How to upsert a Hashmap into MongoDB Document? - node.js

I'm trying to structure a friendslist using MongoDB.
This is how I currently have it structured:
"_id": {
"$oid": "601c570da04b75fabcd2705d"
"user_id": 1,
"friendslist": {
3 : true
How can I create a query that does a put on my Hashmap (The hashmap is "friendslist") and the key is 3 for the friend's id and the true flag is for the status of the pending friend request. (True meaing they are friends and false would be pending friend request)
This is what I currently have:
const upsertFriendId = db.collection('friends')
{ user_id: userId },
{ $set: { ???? : ????} },
{ upsert: true }
I can't figure out the syntax that I need to put in the $set object.

In-order to ensure that you do not override the rest of the keys inside the friendlist, you can do an update like
const mongoFriendKey = `friendlist.${/* FRIEND_ID_VARIABLE_GOES_HERE */}`;
const upsertFriendId = db.collection('friends')
user_id: userId
[mongoFriendKey] : true
{ upsert: true }
In the above, replace the /* FRIEND_ID_VARIABLE_GOES_HERE */ with the friend id variable. Doing that, the query will look for a friend with that specific Id, and then it will try to set it to true if not found, without overriding the entire friendlist object of yours.
Also, I hope you know what upsert does, if the update won't find the doc, then it will end up inserting one.


using updateOne inside a map, setting the filter to the unique id , $set is to the document and upsert is true. Even then new document is created

here is my code in the controller from where i am getting the records from my google calendar API and then passing that data to this function and the code inside the function which inserts the document (records) looks like this as below:
Holiday.bulkWrite( => ({
updateOne: {
filter: { holidayId: },
update: { $set: holiday },
upsert: true,
It's hard to tell what exactly the issue is because it is not Mongo related but code related, from what it seems you are just using the wrong field for the filter. is null, and we can see that the "inserted" documents do not have such field. You are basically executing the following update:
holidayId: null
"$set": {
holidayId: "123"
... other fields
"upsert": true
I believe this simple fix would solve your issue, change .id To .holidayId:
Holiday.bulkWrite( => ({
updateOne: {
filter: { holidayId: holiday.holidayId },
update: { $set: holiday },
upsert: true,

In Mongo db I want to add an entry to a document. If the id already exists it should overwrite it, if not it should add it

I use Mongo DB and node.js. Thanks for any help :).
I want to do the following:
Search for a user in the db using the googleId.
Then if the user does not have a description field yet I want to create it. Within the description field, I want to have several objects that all have the coinId as an index.
If the coinId already exists it should overwrite the content of that particular object with the variables I pass. If it does not already exist it should add the new object to the description field.
The Mongo db document should look like this in the end. Note that 1027 or 123 are the values of the coinIds.
googleId: "PyovWaX8HERRACmeg4IzYCaMK833"
_id: "ckpi7q8c60002qe9h0e4wgh3r"
coinId: 1027
description: "test1"
date: 2021-06-04T10:56:52.662+00:00
_id: "woienfeiowfnaoewinfefneo"
coinId: 123
description: "test2"
date: 2021-06-04T10:56:52.662+00:00
I already tried the following:
const { result } = await db.collection('users').updateOne(
{ googleId },
$set: {
description: { [coinId]: { _id, coinId, description, date } },
returnOriginal: false,
The problem here is that the entry is always overwritten which I only want to happen if the coinId is the same.
I also tried to do it with $addToSet but then it never overwrites the object if the coinId's match.
How about findAndModify?
In your case, something like this:
query: { _id: googleId },
update: {
$setOnInsert: {
description: { [coinId]: { _id, coinId, description, date } },
new: true, // return new doc if one is upserted
upsert: true // insert the document if it does not exist
query: { _id: "some potentially existing id" },
update: {
$setOnInsert: { foo: "bar" }
new: true, // return new doc if one is upserted
upsert: true // insert the document if it does not exist

Mongoose: Update/Insert in nested subdocument

I've seen quite a few examples here in stackoverflow, but none of them have been useful to me. Maybe my scheme is wrong?
I need to insert new records into a nested document using Mongoose (I would like to add within the "history" array). If the document already exists, I must only update it, if it does not exist, a new document must be added. I have the following scheme:
let equipment_json = {
controls: [{
_id: con.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
name: String,
history: [{
_id: con.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
new: Boolean,
let equipment_schema = new con.Schema(equipment_json);
let Equipment = con.mongoose.model('Equipment', Equipment_schema);
This code should perform the update:
'_id': object_equipment.id_equipment,
'controls._id': object_equipment.id_control_type
$set: {
'controls.$.history.$': {
new: true
upsert: true, setDefaultsOnInsert: true
function (err, doc ) {
console.log( doc );
Before using update() I used find() to check what it finds according to the criteria. Using find(), it returns the document, however, when I want to use update() it does not add to the array "controls", the "new": "true". I tried as much with $set as with $push.
It's only necessary to modify the following code:
'controls.$.history.$': {
new: true
'controls.$.history': {
new: true

findOneAndUpdate return null upon insertion?

What I want is:
return 1 if insertion succeeds even though the document doesn't exist before.
return 1 if update succeeds
But I can't seem to achieve this with findOneAndUpdate which only returns a result if the document exists and is successfully updated.
My query:
{ email: email },
{ $set: { verified: 1 } },
{ upsert: true }
You could access the native driver to call the underlying collection's updateOne() or updateMany() method which will return the full response from Mongo in the updateWriteOpCallback callback as a updateWriteOpResult object that you can use. For example
{ "email": email },
{ "$set": { "verified": 1 } },
{ "upsert": true },
function(err, result) {
// The number of documents that matched the filter.
// The number of documents that were modified.
// The number of documents upserted.
// The total count of documents scanned.
// The total count of documents modified.
In this case you most probably need to check the result.result.nModified and result.upsertedCount properties to make the above call.
Assuming you want the result to be the updated document, you need to modify your query to look like this:
{ email: email },
{ $set: { verified: 1 } },
{ upsert: true, returnNewDocument: true }
The returnNewDocument property will make the callback return the updated document instead of the original. In the case of an upsert on a non-existing document, it will return the new document instead of an empty set.

Mongoose update first five documents

Hello I am trying to update only first five documents from my schema using mongoose. I found a way to update documents by giving condition but cant update only first five.
I got this code
mongoose.model('person').update( {active:false} , {multi: true} , function(err,docs) { ... });
Thank you
The key here is to get the first 5 _id values matching your condition and then pass those using $in to your update selection:
mongoose.model('person').find({ "active": { "$ne": false }}).limit(5)
.exec(function(err,docs) {
var ids = { return doc._id } );
{ "_id": { "$in": ids } },
{ "$set": { "active": false } },
{ "multi": true },
function(err,numAffected) {
Also notice the correct arguments to the update statement with a "query" and "update" block. You should also be using update operators such as $set, otherwise you are overwriting the existing document content with just the contents of the "update"block.
Also see the .update() method from the core documentation.
