Search and populate value in listbox - excel

enter image description hereI am trying to write codes which will enable me to search for value and populate result/s in a list box. My serial number is on Column AB. My search Columns are from A to D.
As soon as I click on search, the search doesn't not match. Here is my code.
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim shTOF As Worksheet 'TOF sheet
Dim shSearchData As Worksheet
Dim iColumn As Integer 'To hold the seleceted column number in TOF
Dim iTOFRow As Long 'To store the last non-blank row number available in TOF sheet
Dim iSearchRow As Long 'To hold the last non-black row number available in Searchdata sheet
Dim sColumn As String 'To store the column selection
Dim sValue As String 'To hold the search text value
Set shTOF = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("T.O.F")
Set shSearchData = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Searchdata")
iTOFRow = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("T.O.F").Range("ab" & Application.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
sColumn = UserForm10.TOFSEARCHComboBox1.Value
sValue = UserForm10.TOFSEARCH.Value
iColumn = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(sColumn, shTOF.Range("A8:D8"), 0)
'Remove Filter from Database worksheet
If shTOF.FilterMode = True Then
shTOF.AutoFilterMode = False
End If
'Apply filter on Database Worksheet
If UserForm10.TOFSEARCHComboBox1.Value = "No." Then
shTOF.Range("A1:D" & iTOFRow).AutoFilter Field:=iColumn, Criteria1:=sValue
shTOF.Range("A8:D" & iTOFRow).AutoFilter Field:=iColumn, Criteria1:="*" & sValue & "*"
End If
If Application.WorksheetFunction.Subtotal(3, shTOF.Range("C:C")) >= 2 Then
'code to remove the previouse data from searchdata worksheet
shTOF.AutoFilter.Range.Copy shSearchData.Range("A8")
Application.CutCopyMode = False
iSearchRow = shSearchData.Range("A" & Application.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row 'change later on
UserForm10.ListBox1.ColumnCount = 29
UserForm10.ListBox1.ColumnWidths = "30,50,40,40,35,43,43,28,25,25,25,25,37,50,45,55,70,60,47,35,35,40,40,40,40,50,60,160,50"
If iSearchRow > 1 Then
UserForm10.ListBox1.RowSource = "searchData!A8:D" & iSearchRow
MsgBox " Records Found."
End If
MsgBox " No Record Found."
End If
shTOF.AutoFilterMode = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = True


My userform will not return any results idatabaserow error

I'm trying to get a return on a search function however get a 1004 runtime error on the following formula. The error seems to be along the idatabase row which will be a mix of text, numbers and dates
Sub SearchData()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim shDatabase As Worksheet 'Database Sheet
Dim shSearchData As Worksheet 'SearchData Sheet
Dim icolumn As Integer 'To hold the selected column number in database sheet
Dim iDatabaseRow As Long 'To store the last non blank row number available in Database sheet
Dim iSearchRow As Long ' To hold the last non blacnk row number in SearchData sheet
Dim sColumn As String 'To store the column selection
Dim sValue As String 'To hold the search text value
Set shDatabase = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Database")
Set shSearchData = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SearchData")
' === Error here ===
iDatabaseRow = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Database").Range("A" & Application.Rows.Count).End(X1Up).row
sColumn = frmForm.cmbSearchColumn.Value
sValue = frmForm.txtSearch.Value
icolumn = AApplication.WorksheetFunction.Match(CLng(sColumn), shDatabase.Range("A1:K1"), 0)
'Remove filter from Database worksheet
If shDatabase.FilterMode = True Then
shDatabase.AutoFilterMode = False
End If
'Apply Filter on Database worksheet
If frmForm.cmbSearchColumn.Value = "PO" Then
shDatabase.Range("A1:K" & iDatabaseRow).AutoFilter Field:=icolumn, Criteria1:=sValue
shDatabase.Range("A1:K" & iDatabaseRow).AutoFilter Field:=icolumn, Criteria1:="*" & sValue & "*"
End If
If Application.WorksheetFunction.Subtotal(3, shDatabase.Range("C:C")) >= 2 Then
'Code to remove the previous data from search data worksheet
shDatabase.AutoFilter.Range.Copy.shSearchData.Range ("A1")
Application.CutCopyMode = False
iSearchRow = shSearchData.Range("A" & Application.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).row
frmForm.lstDatabase.Column = 10
frmForm.lstDatabase.ColumnWidths = "60,60,75,40,60,45,55,70,70,70,70"
If iSearch > 1 Then
frmForm.lstDatabase.RowSource = "SearchData!A2:K" & iSearchRow
MsgBox "Records Found"
End If
MsgBox "No Record Found"
End If
shDatabase.AutoFilterMode = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
I was hoping it would return a search result from the database

Make columns and rows mandatory

i need to make rows and columns mandatory before close
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
Dim lr As Long
Dim r As Long
' Activate correct sheet
' Sheets("Sheet1").Activate
' Find last row in column A with data
lr = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
' Loop through all rows with data in column A
For r = 2 To lr
' Check to see if column A is not zero
If Cells(r, "A") <> 0 Then
' Check to see that columns B and C are not empty
If Cells(r, "B") = "" Or Cells(r, "C") = "" Then
Cancel = True
MsgBox "Please fill in columns B and C", vbOKOnly, "ROW " & r & " INCOMPLETE!!!"
End If
End If
Next r
End Sub
I made it a bit faster and more user friendly using:
Arrays to iterate data.
a single error message at the end rather than several.
I also made the requested change to allow code to work with and column width requirements. Just change the ColumnsToCheck = 6 to however many columns.
Option Explicit
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
Dim lRow As Long
Dim I As Long
Dim ColumnsToCheck As Long
Dim MissedItem As Boolean
Dim Mitem As Boolean
Dim M As Long
Dim SrcRG As Range
Dim SrcArr
Dim OutMessage As String
' *** This is the number of columns you are checking INCLUDING Column A
ColumnsToCheck = 6 'Minimum = 2
' Find last row in column A with data
lRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Set SrcRG = Range("A1").Resize(lRow, ColumnsToCheck)
SrcArr = SrcRG
MissedItem = False
OutMessage = "Please fill in data columns 2 through " & ColumnsToCheck & "." & vbCrLf & _
"Missing Data found in the following locations." & vbCrLf
' Loop through all rows with data in column A
For I = 2 To lRow
' Check to see if column A is not zero
If SrcArr(I, 1) <> 0 Then
' Check to see that columns B and C are not empty
For M = 2 To ColumnsToCheck
Debug.Print SrcArr(I, M)
If SrcArr(I, M) = "" Then Mitem = True
Next M
If Mitem = True Then
MissedItem = True
OutMessage = OutMessage & vbCrLf & _
" Missing data at row # " & I
Mitem = False
End If
End If
Next I
If MissedItem = True Then
Cancel = True
MsgBox OutMessage, vbOKOnly, "Error: Missing Data"
End If
End Sub

Add another filter criteria

How do I add another filter criteria?
So that I can filter by date (like it does) and if comboBox1 value = to what is in column A for each row
The other one I have is filter by date (like it does) and if there is a value in column H for each row
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim strStart As String, strEnd As String, strPromptMessage As String
If TextBox1.Value = "" Then
TextBox1.Value = Date
End If
If TextBox2.Value = "" Then
TextBox2.Value = Date
End If
'Prompt the user to input the start date
strStart = TextBox1.Value
'Validate the input string
If Not IsDate(strStart) Then
strPromptMessage = "Oops! It looks like your entry is not a valid " & _
"date. Please retry with a valid date..."
MsgBox strPromptMessage
Exit Sub
End If
'Prompt the user to input the end date
strEnd = TextBox2.Value
'Validate the input string
If Not IsDate(strStart) Then
strPromptMessage = "Oops! It looks like your entry is not a valid " & _
"date. Please retry with a valid date..."
MsgBox strPromptMessage
Exit Sub
End If
'Call the next subroutine, which will do produce the output workbook
Call CreateSubsetWorksheet(strStart, strEnd)
Unload Me
End Sub
Public Sub CreateSubsetWorksheet(StartDate As String, EndDate As String)
Dim wksData As Worksheet, wksTarget As Worksheet
Dim lngLastRow As Long, lngLastCol As Long, lngDateCol As Long
Dim rngFull As Range, rngResult As Range, rngTarget As Range
'Set references up-front
Set wksData = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("CopyDatabase")
lngDateCol = 5 '<~ we know dates are in column E
'Identify the full data range on Sheet1 (our data sheet) by finding
'the last row and last column
lngLastRow = LastOccupiedRowNum(wksData) '<~ straight from VBA Toolbelt!
'lngLastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
lngLastCol = LastOccupiedColNum(wksData) '<~ straight from VBA Toolbelt!
'lngLastCol = Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
With wksData
Set rngFull = .Range(.Cells(3, 1), .Cells(lngLastRow, lngLastCol))
End With
'Apply a filter to the full range we just assigned to get rows
'that are in-between the start and end dates
With rngFull
.AutoFilter Field:=lngDateCol, _
Criteria1:=">=" & StartDate, _
Criteria2:="<=" & EndDate
'If the resulting range contains only 1 row, that means we filtered
'everything out! Check for this situation, catch it and exit
If wksData.AutoFilter.Range.Columns(1).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Count = 1 Then
MsgBox "Oops! Those dates filter out all data!"
'Clear the autofilter safely and exit sub
wksData.AutoFilterMode = False
If wksData.FilterMode = True Then
End If
Exit Sub
Else '<~ otherwise we're all good!
'Assign ONLY the visible cells, which are in the
'date range specified
Set rngResult = .SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
'clear contents
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Reports").Range("A3:A" & Range("A3").End(xlDown).Row).ClearContents
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Reports").Range("B3:B" & Range("B3").End(xlDown).Row).ClearContents
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Reports").Range("C3:C" & Range("C3").End(xlDown).Row).ClearContents
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Reports").Range("D3:D" & Range("D3").End(xlDown).Row).ClearContents
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Reports").Range("E3:E" & Range("E3").End(xlDown).Row).ClearContents
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Reports").Range("F3:F" & Range("F3").End(xlDown).Row).ClearContents
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Reports").Range("G3:G" & Range("G3").End(xlDown).Row).ClearContents
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Reports").Range("H3:H" & Range("H3").End(xlDown).Row).ClearContents
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Reports").Range("I3:I" & Range("I3").End(xlDown).Row).ClearContents
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Reports").Range("J3:J" & Range("J3").End(xlDown).Row).ClearContents
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Reports").Range("K3:K" & Range("K3").End(xlDown).Row).ClearContents
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Reports").Range("L3:L" & Range("L3").End(xlDown).Row).ClearContents
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Reports").Range("M3:M" & Range("M3").End(xlDown).Row).ClearContents
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Reports").Range("N3:N" & Range("N3").End(xlDown).Row).ClearContents
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Reports").Range("O3:O" & Range("O3").End(xlDown).Row).ClearContents
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Reports").Range("P3:P" & Range("P3").End(xlDown).Row).ClearContents
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Reports").Range("Q3:Q" & Range("Q3").End(xlDown).Row).ClearContents
'Create a new Worksheet to copy our data to and set up
'a target Range (for super easy copy / paste)
Set wksTarget = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Reports")
Set rngTarget = wksTarget.Cells(2, 1)
rngResult.Copy Destination:=rngTarget
End If
End With
'Clear the autofilter safely
wksData.AutoFilterMode = False
If wksData.FilterMode = True Then
End If
'Holler at the user, our macro is done!
MsgBox "Data transferred!"
End Sub

Copy data to another spreadsheet based off value stored in string

I have the below code for one of my financial reports and I'm struggling with updating the code to make it more automated. The code creates a string of the column headers stored in multiple sheets. Each column header is a new tab in wb2. I can't figure out how to get formulas copied into a new address range. it needs to copy the values to that Sheet in wb2 and then move on to the next.
So the code needs to:
1/put the column headers to a string/array [Works]
2/look through string/array and find that column in wb1 [Works]
3/then copy specific ranges to wb2 (name is based of column header/string value) [Works]
4/copy formula into column G, based on row similar to what it does for column A addresses - for example if the range is G9, it needs to copy the formula H9-A9, etc
5/go to next value
Any help or direction would be appreciated.
Sub Prepare_CYTD_Report()
Dim addresses() As String
Dim addresses2() As String
Dim wb1 As Workbook, wb2 As Workbook
Dim my_Filename
'Declare variables for MHP60
Dim i As Long, lastcol As Long
Dim tabNames As Range, cell As Range, tabName As String
'Declare variables for MHP61
Dim i2 As Long, lastCol2 As Long
Dim tabNames2 As Range, cell2 As Range, tabName2 As String
'Declare variables for MHP62
Dim i3 As Long, lastCol3 As Long
Dim tabNames3 As Range, cell3 As Range, tabName3 As String
addresses = Strings.Split("A9,A12:A26,A32:A38,A42:A58,A62:A70,A73:A76,A83:A90", ",") 'Trial Balance string values
addresses2 = Strings.Split("G9,G12:G26,G32:G38,G42:G58,G62:G70,G73:G76,G83:G90", ",") 'Prior Month string values
Set wb1 = ActiveWorkbook 'Trial Balance to Financial Statements Workbook
'*****************************Load Column Header Strings
lastcol = wb1.Sheets("MHP60").Cells(5, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
On Error Resume Next
Set tabNames = wb1.Sheets("MHP60").Cells(4, 3).Resize(1, lastcol - 2).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants)
'actual non-formula text values on row 4 from column C up to column lastCol'
On Error GoTo 0
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
MsgBox "No headers were found on row 4 of MHP60", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
lastCol2 = wb1.Sheets("MHP61").Cells(5, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
On Error Resume Next
Set tabNames2 = wb1.Sheets("MHP61").Cells(4, 3).Resize(1, lastcol - 2).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants)
'actual non-formula text values on row 4 from column C up to column lastCol'
On Error GoTo 0
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
MsgBox "No headers were found on row 4 of MHP61", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
lastCol3 = wb1.Sheets("MHP62").Cells(5, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
On Error Resume Next
Set tabNames3 = wb1.Sheets("MHP62").Cells(4, 3).Resize(1, lastcol - 2).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants)
'actual non-formula text values on row 4 from column C up to column lastCol'
On Error GoTo 0
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
MsgBox "No headers were found on row 4 of MHP62", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
'*****************************Open CYTD/FYTD files
my_Filename = Application.GetOpenFilename(fileFilter:="Excel Files,*.xl*;*.xm*", Title:="Select File to create Reports")
If my_Filename = False Then
Exit Sub
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set wb2 = Workbooks.Open(my_Filename)
'*****************************Copy values to Financial statements workbook
For Each cell In tabNames
tabName = Strings.Trim(cell.Value2)
'dedicated variable in case of requirement for further parsing (space/comma elimination?)'
If CStr(wb1.Sheets("MHP60").Evaluate("ISREF('[" & wb2.Name & "]" & tabName & "'!$A$1)")) = "True" Then
'If wb2 has a tab named for the value in tabName
For i = 0 To UBound(addresses)
wb2.Sheets(tabName).Range(addresses(i)).Value2 = wb1.Sheets("MHP60").Range(addresses(i)).Offset(0, cell.Column - 1).Value2
'wb2.Sheets(tabName).Range(addresses2(i)).Value2 =
'Debug.Print "data for " & wb2.Sheets(tabName).Range(addresses(i)).Address(, , , True) & " copied from " & wb1.Sheets("MHP60").Range(addresses(i)).Offset(0, cell.Column - 1).Address(, , , True)
Next i
Debug.Print "A tab " & tabName & " was not found in " & wb2.Name
End If
Next cell
For Each cell In tabNames2
tabName2 = Strings.Trim(cell.Value2)
'dedicated variable in case of requirement for further parsing (space/comma elimination?)'
If CStr(wb1.Sheets("MHP61").Evaluate("ISREF('[" & wb2.Name & "]" & tabName2 & "'!$A$1)")) = "True" Then
'If wb2 has a tab named for the value in tabName
For i = 0 To UBound(addresses)
wb2.Sheets(tabName2).Range(addresses(i)).Value2 = wb1.Sheets("MHP61").Range(addresses(i)).Offset(0, cell.Column - 1).Value2
'Debug.Print "data for " & wb2.Sheets(tabName2).Range(addresses(i)).Address(, , , True) & " copied from " & wb1.Sheets("MHP61").Range(addresses(i)).Offset(0, cell.Column - 1).Address(, , , True)
Next i
Debug.Print "A tab " & tabName2 & " was not found in " & wb2.Name
End If
Next cell
For Each cell In tabNames3
tabName3 = Strings.Trim(cell.Value2)
'dedicated variable in case of requirement for further parsing (space/comma elimination?)'
If CStr(wb1.Sheets("MHP62").Evaluate("ISREF('[" & wb2.Name & "]" & tabName3 & "'!$A$1)")) = "True" Then
'If wb2 has a tab named for the value in tabName
For i = 0 To UBound(addresses)
wb2.Sheets(tabName3).Range(addresses(i)).Value2 = wb1.Sheets("MHP62").Range(addresses(i)).Offset(0, cell.Column - 1).Value2
'Debug.Print "data for " & wb2.Sheets(tabName2).Range(addresses(i)).Address(, , , True) & " copied from " & wb1.Sheets("MHP62").Range(addresses(i)).Offset(0, cell.Column - 1).Address(, , , True)
Next i
Debug.Print "A tab " & tabName3 & " was not found in " & wb2.Name
End If
Next cell
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Sub Prepare_CYTD_Report()
Dim addresses() As String
Dim wb1 As Workbook, wb2 As Workbook
Dim i As Long, lastCol As Long, my_FileName
Dim tabNames As Range, cell As Range, tabName As String
addresses = Strings.Split("A12:A26,A32:A38,A42:A58,A62:A70,A73:A76,A83:A90", ",")
Set wb1 = ActiveWorkbook 'Trial Balance to Financial Statements
lastCol = wb1.Sheets("MHP60").Cells(5, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
On Error Resume Next
Set tabNames = wb1.Sheets("MHP60").Cells(4, 3).Resize(1, lastCol - 2).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants)
'actual non-formula text values on row 4 from column C up to column lastCol'
On Error GoTo 0
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
MsgBox "No headers were found on row 4 of MHP60", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
'*****************************Open CYTD/FYTD files
my_FileName = Application.GetOpenFilename(FileFilter:="Excel Files,*.xl*;*.xm*")
If my_FileName = False Then
Exit Sub
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set wb2 = Workbooks.Open(my_FileName)
For Each cell In tabNames
tabName = Strings.Trim(cell.Value2)
'dedicated variable in case of requirement for further parsing (space/comma elimination?)'
If CStr(wb2.Worksheets(1).Evaluate("ISREF('" & tabName & "'!$A$1)")) = "True" Then
'If wb2 has a tab named for the value in tabName
For i = 0 To UBound(addresses)
wb2.Sheets(tabName).Range(addresses(i)).Value2 = wb1.Sheets("MHP60").Range(addresses(i)).Offset(0, cell.Column - 1).Value2
'Debug.Print "data for " & wb2.Sheets(tabName).Range(addresses(i)).Address(, , , True) & " copied from " & wb1.Sheets("MHP60").Range(addresses(i)).Offset(0, cell.Column - 1).Address(, , , True)
Next i
Debug.Print "A tab " & tabName & " was not found in " & wb2.Name
End If
Next cell
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
In view of the observation made in my comment, the code presented above assumes that
the actual cell values on row 4 of MHP60 are the values 'as is' of
the actual tab names
those cell values were manually entered, i.e. not formula-driven

Delete Blank Lines

I need to have this code look from the bottom up and once it reaches a cell in Column G that is populated it stops deleting lines. Can some one help me out. There will be blanks in column G but, I just need it to look from the bottom up to the last populated cell in column G and delete everything below that.
Routine to Delete Blank Lines to the Datasheet, Uncertainty and Repeatability Sheets
Public Sub DeleteBlankLines()
' Declaring the variables
Dim WS As Worksheet
Dim UncWs As Worksheet, RepWs As Worksheet, ImpWs As Worksheet
Dim StopAtData As Boolean
Dim UserAnswer As Variant
Dim rngDelete As Range, UncDelete As Range, RepDelete As Range, ImpDelete As Range
Dim RowDeleteCount As Integer
'Set Worksheets
Set UncWs = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Uncertainty")
Set RepWs = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Repeatability")
Set WS = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Datasheet")
Set ImpWs = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Import Map")
'Set Delete Variables to Nothing
Set rngDelete = Nothing
Set UncDelete = Nothing
Set RepDelete = Nothing
Set ImpDelete = Nothing
RowDeleteCount = 0
'Determine which cells to delete
UserAnswer = MsgBox("Do you want to delete empty rows " & _
"outside of your data?" & vbNewLine, vbYesNoCancel)
If UserAnswer = vbYes Then
StopAtData = True
'Not needed Turn off at Call in Form
'Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
'Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'Application.EnableEvents = False
' Set Range
DS_LastRow = WS.Range("A" & WS.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
For CurrentRow = DS_StartRow To DS_LastRow Step 1
' Delete blank rows by checking the value of cell in column G (Nominal Value)
With WS.Range("G" & CurrentRow & ":O" & CurrentRow)
If WorksheetFunction.CountBlank(.Cells) >= 9 Then
If rngDelete Is Nothing Then
Set rngDelete = WS.Rows(CurrentRow)
Set UncDelete = UncWs.Rows(CurrentRow)
Set RepDelete = RepWs.Rows(CurrentRow)
Set ImpDelete = ImpWs.Rows(CurrentRow)
RowDeleteCount = 1
Set rngDelete = Union(rngDelete, WS.Rows(CurrentRow))
Set UncDelete = Union(UncDelete, UncWs.Rows(CurrentRow))
Set RepDelete = Union(RepDelete, RepWs.Rows(CurrentRow))
Set ImpDelete = Union(ImpDelete, ImpWs.Rows(CurrentRow))
RowDeleteCount = RowDeleteCount + 1
End If
End If
End With
Next CurrentRow
Exit Sub
End If
'Refresh UsedRange (if necessary)
If RowDeleteCount > 0 Then
UserAnswer = MsgBox("This will Delete " & RowDeleteCount & " rows, Do you want to delete empty rows?" & vbNewLine, vbYesNoCancel)
If UserAnswer = vbYes Then
' Delete blank rows
If Not rngDelete Is Nothing Then
UncWs.Unprotect ("$1mco")
RepWs.Unprotect ("$1mco")
rngDelete.EntireRow.Delete Shift:=xlUp
UncDelete.EntireRow.Delete Shift:=xlUp
RepDelete.EntireRow.Delete Shift:=xlUp
ImpDelete.EntireRow.Delete Shift:=xlUp
UncWs.Protect "$1mco", , , , , True, True
RepWs.Protect ("$1mco")
End If
MsgBox "No Rows will be Deleted.", vbInformation, "No Rows Deleted"
End If
MsgBox "No blank rows were found!", vbInformation, "No Blanks Found"
End If
' Set New Last Row Moved to Event
DS_LastRow = WS.Range("A" & WS.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
'Update Line Count on Datasheet
WS.Range("A9").Value = DS_LastRow - DS_StartRow + 1
'Not needed Turn on at Call in Form
'Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
'Application.ScreenUpdating = True
'Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
Delete Below Last Row
Instead of Delete you can use Clear, or if you want to preserve the formatting below the last row, you can use ClearContents.
The Code
Option Explicit
Sub DelRows()
Const cSheet As Variant = "Sheet1" ' Worksheet Name/Index
Const cColumn As Variant = "G" ' Cirteria Column Letter/Number
Dim lastR As Long ' Last Row
With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(cSheet)
lastR = .Cells(.Rows.Count, cColumn).End(xlUp).Row
.Range(.Cells(lastR + 1, 1), .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1)).EntireRow.Delete
End With
End Sub
