Cant access nginx server through public ip - linux

im learning deploy my net core app to linux vps, after install nginx and start, i cant access server through ip. Port 80 already opened. Everything seems right but nginx default page doesnt show.
Check Port:
Nginx Status:


Nginx Proxy Manager (Docker) + mail server

im having a server running ubuntu with docker.
I have a docker instance running Nginx Proxy Manager to serve my multiple domains.
I want to run a mail server but since Nginx is using port 443 for HTTPS and 80 for HTTP i cant install any docker image's since they make use of both 80 and 443.
Example its also make use of the same ports.
Any idea how to have a single IP and host both web and mail?

Application stops after configuring nginx (docker) for https

I have followed this tutorial for deploying docker containers on AWS EC2 instance:
and after reaching step 5 (where nginx is configured for HTTPS), the application just stops working. Here's my application:
Here’s my nginx configuration:
And here’s my docker-compose.yml:
[Here's the webserver logs][1]
Silly mistake, port 443 wasn't allowed on my application. I was confused because when i checked on my server, port 443 was open. Then I checked here, , saying it was closed. I then found out that there's an inbound rule for AWS EC2 instance top allow port 443.
Credits here: NGINX SSL Timeout

Access NodeJS server installed on Linux server

I created my App from this boilerplate
Now I uploaded it to a live Linux server and Node server is running.
Screenshot of running server
But I am unable to access it through Browser with IP address of server.
After waiting long in browser it is showing timeout error.
Please guide me how can I access the node/react app from browser.
Server running at <ipaddress> is a local IP, are you in a different network than the server? If so, you should be typing https://<public ipaddress>:3000
Hosting services usually only forward port 80 (http) or 443 (https.) This means that your port 3000 is not allowed for public access. To fix your problem you need to change the listening port.
Check line 42 on
server/app.js change 'port' to "80" or check package.json and edit npm start to set port to 80

Amazon Linux cannot access nginx on port 80

I have installed nginx on my AMI by yum
sudo yum install nginx
And then, I open all port in my AMI security group
All traffic - All - All -
And then, I start nginx by command
sudo service nginx start
And then, I access my nginx web service by http://public-ip
but I cannot access by this way.
I try to check the connection in my server.
ssh my_account#my_ip
And then,
wget http://localhost -O-
And It worked fine.
I cannot figure out what is the root cause, and then I change nginx port from 80 to 8081 and I restart the nginx server.
And then, I try to access again. It worked fine. WTH...
I don't know exactly what is going on?
Could you tell me what is the problem.
I see a few possibilities:
You are blocking the connections with a firewall on the host.
Security Group rules disallow this access
You are in a VPC and have not set up an Internet Gateway or route to host
Your Nginx configurations are set to explicitly listen on host and port combinations such that it responds to "localhost" but not to the public IP or host name. You could post your Nginx configs and be more specific about how it doesn't work when you try remotely. It is timing out? Not resolving? Receiving an HTTP response but not what you expected?

node.js application running on a port should have no port visible in the URL bar

I have 5 domains pointing to the same machine, let's say these domains are:
My server has a virtual host file managed by apache, which controls these 5 domains.
I have a node.js app running on port 3000.
If I connect to any of the 5 domains, and type :3000 at the end, I can see the node.js app splash screen.
For example, if I connect to it serves me the same page (the node.js app) that can be reached by connecting to and, etc. I understand why this is happening.
However, I am trying to edit my configuration such that the following criteria are met:
Users can only connect to the node app when they type in, and not any of the other domains.
Users do not have to type in the port number,, when trying to reach the node app.
I have searched and found some information which leads me to believe this is normally achieved by setting up a reverse proxy, but most examples I find are using nginx or node. It would be nice to figure out a reverse proxy solution with apache so I don't have to re-write all my virtual host logic with node or nginx.
You need to set up a reverse proxy. An easy way to do this is to use nginx. Install and start nginx and in your config file put the following:
server {
listen 80;
location / {
proxy_pass http://localhost:3000;
And then run your node server on port 3000.
