MLkit tflite file configuration - android-studio

i am developing using ML-Kit. But there is a path problem. It's the same as the example, but what's wrong with it? Like this, enter image description here

If you plan to use ML Kit, you can ignore that message and everything should works fine using ML Kit.
ML Model Binding is another feature that uses codegen to generate a wrapper java class for your model. It's works best when your model has metadata inside.
Here list models with metadata if you want to try.


Register Sentencetransformer model on Azure ML

Basically title. The Azure documentation for v2 is constantly getting updated, and as of now i have no resource to find out how you can register a pre-trained model from SentenceTransformers on AzureML for future use in endpoints. The library is based on Pytorch, but so far I've had no luck in using MLFlow(mentioned in the docs) to register it.
I don't have much code to show, so any help whatsoever would be appreciated.
With MLFlow, you have to first save or log your model before you can register it. But with log_model you can do both in one step
mlflow.pytorch.log_model(model, "my_model_path", registered_model_name="fancy")
Then it is easiest to deploy it from the AzureML Studio:

Building Python OCR using machine learning

There are a ton of questions dealing with OCR and Machine Learning, I am looking for guidance building my own from scratch.
I have an obscene number of photographs that contain text pertaining to the feature in the photo. The text is the latitude, longitude and id of the feature. I am looking for a way to extract this information into a text file to feed into my GIS.
I am sure Tesseract and Pytesseract would do exactly what I want, I however have a blocker in that I cannot load additional software onto the PC I am working on.
My PC is connected to a strictly controlled and secure network. I cannot install new software. I can however “pip install” any Python libraries needed, using a mobile hotspot. I have installed the Pytesseract library in Python. However if I have understood there is a dependency requiring a windows install file to be downloaded and installed before this works.
So I have decided to try (as a side project) create my own OCR model using Python and whatever libraries I need. The only issue is, there is a ton of information online and trying to find a focused and easy to follow process is not easy.
I am looking for resources detailing step by step what I need to do to create a training dataset, train a model and feed the images into the train model to get an output that makes sense.
I have been using OpenCv to process an image (crop, filter etc) to get bounding boxes of all the identifiable text in the test image. I am not sure where to go from there.
Are there any recommended tutorials online / resources that might make sense to a complete novice? I am using Python 3.5.

Autodesk Forge - how to use the new Model Derivative IFC pipeline?

I'm working with autodesk forge, because I have a project for the University, but I have a small problem now.
I read that the IFC Model Derivative processor is currently based on the Navisworks importer, but a better implementation is using Revit instead. As I work mostly with IFC Files this could make a big difference.
I made a small application with the help of the forge-apis npm package, which enables me to easily integrate the Forge APIs.
The Problem is that I don't see an option to use the new Model Derivative IFC pipeline. Is there a way to implement it in my application?
As this point, you'll need to make requests (e.g. using request package). When we completely move to Revit pipeline you can resume with the forge-api package.

Sentiment analysis using spark and Stanford NLP API

When I wanted to do a sentiment analysis project I searched alot online, and atlast I landed on this website, which explained the code but what it did not explain is how to use spark with respect to the code, I mean where to add the code.
Website :
It will be of great help, if anyone can explain me completely, as Iam a begginer and this my first project on big data.
Thank you.
In the bottom there is a link to the github ( you should check that out (literally)
The main class is
com.stdatalabs.SparkES.TwitterSentimentAnalysis according to the pom.xml
So running mvn package will yield you an executable .jar (user java -jar)
Running the jar will prompt you for some twitter config (keys, etc) and saves to a local es cluster using hardcoded index (& mapping) twitter_020717/tweet
You can now alter the code anyway you want, build, run, and check the results.

How to use the trained model developed in AZURE ML

I trained a model in AZURE ML. Now i want to use that model in my ios app to predict the output .
How to download the model from AZURE and use it my swift code.
As far as I know, the model could run in Azure Machine Learning Studio.It seems that you are unable to download it, the model could do nothing outside of Azure ML.
Here is a similar post for you to refer, I have also tried #Ahmet's
method, but result is like #mrjrdnthms says.
