strongly suggest that if #LucHermitte’s solution is not acceptable, you should use something that supports holding plugins in separate directories. If you used VAM all you needed to do (assuming that you have already installed align using VAM) is to look for files in ~/.vim/vim-addons/Align%294 and copy all of them.
Update: Forgot to say, you may try to install newer vimball plugin into your ~/.vim. In order to do this you need copy a file placed in /usr/share/vim/vim73/autoload/vimball.vim to ~/.vim/autoload (there is another related file, /usr/share/vim/vim73/plugin/vimballPlugin.vim, but it is not likely to be changed). No need to make IT department to upgrade anything, unless the newest version uses the newest vim features.
Install a recent (/the latest) vim in your $HOME. I've been doing this for ages now. It's the easiest way to get the job done (i.e. to have a proper environment).
