How to create a ring network in NEST? - python-3.x

I am trying to develop a simple code in NEST: a network constituted by 10 identical neurons connected between them in order to form a loop. I would like to use arrays to develop this code, but I obtained error messages related to mismatch of argument type. Below I copy my code:
# First example of a net made by 10 exicitatory neurons
# modeled by IAF models, which are connected in a loop
# and each neuron receives a synaptic current of double
# exponential type with rise and decay times respectively
# of 0.5 s. and 3 s.
# Import the necessary modules
import pylab
import nest
import nest.raster_plot
import nest.voltage_trace
import numpy as np
# Create the NODES
{"C_m": 10.0,
"tau_m": 15.58,
"t_ref": 2.0,
"E_L": -65.0,
"V_th": -40.0,
"V_reset": -65.0})
neurons = nest.Create("iaf_psc_alpha",10)
exc = 0.5
ini = 3.0
Istim = 0.0
Istim1 = 20.0
nest.SetStatus(neurons[:1], {"tau_syn_ex": exc, "tau_syn_in": ini, "I_e": Istim1})
nest.SetStatus(neurons[1:], {"tau_syn_ex": exc, "tau_syn_in": ini, "I_e": Istim})
voltmeter1 = nest.Create("voltmeter")
nest.Connect(voltmeter1, neurons[1])
voltmeter2 = nest.Create("voltmeter")
nest.Connect(voltmeter2, neurons[2])
voltmeter3 = nest.Create("voltmeter")
nest.Connect(voltmeter3, neurons[3])
spikes = nest.Create('spike_detector')
weight = 200.0
delay = 1.0
for i in range(1,9,1):
nest.Connect(neurons[i], neurons[i+1], syn_spec={'weight': weight, 'delay': delay})
nest.Connect(neurons[10], neurons[1], syn_spec={'weight': weight, 'delay': delay})
nest.Connect(neurons, spikes)
nest.raster_plot.from_device(spikes, hist=True)

In Python arrays are indexed from zero, so the ten neurons created are neurons[0] to neurons[9]. To close the ring you need to connect the last neuron neurons[9] to the first neurons[0]. The neurons[10] does not exist.
Note also, that you close the ring 9 times, since the second Connect() call is also indented and thereby is inside the for loop.
If you use another Python feature, that negative indices are counted from the back, then your loop becomes very simple. Try something like this:
for i in range(10):
print(f"connect {(i-1)%10} -> {i}")
nest.Connect([neurons[i-1]], [neurons[i]], syn_spec={'weight': weight, 'delay': delay})
(You can of course omit the print() call. I just added it to show what happens.)
As you see this closes your ring automatically and you do not need the extra Connect() call. In Python lists and numpy arrays the convention is that neurons[-1] is the last element of the array, neurons[-2] is the one before the last, etc. Nice effect is that you see the 10 everywhere and it's easy to replace with a variable for the number of neurons. Also there is need anymore for making the range() so complex.
Additional note: For long rings it may be much faster to do array slicing:
nest.Connect(neurons[:-1], neurons[1:], syn_spec={'weight': weight, 'delay': delay})
nest.Connect([neurons[-1]], [neurons[0]], syn_spec={'weight': weight, 'delay': delay})
In this variant you need only two connect calls (without the Python for loop!), so most of the connections can be generated by the NEST kernel without returning control to Python after each synapse. Generally the fewer calls the better the kernel can make use of parallelization.


How to use Keras Conv2D layers with OpenAI gym?

Using OpenAI's gym environment, I've created my own environment in which the observation space of box type, and the shape is (21,21,1).
The intention is to use a keras Conv2D layer as the model's input. Ideally, the shape going into this model would be (None,21,21,1), with None representing the batch size. Kera's documentation is here:
The issue I'm having is that an extra dimension is being required while checking the shaping. Because of this, the shape it expects is (None,1,21,21,1). This is prohibiting me from using MaxPooling layers in the model. After investigating the keras RL library, this is due to two functions that are adding this dimensionality.
The first function is found in, where a current observation is put into a list and returned as such. Here:
def get_recent_state(self, current_observation):
"""Return list of last observations
# Argument
current_observation (object): Last observation
# Returns
A list of the last observations
# This code is slightly complicated by the fact that subsequent observations might be
# from different episodes. We ensure that an experience never spans multiple episodes.
# This is probably not that important in practice but it seems cleaner.
state = [current_observation]
idx = len(self.recent_observations) - 1
for offset in range(0, self.window_length - 1):
current_idx = idx - offset
current_terminal = self.recent_terminals[current_idx - 1] if current_idx - 1 >= 0 else False
if current_idx < 0 or (not self.ignore_episode_boundaries and current_terminal):
# The previously handled observation was terminal, don't add the current one.
# Otherwise we would leak into a different episode.
state.insert(0, self.recent_observations[current_idx])
while len(state) < self.window_length:
state.insert(0, zeroed_observation(state[0]))
return state
The second function is called just after and computes the Q values based on the recent observation. It creates a list of the state when passing onto "compute_batch_q_values".
def compute_q_values(self, state):
q_values = self.compute_batch_q_values([state]).flatten()
assert q_values.shape == (self.nb_actions,)
return q_values
I understand that one extra dimension should be added to represent the batch size, but is it twice? Can anyone explain why this is or how to use Conv2d layers with OpenAI gym?

How to read specific keypoints in COCOEval

I need to calculate the mean average precision (mAP) of specific keypoints (and not for all keypoints, as it done by default).
Here's my code :
from pycocotools.coco import COCO
from pycocotools.cocoeval import COCOeval
cocoGt = COCO('annotations/person_keypoints_val2017.json') # initialize COCO ground truth api
cocoDt = cocoGt.loadRes('detections/results.json') # initialize COCO pred api
cat_ids = cocoGt.getCatIds(catNms=['person'])
imgIds = cocoGt.getImgIds(catIds=cat_ids)
cocoEval = COCOeval(cocoGt, cocoDt, 'keypoints')
cocoEval.params.imgIds = imgIds
This code prints the mAP for all keypoints ['nose', ...,'right_ankle'] but I need only for few specific keypoints like ['nose', 'left_hip', 'right_hip']
I recently solved this and evaluated only the 13 key points, leaving behind the eyes and the ears as per my application.
Just open the under pycocotools, then head over to the computeOKS function, where you will encounter two sets of keypoints—ground truth keypoints—and detection keypoints, such as a NumPy array.
Make sure to do proper slicing for that 51 array size Python lists.
For example, if you wish to only check the mAP for nose, the slicing would be as follows:
g= np.array(gt['keypoints'][0:3])
Similarly, do it for a dt array.
Also, set the sigma values of those unwanted key points to 0.
You are all set!

Proper way to log things when using Pytorch Lightning DDP

I was wondering what is the proper way of logging metrics when using DDP. I noticed that if I want to print something inside validation_epoch_end it will be printed twice when using 2 GPUs. I was expecting validation_epoch_end to be called only on rank 0 and to receive the outputs from all GPUs, but I am not sure this is correct anymore. Therefore I have several questions:
validation_epoch_end(self, outputs) - When using DDP does every subprocess receive the data processed from the current GPU or data processed from all GPUs, i.e. does the input parameter outputs contains the outputs of the entire validation set, from all GPUs?
If outputs is GPU/process specific what is the proper way to calculate any metric on the entire validation set in validation_epoch_end when using DDP?
I understand that I can solve the printing by checking self.global_rank == 0 and printing/logging only in that case, however I am trying to get a deeper understanding of what I am printing/logging in this case.
Here is a code snippet from my use case. I would like to be able to report f1, precision and recall on the entire validation dataset and I am wondering what is the correct way of doing it when using DDP.
def _process_epoch_outputs(self,
outputs: List[Dict[str, Any]]
) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
"""Creates and returns tensors containing all labels and predictions
Goes over the outputs accumulated from every batch, detaches the
necessary tensors and stacks them together.
outputs (List[Dict])
all_labels = []
all_predictions = []
for output in outputs:
for labels in output['labels'].detach():
for predictions in output['predictions'].detach():
all_labels = torch.stack(all_labels).long().cpu()
all_predictions = torch.stack(all_predictions).cpu()
return all_predictions, all_labels
def validation_epoch_end(self, outputs: List[Dict[str, Any]]) -> None:
"""Logs f1, precision and recall on the validation set."""
if self.global_rank == 0:
print(f'Validation Epoch: {self.current_epoch}')
predictions, labels = self._process_epoch_outputs(outputs)
for i, name in enumerate(self.label_columns):
f1, prec, recall, t = metrics.get_f1_prec_recall(predictions[:, i],
labels[:, i],
if self.global_rank == 0:
print((f'F1: {f1}, Precision: {prec}, '
f'Recall: {recall}, Threshold {t}'))
validation_epoch_end(self, outputs) - When using DDP does every
subprocess receive the data processed from the current GPU or data
processed from all GPUs, i.e. does the input parameter outputs
contains the outputs of the entire validation set, from all GPUs?
Data processed from the current GPU only, outputs are not synchronized, there is only backward synchronization (gradients are synchronized during training and distributed to replicas of models residing on each GPU).
Imagine that all of the outputs were passed from 1000 GPUs to this poor master, it could give it an OOM very easily
If outputs is GPU/process specific what is the proper way to calculate
any metric on the entire validation set in validation_epoch_end when
using DDP?
According to documentation (emphasis mine):
When validating using a accelerator that splits data from each batch
across GPUs, sometimes you might need to aggregate them on the master
GPU for processing (dp, or ddp2).
And here is accompanying code (validation_epoch_end would receive accumulated data across multiple GPUs from single step in this case, also see the comments):
# Done per-process (GPU)
def validation_step(self, batch, batch_idx):
x, y = batch
y_hat = self.model(x)
loss = F.cross_entropy(y_hat, y)
pred = ...
return {'loss': loss, 'pred': pred}
# Gathered data from all processes (per single step)
# Allows for accumulation so the whole data at the end of epoch
# takes less memory
def validation_step_end(self, batch_parts):
gpu_0_prediction = batch_parts.pred[0]['pred']
gpu_1_prediction = batch_parts.pred[1]['pred']
# do something with both outputs
return (batch_parts[0]['loss'] + batch_parts[1]['loss']) / 2
def validation_epoch_end(self, validation_step_outputs):
for out in validation_step_outputs:
# do something with preds
Focus on per-device calculations and as small number of between-GPU transfers as possible
Inside validation_step (or training_step if that's what you want, this is general) calculate f1, precision, recall and whatever else on a per-batch basis
Returns those values (say, as a dict). Now you will return 3 numbers from each device instead of (batch, outputs) (which could be significantly larger)
Inside validation_step_end get those 3 values (actually (2, 3) if you have 2 GPUs) and sum/take mean of them and return 3 values
Now validation_epoch_end will get (steps, 3) values that you can use to accumulate
It would be even better if instead of operating on list of values during validation_epoch_end you could accumulate them in another 3 values (say you have a lot of validation steps, the list could grow too large), but this should be enough.
AFAIK PyTorch-Lightning doesn't do this (e.g. instead of adding to list, apply some accumulator directly), but I might be mistaken, so any correction would be great.

Tensorflow: Summaries defined in function not accessible in tensorboard

I have a graph and a set of custom functions that define multilayer RNNs according to an input list which will specify the number of units in each layer. For instance:
def BuildLayers(....):
# takes inputs, list of layer sizes, mask information, etc
# invokes BuildLayer(...) several times
# returns RNN output and states of last layer
BuildLayer loops through a more detailed function which builds and returns individual layers:
def BuildLayer(....):
# Takes individual layer size, output of previous layer, etc
# handles bookkeeping of RNNCells, wrappers, reshaping, etc
# **Important! Defines scope for each layer**
# returns RNN output and states of last layer
And ultimately this would be called in a function that defines a graph and runs it in a session:
def Experiment(parameters):
graph = tf.Graph()
with graph.as_default():
# Placeholders
# BuildLayers(...)
# Loss function definitions
# optimizer definitions
with tf.Session(graph=graph) as session:
# Loop through epochs:
# etc
I.e., if the layer size parameter is [16, 32, 16], we end up with an RNN that has a cell of 16 units in layer1, scoped as layer1, 32 units in layer 2, scoped appropriately, and 16 units in layer 3, scoped, etc.
This seems to work fine, a casual inspection of the graph in tensorboard looks correct, nodes look correct, the thing trains, etc.
Problem: How can I add histogram summaries, e.g., of kernel weights and biases, to that function definition? I've done so naively, as such:
def buildLayer(numUnits, numLayer, input, lengths):
name = 'layer' "{0:0=2d}".format(numLayer)
with tf.variable_scope(name):
cellfw = tf.contrib.rnn.GRUCell(numUnits, activation = tf.nn.tanh)
cellbw = tf.contrib.rnn.GRUCell(numUnits, activation = tf.nn.tanh)
outputs, state = tf.nn.bidirectional_dynamic_rnn(cell_fw = cellfw, cell_bw = cellbw, inputs = input, dtype=tf.float32, sequence_length = lengths)
outputs = tf.concat([outputs[0], outputs[1]], axis=2)
FwKernel = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name(name + '/bidirectional_rnn/fw/gru_cell/gates/kernel:0')
FwKernel_sum = tf.summary.histogram("FwKernel", FwKernel, 'rnn')
return outputs, state
And then, at the end of the graph definition, assumed these summaries would be caught up in the
merged = tf.summary.merge_all()
statement. It isn't. I'm confused by this behavior. I can see the histogram summary definitions on a visual inspection of the graph in tensorboard-- they're there. But they don't seem to be getting to the merge and so are never accessible in tensorboard as histograms per se.
How do I get summaries, which are defined in a function, to show up in tensorboard, preferably through a merge and without passing them around through function calls like excess baggage?
The least painful way I have found to avoid this is to pass a single list (i.e., "summaries") through each function, and within the BuildLayers function, to append or extend that list with all desired histogram summaries.
Then, in the main graph definition, rather than a merge_all
merged = tf.summary.merge_all()
instead use a merge and pass the list in as the argument
merged = tf.summary.merge(summaries)
This has the disadvantage of not actually being a merge_all, meaning that if you had defined other summaries (typically scalar summaries for loss functions, at least) you're going to have to manually append them to the summaries list or carry around two merge objects or something similar, which misses the self-advertised point of the merge_all.
I leave this here as an answer to my own question because it might help someone, but will pointedly not accept it because I am hoping to be shown a better way.
Most likely the problem is that summaries are created in the with graph.as_default(): context. The summary operations are then added to this graph's _collections["SUMMARIES"] list. But, when you call merge_all() you are no longer in that context (that set graph to be the default). So, merge_all() looks for summaries in the default graph that was created when you imported tensorflow, which is probably empty.
To fix the issue, simply call merge_all() within the same with graph.as_default(): context.
Here are some relevant code links:

RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log when using pvlib

I'm using PVLib to model a PV system. I'm pretty new to coding and Python, and this is my first time using PVLib, so not surprisingly I've hit some difficulties.
Specifically, I've got created the following code using the extensive readthedocs examples at
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from numpy import isnan
import datetime
import pytz
# pvlib imports
import pvlib
from pvlib.forecast import GFS, NAM, NDFD, HRRR, RAP
from pvlib.pvsystem import PVSystem, retrieve_sam
from pvlib.modelchain import ModelChain
# set location (Royal Greenwich Observatory, London, UK)
latitude, longitude, tz = 51.4769, 0.0005, 'Europe/London'
# specify time range.
start = pd.Timestamp(, tz=tz)
end = start + pd.Timedelta(days=5)
periods = 8 # number of periods that the GFS model and/or the model chain allows us to forecast power output.
# specify what irradiance variables we want
irrad_vars = ['ghi', 'dni', 'dhi']
# Use Global Forecast System model. The GFS is the US model that provides forecasts for the entire globe.
fx_model = GFS() # note: gives output in 3-hourly intervals
# retrieve data in processed format (convert temps from Kelvin to Celsius, combine elements of wind speed, complete irradiance data)
# Returns pandas.DataFrame object
fx_data = fx_model.get_processed_data(latitude, longitude, start, end)
# load module and inverter specifications
sandia_modules = pvlib.pvsystem.retrieve_sam('SandiaMod')
cec_inverters = pvlib.pvsystem.retrieve_sam('cecinverter')
module = sandia_modules['SolarWorld_Sunmodule_250_Poly__2013_']
inverter = cec_inverters['ABB__PVI_3_0_OUTD_S_US_Z_M_A__240_V__240V__CEC_2014_']
# model a fixed system in the UK. 10 strings of 250W panels, with 40 panels per string. Gives a nominal 100kW array
system = PVSystem(module_parameters=module, inverter_parameters=inverter, modules_per_string=40, strings_per_inverter=10)
# use a ModelChain object to calculate modelling intermediates
mc = ModelChain(system, fx_model.location, orientation_strategy='south_at_latitude_tilt')
# extract relevant data for model chain
mc.run_model(fx_data.index, weather=fx_data)
Having used a lot of print() statements in the console to debug, I can see that at the final line
I get the following error:
RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log
module['Voco'] + module['Cells_in_Series']*delta*np.log(Ee) +
RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log
module['C3']*module['Cells_in_Series']*((delta*np.log(Ee)) ** 2) +
As a result, when I then go on to look at the ac_power outputs, I get what looks like erroneous data (every hour with a forecast that is not NaN = 3000 W).
I'd really appreciate any help you can give as I don't know what's causing it. Maybe I'm specifying the system incorrectly?
Thanks, Matt
I think the warnings you're seeing are ok to ignore. A handful of pvlib algorithms spit out warnings due to things like 0 values at night.
I think your problem with the non-NaN values is unrelated to the warnings. Study the other modeling results (stored as mc attributes -- see documentation and source code) to see if you can track down the source of your problem.
