How to store data from Azure Analysis services into Azure Datalake using Azure Data Factory? - azure

How to store data from Azure Analysis services into Azure Datalake using Azure Data Factory?
I have two tables in Azure Analysis service and I need to copy and store those data into Azure Datalake using Azure Data Factory.
Could you please help me or share the reference url.

There is no direct connector for Azure analysis services in ADF but there are some ways via which you can copy the data :
1 such way is to create a linked server across a on prem/IaaS or SQL MI database instance and analysis services and get the data from the SQL instance through ADF.
Can we copy data from Azure Analysis Services using Azure Data Factory?
The above links explains it in details w.r.t the setup.


Delta Lake Gen2 for a MongoDB migration

Which Azure pipeline and Data Storage you would prefer for a MongoDB migration?
I know there exists the functionality of an Azure Migration Service where you can shift MongoDB data directly to an Azure CosmosDB. Azure Migration Services seems to be available only for specific licenses. Using Cosmos DB it is also necessary to take care of costs.
Another possibility is to use Stitch to shift MongoDB directly into Azure.
Since we don't want to use an additional tool, we want to use Azure Data Factory to shift the MongoDB data into an Azure Data Storage. We want to use the Data Lake Storage Gen2, as it combines the advantages of the Blob Storage and the Data Lake Storage Gen1.
Which pipeline you would prefer? Any experiences with storing the MongoDB data in Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2?
Please see the following Azure Data Factory document pertaining to Pipelines and Activities, which details the source and target data endpoints that are currently supported.
Copy data to or from Azure Data Lake Storage Gen1 using Azure Data Factory
Copy and transform data in Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 using Azure Data Factory
Copy data from MongoDB using Azure Data Factory
Using the MongoDB connector as a source and Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 as a sink, you can then perform any transformation and finally, migrate the data to Azure Cosmos DB...if desired.
Copy and transform data in Azure Cosmos DB (SQL API) by using Azure Data Factory
Copy data to or from Azure Cosmos DB's API for MongoDB by using Azure Data Factory
If you experience any issues with the migration of data to Azure Cosmos DB, if that is the goal of the migration, then consider the following direct migration paths: Options to migrate your on-premises or cloud data to Azure Cosmos DB

What is the most appropriate way to copy data from SQL server to Azure synapses analytics

After reading the web I have two options for this
Copy data using ADF from SQL server to Azure synapses analytics.
Copy data to blob storage and from there copy data using external tables to the Azure synapses analytics.
What is the best way out of these two?
Is "Copy data to blob storage from there copy data using ADF to the Azure synapses analytics" can be considered as another option?
Copy data from SQL server to Azure synapses analytics need configure Staging storage account:
I don't think you need options 2.
Hope this helps.

Azure Data Lake Analytics Vs Azure SQL Data Warehouse

I am using ADF to connect to sources and get data into Azure Data Lake store. After getting data into Data Lake Store, I want to do some transformation, aggregation and use that data in SSRS reports and also for creating Cubes.
Can anyone suggest me which will be the best option (Azure Data Lake Analytics or Azure SQL DW) ?
I am looking here to make a decision on to take which one after Data lake.
There are no more Azure SQL DW. What we have now are Azure Synapse (same as Azure DW) and Azure Synapse Analytics (instead of Azure Datalake analytics). Microsoft is stopping support (develop) USQL and Azure Datalake analytic. If volume of your data is huge and you want use Polybase technology the best choice is Azure Synapse and Azure Synapse Analytics. You can rich your ADF by using Databricks to do analytics stuff. By using Polybase you can do ELT instead of ETL.
Microsoft Azure is not anymore investing on Azure Data Lake Analytics (ADLA) , you can evidently see that number of enhancements /updates in last couple of years are almost none in ADLA. While on the other side Azure SQL Data Warehouse is their flagship service ( recently names as azure synapse analytics) and hence getting enhanced and updated very fast. Synapse is based on MPP architecture and provides all required capabilities of big data computing.
What is the size of your data? Azure Data Lake is more meant for petabyte size big data processing and Azure SQL Data Warehouse for large relational DWH solutions (starting from 250/500 GB and up).
With Azure Data Lake you can even have the data from a data lake feed a NoSQL database, a SSAS cube, a data mart, or go right into Power BI. With Azure SQL Datawarehouse you can have cubes, Power BI reports and SSRS
If you need SQL Server Reporting Services, Integration Services (and you have complex SSIS logic), and Analysis Services (SSAS), you may better consider an Azure SQL VM.

How to connect Data Lake store in Azure analysis services

How to connect Data Lake store in Azure analysis services
Can we use HIVE ODBC or any other options?
I assume you want to use Azure Data Lake as a data source for Azure Analysis Services (e.g. you have fact and dimension files in the Data Lake).
There is no connector in Azure Analysis Services to pull data directly from Azure Data Lake at present, although hopefully this is something Microsoft will address soon.
As a workaround you could try the following:
Azure Analysis Services will allow you to use Azure Blob Storage as a data source. So once you have transformed your data in Azure Data Lake you then need to copy the fact and dimension files into Azure Blob Storage (e.g. using Azure Data Factory) and then you should be able to use Azure Analysis Services to build your model.
Note that the Blob Storage data source option is only available if you build a 1400 compatibility model in Azure Analysis Services. This option is only available if you have the latest version of SQL Server Data Tools for Visual Studio (you may need to upgrade to version 17.1 of SSDT).
I hope this helps

How to migrate from Azure Table storage to SQL Azure?

We use Azure Table storage in our project and we want to migrate to SQL Azure. Is there any simpler way to migrate ?
The simple way to move data from Azure Table Storage to SQL Azure is using Azure Data Factory. You can refer to the tutorials Build your first Azure data factory using Azure Portal/Data Factory Editor &
Move data to and from Azure Table using Azure Data Factory to know how to do it.
