It is not giving userid in url when i visit this route - node.js

router.get("/dashboard/profile/:userid", auth, async (req, res) => {
try {
const userid =;
// request.user is getting fetched from Middleware after token authentication
const user = await User.findById(userid);
} catch (e) {
res.send({ message: "Error in Fetching user" });
module.exports = router
this is my get route i tried to get from user but it is not working

replace this
const userid =
const userid = req.params.userid

userid is a single key. But you separated with . so use
const userid = req.params.userid;
instead of
const userid =;
its not working only getting localhost:3000/dashboard/profile ?
You are missing the userid value on your path.
Please check it there is three segment.
1 2 3
But your path are (problem)
1 2
please don't consider the host name and port. calculate after /
1 2 3(//add your userid here)


How to make a GET Request for a unique register with AXIOS and NodeJS/Express

I'm trying to make GET request to external API (Rick and Morty API). The objective is setting a GET request for unique character, for example "Character with id=3". At the moment my endpoint is:
Routes file:
import CharacterController from '../controllers/character_controller'
const routes = app.Router()
routes.get('/:id', new CharacterController().get)
export default routes
Controller file:
async get (req, res) {
try {
const { id } = req.params
const oneChar = await axios.get(`${id}`)
const filteredOneChar = => {
return {
status: item.status,
species: item.species,
return super.Success(res, { message: 'Successfully GET Char request response', data: filteredOneChar })
} catch (err) {
The purpose of map function is to retrieve only specific Character data fields.
But the code above doesn't work. Please let me know any suggestions, thanks!
First of all I don't know why your controller is a class. Revert that and export your function like so:
const axios = require('axios');
// getCharacter is more descriptive than "get" I would suggest naming
// your functions with more descriptive text
exports.getCharacter = async (req, res) => {
Then in your routes file you can easily import it and attach it to your route handler:
const { getCharacter } = require('../controllers/character_controller');
index.get('/:id', getCharacter);
Your routes imports also seem off, why are you creating a new Router from app? You should be calling:
const express = require('express');
const routes = express.Router();
next go back to your controller. Your logic was all off, if you checked the api you would notice that the character/:id endpoint responds with 1 character so .results doesnt exist. The following will give you what you're looking for.
exports.getCharacter = async (req, res) => {
try {
const { id } = req.params;
const oneChar = await axios.get(
// return name, status, species, and origin keys from oneChar
const { name, status, species, origin } =;
const filteredData = Object.assign({}, { name, status, species, origin });
} catch (err) {
return res.status(400).json({ message: err.message });

Find one user on moongose

I have the following problem to solve: I have multiple users in a database (mongoDB). Pass the following, in a specific url, for example: "my-page/users/here-goes-the-name-of-the-user". When displaying the username in the url, I convert it to lowercase and replace the spaces with hyphens: Husdady Mena ===> /husdady-mena.
In the database, the user names are as shown before converting the name to lowercase, eg: Husdady Mena, Donald Trump, Will Smith, etc.
I need to somehow filter a user, which is in the url as /husdady-mena with the database user: Husdady Mena, in order to obtain his information, how could that filter be done in mongoose?
A clear example with js:
const users = [{ name: 'Husdady Mena' }, {name:'Donald Trump'}, {name:'Will Smith'}, {name:'Dubá Solis'}]
const username = "dubá-solis"
const url = `${username}`
const userToFilter = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf("/") + 1)
const userFound = users.find(({ name }) => {
const usernameToLowerCase = name.toLowerCase().replace(/\s/gim, "-")
return userToFilter === usernameToLowerCase
If the example is not clear to you: I make a request from the frontend to the backend to obtain a specific user, I need to obtain the user by name, it is not necessary to obtain it by id. In the url something like: my-page/users/dubá-solis is painted, I get the name of the user, which is: dubá-solis. in the backend is something like:
// Librarys
const { Router } = require('express')
const router = Router()
// Models
const User = require('#models/users/User')
function(req, res) {
try {
// req.params.username === "dubá-solis"
const userFound = await User.findOne({ name: req.params.username })
// In database, the username is Dubá Solis, that's why it returns me null
return res.status(200).json(userFound)
} catch(err) {
console.log('[UserFound.err]', err)
module.exports = router
Why not just convert the username and pass that to the query function? Something like:
const convertUsername = username => {
const nameParts = username.split('-');
return => n.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase() + n.slice(1))
.join(' ');
Then, just do User.findOne({ name: convertUsername(req.params.username) })

Pass variable into collection(collectionName).doc(docName)

I am creating a cloud firestore function. The last step I need for now is using the userId to retrieve a document.
Here I get the userId
const userId =; <<< THIS WORKS
console.log('A new transaction has been added');
Here I want insert the value from userId to retrieve the correct document.
const deviceDoc = db.collection('device').doc(**userId**); <<< THIS IS THE PROBLEM
const deviceData = await deviceDoc.get();
const deviceToken =;
I don't know how to use the variable, userId, to insert the value into the .doc(userId) to get the data.
If userId = 12345 I want the line to look like this:
const deviceDoc = db.collection('device').doc('12345');
I have tried .doc('userId'), .doc('${userId}'), as well as other things. None of these work.
How do I do this?
As Puf has responded, you can simply use doc(userId). The rest of your code looks fine, so maybe the document you are getting doesn't exist. Try the following:
const deviceRef = db.collection('device').doc(userId);
// you can shorten this to >> const deviceRef = db.doc(`device/${userId}`);
try {
const deviceDoc = await deviceRef.get();
if (!deviceDoc.exists) {
console.log(`The document for user ${userID} does not exist`);
} else {
const {token} =;
console.log('The token is:', token);
catch (err) {

how to save an user profile picture in nodejs (upload an image in mongodb with nodejs)

I'm building a Nodejs application with a user profile update. All user information updates perfectly except for the image. I am not able to save the image neither locally nor in the database. Could someone help me solve this?
This is my code
For the controller
const {createUser, getUserPerUsername, searchUsersPerUsername, addUserIdToCurrentUserFollowing,
removeUserIdToCurrentUserFollowing, findUserPerId, updateUser, deleteUser} = require('../queries/users.queries')
const request = require('request')
const directoryUploads = require('../path').directoryUploads
const path = require('path')
const fs = require('fs')
const upload = require('../Middleware/upload')
exports.userUpdate = async (req, res, next ) => {
const userId = req.params.userId
const user = await findUserPerId(userId)
const body = req.body
try {
if(user) {
let picture = req.files['picture'] ? req.files['picture'][0].filename : null
console.log("Picture : " +picture)
const user = await findUserPerId(userId)
console.log("User Old : " + user)
if (userOld.picture) {
if (picture) {
const pathImagePreview = path.join(directoryUploads, 'uploads/') + user.picture
fs.exists(pathImagePreview, exists => {
if (exists)
} else {
picture = user.picture
const userUptd = await updateUser(userId, {
firstname: body.firstname,
lastname: body.lastname,
phones: body.phones,
picture: body.picture
console.log("Image uploaded successfully !!")
req.flash('success', [`User ${userUptd.username} updated!`])
} else {
throw new Error('Please make sure to fill in the fields correctly!')
} catch (error) {
req.flash('errors', [error.message])
req.flash('body', body)
here picture refers to the name of the input type="file".
The error returned is "Cannot read property 'picture ' of undefined". I think that it's probably linked to the file retrieving
i think you have an undeclared variable :
userOld is undefined right ?
also this line is never used so i'm not sure if you really handled the upload :
const upload = require('../Middleware/upload')
do you use multer ?

Express Rest Api: question about routing?

I have a Rest API where a user can create a list and then put list items in it (for a quiz). My schema structure is this:
const verbListSchema = {
title: String,
verbs: [{verb: String}]
Here are the url endpoints I have so far:
/lists/ (gets back all the lists)
/lists/verbs (gets all the verbs from all the lists)
My question is - I want to get, post, patch and delete a specific list using its id, like /lists?list_id=123/verbs or /lists/123/verbs and then one step further to get individual verbs I want to do something like /lists/123/verbs/124 or /lists?list_id=123/verbs?verb_id=124 the last doesn't work because it counts the last endpoint as a query param.
In terms of best practice what's the best way to do this. I could do something like this (I use express.js)?
app.[request-type]("/lists") {...}
app.[request-type]("/lists/:list_id") {...}
app.[request-type]("/lists/:list_id/verbs") {...}
app.[request-type]("/lists/:list_id/verbs/:verb_id") {...}
and then if I want to retrieve all the lists, not just a specific one I can check if the list_id is "all" like, /lists/all/verbs?
And here is my code so far:
const express = require("express");
const verbRouter = require("./verbRoutes");
const router = express.Router();
const VerbList = require("../../verb-list-db");
const isOriginal = async (req,res,next) => {
const listExists = await VerbList.find({title: req.body.listTitle})
if (listExists.length > 0 ) return res.status(400).json({message: "list already exists"});
.get(async (req,res,next) => {
try {
const listId = req.query.list_id;
if (listId) return res.json(await VerbList.find({_id: listId}));
const lists = await VerbList.find({});
} catch(err) {next(err)}
.post(isOriginal, async (req,res,next) => {
const newList = new VerbList({ // creates a new list
title: req.body.listTitle
.then(() => {return res.send("list successfully added!")})
.catch(err => next(err));
.patch(isOriginal, async (req,res,next) => {
try {
const listId = req.query.list_id;
if (!listId) throw new Error("you must have a list_id to patch!")
res.json(await VerbList.updateOne({_id: req.query.list_id}, {title: req.body.listTitle}))
} catch(err) {next(err)}
.delete(async (req,res,next) => {
try {
const listId = req.query.list_id;
if (!listId) throw new Error("you must have a list_id to delete!");
res.json(await VerbList.deleteOne({_id: req.query.list_id}))
} catch(err) {next(err)}
Any suggestions would be appreciated :)
You can try to modularize your express code by separating your /lists routes from your main server.js (or index.js) file.
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
//Now lets route all the API requests that start with '/list' to a file called lists.js
app.use('/lists', require('/path/to/lists.js')
app.listen(3000, () => console.log(`\nServer started on port 3000`))
const express = require('express');
const router = express.Router();
// now you know all the requests in this file would be for /list so lets implement a router for fetching all the lists
router.get('/', async(req, res) => {
*** add all your logic for /lists endpoints here**
res.status(200).json(lists_json_response); //send a response back to your client
//you can create as many endpoints as you want in this file for endpoints that start with '/lists'
router.[request-method]("/lists/:list_id") {...} // endpoint for requesting a specific list
router.[request-method]("/:list_id/verbs") {...} //endpoint for requesting all the verbs for a specific list
router.[request-method]("/lists/all/verbs") {...} // all the verbs in all the lists
module.exports = router;
Also you cant put query parameters in the middle of an endpoint. if it is going to be a variable that you need and its not in the end of the URL, you have to pass it as a param, e.g.:
instead of doing /lists?list_id=123/verbs?verb_id=124, you can do something like /lists/123/verbs/124 to look for the verb with id 124 in a list with id 123.
so to listen to a request to this endpoint, you can design another endpoint in your lists.js file like this:
router[request-method].('/:list_id/verb/:verb_id', async(req, res)=> {
var list_id = req.params.list_id
var verb_id = req.params.verb_id
now use the list_id and verb_id to query the requested data and send a response back to the client
