Apache spark custom log unfiltered data (LazyLogging) - apache-spark

I'm filtering a column to comply with some validations and I can filter using Spark built-in functions,
but I need to log the invalid data with a proper message (I am using LazyLogging), is there any way I can do it without using a custom UDF, so I can keep Spark optimization?
for example filtering names that are shorter then 20 characters:
df.filter(length($"name") <= lit(20))
in this scenario how can I log the names that are more than 20 characters without custom UDF?

In case the result of the filter operation is not too large that it does not fit into your driver, you can collect the result and print it out to your default Logger.
val logCollection = df.filter(length($"name") > lit(20)).collectAsList
As an alternative you can create a separate stream by applying another writeStream format to write the names into a database, console etc. Just keep in mind that when you do this, you will actually create multiple streaming queries within your SparkSession which are consuming the data independently:
val originalDf = df.[...]
val logDf = df.filter(length($"name") > lit(20))
val originalQuery = originalDf.writeStream.[...].start() // keep logic as is
val logQuery = logDf.writeStream.format("console").[...].start()


structured streaming writing to multiple streams

my Scenario
Gets data from a stream and call a UDF which return a json string. one of the attribute in JSON string is UniqueId, which UDF is generating as guid.newGuid() (C#).
DataFrame output of UDF is written to multiple streams/sinks based on some fiter.
each sink is getting a new value for the UniqueId which was generated by UDF. How can i maintain the same UniqueId for all sinks.
If each sink is getting different values for UniqueId, does that mean my UDF is getting called multiple times for each sink?
If UDF is getting invoked twice, what is the option to get it called once and then just write same data to different sinks
inData = spark.readstream().format("eventhub")
udfdata = indata.select(from_json(myudf("column"), schema)).as("result").select(result.*)
filter1 = udfdata.filter("column =='filter1'")
filter 2 = udfdata.filter("column =='filter2'")
# write filter1 to two differnt sinks
# write filter2 to two differnt sinks
Each time you call .writestream()....start() you are creating a new independent streaming query.
This means that for each output sink you define Spark will read again from the input source and process the dataframe.
If you want to read and process only one time and then output to multiple sink you can use foreachBatch sink as a workaround:
inData = spark.readstream().format("eventhub")
udfdata = indata.select(from_json(myudf("column"), schema)).as("result").select(result.*)
def filter_and_output(udfdata, batchId):
# At this point udfdata is a batch dataframe, no more a streaming dataframe
filter1 = udfdata.filter("column =='filter1'")
filter2 = udfdata.filter("column =='filter2'")
# write filter1
# write filter2
You can learn more about foreachBatch in the Spark Structured Streaming documentation.
To answer your questions
If you use foreachBatch your data will be processed only once and you will have the same UniqueId for all sinks
Using foreachBatch will solve the issue

Spark infer schema with limit during a read.csv

I'd like to infer a Spark.DataFrame schema from a directory of CSV files using a small subset of the rows (say limit(100)).
However, setting inferSchema to True means that the Input Size / Records for the FileScanRDD seems to always be equal to the number of rows in all the CSV files.
Is there a way to make the FileScan more selective, such that Spark looks at fewer rows when inferring a schema?
Note: setting the samplingRatio option to be < 1.0 does not have the desired behaviour, though it is clear that inferSchema uses only the sampled subset of rows.
You could read a subset of your input data into a dataSet of String.
The CSV method allows you to pass this as a parameter.
Here is a simple example (I'll leave reading the sample of rows from the input file to you):
val data = List("1,2,hello", "2,3,what's up?")
val csvRDD = sc.parallelize(data)
val df = spark.read.option("inferSchema","true").csv(csvRDD.toDS)
When run in spark-shell, the final line from the above prints (I reformatted it for readability):
res4: org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType =
Which is the correct Schema for my limited input data set.
Assuming you are only interested in the schema, here is a possible approach based on cipri.l's post in this link
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.csv.{CSVOptions, TextInputCSVDataSource}
def inferSchemaFromSample(sparkSession: SparkSession, fileLocation: String, sampleSize: Int, isFirstRowHeader: Boolean): StructType = {
// Build a Dataset composed of the first sampleSize lines from the input files as plain text strings
val dataSample: Array[String] = sparkSession.read.textFile(fileLocation).head(sampleSize)
import sparkSession.implicits._
val sampleDS: Dataset[String] = sparkSession.createDataset(dataSample)
// Provide information about the CSV files' structure
val firstLine = dataSample.head
val extraOptions = Map("inferSchema" -> "true", "header" -> isFirstRowHeader.toString)
val csvOptions: CSVOptions = new CSVOptions(extraOptions, sparkSession.sessionState.conf.sessionLocalTimeZone)
// Infer the CSV schema based on the sample data
val schema = TextInputCSVDataSource.inferFromDataset(sparkSession, sampleDS, Some(firstLine), csvOptions)
Unlike GMc's answer from above, this approach tries to directly infer the schema the same way the DataFrameReader.csv() does in the background (but without going through the effort of building an additional Dataset with that schema, that we would then only use to retrieve the schema back from it)
The schema is inferred based on a Dataset[String] containing only the first sampleSize lines from the input files as plain text strings.
When trying to retrieve samples from data, Spark has only 2 types of methods:
Methods that retrieve a given percentage of the data. This operation takes random samples from all partitions. It benefits from higher parallelism, but it must read all the input files.
Methods that retrieve a specific number of rows. This operation must collect the data on the driver, but it could read a single partition (if the required row count is low enough)
Since you mentioned you want to use a specific small number of rows and since you want to avoid touching all the data, I provided a solution based on option 2
PS: The DataFrameReader.textFile method accepts paths to files, folders and it also has a varargs variant, so you could pass in one or more files or folders.

How to collect a streaming dataset (to a Scala value)?

How can I store a dataframe value to a scala variable ?
I need to store values from the below dataframe (assuming column "timestamp" producing same values) to a variable and later I need to use this variable somewhere
i have tried following
val spark =SparkSession.builder().appName("micro").
enableHiveSupport().config("hive.exec.dynamic.partition", "true").
config("hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode", "nonstrict").
config("spark.sql.streaming.checkpointLocation", "hdfs://dff/apps/hive/warehouse/area.db").
val xmlSchema = new StructType().add("id", "string").add("time_xml", "string")
val xmlData = spark.readStream.option("sep", ",").schema(xmlSchema).csv("file:///home/shp/sourcexml")
val xmlDf_temp = xmlData.select($"id",unix_timestamp($"time_xml", "dd/mm/yyyy HH:mm:ss").cast(TimestampType).as("timestamp"))
val collect_time = xmlDf_temp.select($"timestamp").as[String].collect()(0)
its thorwing error saying following:
org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Queries with streaming sources must be executed with writeStream.start()
Is there any way i can store some dataframe values to a variable and use later?
is there any way i can store some dataframe values to a variable and use later ?
That's not possible in Spark Structured Streaming since a streaming query never ends and so it is not possible to express collect.
and later I need to use this variable somewhere
This "later" has to be another streaming query that you could join together and produce a result.

Convert a Spark SQL batch source to structured streaming sink

Trying to convert an org.apache.spark.sql.sources.CreatableRelationProvider into a org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.Sink by simply implementing addBatch(...) which calls the createRelation(...) but there is a df.rdd in the createRelation(...), which causes the following error:
Was trying to look into howorg.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.FileStreamSink which also needs to get Rdd from dataframe in the streaming job, it seems to play the trick of using df.queryExecution.executedPlan.execute() to generate the RDD instead of calling .rdd.
However things does not seems to be that simple:
It seems the output ordering might need to be taken care of - https://github.com/apache/spark/blob/branch-2.3/sql/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/execution/datasources/FileFormatWriter.scala#L159
Might be some eager execution concerns? (not sure)
More details of the issue I am running into can be found here
Wondering what would be the idiomatic way to do this conversion?
Dataset.rdd() creates a new plan that just breaks the incremental planing. Because StreamExecution uses the existing plan to collect metrics and update watermark, we should never create a new plan. Otherwise, metrics and watermark are updated in the new plan, and StreamExecution cannot retrieval them.
Here is an example of the code in Scala to convert column values in Structured Streaming:
val convertedRows: RDD[Row] = df.queryExecution.toRdd.mapPartitions { iter: Iterator[InternalRow] =>
iter.map { row =>
val convertedValues: Array[Any] = new Array(conversionFunctions.length)
var i = 0
while (i < conversionFunctions.length) {
convertedValues(i) = conversionFunctions(i)(row, i)
i += 1

Partitioning by multiple columns in Spark SQL

With Spark SQL's window functions, I need to partition by multiple columns to run my data queries, as follows:
val w = Window.partitionBy($"a").partitionBy($"b").rangeBetween(-100, 0)
I currently do not have a test environment (working on settings this up), but as a quick question, is this currently supported as a part of Spark SQL's window functions, or will this not work?
This won't work. The second partitionBy will overwrite the first one. Both partition columns have to be specified in the same call:
val w = Window.partitionBy($"a", $"b").rangeBetween(-100, 0)
if you are using the columns at multiple places where you are doing partitionBy then you could assign that to a variable in form of list and then use that list directly as a argument value for the partitionBy in the code.
val partitioncolumns = List("a","b")
val w = Window.partitionBy(partitioncolumns:_*).rangeBetween(-100, 0)
By using :_* at the end of the list variable it convert that to varargs and that is the argument type that partitionBy takes. So your code would work the way you want.
