cat: pid.txt: No such file or directory - linux

I have a problem with cat. I want to write script doing the same thing as ps -e. In pid.txt i have PID of running processes.
ls /proc/ | grep -o "[0-9]" | sort -h > pid.txt
Then i want use $line like a part of path to cmdline for evry PID.
cat pid.txt | while read line; do cat /proc/$line/cmdline; done
i try for loop too
for id in 'ls /proc/ | grep -o "[0-9]\+" | sort -h'; do
cat /proc/$id/cmdline;
Don't know what i'm doing wrong. Thanks in advance.

I think what you're after is this - there were a few flaws with all of your approaches (or did you really just want to look at process with a single-digit PID?):
for pid in $(ls /proc/ | grep -E '^[0-9]+$'|sort -h); do cat /proc/${pid}/cmdline; tr '\x00' '\n'; done

You seem to be in a different current directory when running cat pid.txt... command compared to when you ran your ls... command. Run both your commands on the same terminal window, or use absolute path, like /path/to/pid.txt
Other than your error, you might wanna remove -o from your grep command as it gives you 1 digit for a matching pid. For example, you get 2 when pid is 423. #Roadowl also pointed that already.


shell script gives output in 2 lines I need only 1

I have the following commands saved in a .sh file
ps axf | grep $prog | grep -v grep | awk '{print "kill -9 " $1}'
I get the following output when I execute it
kill -9 3184
kill -9 20359
But I just need the first line of it as that is the only valid pid. How can I remove the 2nd line from the output.
There are a few issues with what you want to do:
You're building a chain of 4 commands for something relatively simple
You're going to get as a result only the first line of a list of processes containing $prog (excluding the grep $prog which you filtered out); how can you be sure that's the process you want?
The correct command to use is
pkill $prog`
as suggested in the comments, which probably will do what you want.
Just for information, and to answer your question, you can pipe an output to head -n 1 to return only the first line:
<list of commands> | head -n 1
However, in your case this would add a fifth command to the chain, so I recommend you don't do it this way.

How to grep both header and pattern with grep

I need to grep both header and also particular pattern only using grep,
for command "ps"
10280 pts/16 00:00:00 ps
32463 pts/16 00:00:00 bash
how can i grep both header and pattern like 32463 so output should be
32463 pts/16 00:00:00 bash
And One thing is that solution should be general that means it should be applicable to all commands that have headers
Try this:
ps | head -1; ps | grep bash
Like this:
ps | ( read -r head; printf '%s\n' "$head"; grep bash )
This generalizes to other commands, such as
( read -r head; printf '%s\n' "$head"; sort -k4n ) <input.csv >input-sorted-4n.csv
You could encapsulate this into a script called keepheader:
read -r head
printf '%s\n' "$head"
exec "$#"
Use like
ps | keepheader grep bash
keepheader sort -k4n <input.csv >input-sorted-4n.csv
or maybe even
keepheader keepheader grep foo <<HERE
Header with underlines
------ ---- ----------
Cat food Whiskas
Mouse bait Cheese
(Actually maybe make the script accept an optiinal numeric parameter to specify how many header lines to keep; I leave this as an exercise for the reader.)
I suggest sed:
sed -n "1p;/$pattern/p"
how can i grep both header and pattern
You could try this
ps | grep -e 'PID\|32463'
solution should be general that means it should be applicable to all commands that have headers
This requirement is almost impossible to satisfy by grep, because different commands have different headers, it is impossible to assign a regular expression to match all of them.
But you could use the following command to achieve your goal:
command | perl -e 'while(<STDIN>) { print if $. == 1 or m/$ARGV[0]/ }' pattern
If it is too cumbersome for daily use, you can put it in a custom script, such as my-grep, and put that script in your $PATH, then you can use that script like a normal command:
command | my-grep pattern
With out using grep you can get this output for ps option
$ps -p 32463
-p Select by PID.
This selects the processes whose process ID numbers appear in pidlist. Identical to p and --pid.

How do I grep multiple lines (output from another command) at the same time?

I have a Linux driver running in the background that is able to return the current system data/stats. I view the data by running a console utility (let's call it dump-data) in a console. All data is dumped every time I run dump-data. The output of the utility is like below
- A=reading1
- B=reading2
- C=reading3
- D=reading4
- E=reading5
- variableX=readingX
The list of readings returned by the utility can be really long. Depending on the scenario, certain readings would be useful while everything else would be useless.
I need a way to grep only the useful readings whose names might have have nothing in common (via a bash script). I.e. Sometimes I'll need to collect A,D,E; and other times I'll need C,D,E.
I'm attempting to graph the readings over time to look for trends, so I can't run something like this:
# forgive my pseudocode
dump-data | grep A
dump-data | grep D
dump-data | grep E
End Loop
to collect A,D,E as that would actually give me readings from 3 separate calls of dump-data as that would not be accurate.
If you want to save all result of grep in the same file, you can just join all expressions in one:
grep -E 'expr1|expr2|expr3'
But if you want to have results (for expr1, expr2 and expr3) in separate files, things are getting more interesting.
You can do this using tee >(command).
For example, here I process the same pipe with thre different commands:
$ echo abc | tee >(sed s/a/_a_/ > file1) | tee >(sed s/b/_b_/ > file2) | sed s/c/_c_/ > file3
$ grep "" file[123]
But the command seems to be too complex.
I would better save dump-data results to a file and then grep it.
TEMP=$(mktemp /tmp/dump-data-XXXXXXXX)
dump-data > ${TEMP}
grep A ${TEMP}
grep B ${TEMP}
grep C ${TEMP}
You can use dump-data | grep -E "A|D|E". Note the -E option of grep. Alternatively you could use egrep without the -E option.
you can simply use:
dump-data | grep -E 'A|D|E'
awk '/MY PATTERN/{print > "matches-"FILENAME;}' myfile{1,3}
thx Guru at Stack Exchange

Identify the files opened a particular process on linux

I need a script to identify the files opened a particular process on linux
To identify fd :
>cd /proc/<PID>/fd; ls |wc –l
I expect to see a list of numbers which is the list of files descriptors' number using in the process. Please show me how to see all the files using in that process.
The command you probably want to use is lsof. This is a better idea than digging in /proc, since the command is a more clear and a more stable way to get system information.
lsof -p pid
However, if you're interested in /proc stuff, you may notice that files /proc/<pid>/fd/x is a symlink to the file it's associated with. You can read the symlink value with readlink command. For example, this shows the terminal stdin is bound to:
$ readlink /proc/self/fd/0
or, to get all files for some process,
ls /proc/<pid>/fd/* | xargs -L 1 readlink
While lsof is nice you can just do:
ls -l /proc/pidoftheproces/fd
lsof -p <pid number here> | wc -l
if you don't have lsof, you can do roughly the same using just /proc
$ pid=1825
$ ls -1 /proc/$pid/fd/*
$ awk '!/\[/&&$6{_[$6]++}END{for(i in _)print i}' /proc/$pid/maps
You need lsof. To get the PID of the application which opened foo.txt:
lsof | grep foo.txt | awk -F\ '{print $2}'
or what Macmede said to do the opposite (list files opened by a process).
lsof | grep processName

linux shell scripting kiddie's question

an Unix shell script with only purpose - count the number of running processes of qmail (could be anything else). Easy thing, but there must be some bug in code:
rows=`ps aux | grep qmail | wc -l`
echo $rows
echo $rows
always shows greater number of rows (11) than if I just count rows in
ps aux | grep qmail
There are just 8 rows. Does it work this way on your system too?
Nowadays with linux, there is pgrep. If you have it on your system, you can skip grep -v grep
$ var=$(pgrep bash) # or `pgrep bash | wc -l`
$ echo $var
2110 2127 2144 2161 2178 2195 2212 2229
$ set -- $var; echo ${#}
also, if your ps command has -C option, another way
$ ps -C bash -o pid= | wc -l
if not, you can set a character class in your grep pattern
$ ps aux|grep [q]mail | wc -l
It appears that you're counting the grep process itself and the header line that ps normally prints before its output.
I'd suggest something more like:
qprocs=$(ps auxwww | grep -c "[q]mail")
... note that GNU grep has a "-c" switch to have it print a "count" of matches rather than the lines themselves. The trick with the regular expression here is to match qmail without matching the literal string that's on the grep command line. So we take any single character in the string and wrap it in square brackets such that it is a single character "class." The regexp: [q]mail matches the string qmail without matching the string [q]mail.
Note that even with this regex you may still find some false positive matches. If you really want to be more precise then you should supply a custom output format string to your ps command (see the man pages) or you should feed it through a pipemill or you should parse the output of the ps command based on fields (using awk or cut or a while read loop). (The -o option to ps is by far the easiest among these).
No, since I'm not running qmail. However, you will want to, at a bare minimum, exclude the process running your grep:
ps aux | grep qmail | grep -v grep
For debugging, you may want to do:
rows=`ps aux | grep qmail`
echo $rows >debug.input
od -xcb debug.input
(to see your input to the script in great detail) and then rewrite your script temporarily as:
rows=`cat debug.input | wc -l`
echo $rows
That way, you can see the input and figure out what effect it's having on your code, even as you debug it.
A good debugger will eventually learn to only change one variable at a time. If your changing your code to get it working, that's the variable - don't let the input to your code change as well.
$ /sbin/pidof qmail
A few ways...
ps -e | grep ' [q]mail' | wc -l
ps -C qmail -opid= | wc -l
pidof qmail | tr ' ' '\n' | wc -l
pgrep is on many Linux distributions, and I imagine available for other Unices.
[dan#khorium ~]$ whatis pgrep
pgrep (1) - look up or signal processes based on name and other attributes
[dan#khorium ~]$ pgrep mingetty
In your case, pgrep qmail | wc -l should do the trick.
