How and when to use State functor and State applicative? - haskell

I've seen the Maybe and Either functor (and applicative) used in code and that made sense, but I have a hard time coming up with an example of the State functor and applicative. Maybe they are not very useful and only exist because the State monad requires a functor and an applicative? There are plenty of explanations of their implementations out there but not any examples when they are used in code, so I'm looking for illustrations of how they might be useful on their own.

I can think of a couple of examples off the top of my head.
First, one common use for State is to manage a counter for the purpose of making some set of "identifiers" unique. So, the state itself is an Int, and the main primitive state operation is to retrieve the current value of the counter and increment it:
-- the state
type S = Int
newInt :: State S Int
newInt = state (\s -> (s, s+1))
The functor instance is then a succinct way of using the same counter for different types of identifiers, such as term- and type-level variables in some language:
type Prefix = String
data Var = Var Prefix Int
data TypeVar = TypeVar Prefix Int
where you generate fresh identifiers like so:
newVar :: Prefix -> State S Var
newVar s = Var s <$> newInt
newTypeVar :: Prefix -> State S TypeVar
newTypeVar s = TypeVar s <$> newInt
The applicative instance is helpful for writing expressions constructed from such unique identifiers. For example, I've used this approach pretty frequently when writing type checkers, which will often construct types with fresh variables, like so:
typeCheckAFunction = ...
let freshFunctionType = ArrowType <$> newTypeVar <*> newTypeVar
Here, freshFunctionType is a new a -> b style type with fresh type variables a and b that can be passed along to a unification step.
Second, another use of State is to manage a seed for random number generation. For example, if you want a low-quality but ultra-fast LCG generator for something, you can write:
lcg :: Word32 -> Word32
lcg x = (a * x + c)
where a = 1664525
c = 1013904223
-- monad for random numbers
type L = State Word32
randWord32 :: L Word32
randWord32 = state $ \s -> let s' = lcg s in (s', s')
The functor instance can be used to modify the Word32 output using a pure conversion function:
randUniform :: L Double
randUniform = toUnit <$> randWord32
where toUnit w = fromIntegral w / fromIntegral (maxBound `asTypeOf` w)
while the applicative instance can be used to write primitives that depend on multiple Word32 outputs:
randUniform2 :: L (Double, Double)
randUniform2 = (,) <$> randUniform <*> randUniform
and expressions that use your random numbers in a reasonably natural way:
-- area of a random triangle, say
a = areaOf <$> (Triangle <$> randUniform2 <*> randUniform2 <$> randUniform2)


What is the intuitive meaning of "join"?

What is the intuitive meaning of join for a Monad?
The monads-as-containers analogies make sense to me, and inside these analogies join makes sense. A value is double-wrapped and we unwrap one layer. But as we all know, a monad is not a container.
How might one write sensible, understandable code using join in normal circumstances, say when in IO?
An action :: IO (IO a) is a way of producing a way of producing an a. join action, then, is a way of producing an a by running the outermost producer of action, taking the producer it produced and then running that as well, to finally get to that juicy a.
join collapses consecutive layers of the type constructor.
A valid join must satisfy the property that, for any number of consecutive applications of the type constructor, it shouldn't matter the order in which we collapse the layers.
For example
ghci> let lolol = [[['a'],['b','c']],[['d'],['e']]]
ghci> lolol :: [[[Char]]]
ghci> lolol :: [] ([] ([] Char)) -- the type can also be expressed like this
ghci> join (fmap join lolol) -- collapse inner layers first
ghci> join (join lolol) -- collapse outer layers first
(We used fmap to "get inside" the outer monadic layer so that we could collapse the inner layers first.)
A small non container example where join is useful: for the function monad (->) a, join is equivalent to \f x -> f x x, a function of type (a -> a -> b) -> a -> b that applies two times the same argument to another function.
For the List monad, join is simply concat, and concatMap is join . fmap.
So join implicitly appears in any list expression which uses concat
or concatMap.
Suppose you were asked to find all of the numbers which are divisors of any
number in an input list. If you have a divisors function:
divisors :: Int -> [Int]
divisors n = [ d | d <- [1..n], mod n d == 0 ]
you might solve the problem like this:
foo xs = concat $ (map divisors xs)
Here we are thinking of solving the problem by first mapping the
divisors function over all of the input elements and then concatenating
all of the resulting lists. You might even think that this is a very
"functional" way of solving the problem.
Another approch would be to write a list comprehension:
bar xs = [ d | x <- xs, d <- divisors x ]
or using do-notation:
bar xs = do x <- xs
d <- divisors
return d
Here it might be said we're thinking a little more
imperatively - first draw a number from the list xs; then draw
a divisors from the divisors of the number and yield it.
It turns out, though, that foo and bar are exactly the same function.
Morever, these two approaches are exactly the same in any monad.
That is, for any monad, and appropriate monadic functions f and g:
do x <- f
y <- g x is the same as: (join . fmap g) f
return y
For instance, in the IO monad if we set f = getLine and g = readFile,
we have:
do x <- getLine
y <- readFile x is the same as: (join . fmap readFile) getLine
return y
The do-block is a more imperative way of expressing the action: first read a
line of input; then treat returned string as a file name, read the contents
of the file and finally return the result.
The equivalent join expression seems a little unnatural in the IO-monad.
However it shouldn't be as we are using it in exactly the same way as we
used concatMap in the first example.
Given an action that produces another action, run the action and then run the action that it produces.
If you imagine some kind of Parser x monad that parses an x, then Parser (Parser x) is a parser that does some parsing, and then returns another parser. So join would flatten this into a Parser x that just runs both actions and returns the final x.
Why would you even have a Parser (Parser x) in the first place? Basically, because fmap. If you have a parser, you can fmap a function that changes the result over it. But if you fmap a function that itself returns a parser, you end up with a Parser (Parser x), where you probably want to just run both actions. join implements "just run both actions".
I like the parsing example because a parser typically has a runParser function. And it's clear that a Parser Int is not an integer. It's something that can parse an integer, after you give it some input to parse from. I think a lot of people end up thinking of an IO Int as being just a normal integer but with this annoying IO bit that you can't get rid of. It isn't. It's an unexecuted I/O operation. There's no integer "inside" it; the integer doesn't exist until you actually perform the I/O.
I find these things easier to interpret by writing out the types and refactoring them a bit to reveal what the functions do.
Reader monad
The Reader type is defined thus, and its join function has the type shown:
newtype Reader r a = Reader { runReader :: r -> a }
join :: Reader r (Reader r a) -> Reader r a
Since this is a newtype, this means that the type Reader r a is isomorphic to r -> a. So we can refactor the type definition to give us this type that, albeit it's not the same, it's really "the same" with scare quotes:
In the (->) r monad, which is isomorphic to Reader r, join is the function:
join :: (r -> r -> a) -> r -> a
So the Reader join is the function that takes a two-place function (r -> r -> a) and applies to the same value at both its argument positions.
Writer monad
Since the Writer type has this definition:
newtype Writer w a = Writer { runWriter :: (a, w) }
...then when we remove the newtype, its join function has a type isomorphic to:
join :: Monoid w => ((a, w), w) -> (a, w)
The Monoid constraint needs to be there because the Monad instance for Writer requires it, and it lets us guess right away what the function does:
join ((a, w0), w1) = (a, w0 <> w1)
State monad
Similarly, since State has this definition:
newtype State s a = State { runState :: s -> (a, s) }
...then its join is like this:
join :: (s -> (s -> (a, s), s)) -> s -> (a, s)
...and you can also venture just writing it directly:
join f s0 = (a, s2)
(g, s1) = f s0
(a, s2) = g s1
{- Here's the "map" to the variable names in the function:
f g s2 s1 s0 s2
join :: (s -> (s -> (a, s ), s )) -> s -> (a, s )
If you stare at this type a bit, you might think that it bears some resemblance to both the Reader and Writer's types for their join operations. And you'd be right! The Reader, Writer and State monads are all instances of a more general pattern called update monads.
List monad
join :: [[a]] -> [a]
As other people have pointed out, this is the type of the concat function.
Parsing monads
Here comes a really neat thing to realize. Very often, "fancy" monads turn out to be combinations or variants of "basic" ones like Reader, Writer, State or lists. So often what I do when confronted with a novel monad is ask: which of the basic monads does it resemble, and how?
Take for example parsing monads, which have been brought up in other answers here. A simplistic parser monad (with no support for important things like error reporting) looks like this:
newtype Parser a = Parser { runParser :: String -> [(a, String)] }
A Parser is a function that takes a string as input, and returns a list of candidate parses, where each candidate parse is a pair of:
A parse result of type a;
The leftovers (the suffix of the input string that was not consumed in that parse).
But notice that this type looks very much like the state monad:
newtype Parser a = Parser { runParser :: String -> [(a, String)] }
newtype State s a = State { runState :: s -> (a, s) }
And this is no accident! Parser monads are nondeterministic state monads, where the state is the unconsumed portion of the input string, and parse steps generate alternatives that may be later rejected in light of further input. List monads are often called "nondeterminism" monads, so it's no surprise that a parser resembles a mix of the state and list monads.
And this intuition can be systematized by using monad transfomers. The state monad transformer is defined like this:
newtype StateT s m a = StateT { runStateT :: s -> m (a, s) }
Which means that the Parser type from above can be written like this as well:
type Parser a = StateT String [] a
...and its Monad instance follows mechanically from those of StateT and [].
The IO monad
Imagine we could enumerate all of the possible primitive IO actions, somewhat like this:
data Command a where
-- An action that writes a char to stdout
putChar :: Char -> Command ()
-- An action that reads a char from stdin
getChar :: Command Char
-- ...
Then we could think of the IO type as this (which I've adapted from the highly-recommended Operational monad tutorial):
data IO a where
-- An `IO` action that just returns a constant value.
Return :: a -> IO a
-- An action that binds the result of a `Command` to
-- a function that computes the next step after it.
Bind :: Command x -> (x -> IO a) -> IO a
instance Monad IO where ...
Then join action would then look like this:
join :: IO (IO a) -> IO a
-- If the action is just `Return`, then its payload already
-- is what we need to return.
join (Return ioa) = ioa
-- If the action is a `Bind`, then its "next step" function
-- `f` produces `IO (IO a)`, so we can just recursively stick
-- a `join` to its result end.
join (Bind cmd f) = Bind cmd (join . f)
So all that the join does here is "chase down" the IO action until it sees a result that fits the pattern Return (ma :: IO a), and strip out the outer Return.
So what did I do here? Just like for parser monads, I just defined (or rather copied) a toy model of the IO type that has the virtue of being transparent. Then I work out the behavior of join from the toy model.

Parsing to Free Monads

Say I have the following free monad:
data ExampleF a
= Foo Int a
| Bar String (Int -> a)
deriving Functor
type Example = Free ExampleF -- this is the free monad want to discuss
I know how I can work with this monad, eg. I could write some nice helpers:
foo :: Int -> Example ()
foo i = liftF $ Foo i ()
bar :: String -> Example Int
bar s = liftF $ Bar s id
So I can write programs in haskell like:
fooThenBar :: Example Int
fooThenBar =
foo 10
bar "nice"
I know how to print it, interpret it, etc. But what about parsing it?
Would it be possible to write a parser that could parse arbitrary
programs like:
foo 12
bar nice
foo 11
foo 42
So I can store them, serialize them, use them in cli programs etc.
The problem I keep running into is that the type of the program depends on which program is being parsed. If the program ends with a foo it's of
type Example () if it ends with a bar it's of type Example Int.
I do not feel like writing parsers for every possible permutation (it's simple here because there are only two possibilities, but imagine we add
Baz Int (String -> a), Doo (Int -> a), Moz Int a, Foz String a, .... This get's tedious and error-prone).
Perhaps I'm solving the wrong problem?
To run the above examples, you need to add this to the beginning of the file:
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
import Control.Monad.Free
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
Note: I put up a gist containing this code.
Not every Example value can be represented on the page without reimplementing some portion of Haskell. For example, return putStrLn has a type of Example (String -> IO ()), but I don't think it makes sense to attempt to parse that sort of Example value out of a file.
So let's restrict ourselves to parsing the examples you've given, which consist only of calls to foo and bar sequenced with >> (that is, no variable bindings and no arbitrary computations)*. The Backus-Naur form for our grammar looks approximately like this:
<program> ::= "" | <expr> "\n" <program>
<expr> ::= "foo " <integer> | "bar " <string>
It's straightforward enough to parse our two types of expression...
type Parser = Parsec String ()
int :: Parser Int
int = fmap read (many1 digit)
parseFoo :: Parser (Example ())
parseFoo = string "foo " *> fmap foo int
parseBar :: Parser (Example Int)
parseBar = string "bar " *> fmap bar (many1 alphaNum)
... but how can we give a type to the composition of these two parsers?
parseExpr :: Parser (Example ???)
parseExpr = parseFoo <|> parseBar
parseFoo and parseBar have different types, so we can't compose them with <|> :: Alternative f => f a -> f a -> f a. Moreover, there's no way to know ahead of time which type the program we're given will be: as you point out, the type of the parsed program depends on the value of the input string. "Types depending on values" is called dependent types; Haskell doesn't feature a proper dependent type system, but it comes close enough for us to have a stab at making this example work.
Let's start by forcing the expressions on either side of <|> to have the same type. This involves erasing Example's type parameter using existential quantification.†
data Ex a = forall i. Wrap (a i)
parseExpr :: Parser (Ex Example)
parseExpr = fmap Wrap parseFoo <|> fmap Wrap parseBar
This typechecks, but the parser now returns an Example containing a value of an unknown type. A value of unknown type is of course useless - but we do know something about Example's parameter: it must be either () or Int because those are the return types of parseFoo and parseBar. Programming is about getting knowledge out of your brain and onto the page, so we're going to wrap up the Example value with a bit of GADT evidence which, when unwrapped, will tell you whether a was Int or ().
data Ty a where
IntTy :: Ty Int
UnitTy :: Ty ()
data (a :*: b) i = a i :&: b i
type Sig a b = Ex (a :*: b)
pattern Sig x y = Wrap (x :&: y)
parseExpr :: Parser (Sig Ty Example)
parseExpr = fmap (\x -> Sig UnitTy x) parseFoo <|>
fmap (\x -> Sig IntTy x) parseBar
Ty is (something like) a runtime "singleton" representative of Example's type parameter. When you pattern match on IntTy, you learn that a ~ Int; when you pattern match on UnitTy you learn that a ~ (). (Information can be made to flow the other way, from types to values, using classes.) :*:, the functor product, pairs up two type constructors ensuring that their parameters are equal; thus, pattern matching on the Ty tells you about its accompanying Example.
Sig is therefore called a dependent pair or sigma type - the type of the second component of the pair depends on the value of the first. This is a common technique: when you erase a type parameter by existential quantification, it usually pays to make it recoverable by bundling up a runtime representative of that parameter.
Note that this use of Sig is equivalent to Either (Example Int) (Example ()) - a sigma type is a sum, after all - but this version scales better when you're summing over a large (or possibly infinite) set.
Now it's easy to build our expression parser into a program parser. We just have to repeatedly apply the expression parser, and then manipulate the dependent pairs in the list.
parseProgram :: Parser (Sig Ty Example)
parseProgram = fmap (foldr1 combine) $ parseExpr `sepBy1` (char '\n')
where combine (Sig _ val) (Sig ty acc) = Sig ty (val >> acc)
The code I've shown you is not exemplary. It doesn't separate the concerns of parsing and typechecking. In production code I would modularise this design by first parsing the data into an untyped syntax tree - a separate data type which doesn't enforce the typing invariant - then transform that into a typed version by type-checking it. The dependent pair technique would still be necessary to give a type to the output of the type-checker, but it wouldn't be tangled up in the parser.
*If binding is not a requirement, have you thought about using a free applicative to represent your data?
†Ex and :*: are reusable bits of machinery which I lifted from the Hasochism paper
So, I worry that this is the same sort of premature abstraction that you see in object-oriented languages, getting in the way of things. For example, I am not 100% sure that you are using the structure of the free monad -- your helpers for example simply seem to use id and () in a rather boring way, in fact I'm not sure if your Int -> x is ever anything other than either Pure :: Int -> Free ExampleF Int or const (something :: Free ExampleF Int).
The free monad for a functor F can basically be described as a tree whose data is stored in leaves and whose branching factor is controlled by the recursion in each constructor of the functor F. So for example Free Identity has no branching, hence only one leaf, and thus has the same structure as the monad:
data MonoidalFree m x = MF m x deriving (Functor)
instance Monoid m => Monad (MonoidalFree m) where
return x = MF mempty x
MF m x >>= my_x = case my_x x of MF n y -> MF (mappend m n) y
In fact Free Identity is isomorphic to MonoidalFree (Sum Integer), the difference is just that instead of MF (Sum 3) "Hello" you see Free . Identity . Free . Identity . Free . Identity $ Pure "Hello" as the means of tracking this integer. On the other hand if you have data E x = L x | R x deriving (Functor) then you get a sort of "path" of Ls and Rs before you hit this one leaf, Free E is going to be isomorphic to MonoidalFree [Bool].
The reason I'm going through this is that when you combine Free with an Integer -> x functor, you get an infinitely branching tree, and when I'm looking through your code to figure out how you're actually using this tree, all I see is that you use the id function with it. As far as I can tell, that restricts the recursion to either have the form Free (Bar "string" Pure) or else Free (Bar "string" (const subExpression)), in which case the system would seem to reduce completely to the MonoidalFree [Either Int String] monad.
(At this point I should pause to ask: Is that correct as far as you know? Was this what was intended?)
Anyway. Aside from my problems with your premature abstraction, the specific problem that you're citing with your monad (you can't tell the difference between () and Int has a bunch of really complicated solutions, but one really easy one. The really easy solution is to yield a value of type Example (Either () Int) and if you have a () you can fmap Left onto it and if you have an Int you can fmap Right onto it.
Without a much better understanding of how you're using this thing over TCP/IP we can't recommend a better structure for you than the generic free monads that you seem to be finding -- in particular we'd need to know how you're planning on using the infinite-branching of Int -> x options in practice.

Composing Stateful functions in Haskell

What is the simplest Haskell library that allows composition of stateful functions?
We can use the State monad to compute a stock's exponentially-weighted moving average as follows:
import Control.Monad.State.Lazy
import Data.Functor.Identity
type StockPrice = Double
type EWMAState = Double
type EWMAResult = Double
computeEWMA :: Double -> StockPrice -> State EWMAState EWMAResult
computeEWMA α price = do oldEWMA <- get
let newEWMA = α * oldEWMA + (1.0 - α) * price
put newEWMA
return newEWMA
However, it's complicated to write a function that calls other stateful functions.
For example, to find all data points where the stock's short-term average crosses its long-term average, we could write:
computeShortTermEWMA = computeEWMA 0.2
computeLongTermEWMA = computeEWMA 0.8
type CrossingState = Bool
type GoldenCrossState = (CrossingState, EWMAState, EWMAState)
checkIfGoldenCross :: StockPrice -> State GoldenCrossState String
checkIfGoldenCross price = do (oldCrossingState, oldShortState, oldLongState) <- get
let (shortEWMA, newShortState) = runState (computeShortTermEWMA price) oldShortState
let (longEWMA, newLongState) = runState (computeLongTermEWMA price) oldLongState
let newCrossingState = (shortEWMA < longEWMA)
put (newCrossingState, newShortState, newLongState)
return (if newCrossingState == oldCrossingState then
"no cross"
"golden cross!")
Since checkIfGoldenCross calls computeShortTermEWMA and computeLongTermEWMA, we must manually wrap/unwrap their states.
Is there a more elegant way?
If I understood your code correctly, you don't share state between the call to computeShortTermEWMA and computeLongTermEWMA. They're just two entirely independent functions which happen to use state internally themselves. In this case, the elegant thing to do would be to encapsulate runState in the definitions of computeShortTermEWMA and computeLongTermEWMA, since they're separate self-contained entities:
computeShortTermEWMA start price = runState (computeEWMA 0.2 price) start
All this does is make the call site a bit neater though; I just moved the runState into the definition. This marks the state a local implementation detail of computing the EWMA, which is what it really is. This is underscored by the way GoldenCrossState is a different type from EWMAState.
In other words, you're not really composing stateful functions; rather, you're composing functions that happen to use state inside. You can just hide that detail.
More generally, I don't really see what you're using the state for at all. I suppose you would use it to iterate through the stock price, maintaining the EWMA. However, I don't think this is necessarily the best way to do it. Instead, I would consider writing your EWMA function over a list of stock prices, using something like a scan. This should make your other analysis functions easier to implement, since they'll just be list functions as well. (In the future, if you need to deal with IO, you can always switch over to something like Pipes which presents an interface really similar to lists.)
There is really no need to use any monad at all for these simple functions. You're (ab)using the State monad to calculate a one-off result in computeEWMA when there is no state involved. The only line that is actually important is the formula for EWMA, so let's pull that into it's own function.
ewma :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Double
ewma a price t = a * t + (1 - a) * price
If you inline the definition of State and ignore the String values, this next function has almost the exact same signature as your original checkIfGoldenCross!
type EWMAState = (Bool, Double, Double)
ewmaStep :: Double -> EWMAState -> EWMAState
ewmaStep price (crossing, short, long) =
(crossing == newCrossing, newShort, newLong)
where newCrossing = newShort < newLong
newShort = ewma 0.2 price short
newLong = ewma 0.8 price long
Although it doesn't use the State monad, we're certainly dealing with state here. ewmaStep takes a stock price, the old EWMAState and returns a new EWMAState.
Now putting it all together with scanr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> [b]
-- a list of stock prices
prices = [1.2, 3.7, 2.8, 4.3]
_1 (a, _, _) = a
main = print . map _1 $ scanr ewmaStep (False, 0, 0) prices
-- [False, True, False, True, False]
Because fold* and scan* use the cumulative result of previous values to compute each successive one, they are "stateful" enough that they can often be used in cases like this.
In this particular case, you have a y -> (a, y) and a z -> (b, z) that you want to use to compose a (x, y, z) -> (c, (x, y, z)). Having never used lens before, this seems like a perfect opportunity.
In general, we can promote a stateful operations on a sub-state to operate on the whole state like this:
promote :: Lens' s s' -> StateT s' m a -> StateT s m a
promote lens act = do
big <- get
let little = view lens big
(res, little') = runState act little
big' = set lens little' big
put big'
return res
-- Feel free to golf and optimize, but this is pretty readable.
Our lens a witness that s' is a sub-state of s.
I don't know if "promote" is a good name, and I don't recall seeing this function defined elsewhere (but it's probably already in lens).
The witnesses you need are named _2 and _3 in lens so, you could change a couple of lines of code to look like:
shortEWMA <- promote _2 (computeShortTermEWMA price)
longEWMA <- promote _3 (computeLongTermEWMA price)
If a Lens allows you to focus on inner values, maybe this combinator should be called blurredBy (for prefix application) or obscures (for infix application).
With a little type class magic, monad transformers allow you to have nested transformers of the same type. First, you will need a new instance for MonadState:
, OverlappingInstances
instance (MonadState s m, MonadTrans t, Monad (t m)) => MonadState s (t m) where
state f = lift (state f)
Then you must define your EWMAState as a newtype, tagged with the type of term (alternatively, it could be two different types - but using a phantom type as a tag has its advantages):
data Term = ShortTerm | LongTerm
type StockPrice = Double
newtype EWMAState (t :: Term) = EWMAState Double
type EWMAResult = Double
type CrossingState = Bool
Now, computeEWMA works on an EWMASTate which is polymorphic in term (the afformentioned example of tagging with phantom types), and in monad:
computeEWMA :: (MonadState (EWMAState t) m) => Double -> StockPrice -> m EWMAResult
computeEWMA a price = do
EWMAState old <- get
let new = a * old + (1.0 - a) * price
put $ EWMAState new
return new
For specific instances, you give them monomorphic type signatures:
computeShortTermEWMA :: (MonadState (EWMAState ShortTerm) m) => StockPrice -> m EWMAResult
computeShortTermEWMA = computeEWMA 0.2
computeLongTermEWMA :: (MonadState (EWMAState LongTerm) m) => StockPrice -> m EWMAResult
computeLongTermEWMA = computeEWMA 0.8
Finally, your function:
checkIfGoldenCross ::
( MonadState (EWMAState ShortTerm) m
, MonadState (EWMAState LongTerm) m
, MonadState CrossingState m) =>
StockPrice -> m String
checkIfGoldenCross price = do
oldCrossingState <- get
shortEWMA <- computeShortTermEWMA price
longEWMA <- computeLongTermEWMA price
let newCrossingState = shortEWMA < longEWMA
put newCrossingState
return (if newCrossingState == oldCrossingState then "no cross" else "golden cross!")
The only downside is you have to explicitly give a type signature - in fact, the instance we introduced at the beginning has ruined all hopes of good type errors and type inference for cases where you have multiple copies of the same transformer in a stack.
Then a small helper function:
runState3 :: StateT a (StateT b (State c)) x -> a -> b -> c -> ((a , b , c) , x)
runState3 sa a b c = ((a' , b', c'), x) where
(((x, a'), b'), c') = runState (runStateT (runStateT sa a) b) c
>runState3 (checkIfGoldenCross 123) (shortTerm 123) (longTerm 123) True
((EWMAState 123.0,EWMAState 123.0,False),"golden cross!")
>runState3 (checkIfGoldenCross 123) (shortTerm 456) (longTerm 789) True
((EWMAState 189.60000000000002,EWMAState 655.8000000000001,True),"no cross")

Monad with no wrapped value?

Most of the monad explanations use examples where the monad wraps a value. E.g. Maybe a, where the a type variable is what's wrapped. But I'm wondering about monads that never wrap anything.
For a contrived example, suppose I have a real-world robot that can be controlled, but has no sensors. Maybe I'd like to control it like this:
robotMovementScript :: RobotMonad ()
robotMovementScript = do
moveLeft 10
moveForward 25
rotate 180
main :: IO ()
main =
liftIO $ runRobot robotMovementScript connectToRobot
In our imaginary API, connectToRobot returns some kind of handle to the physical device. This connection becomes the "context" of the RobotMonad. Because our connection to the robot can never send a value back to us, the monad's concrete type is always RobotMonad ().
Some questions:
Does my contrived example seem right?
Am I understanding the idea of a monad's "context" correctly? Am I correct to describe the robot's connection as the context?
Does it make sense to have a monad--such as RobotMonad--that never wraps a value? Or is this contrary to the basic concept of monads?
Are monoids a better fit for this kind of application? I can imagine concatenating robot control actions with <>. Though do notation seems more readable.
In the monad's definition, would/could there be something that ensures the type is always RobotMonad ()?
I've looked at Data.Binary.Put as an example. It appears to be similar (or maybe identical?) to what I'm thinking of. But it also involves the Writer monad and the Builder monoid. Considering those added wrinkles and my current skill level, I think the Put monad might not be the most instructive example.
I don't actually need to build a robot or an API like this. The example is completely contrived. I just needed an example where there would never be a reason to pull a value out of the monad. So I'm not asking for the easiest way to solve the robot problem. Rather, this thought experiment about monads without inner values is an attempt to better understand monads generally.
TL;DR Monad without its wrapped value isn't very special and you get all the same power modeling it as a list.
There's a thing known as the Free monad. It's useful because it in some sense is a good representer for all other monads---if you can understand the behavior of the Free monad in some circumstance you have a good insight into how Monads generally will behave there.
It looks like this
data Free f a = Pure a
| Free (f (Free f a))
and whenever f is a Functor, Free f is a Monad
instance Functor f => Monad (Free f) where
return = Pure
Pure a >>= f = f a
Free w >>= f = Free (fmap (>>= f) w)
So what happens when a is always ()? We don't need the a parameter anymore
data Freed f = Stop
| Freed (f (Freed f))
Clearly this cannot be a Monad anymore as it has the wrong kind (type of types).
Monad f ===> f :: * -> *
Freed f :: *
But we can still define something like Monadic functionality onto it by getting rid of the a parts
returned :: Freed f
returned = Stop
bound :: Functor f -- compare with the Monad definition
=> Freed f -> Freed f -- with all `a`s replaced by ()
-> Freed f
bound Stop k = k Pure () >>= f = f ()
bound (Freed w) k = Free w >>= f =
Freed (fmap (`bound` k) w) Free (fmap (>>= f) w)
-- Also compare with (++)
(++) [] ys = ys
(++) (x:xs) ys = x : ((++) xs ys)
Which looks to be (and is!) a Monoid.
instance Functor f => Monoid (Freed f) where
mempty = returned
mappend = bound
And Monoids can be initially modeled by lists. We use the universal property of the list Monoid where if we have a function Monoid m => (a -> m) then we can turn a list [a] into an m.
convert :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> [a] -> m
convert f = foldr mappend mempty . map f
convertFreed :: Functor f => [f ()] -> Freed f
convertFreed = convert go where
go :: Functor f => f () -> Freed f
go w = Freed (const Stop <$> w)
So in the case of your robot, we can get away with just using a list of actions
data Direction = Left | Right | Forward | Back
data ActionF a = Move Direction Double a
| Rotate Double a
deriving ( Functor )
-- and if we're using `ActionF ()` then we might as well do
data Action = Move Direction Double
| Rotate Double
robotMovementScript = [ Move Left 10
, Move Forward 25
, Rotate 180
Now when we cast it to IO we're clearly converting this list of directions into a Monad and we can see that as taking our initial Monoid and sending it to Freed and then treating Freed f as Free f () and interpreting that as an initial Monad over the IO actions we want.
But it's clear that if you're not making use of the "wrapped" values then you're not really making use of Monad structure. You might as well just have a list.
I'll try to give a partial answer for these parts:
Does it make sense to have a monad--such as RobotMonad--that never wraps a value? Or is this contrary to the basic concept of monads?
Are monoids a better fit for this kind of application? I can imagine concatenating robot control actions with <>. Though do notation seems more readable.
In the monad's definition, would/could there be something that ensures the type is always RobotMonad ()?
The core operation for monads is the monadic bind operation
(>>=) :: (Monad m) => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
This means that an action depends (or can depend) on the value of a previous action. So if you have a concept that inherently doesn't sometimes carry something that could be considered as a value (even in a complex form such as the continuation monad), monad isn't a good abstraction.
If we abandon >>= we're basically left with Applicative. It also allows us to compose actions, but their combinations can't depend on the values of preceding ones.
There is also an Applicative instance that carries no values, as you suggested: Data.Functor.Constant. Its actions of type a are required to be a monoid so that they can be composed together. This seems like the closest concept to your idea. And of course instead of Constant we could use a Monoid directly.
That said, perhaps simpler solution is to have a monad RobotMonad a that does carry a value (which would be essentially isomorphic to the Writer monad, as already mentioned). And declare runRobot to require RobotMonad (), so it'd be possible to execute only scripts with no value:
runRobot :: RobotMonad () -> RobotHandle -> IO ()
This would allow you to use the do notation and work with values inside the robot script. Even if the robot has no sensors, being able to pass values around can be often useful. And extending the concept would allow you to create a monad transformer such as RobotMonadT m a (resembling WriterT) with something like
runRobotT :: (Monad m) => RobotMonadT m () -> RobotHandle -> IO (m ())
or perhaps
runRobotT :: (MonadIO m) => RobotMonadT m () -> RobotHandle -> m ()
which would be a powerful abstraction that'd allow you to combine robotic actions with an arbitrary monad.
Well there is
data Useless a = Useless
instance Monad Useless where
return = const Useless
Useless >>= f = Useless
but as I indicated, that isn't usefull.
What you want is the Writer monad, which wraps up a monoid as a monad so you can use do notation.
Well it seems like you have a type that supports just
(>>) :: m a -> m b -> m b
But you further specify that you only want to be able to use m ()s. In this case I'd vote for
foo = mconcat
[ moveLeft 10
, moveForward 25
, rotate 180]
As the simple solution. The alternative is to do something like
type Robot = Writer [RobotAction]
inj :: RobotAction -> Robot ()
inj = tell . (:[])
runRobot :: Robot a -> [RobotAction]
runRobot = snd . runWriter
foo = runRobot $ do
inj $ moveLeft 10
inj $ moveForward 25
inj $ rotate 180
Using the Writer monad.
The problem with not wrapping the value is that
return a >>= f === f a
So suppose we had some monad that ignored the value, but contained other interesting information,
newtype Robot a = Robot {unRobot :: [RobotAction]}
addAction :: RobotAction -> Robot a -> Robot b
f a = Robot [a]
Now if we ignore the value,
instance Monad Robot where
return = const (Robot [])
a >>= f = a -- never run the function
return a >>= f /= f a
so we don't have a monad. So if you want to the monad to have any interesting states, have == return false, then you need to store that value.

What is the purpose of the reader monad?

The reader monad is so complex and seems to be useless. In an imperative language like Java or C++, there is no equivalent concept for the reader monad, if I am not mistaken.
Can you give me a simple example and clear this up a little bit?
Don't be scared! The reader monad is actually not so complicated, and has real easy-to-use utility.
There are two ways of approaching a monad: we can ask
What does the monad do? What operations is it equipped with? What is it good for?
How is the monad implemented? From where does it arise?
From the first approach, the reader monad is some abstract type
data Reader env a
such that
-- Reader is a monad
instance Monad (Reader env)
-- and we have a function to get its environment
ask :: Reader env env
-- finally, we can run a Reader
runReader :: Reader env a -> env -> a
So how do we use this? Well, the reader monad is good for passing (implicit) configuration information through a computation.
Any time you have a "constant" in a computation that you need at various points, but really you would like to be able to perform the same computation with different values, then you should use a reader monad.
Reader monads are also used to do what the OO people call dependency injection. For example, the negamax algorithm is used frequently (in highly optimized forms) to compute the value of a position in a two player game. The algorithm itself though does not care what game you are playing, except that you need to be able to determine what the "next" positions are in the game, and you need to be able to tell if the current position is a victory position.
import Control.Monad.Reader
data GameState = NotOver | FirstPlayerWin | SecondPlayerWin | Tie
data Game position
= Game {
getNext :: position -> [position],
getState :: position -> GameState
getNext' :: position -> Reader (Game position) [position]
getNext' position
= do game <- ask
return $ getNext game position
getState' :: position -> Reader (Game position) GameState
getState' position
= do game <- ask
return $ getState game position
negamax :: Double -> position -> Reader (Game position) Double
negamax color position
= do state <- getState' position
case state of
FirstPlayerWin -> return color
SecondPlayerWin -> return $ negate color
Tie -> return 0
NotOver -> do possible <- getNext' position
values <- mapM ((liftM negate) . negamax (negate color)) possible
return $ maximum values
This will then work with any finite, deterministic, two player game.
This pattern is useful even for things that are not really dependency injection. Suppose you work in finance, you might design some complicated logic for pricing an asset (a derivative say), which is all well and good and you can do without any stinking monads. But then, you modify your program to deal with multiple currencies. You need to be able to convert between currencies on the fly. Your first attempt is to define a top level function
type CurrencyDict = Map CurrencyName Dollars
currencyDict :: CurrencyDict
to get spot prices. You can then call this dictionary in your code....but wait! That won't work! The currency dictionary is immutable and so has to be the same not only for the life of your program, but from the time it gets compiled! So what do you do? Well, one option would be to use the Reader monad:
computePrice :: Reader CurrencyDict Dollars
= do currencyDict <- ask
--insert computation here
Perhaps the most classic use-case is in implementing interpreters. But, before we look at that, we need to introduce another function
local :: (env -> env) -> Reader env a -> Reader env a
Okay, so Haskell and other functional languages are based on the lambda calculus. Lambda calculus has a syntax that looks like
data Term = Apply Term Term | Lambda String Term | Var Term deriving (Show)
and we want to write an evaluator for this language. To do so, we will need to keep track of an environment, which is a list of bindings associated with terms (actually it will be closures because we want to do static scoping).
newtype Env = Env ([(String, Closure)])
type Closure = (Term, Env)
When we are done, we should get out a value (or an error):
data Value = Lam String Closure | Failure String
So, let's write the interpreter:
interp' :: Term -> Reader Env Value
--when we have a lambda term, we can just return it
interp' (Lambda nv t)
= do env <- ask
return $ Lam nv (t, env)
--when we run into a value, we look it up in the environment
interp' (Var v)
= do (Env env) <- ask
case lookup (show v) env of
-- if it is not in the environment we have a problem
Nothing -> return . Failure $ "unbound variable: " ++ (show v)
-- if it is in the environment, then we should interpret it
Just (term, env) -> local (const env) $ interp' term
--the complicated case is an application
interp' (Apply t1 t2)
= do v1 <- interp' t1
case v1 of
Failure s -> return (Failure s)
Lam nv clos -> local (\(Env ls) -> Env ((nv, clos) : ls)) $ interp' t2
--I guess not that complicated!
Finally, we can use it by passing a trivial environment:
interp :: Term -> Value
interp term = runReader (interp' term) (Env [])
And that is it. A fully functional interpreter for the lambda calculus.
The other way to think about this is to ask: How is it implemented? The answer is that the reader monad is actually one of the simplest and most elegant of all monads.
newtype Reader env a = Reader {runReader :: env -> a}
Reader is just a fancy name for functions! We have already defined runReader so what about the other parts of the API? Well, every Monad is also a Functor:
instance Functor (Reader env) where
fmap f (Reader g) = Reader $ f . g
Now, to get a monad:
instance Monad (Reader env) where
return x = Reader (\_ -> x)
(Reader f) >>= g = Reader $ \x -> runReader (g (f x)) x
which is not so scary. ask is really simple:
ask = Reader $ \x -> x
while local isn't so bad:
local f (Reader g) = Reader $ \x -> runReader g (f x)
Okay, so the reader monad is just a function. Why have Reader at all? Good question. Actually, you don't need it!
instance Functor ((->) env) where
fmap = (.)
instance Monad ((->) env) where
return = const
f >>= g = \x -> g (f x) x
These are even simpler. What's more, ask is just id and local is just function composition with the order of the functions switched!
I remember being puzzled as you were, until I discovered on my own that variants of the Reader monad are everywhere. How did I discover it? Because I kept writing code that turned out to be small variations on it.
For example, at one point I was writing some code to deal with historical values; values that change over time. A very simple model of this is functions from points of time to the value at that point in time:
import Control.Applicative
-- | A History with timeline type t and value type a.
newtype History t a = History { observe :: t -> a }
instance Functor (History t) where
-- Apply a function to the contents of a historical value
fmap f hist = History (f . observe hist)
instance Applicative (History t) where
-- A "pure" History is one that has the same value at all points in time
pure = History . const
-- This applies a function that changes over time to a value that also
-- changes, by observing both at the same point in time.
ff <*> fx = History $ \t -> (observe ff t) (observe fx t)
instance Monad (History t) where
return = pure
ma >>= f = History $ \t -> observe (f (observe ma t)) t
The Applicative instance means that if you have employees :: History Day [Person] and customers :: History Day [Person] you can do this:
-- | For any given day, the list of employees followed by the customers
employeesAndCustomers :: History Day [Person]
employeesAndCustomers = (++) <$> employees <*> customers
I.e., Functor and Applicative allow us to adapt regular, non-historical functions to work with histories.
The monad instance is most intuitively understood by considering the function (>=>) :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> (b -> m c) -> a -> m c. A function of type a -> History t b is a function that maps an a to a history of b values; for example, you could have getSupervisor :: Person -> History Day Supervisor, and getVP :: Supervisor -> History Day VP. So the Monad instance for History is about composing functions like these; for example, getSupervisor >=> getVP :: Person -> History Day VP is the function that gets, for any Person, the history of VPs that they've had.
Well, this History monad is actually exactly the same as Reader. History t a is really the same as Reader t a (which is the same as t -> a).
Another example: I've been prototyping OLAP designs in Haskell recently. One idea here is that of a "hypercube," which is a mapping from intersections of a set of dimensions to values. Here we go again:
newtype Hypercube intersection value = Hypercube { get :: intersection -> value }
One common of operation on hypercubes is to apply a multi-place scalar functions to corresponding points of a hypercube. This we can get by defining an Applicative instance for Hypercube:
instance Functor (Hypercube intersection) where
fmap f cube = Hypercube (f . get cube)
instance Applicative (Hypercube intersection) where
-- A "pure" Hypercube is one that has the same value at all intersections
pure = Hypercube . const
-- Apply each function in the #ff# hypercube to its corresponding point
-- in #fx#.
ff <*> fx = Hypercube $ \x -> (get ff x) (get fx x)
I just copypasted the History code above and changed names. As you can tell, Hypercube is also just Reader.
It goes on and on. For example, language interpreters also boil down to Reader, when you apply this model:
Expression = a Reader
Free variables = uses of ask
Evaluation environment = Reader execution environment.
Binding constructs = local
A good analogy is that a Reader r a represents an a with "holes" in it, that prevent you from knowing which a we're talking about. You can only get an actual a once you supply a an r to fill in the holes. There are tons of things like that. In the examples above, a "history" is a value that can't be computed until you specify a time, a hypercube is a value that can't be computed until you specify an intersection, and a language expression is a value that can't be computed until you supply the values of the variables. It also gives you an intuition on why Reader r a is the same as r -> a, because such a function is also intuitively an a missing an r.
So the Functor, Applicative and Monad instances of Reader are a very useful generalization for cases where you are modeling anything of the sort "an a that's missing an r," and allow you to treat these "incomplete" objects as if they were complete.
Yet another way of saying the same thing: a Reader r a is something that consumes r and produces a, and the Functor, Applicative and Monad instances are basic patterns for working with Readers. Functor = make a Reader that modifies the output of another Reader; Applicative = connect two Readers to the same input and combine their outputs; Monad = inspect the result of a Reader and use it to construct another Reader. The local and withReader functions = make a Reader that modifies the input to another Reader.
In Java or C++ you may access any variable from anywhere without any problem. Problems appears when your code becomes multi-threaded.
In Haskell you have only two ways to pass the value from one function to another:
You pass the value through one of input parameters of the callable function. Drawbacks are: 1) you can't pass ALL the variables in that way - list of input parameters just blow your mind. 2) in sequence of function calls: fn1 -> fn2 -> fn3, function fn2 may not need parameter which you pass from fn1 to fn3.
You pass the value in scope of some monad. Drawback is: you have to get firm understanding what Monad conception is. Passing the values around is just one of great deal of applications where you may use the Monads. Actually Monad conception is incredible powerful. Don't be upset, if you didn't get insight at once. Just keep trying, and read different tutorials. The knowledge you'll get will pay off.
The Reader monad just pass the data you want to share between functions. Functions may read that data, but can't change it. That's all that do the Reader monad. Well, almost all. There are also number of functions like local, but for the first time you can stick with asks only.
