.htaccess Redirect 301 Strange behaviour - .htaccess

I have a new Website that consists of 1 Domain and 2 Subdomains:
The old website only had 1 Domain: www.bluepuma.at
Now I wrote a bunch of Redirects to redirect the old directorys from the old website to the new one:
I wrote them in the .htaccess which is in the root domain directory in www.bluepuma.at:
Redirect 301 /werbeagentur-bluepuma/wer-ist-bluepuma/ https://werbeagentur.bluepuma.at/
Redirect 301 /werbeagentur-bluepuma/jobs/ https://werbetechnik.bluepuma.at/werbetechnik/jobs-lienz
Redirect 301 /agentur/online-marketing/suchmaschinenoptimierung/ https://werbeagentur.bluepuma.at/online-werbung/online-marketing
Redirect 301 /agentur/online-marketing/suchmaschinenmarketing/ https://werbeagentur.bluepuma.at/online-werbung/online-marketing
Redirect 301 /agentur/online-marketing/social-media-marketing/ https://werbeagentur.bluepuma.at/online-werbung/social-media-marketing
Redirect 301 /agentur/online-marketing/newsletter-marketing/ https://werbeagentur.bluepuma.at/online-werbung/online-marketing
Redirect 301 /agentur/online-marketing/videomarketing/ https://werbeagentur.bluepuma.at/online-werbung/produktfotografie
Redirect 301 /agentur/online-marketing/analyse-controlling-reporting/ https://werbeagentur.bluepuma.at/online-werbung/online-marketing
Redirect 301 /agentur/online-marketing/marketing-konzepte-planung/ https://werbeagentur.bluepuma.at/online-werbung/online-marketing
Redirect 301 /agentur/online-marketing/ https://werbeagentur.bluepuma.at/online-werbung/online-
Now I have the problem, that the Redirect also work on the Subdomain:
If I open https://werbeagentur.bluepuma.at/werbeagentur-bluepuma/wer-ist-bluepuma/
I get redirected to https://werbeagentur.bluepuma.at/ according to this redirect statement:
Redirect 301 /werbeagentur-bluepuma/wer-ist-bluepuma/ https://werbeagentur.bluepuma.at/
But this should not be possible.
The Redirects should only affect the main domain. For example:
www.bluepuma.at/werbeagentur-bluepuma/wer-ist-bluepuma/ should get redirected to https://werbeagentur.bluepuma.at/
Do you have any ideas why this could be?
Another strange behaviour: If I open
I get to the page
I have no idea what causes this error.
Thanks for your answer and your time!


301 redirects / htaccess

Could someone help me please with 301s. I'm moving a website to a new domain but it has a slightly different directory structure.
I've generated an .htaccess file with basic 301s, for example:
Redirect 301 /mypage1.html https://www.mywebsite.com/mypage/1/
Redirect 301 /mypage2.html https://www.mywebsite.com/mypage/2/
Redirect 301 /mypage3.html https://www.mywebsite.com/mypage/3/
This works perfectly. However, I cannot redirect the main homepage, as it seems to break all of my individual 301s.
So if I add:
Redirect 301 / https://www.mywebsite.com
All of my single 301 redirects stop working.
Is there any way I can keep the working 301s and also redirect the homepage too?

Problem with path 301 redirects in htaccess

We're trying to redirect a bunch of category URLs like this:
Redirect 301 /table/ https://www.example.com/abc/
Redirect 301 /table/accessoires/ https://www.example.com/def/
Redirect 301 /table/accessoires/tablecloth/ https://www.example.com/ghj/
The first redirect works correctly. But why do the other 2 don't work?
Order matters. The more specific rules should be first.
Redirect 301 /table/accessoires/tablecloth/ https://www.example.com/ghj/
Redirect 301 /table/accessoires/ https://www.example.com/def
Redirect 301 /table/ https://www.example.com/abc/

301 Redirect in .htaccess is appending old file path/name to new url

I have two URLs: old-site.com and new-site.com.
My root folder on the old-site.com has NO FILES in it but only the .htaccess file. I don’t want to use the old domain anymore. However, I do want to pass the link juice to the new domain. Therefore, I created 301 Redirects in the .htaccess file and put it in the root folder on the old-site.com.
Why would the Redirect 301 append the “old-site.com/…” to the new-site.com?
My entire .htaccess looks like this (I skipped a few links to shorten it):
#Begin 301 Redirects
Redirect 301 / https://www.new-site.com/
Redirect 301 /contactus https://www.new-site/contact-us/
Redirect 301 /rentals https://www.new-site/lodging/
Redirect 301 /lift.html https://www.new-site/our-rentals/boat/
Redirect 301 /rentals.html https://www.new-site/our-rentals/
Redirect 301 /map.html https://www.new-site/contact-us/
Redirect 301 /giftshop https://www.new-site/store/gift-shop/
#End 301 Redirects
I don’t have any Rewrites. The above is my entire code.
The following redirect works fine:
Redirect 301 / https://www.new-site.com/
However, any other redirect creates the following absolute path on the new-site.com with a 404 error:
If I redirect:
Redirect 301 /contactus https://www.new-site/contact-us/
It goes to:
If I redirect:
Redirect 301 /lift.html https://www.new-site/lift/
It goes to:
Why would the Redirect 301 append the “old-site.com/…” to the new-site.com?
Thank you,
Your rules will not do what you need correct because of this line Redirect 301 / https://www.new-site.com/ which will match any request first and if you put it in the last it will also match any request so , if you want it to match only root use RedirectMatch to be able to use regex like this :
RedirectMatch 301 /?$ https://www.new-site.com/
By this the rest of rules will work as expected .
Note: clear browser cache the test

301 Redirect just first Subfolder

I have a 301 Redirect from one page to another
REDIRECT 301 /cloud-computing /it-infrastructure/cloud-computing
Now when i use this redirect also the subpages of cloud-computing are affected by this 301 redirect, but they have to be redirected somewhere else. How can i just redirect the folder and not the subpages?
You should be using RedirectMatch for precise matching using regex:
RedirectMatch 301 ^/cloud-computing/?$ /it-infrastructure/cloud-computing
Clear your browser cache before testing the change.

Magento 301 htacess redirect not working at all

i am writing a 301 redirects via htaccess redirect old traffic to new urls
i have old url
i need to redirect this request to
so i wrote a code on magento httpacess like below
Redirect 301 http://www.thebedroom.com.au/catalogue/accessories/product134 http://www.thebedroom.com.au/melbourne-demons-bean-bag-cover.html
no luck
and also tried
Redirect 301 ^accessories/product134 http://www.thebedroom.com.au/melbourne-demons-bean-bag-cover.html
but this not redirectoring and show the same url on browser window.
anyone know what is the issue here
thank you
Redirect 301 /catalogue/accessories/product134 http://www.thebedroom.com.au/melbourne-demons-bean-bag-cover.html
RedirectMatch 301 product134 http://www.thebedroom.com.au/melbourne-demons-bean-bag-cover.html
which will redirect if there's any instance of product134 in the URI.
