NeutralinoJS: error: missing required argument 'name' - neutralinojs

I tried to create my first NeutralinoJS app using neu-cli. I typed neu create --template hello-world command in Windows Command Prompt as in the doucmentation. But it gives me this error.
error: missing required argument 'name'
So I typed it again in git bash. But it gives the same error again. How to fix this ? Any idea ?

I found the solution. Command syntax is like this :
neu create <App_Name> --template <Template_Type>
Supported template types are :
Example :- neu create MyApp --template js


'C:\Users...' is not recognized as an internal command when starting a project with Yarn

I'm trying to start a project with Yarn using the command yarn create react-app ReportingApp --template typescript however it says that my user is not recognized:
I also tried adding the path in my windows variables (path). However, I still get the error.
I saw this issue in the past and I fixed it by replacing my user name "Gabriel Donada" with the user ID from Windows, but I have not found how to make that again.
Not sure what happened, but I used as workaround start the app using npx create react-app ReportingApp --template typescript

Unable to find template: react when using neu create <appname> --template react

I've been trying to use Neutralino to build a lightweight desktop app.
Following this article:
I encountered an error when I tried to use the following code:
neu create testName --template react
The error says: Unable to find template: react
I installed neu-cli using npm i -g #neutralinojs/neu with no errors
It looks like templates are being removed in favor of a more minimalistic default template. The docs on their page (including the start template) are for version < 2.0.0.
As of version 2.0.0, templates have been removed as a valid CLI command and I've yet to find a good replacement.
For the time being use neu create *project name* for the minimal template
Removal of templates source: "we have removed all the templates..."
See this discussion

Setup node.js on Windows to use with p5.js "Uncaught ReferenceError: cd is not defined"

I'm very very very new to this and I'm trying to follow along this Introduction to Node tutorial on how to set up Node.js to work with p5.js
The tutorial is for Mac but so far I've managed to do this:
Setup node for windows:
Download Node
Install Node
Open cmd
Type node + enter
Type cd to change directory
And here I get this message:
"Uncaught ReferenceError: cd is not defined"
I've tried to work around by open in PowerShell but get stuck there as well. What should I do?
In case anyone else look for this, here's the solution that worked for me.
In PowerShell:
Ctrl+C once or twice. And instead of running node first, type node + whatever you need to run

React app failed to load content to browser

I am trying build cbioportal-frontend on my system but getting error when used webpack --watch:
"ERROR in /home/trainee_biocos/RecatApp_Examples/cbioportalTestRun/cbioportal-frontend-1.16.0/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.dom.d.ts(15165,15):
TS2451: Cannot redeclare block-scoped variable 'name'.
Version: typescript 2.7.2"
but reactapp is build in dist/ folder
when "npm run start" is used same error appears but gives "build successfully completed". when browsed to "localhost:3000/" no content gets loaded.
try to restart yarn/npm from cmd for the project after following below steps.
it may be solve your issue.
Another suggestion you can try.
- Rename the variable to be something else, other than name.
The error arises because the variable 'name' already exists on the global
Check for duplication of variable name.
Check TypeScript version.
use export {}; put export in your class if it is missing.

How can I run a slash-wean project?

I am trying to generate a slush wean project.I've created a new folder : mkdir test and then run slash wean .After installing I tried to run gukp run ,but it shows me this error:
Invalid value for 'app.urls[0]'.Missing scheme separator.
I tried this solution : change the line in package.json with this :
"node-remote": "http://<local>"
Now when I run gulp run it freezes the terminal with the message :Lauching App.
Can you help me fixing it ?
Thank you!
Add the server port defined in app/app.js
