SAS - duplicate excel file in another folder - excel

If i have an Excel "Covid19_report &todaysdate. &time..xlsx" file in a folder called F:\A
and I want to put this exact file into folder F:\B but duplicated 6 times like this:
"1_Covid19_report &todaysdate. &time..xlsx"
"2_Covid19_report &todaysdate. &time..xlsx"
"3_Covid19_report &todaysdate. &time..xlsx"
"4_Covid19_report &todaysdate. &time..xlsx"
"5_Covid19_report &todaysdate. &time..xlsx"
"6_Covid19_report &todaysdate. &time..xlsx"
is there a macro to do that?

The SAS function FCOPY will be helpful.
Copying binary files requires a fileref be created with options such as RECFM=N and LRECL=<filesize>
Create a sample Excel file and copy it 6 times to target files having an index prefix in their filenames.
* Create sample Excel file for copying;
ods noresults;
ods excel file='c:\temp\prices.xlsx';
proc print data=sashelp.stocks;
ods excel close;
ods results;
* Copy a source file 6 times to a target file with an index number prefix name pattern;
data _null_;
length source_ref target_ref $8;
* determine name part from full pathname;
source_file = 'c:\temp\prices.xlsx';
source_name = scan(source_file,-1,'\');
* determine source file size for efficient options;
* NOTE: FCOPY only works on files < 1G in size;
rc = filename(source_ref, source_file);
fid = fopen(source_ref);
bytes = finfo(fid,'File size (bytes)');
fid = fclose(fid);
rc = filename(source_ref);
options = 'recfm=n lrecl='||trim(bytes);
* prepare SOURCE fileref;
source_ref = '';
rc = filename(source_ref, source_file, 'DISK', options);
* duplicate in same folder (via transtrn);
do index = 1 to 6;
* compute target file name and corresponding full path;
target_name = cats(index,"_",source_name);
target_file = transtrn(source_file, trim(source_name), target_name);
* create temporary TARGETR fileref (due to ref value passed in being blank);
target_ref = '';
if 0 = filename (target_ref, target_file, 'DISK', options) then do;
rc = fcopy ('source', target_ref);
rc = filename(target_ref); * clear TARGET fileref;

i tried doing this, but do not work:
%let todaysDate = %sysfunc(today(), yymmdd10.); %put &todaysDate;
data _null_; ftime = intnx('hour',time(),0,'b'); cftime =
compress(put(ftime,hhmm.),":"); call symputx("ftime",cftime); run;
%put &=ftime.;
%let path = F:\A;
%let file = COVID-19 Report &todaysdate. &ftime.;
filename source "&path.\&file.";
data _null_; length target_ref $8;
do index = 1 to 6;
target_file = cats("&path.",index,"_&file.");
target_ref = '';
* create temporary fileref (due to initial ref value being blank);
if 0 = filename (target_ref, target_file) then do;
rc = fcopy ('source', target_ref);
rc = filename(target_ref);
end; end; stop; run;


SAS script works in windowing environment but fails in Linux

The code works very good, and creates the data, but in Linux it says the the data has 0 observations.
It has to search in library the files with specific name (and date in name).
%let fname=name.starts.with;
data fnames;
fref $8
fname $200
datestr $17
format fdate yymmdd10.;
rc = filename(fref,"&path.");
did = dopen(fref);
if did ne 0
then do;
do i = 1 to dnum(did);
fname = dread(did,i);
if index(fname,"&fname.")
then do;
datestr = scan(scan(fname,-2,"."),-1,"_");
date = input(substr(datestr,1,8),yymmdd8.);
fdate = substr(datestr,1,8);
rc = dclose(did);
rc = filename(fref);
keep fname fdate;
proc sort data=fnames;
by descending fdate;
data _null_;
set fnames (obs=1);
call symputx("fdate",fdate,"g");
How can I run the code in Linux? Why is it not read the data correctly?
Thank you.

Cplex-Reading Data From Excel File

I have a problem where i can't load my data from EXCEL file. Here is my code,
in mod file
int i = ...;
range values = 1..i;
int storage[values] = ...;
in dat file
SheetConnection store("DataSet-5.xlsx");
storage from SheetRead(store,"'Sheet1'!B2:B201"); ##Sheet1 is the sheet name where the data is located.
i = 201;
File is in the same location as my project. But it gives Internal Error.

matlab automatically save excel file using activex interface

I have a code in matlab. After I have run my program, a file 'example2.xlsx' was created.
Now I have the code below and I want matlab to replace the current 'example2.xlsx' by the new 'example2.xlsx' (saving automatically without asking me if I want to replace it):
e = actxserver ('Excel.Application'); % # open Activex server
filename = fullfile(pwd,'example2.xlsx'); % # full path required
ewb = e.Workbooks.Open(filename); % # open the file
esh = ewb.ActiveSheet;
str = num2str(num_rows+1);
esh.Range(strcat('J',str)).Interior.Color = clr;
sheet1 = e.Worksheets.get('Item', 'Sheet1');
range1 = get(sheet1,'Range', strcat('A',str),strcat('I',str));
range1.Value = values{num_rows+1};
[num, txt, raw] = xlsread('example2.xlsx');
num_rows = length(num(:,1));
xlWorkbookDefault = 51; % # it's the Excel constant, not sure how to pass it other way
ewb.SaveAs(fullfile(pwd,'example2'), xlWorkbookDefault)
You can set the DisplayAlerts property of the Excel application object to false to stop these dialogs from appearing.
The following is a simplified version of your code:
e = actxserver ('Excel.Application'); % # open Activex server
filename = fullfile(pwd,'example2.xlsx'); % # full path required
ewb = e.Workbooks.Open(filename); % # open the file
esh = ewb.ActiveSheet;
sheet1 = e.Worksheets.get('Item', 'Sheet1');
range1 = get(sheet1,'Range', 'A1');
range1.Value = 3;
set(e, 'DisplayAlerts', 0); % # Stop dialog!
xlWorkbookDefault = 51; % # it's the Excel constant, not sure how to pass it other way
ewb.SaveAs(fullfile(pwd,'example2'), xlWorkbookDefault)

Matlab: strange file was created when I color cell in excel

this code has to color the J1 cell by a given rgb.
row_number_excel = 1;
representative_red = 205;
representative_green = 211;
representative_blue = 201;
headers = {'J'};
rgb = [representative_red representative_green representative_blue]; %# if you have 0 to 1 values multiply by 255 and round
clr = rgb * [1 256 256^2]'; %# convert to long number Excel understands
pwd = 'D:\grapes\main';
e = actxserver ('Excel.Application'); % open Activex server
filename = fullfile(pwd,'example.xls'); %# full path required
if exist(filename,'file')
ewb = e.Workbooks.Open(filename); %# open the file
error('File does not exist.') %# or create a new file
esh = ewb.ActiveSheet;
for c = 1:row_number_excel
str = num2str(row_number_excel);
esh.Range(strcat(headers{1},str)).Interior.Color = clr;
I tried to run this code, but the cell was colored by a different color than the given rgb. When I ran the code in the second time, a file was created in my directory, named: "2E60F720". its type is 'file'. Then the program ran and ran and wasn't stopped till I stopped 'EXCEL.EXE' by the task manager. After that the matlab wrote me this:
"??? Error: The remote procedure call failed.
Error in ==> test1 at 212 ewb.
can someone help me please?
I captured the screen. in the left side, the program is still running, in the right side, this is my directory. I marked the file that was created.
the solution that solved my question is:
row_number_excel = 1;
representative_red = 205;
representative_green = 211;
representative_blue = 201;
headers = {'J'};
rgb = [representative_red representative_green representative_blue]; %# if you have 0 to 1 values multiply by 255 and round
clr = rgb * [1 256 256^2]'; %# convert to long number Excel understands
pwd = 'D:\grapes\main';
e = actxserver ('Excel.Application'); % open Activex server
filename = fullfile(pwd,'example.xls'); %# full path required
if exist(filename,'file')
ewb = e.Workbooks.Open(filename); %# open the file
error('File does not exist.') %# or create a new file
esh = ewb.ActiveSheet;
for c = 1:row_number_excel
str = num2str(row_number_excel);
esh.Range(strcat(headers{1},str)).Interior.Color = clr;
xlWorkbookDefault = 51; %# it's the Excel constant, not sure how to pass it other way
ewb.SaveAs(fullfile(pwd,'example2'), xlWorkbookDefault)
thanks to #yuk!
The trouble line is saving the file with ewb.Save.
Your file is actually in the old format (excel 2003), not sure if it's support true RGB colors, it might be the reason.
I'd recommend to save the file with a new name and the latest format. Put this as the last lines:
xlWorkbookDefault = 51; %# it's the Excel constant, not sure how to pass it other way
ewb.SaveAs(fullfile(pwd,'example2'), xlWorkbookDefault)

Matlab number of cols in excel file

is there a command of Matlab to get the number of the written cols in excel file?
this is my excel file:
this is my code:
e = actxserver ('Excel.Application'); %# open Activex server
filename = fullfile(pwd,'example2.xlsx'); %# full path required
ewb = e.Workbooks.Open(filename); %# open the file
esh = ewb.ActiveSheet;
And I tried:
intCol = Range('IV1').End(xlLeft).Col;
thank you :]
What about:
[num, txt, raw] = xlsread('example2.xlsx');
intCol = size(raw, 2);
