Can we access different Azure AD directories with single Azure AD App - azure

I am currently using Azure AD app (Client Id and Client Secret) of one directory to get users details and Azure resources of the attached subscription though MS Graph and Azure Management API. Now i have added one more directory and subscription under my management group . I want to know if i created a multi tenant Azure AD app through App registration , can i access the users of other directory ? If yes what configurations are required ?

If you want to use a single Azure ad application to access different Azure AD directories, then you must configure the application as a multi-tenant application. Because changing the application to a multi-tenant application allows any tenant log in.
Next, you need to request the consent of the administrators of other Azure AD tenants. After the administrator consent, it will be added to other organization tenants as an enterprise application in. In addition, different tenants need to use different access tokens.


AAD B2C creates a new tenant. I don't get it

I want to deploy an application on Azure. I want users to be able to authenticate in my app without a Microsoft account. This guided me to use the AAD-B2C service. I followed the tutorial shown here: expecting that this will create a new AAD-B2C Directory in my existing Directory and tenant. I had in my mind something like the following tree:
Subscription: Pay-As-You-Go
Directory: Default
Resource Group: Default-EU
Tenants: Default, Application
User Pools: Default(Internal Users), Application(External Users)
I'm not sure I understand how this works and I'm very confused. Is it possible to use external sign-ins from users that don't have a Microsoft account without creating 2 tenants and 2 directories under my subscription?
When you create a B2C tenant, there are two completely different entities that get created - B2C Tenant Resource and B2C Tenant/Directory itself.
The B2C Tenant Resource gets created in the subscription linked to your standard Azure AD tenant (Default Directory e.g., you used to create the B2C tenant from. This resource is primarily used to change your Azure AD B2C tenant's pricing tier.
A separate tenant for your B2C directory gets created (e.g. This is an independent tenant/directory than your Default Directory and is not stored in the default tenant.
The way subscription is linked to standard Azure AD tenant is different than the B2C tenant. A subscription in B2C is required for Support, Billing, Custom Policies, and using the Identity Experience Framework. You cannot create resources for Static Web App or Function App, or Cosmos DB in the B2C tenant and you will have to use your Default Directory for this purpose.
Azure AD B2C is different from Azure AD. So, when you create Azure AD B2C, it creates another tenant
You need to create Azure AD B2C Tenant in the same subscription in which your application is deployed
Create an App Registration in your Azure AD B2C Tenant
Go to your web application and select Authentication. You can add your app registration details in the identity provider
Reference: Azure App Service Authentication (Ez Auth) with Azure AD B2C - DEV Community

Connect App in Azure with Azure AD in a different tenant

We have a static website in Storage account with BE in Function App.
We would like to use Azure AD for authentication.
When I register app, I can see 2 options:
Who can use this application or access this API?
Accounts in this organizational directory only (Single tenant)
Accounts in any organizational directory (Any Azure AD directory - Multitenant)
Issue is that Azure AD we would like to authenticate against is in different tenant.
So we want something in between Any Azure AD and THIS Azure AD.
Is there a way to achieve that?
Register the app in the different tenant directly with the Single tenant option.
The fact that the app is hosted in a subscription linked to another tenant does not matter.
You'll need someone who has a user account in the other tenant to register the app in that tenant or they need to give your user access there.
You can switch the tenant that you are looking at in Azure portal from the top-right.
Click your username -> Switch directory -> Select the tenant from the list.

Azure AD authentication without app registration

I want to access Azure Directories and Subscriptions using my web app hosted on my server but i do not want to register my app in active directory because
i do not have permissions to register my app in active directory
I want to authenticate users from out of my active directory too.
for example following sites let you authenticate any Azure AD user.
Please help me to where to start. i have tried Azure AD authentication but it asks you to register your app in Azure AD Apps.
One option is to register your app at (And use the v2 endpoints)
Documentation here:
What you want to make is known as a multi-tenant application. An application to which you can login from any Azure AD tenant.
The first link leads you to create a converged app which allows you to use Microsoft accounts as well as Azure AD accounts to sign in.
If you only want Azure AD accounts, you could just create an Azure AD and register the app there as a multi-tenant app. (And use the v1 endpoints)

Authorization of web app to Azure AD role or group

Do we need Azure Active directory premium to do Role-based or Group based Authorization ?
I ask this question because my Azure portal is not giving me "Users" tab as mentioned in this link.
Group-based access is a Basic/Premium feature as defined here.
Using Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) with an Azure AD Premium or Azure AD Basic license, you can use groups to assign access to a SaaS application that's integrated with Azure AD.
You can only assign individual users to apps after you enable User assignment required to access app. But the Users tab should definitely be available though.

Azure AD application - Can it be part of a Security Group?

I am creating a rest API which I am securing using OAuth2 client-credentials flow in Azure Active Directory. This requires me to set up the clients who should get access to my API as applications in Azure AD.
I would really like to take the AD thing a step further and have SQL Database access using AD Security Groups.
The question is; can I add an AD application to a security group and get Azure Active Directory login to work?
