COC popup style in neovim - vim

recently I started using (neo)vim.
I downloaded (neo)vim and copy-pasted this init.vim and the coc-settings.json.
(Here is the video about the config.)
Everything works as it should, but coc's popup is a bit... yeah.
On the first pic is my coc popup window.
On the second pic is how it should look like.
How can I change the style to the second one?

Assuming you're running nvim-qt it's
:GuiPopupmenu 0


stackoverflow: save theme preference

Suddenly today stackoverflow looks like this:
The blue color is undesired.
I tried to change the theme under settings. The theme is correctly applied, but I don't see a way to save it: As soon as I leave the settings page, the blue colors are back.
What can I do to get to permanently revert to the default look?
Could this be a virus? Heres' what I get on Safari:
I'm on MacOS Monterey. The first screenshot is on Firefox, the second screenshot on Safari. Chrome also gives different colors.
On the "FILTERS" bar at the bottom of your screen, click on the "circle with slash" icon. It will revert your screen to the default view.
Check the date. It's April fool's day.
The way you fix it is you click on your profile picture in the top, then you go to settings, and then you can choose your background. It probably isn't a virus, but I'm not sure.

FabricJS Textbox - The cursor position is not set correctly for certain fonts

In the above image, the cursor should be at the end, but for some reason, it is placed before the last character.
This only happens for certain fonts.
I don't think it is related with how the custom font is being loaded, this image was taken from Also, the last version of the library is being used.
To reproduce the issue you have to do the following:
Change the font-family to "Pacifico".
Click on the text box to enter in edit mode.
Start typing.
Sometimes, even the last character goes outside of the bounding box.
I think that this has something to do with how the _measureChar() function executes, but I'm not sure what needs to be changed.
Thanks in advance!
I did more tests and it seems that this problem is not present in IE.
This problem appears in Chrome and Firefox.
It is also strange how the characters are being rendered in each browser:
add below code before canvas.requestRenderAll();
fabric.charWidthsCache[this.value] = {};

Netbeans 8.0.2 Output Window

I would like to change the output window color from the default white to black or some other color. I am using Netbeans 8.0.2 IDE.
You can do by following methods:
Make sure your output window is visible - if it's not, just run any of your application and close it again - the window will pop up right after running it.
All you have to do now is to right click into the output window and choose Settings. That's it, a window where you can customize all the font colors and background colors will show up.
Below Image for reference: you can go Tools-->Option-->Miscellaneous-->Output
This Questions was resolved by Dipak D Desai.
Resolution Steps:
make sure your output window is visible
go to:
and you can change your output window(s) as you desire. Again thumbs up for Dipak everyone :)

Scroll in GVim using touch screen device

I'm using GVim on a Surface Pro 3 that has a touch screen. I've gotten so used to scrolling windows (like the browser) using the touch screen, so I thought it would be nice to be able to do the same in GVim. However, when I drag my finger it selects text rather than scrolling. Is there a way to change that?
Whohooo, my first tumbleweed badge. :-) Anyway, this actually works out of-the-box with the Vim build from

Default colorscheme loads prior to user-defined one causing "flash"

When using Gvim on my Ubuntu 12.10, I see a flashing screen (as if the colors are reverted) whenever I hit the top or the bottom of the screen (Suppose I'm on first line and press any movement keys for further motion towards top or left). The screen flashes even when I press Tab or any other movement key. I searched for the problem, it seems very similar to this bug report here:
It doesn't lists any solution. How can I go about fixing this problem.
Note: The terminal version works absolutely fine.
What you see is the visual bell and yes, the colors are reverted. See :help 'visualbell'.
To disable it, put that line in your ~/.gvimrc:
set vb t_vb=
