Levenshtein distance algorithm on Spark - apache-spark

I'm starting with Hadoop ecosystem and I'm facing some questions and need your help.
I have two HDFS files and need to execute Levenshtein distance between a group of columns of the first one versus another group of the second one.
This process will be executed each day with a quite considerable amount of data (150M rows in the first file Vs 11M rows in the second one).
I will appreciate to have some guidance (code example, references, etc) on how I can read my two files from HDFS execute Levenshtein distance (using Spark?) as described and save the results on a third HDFS file.
Thank you very much in advance.

I guess you have csv file so you can read the directly to the dataframe:
val df1 = spark.read.option("header","true").csv("hdfs:///pathtoyourfile_1")
The spark.sql.functions module conatins deflevenshtein(l: Column, r: Column): Column function so you need to pass as a parameter - dataframe column with String type, if you want to pass a group of columns you can take concat('col1,'col2,..) function to concatenate multiple columns and pass them to the previous function. If you have 2 or more dataframes you have to join them into one dataframe and then perform distance calculation. Finally you can save your results to csv using df.write.csv("path")


How to ingest multiple csv files into a Spark dataframe?

I am trying to ingest 2 csv files into a single spark dataframe. However, the schema of these 2 datasets is very different, and when I perform the below operation, I get back only the schema of the second csv, as if the first one doesn't exist. How can I solve this? My final goal is to count the total number of words.
paths = ["abfss://lmne.dfs.core.windows.net/csvs/MachineLearning_reddit.csv", "abfss://test1#lmne.dfs.core.windows.net/csvs/bbc_news.csv"]
I tried to load both of the files into a single spark dataframe, but it only gives me back one of the tables.
I have reproduced the above and got the below results.
For sample, I have two csv files in dbfs with different schemas. when I execute the above code, I got the same result.
To get the desired schema enable mergeSchemaand header while reading the files.
If you want to combine the two files without nulls, we should have a common identity column and we have to read the files individually and use inner join for that.
The solution that has worked for me the best in such cases was to read all distinct files separately, and then union them after they have been put into DataFrames. So your code could look something like this:
paths = ["abfss://lmne.dfs.core.windows.net/csvs/MachineLearning_reddit.csv", "abfss://test1#lmne.dfs.core.windows.net/csvs/bbc_news.csv"]
# Load all distinct CSV files
df1 = spark.read.option("header", false).csv(paths[0])
df2 = spark.read.option("header", false).csv(paths[1])
# Union DataFrames
combined_df = df1.unionByName(df2, allowMissingColumns=True)
Note: if the names of columns differ between the files, then for all columns from first file that are not present in second one, you will have null values. If the schema should be matching, then you can always rename the columns, before the unionByName step.

In tensorflow, How to compute mean for each columns of a batch generated from a csv that has NaNs in multiple columns?

I am reading in a csv in batches and each batch has nulls in various place. I dont want to use tensorflow transform as it requires loading the entire data in memory. Currently i cannot ignore the NaNs present in each column while computing means if i am to try to do it for the entire batch at once. I can loop through each column and then find the mean per columns that way but that seems to be an inelegant solution.
Can somebody help in finding the right way to compute the mean per column of a csv batch that has NaNs present in multiple columns. Also, [1,2,np.nan] should produce 1.5 not 1.
I am currently doing this: given tensor a of rank 2 tf.math.divide_no_nan(tf.reduce_sum(tf.where(tf.math.is_finite(a),a,0.),axis=0),tf.reduce_sum(tf.cast(tf.math.is_finite(a),tf.float32),axis=0))
Let me know somebody has a better option

pyspark: Efficiently have partitionBy write to same number of total partitions as original table

I had a question that is related to pyspark's repartitionBy() function which I originally posted in a comment on this question. I was asked to post it as a separate question, so here it is:
I understand that df.partitionBy(COL) will write all the rows with each value of COL to their own folder, and that each folder will (assuming the rows were previously distributed across all the partitions by some other key) have roughly the same number of files as were previously in the entire table. I find this behavior annoying. If I have a large table with 500 partitions, and I use partitionBy(COL) on some attribute columns, I now have for example 100 folders which each contain 500 (now very small) files.
What I would like is the partitionBy(COL) behavior, but with roughly the same file size and number of files as I had originally.
As demonstration, the previous question shares a toy example where you have a table with 10 partitions and do partitionBy(dayOfWeek) and now you have 70 files because there are 10 in each folder. I would want ~10 files, one for each day, and maybe 2 or 3 for days that have more data.
Can this be easily accomplished? Something like df.write().repartition(COL).partitionBy(COL) seems like it might work, but I worry that (in the case of a very large table which is about to be partitioned into many folders) having to first combine it to some small number of partitions before doing the partitionBy(COL) seems like a bad idea.
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!
You've got several options. In my code below I'll assume you want to write in parquet, but of course you can change that.
(1) df.repartition(numPartitions, *cols).write.partitionBy(*cols).parquet(writePath)
This will first use hash-based partitioning to ensure that a limited number of values from COL make their way into each partition. Depending on the value you choose for numPartitions, some partitions may be empty while others may be crowded with values -- for anyone not sure why, read this. Then, when you call partitionBy on the DataFrameWriter, each unique value in each partition will be placed in its own individual file.
Warning: this approach can lead to lopsided partition sizes and lopsided task execution times. This happens when values in your column are associated with many rows (e.g., a city column -- the file for New York City might have lots of rows), whereas other values are less numerous (e.g., values for small towns).
(2) df.sort(sortCols).write.parquet(writePath)
This options works great when you want (1) the files you write to be of nearly equal sizes (2) exact control over the number of files written. This approach first globally sorts your data and then finds splits that break up the data into k evenly-sized partitions, where k is specified in the spark config spark.sql.shuffle.partitions. This means that all values with the same values of your sort key are adjacent to each other, but sometimes they'll span a split, and be in different files. This, if your use-case requires all rows with the same key to be in the same partition, then don't use this approach.
There are two extra bonuses: (1) by sorting your data its size on disk can often be reduced (e.g., sorting all events by user_id and then by time will lead to lots of repetition in column values, which aids compression) and (2) if you write to a file format the supports it (like Parquet) then subsequent readers can read data in optimally by using predicate push-down, because the parquet writer will write the MAX and MIN values of each column in the metadata, allowing the reader to skip rows if the query specifies values outside of the partition's (min, max) range.
Note that sorting in Spark is more expensive than just repartitioning and requires an extra stage. Behind the scenes Spark will first determine the splits in one stage, and then shuffle the data into those splits in another stage.
(3) df.rdd.partitionBy(customPartitioner).toDF().write.parquet(writePath)
If you're using spark on Scala, then you can write a customer partitioner, which can get over the annoying gotchas of the hash-based partitioner. Not an option in pySpark, unfortunately. If you really want to write a custom partitioner in pySpark, I've found this is possible, albeit a bit awkward, by using rdd.repartitionAndSortWithinPartitions:
df.rdd \
.keyBy(sort_key_function) \ # Convert to key-value pairs
partitionFunc=part_func) \
.values() # get rid of keys \
Maybe someone else knows an easier way to use a custom partitioner on a dataframe in pyspark?
will write out one file per partition. This will not work well if one of your partition contains a lot of data. e.g. if one partition contains 100GB of data, Spark will try to write out a 100GB file and your job will probably blow up.
df.repartition(2, COL).write().partitionBy(COL)
will write out a maximum of two files per partition, as described in this answer. This approach works well for datasets that are not very skewed (because the optimal number of files per partition is roughly the same for all partitions).
This answer explains how to write out more files for the partitions that have a lot of data and fewer files for the small partitions.

pandas merge multiple Dataframes and the do text analysis?

Problem statement:
I have this crummy file from a government department that lists the operation schedules of 500+ bus routes across multiple sheets in a single excel. There is really no structure here and the author seems to have a single objective - pack everything tight in a single file !
Now, what am I trying to do:
Do extensive text analysis to extract the starting time of each run on the route. Please note there are multiple routes on a single sheet and then there are around 12 sheets in all.
I am cutting my teeth with the pandas library and stuck at this point:
Have a dictionary where
Key: sheet name (random str to identify the route sequence)
Value: DataFrame created with all cell data on that sheet.
What do I would like to know:
Create one gigantic DataFrame that has all the rows from across the 12 sheets. Start with my text analysis post this step.
Is that above the right way forward?
Thanks in advance.
Could try a multi-index dataframe:
df_3d=pd.concat(dfs, # List of dataframes
keys=sheetnames, # List of sheetnames
Where dfs would be something like
dfs=[read_excel(io,sheetname=i) for i in sheetnames]

Spark Python: Converting multiple lines from inside a loop into a dataframe

I have a loop that is going to create multiple rows of data which I want to convert into a dataframe.
Currently I am creating a CSV format string and inside the loop keep appending to it along separated by a newline. I am creating a CSV file so that I can also save it as a text file for other processing.
File Header:
Inside for loop:
output_str += "Val1,Val2,Val3,Val4\n"
I then create an RDD by splitting it with the newline and then convert in into the dataframe as follows.
output_rdd = sc.parallelize(output_str.split("\n"))
output_df = output_rdd.map(lambda x: (x, )).toDF()
It creates a dataframe but only has 1 column. I know that is because of the map function where I am making it into a list with only 1 item in the set. What I need is a list with multiple items. So perhaps I should be calling split() function on every line to get a list. But I am getting a feeling that there should be a much more straight-forward way. Appreciate any help. Thanks.
Edit: To give more information, using Spark SQL I have filtered my dataset to those rows that contain the problem. However the rows contain information in following format (separated by '|'). And I need to extract those values from column 3 which has corresponding flag set to 1 in column 4 (Here it is 0xcd)
So I am collecting the output at the driver and then parsing the last 2 columns after which I am left with regular strings that I want to put back in a dataframe. I am not sure if I can achieve the same using Spark SQL to parse the output in the manner I want.
Yes, indeed your current approach seems a little too complicated... Creating large string in Spark Driver and then parallelizing it with Spark is not really performant.
First of all question from where you are getting your input data? In my opinion you should use one of existing Spark readers to read it. For example you can use:
CSV -> http://spark.apache.org/docs/2.1.0/api/python/pyspark.sql.html#pyspark.sql.DataFrameReader.csv
jdbc -> http://spark.apache.org/docs/2.1.0/api/python/pyspark.sql.html#pyspark.sql.DataFrameReader.jdbc
json -> http://spark.apache.org/docs/2.1.0/api/python/pyspark.sql.html#pyspark.sql.DataFrameReader.json
parquet -> http://spark.apache.org/docs/2.1.0/api/python/pyspark.sql.html#pyspark.sql.DataFrameReader.parquet
not structured text file -> http://spark.apache.org/docs/2.1.0/api/python/pyspark.html#pyspark.SparkContext.textFile
In next step you can preprocess it using Spark DataFrame or RDD API depending on your use case.
A bit late, but currently you're applying a map to create a tuple for each row containing the string as the first element. Instead of this, you probably want to split the string, which can easily be done inside the map step. Assuming all of your rows have the same number of elements you can replace:
output_df = output_rdd.map(lambda x: (x, )).toDF()
output_df = output_rdd.map(lambda x: x.split()).toDF()
