How do I test microprofile RestClientBuilder with mockito? - mockito

I'm trying to write up a junit to mock a response from a RestClientBuilder class but what I've had to do seems very convoluted and it's not even working.
In the following code I want the call to the getWorkBean(int) method in IResourceAPI to return a WorkBean object.
My junit method test code so far is:
import javax.json.bind.Jsonb;
import javax.json.bind.JsonbBuilder;
RestClientBuilder restClientBuilderNewBuilder = Mockito.mock(RestClientBuilder.class);
RestClientBuilder restClientBuilderBaseURI = Mockito.mock(RestClientBuilder.class);
IResourceAPI resourceAPI = Mockito.mock(IResourceAPI.class);
Response.ResponseBuilder responseBuilder = Response.ok();
Mockito.when(resourceAPI.updateStatus(anyInt(), anyString(), any(WorkBeanAction.class))).thenReturn(;
WorkBean workBean = new WorkBean();
Jsonb jsonb = JsonbBuilder.create();
InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(jsonb.toJson(workBean).getBytes());
responseBuilder = Response.ok().entity(is);
The exception I'm getting back is:$ResponseBuilder.status(ILjava/lang/String;)Ljavax/ws/rs/core/Response$ResponseBuilder;

After much playing around I have a solution.
private IWebAppResource webAppResource = Mockito.mock(IWebAppResource.class);
public void before() {
RestClientBuilder restClientBuilderNewBuilder = Mockito.mock(RestClientBuilder.class);
RestClientBuilder restClientBuilderBaseURI = Mockito.mock(RestClientBuilder.class);
public void doSomethingFunky() {


Unable to mock local objects in method using Spock

I'm unable to mock the below local objects - env, service, creds. These are classes from imported cloud foundry dependencies.
How do I write a test case covering all conditions for below Groovy code using Spock or Junit 4 without refactoring the code?
import io.pivotal.cfenv.core.cfEnv
import io.pivotal.cfenv.core.cfCredentials
import io.pivotal.cfenv.core.cfService
class Test {
public String getPropertyValue() {
CfEnv env = new CfEnv();
CfService service = new CfService();
String propName = "test-name";
try {
service = env.findServiceByName(propName);
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
CfCredentials creds = new CfCredentials();
Map<String, Object> props = service.getMap();
return props.get("").toString();
As your code is Groovy, you are able to use Spock's GroovySpy
see the docs
For example:
class ASpec extends Specification {
def "getPropertyValue() return null when env.findServiceByName throws an exception"() {
CfEnv envMock = GroovySpy(global: true)
def result = new Test().getPropertyValue()
result == null
1 * envMock.findServiceByName(_) >> { throw new RuntimeException() }

MockMvc fails because of method invocation inside the controller method

I try to mock a controller which contains a util method inside even though I mock the util method, the mvcMock ignore the result from the when(...) and call the method again with empty parameters which lead to nullpointerexception
How I can ship the call of
when(utilMock.getOperatorsAdNameWrapper(userName, adNames)).thenReturn(roleSet);
with the mockMvc.perform?
#GetMapping(value = {"/wellbore"})
public String wellboreForm(Model model, #RequestParam("mode") String mode, HttpServletRequest request) {
Set<String> operators = new LinkedHashSet<>();
String userName = (String) request.getSession().getAttribute("userName");
Set<String> operatorsSet = (HashSet<String>) request.getSession().getAttribute("userRoles");
Set<String> operatorsAdName = util.getOperatorsAdNameWrapper(userName, operatorsSet);
operatorsAdName.forEach(adName -> {
Query query = new Query()
.eq(Wellbore.operatorsGroup, adName);
model.addAttribute("wellboreDataList", operators);
model.addAttribute("wellboreData", new WellboreForm());
return "ui/selectWellbore";
public static Set<String> getOperatorsAdName(String userName, Set<String> operatorsAdName) {
operatorsAdName.removeIf(x -> x.equals(userName)
|| x.equals("SCOUT")
|| x.equals("GTO")
|| x.equals("KADME")
|| x.equals("offline_access")
|| x.equals("uma_authorization"));
return operatorsAdName;
public Set<String> getOperatorsAdNameWrapper(String userName, Set<String> operatorsAdName) {
return getOperatorsAdName(userName,operatorsAdName);
private Util utilMock;
#DisplayName("GET /wellbore - Select Wellbore")
void testMockMvc() throws Exception {
HttpServletRequest req = Mockito.mock(HttpServletRequest.class);
String userName = (String) req.getAttribute("userName");
//Here I get the correct result Result
when(utilMock.getOperatorsAdNameWrapper(userName, adNames)).thenReturn(roleSet);
//another call made here with empy parameters to utilMock.getOperatorsAdNameWrapper("", null)
.sessionAttr("wellboreDataList", new LinkedHashSet<>())
.sessionAttr("wellboreData", new WellboreForm())
.andExpect(model().attribute("wellboreDataList", hasSize(2)));
1) In the Controller move the line:
util.getOperatorsAdNameWrapper(userName, operatorsSet);
into a package level method:
Set<String> getOperatorsAdNameWrapper(userName, operatorsSet){
return util.getOperatorsAdNameWrapper(userName, operatorsSet);
2) In your test use SpyBean:
private Controller controllerSpy;
#DisplayName("GET /wellbore - Select Wellbore")
void testMockMvc() throws Exception {
doReturn(roleSet).when(controllerSpy).getOperatorsAdNameWrapper(userName, adNames);
The general gist is that you cannot mock a static call with vanilla Mockito. You have to refactor a bit first.
The Problem was with the Util class
since I am using mockmvc as unit testing, not as integration test by standaloneSetup
mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders
//To avoid loading springContext
so the Util class not loaded to the context to solve this you have to option
Move the wrapper method in the util class to the service class and from there you can wrapper the static method in the Util class
Add the util class to the controller constructor

Using Mockito for writing ATG test case

Does anyone have idea about writing unit test case for ATG using Mockito? I came across following discussions while goggling -
Automated unit tests for ATG development and
Using PowerMock to obtain the ATG Nucleus in testing results in NPE
But need a help in setting up Nucleus and other dependencies (DAS, DPS, DSS etc.) and a sample test class for droplet using Mockito.
We are using ATG Dust where we have to set all the dependencies. I am wondering if we can replace ATG Dust completely with Mockito. Here is the example how we are writing the test cases -
A Base class for setting Nucleus -
import java.util.Arrays;
import atg.nucleus.NucleusTestUtils;
import atg.test.AtgDustCase;
import atg.test.util.FileUtil;
public class BaseTestCase extends AtgDustCase {
public atg.nucleus.Nucleus mNucleus = null;
private final String ATGHOME="C://ATG/ATG9.4//home";
private final String ATGHOMEPROPERTY = "atg.dynamo.home";
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
String dynamoHome = System.getProperty(ATGHOMEPROPERTY);
if(dynamoHome == null)
File configpath = NucleusTestUtils.getConfigpath(this.getClass(), this.getClass().getName(), true);
FileUtil.copyDirectory("src/test/resources/config/test/", configpath.getAbsolutePath(), Arrays.asList(new String [] {".svn"}));
copyConfigurationFiles(new String[]{"config"}, configpath.getAbsolutePath(), ".svn");
public File getConfigPath() {
return NucleusTestUtils.getConfigpath(this.getClass(), this.getClass().getName(), true);
Writing the test case by extending the base class -
public class BizDropletTest extends BaseTestCase {
private BizDroplet bizDroplet;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
mNucleus = NucleusTestUtils.startNucleusWithModules(new String[] { "DSS", "DPS", "DAFEAR" }, this.getClass(),
this.getClass().getName(), "com/ebiz/market/support/droplet/BizDroplet");
autoSuggestDroplet = (AutoSuggestDroplet) mNucleus.resolveName("com/ebiz/market/support/droplet/BizDroplet");
try {
} catch (ServiceException e) {
Other methods
So, how Mockito can handle these? Again, for me the target is to replace ATG Dust with Mockito completely because ATG Dust take lot of time in running tests due to huge dependencies.
Using Mockito you don't setup Nucleus or other dependencies (unless you need it). You simply mock the objects that you need to use.
Consider a simple class ProductUrlDroplet that retrieves a product from the repository and then outputs a url based on this. The service method would look something like this:
public void service(DynamoHttpServletRequest pRequest, DynamoHttpServletResponse pResponse) throws ServletException, IOException {
Object product = pRequest.getObjectParameter(PRODUCT_ID);
RepositoryItem productItem = (RepositoryItem) product;
String generatedUrl = generateProductUrl(pRequest, productItem.getRepositoryId());
pRequest.setParameter(PRODUCT_URL_ID, generatedUrl);
pRequest.serviceParameter(OPARAM_OUTPUT, pRequest, pResponse);
private String generateProductUrl(DynamoHttpServletRequest request, String productId) {
HttpServletRequest originatingRequest = (HttpServletRequest) request.resolveName("/OriginatingRequest");
String contextroot = originatingRequest.getContextPath();
return contextroot + "/browse/product.jsp?productId=" + productId;
A simple test class for this will then be:
public class ProductUrlDropletTest {
#InjectMocks private ProductUrlDroplet testObj;
#Mock private DynamoHttpServletRequest requestMock;
#Mock private DynamoHttpServletResponse responseMock;
#Mock private RepositoryItem productRepositoryItemMock;
#BeforeMethod(groups = { "unit" })
public void setup() throws Exception {
testObj = new ProductUrlDroplet();
#Test(groups = { "unit" })
public void testProductURL() throws Exception {
testObj.service(requestMock, responseMock);
ArgumentCaptor<String> argumentProductURL = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(String.class);
Mockito.verify(requestMock).setParameter(Matchers.eq(ProductUrlDroplet.PRODUCT_URL_ID), argumentProductURL.capture());
The key components are that you need to initialise the class you want to test (testObj). You then simply construct the response for each of the input parameters of the objects you are going to use (in this case productRepositoryItemMock represents the RepositoryItem and productRepositoryItemMock.getRepositoryId() returns a String that you can then test against later).
You will also notice that this test only validates the service method and not the individual methods. How you do it is up to you but generally I've been focused on testing my service and handleXXX methods in the formhandlers and droplets.
Testing the XXXManager, XXXUtil and XXXService classes will all have their own tests and should be 'mocked' into the droplets and formhandlers. For these I would write tests for each method though.
PowerMockito only really comes into the picture when you need to mock static methods and classes and the documentation does enough to explain that.

How can I make Selenium tests inside my JSF project?

I have quite big JSF 1.2 project and I want to write some integration tests to it.
The perfect situation will be, when I can run these tests from my project and it opens my browser and makes all the actions (with Selenium), which are written in my test cases. Ofc opening browser is not required when It will run these tests anyway :)
I've tried a few possibilities, anyway I still can't attach any selenium library to my project and I realized that I just dont know where to start - can you give me some direction?
might help you ,
you can write you test logic inside test method
package com.test;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Ignore;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import static;
public class test1 {
private WebDriver driver;
private String baseUrl;
private StringBuffer verificationErrors = new StringBuffer();
public void setUp() throws Exception {
driver = new InternetExplorerDriver();
driver = new ChromeDriver();
baseUrl = "";
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
public void test1() throws Exception {
// your test code
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
String verificationErrorString = verificationErrors.toString();
if (!"".equals(verificationErrorString)) {
private boolean isElementPresent(By by) {
try {
return true;
} catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
return false;
you just need call test1 class which you want to test it .
it will be automatically working on it .

Spring LDAP Template Usage

Please take a look at the test class below. I am trying to do an LDAP search with Spring LDAP Template. I am able to search and produce a list of entries corresponding to the search criteria without the Spring LDAP template by using the DirContext as shown in the method searchWithoutTemplate(). But when I use a LdapTemplate, I end up with a NPE as shown further below. I am sure I must be missing something. Can someone help please?
import java.util.Hashtable;
import javax.naming.Context;
import javax.naming.NamingEnumeration;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
import javax.naming.ldap.LdapName;
import org.springframework.ldap.core.AttributesMapper;
import org.springframework.ldap.core.LdapTemplate;
public class LDAPSearchTest {
//bind params
static String url="ldap://<IP>:<PORT>";
static String userName="cn=Directory Manager";
static String password="password123";
static String bindDN="dc=XXX,dc=com";
//search params
static String base = "ou=StandardUser,ou=XXXCustomers,ou=People,dc=XXX,dc=com";
static String filter = "(objectClass=*)";
static String[] attributeFilter = { "cn", "uid" };
static SearchControls sc = new SearchControls();
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// sc.setSearchScope(SearchControls.SUBTREE_SCOPE);
searchWithTemplate(); //NPE
//searchWithoutTemplate(); //works fine
public static void searchWithTemplate() throws Exception {
DefaultDirObjectFactory factory = new DefaultDirObjectFactory();
LdapContextSource cs = new LdapContextSource();
cs.setDirObjectFactory(factory.getClass ());
LdapTemplate template = new LdapTemplate(cs);
System.out.println(( LdapName(base), filter, sc,
new AttributesMapper() {
public Object mapFromAttributes(Attributes attrs)
throws NamingException {
return attrs.get("uid").get();
public static void searchWithoutTemplate() throws NamingException{
Hashtable env = new Hashtable(11);
env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, url);
//env.put(Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION, "simple");
env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, userName);
env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, password);
DirContext dctx = new InitialDirContext(env);
NamingEnumeration results =, filter, sc);
while (results.hasMore()) {
SearchResult sr = (SearchResult);
Attributes attrs = sr.getAttributes();
Attribute attr = attrs.get("uid");
Exception is:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at LDAPSearchTest.searchWithTemplate(
at LDAPSearchTest.main(
I am using Spring 2.5.6 and Spring LDAP 1.3.0
A quick scan showed that it's the authenticationSource field of AbstractContextSource that is the culprit. That file includes the following comment on the afterPropertiesSet() method:
* Checks that all necessary data is set and that there is no compatibility
* issues, after which the instance is initialized. Note that you need to
* call this method explicitly after setting all desired properties if using
* the class outside of a Spring Context.
public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception {
That method then goes on to create an appropriate authenticationSource if you haven't provided one.
As your test code above is most definitely not running within a Spring context, and you haven't explicitly set an authenticationSource, I think you need to edit your code as follows:
cs.setDirObjectFactory(factory.getClass ());
// Allow Spring to configure the Context Source:
LdapTemplate template = new LdapTemplate(cs);
