Different outcome from seemingly equivalent implementation of PySpark transformations - apache-spark

I have a set of spark dataframe transforms which gives an out of memory error and has a messed up sql query plan while a different implemetation runs successfully.
import pandas as pd
diction = {
'key': [1,2,3,4,5,6],
'f1' : [1,0,1,0,1,0],
'f2' : [0,1,0,1,0,1],
'f3' : [1,0,1,0,1,0],
'f4' : [0,1,0,1,0,1]}
bil = pd.DataFrame(diction)
# successfull logic
df = spark.createDataFrame(bil)
df = df.cache()
zdf = df
for i in [1,2,3]:
tempdf = zdf.select(['key'])
df = df.join(tempdf,on=['key'],how='left')
# failed logic
df = spark.createDataFrame(bil)
df = df.cache()
for i in [1,2,3]:
tempdf = df.select(['key'])
df = df.join(tempdf,on=['key'],how='left')
Logically thinking there must not be such a computational difference (more than double the time and memory used).
Can anyone help me understand this ?
DAG of successful logic:
DAG of failure logic:

I'm not sure what your use case is for this code, however the two pieces of code are not logically the same. In the second version you are joining the result of the previous iteration to itself three times. In the first version you are joining a 'copy' of the original df three times. If your key column is not unique, the second piece of code will 'explode' your dataframe more than the first.
To make this more clear we can make a simple example below where we have a non-unique key value. Taking your second example:
df = spark.createDataFrame([(1,'a'), (1,'b'), (3,'c')], ['key','val'])
for i in [1,2,3]:
tempdf = df.select(['key'])
df = df.join(tempdf,on=['key'],how='left')
>>> 257
And your first piece of code:
df = spark.createDataFrame([(1,'a'), (1,'b'), (3,'c')], ['key','val'])
zdf = df
for i in [1,2,3]:
tempdf = zdf.select(['key'])
df = df.join(tempdf,on=['key'],how='left')
>>> 17


Upsert/Merge two dataframe in pyspark

i need one help for the below requirement. this is just for sample data. i have more than 200 columns in each data frame in real time use case. i need to compare two data frames and flag the differences.
expected dataframe
can someone please help me to build the logic in pyspark?
Thanks in advance.
Pyspark's hash function can help with identifying the records that are different.
from pyspark.sql.functions import col, hash
df1 = df1.withColumn('hash_value', hash('id', 'name', 'city')
df2 = df2.withColumn('hash_value', hash('id', 'name', 'city')
df_updates = df1 .alias('a').join(df2.alias('b'), (\
(col('a.id') == col('b.id')) &\
(col('a.hash_value') != col('b.hash_value')) \
) , how ='inner'
df_updates = df_updates.select(b.*)
Once you have identified the records that are different.
Then you would be able to setup a function that can loop through each column in the df to compare that columns value.
Something like this should work
def add_change_flags(df1, df2):
df_joined = df1.join(df2, 'id', how='inner')
for column in df1.columns:
df_joined = df_joined.withColumn(column + "_change_flag", \
when(col(f"df1.{column}") === col(f"df2.{column}"),True)\
return df_joined

Data type conversion in spark

I have an column id which had type int but later changed to bigint.
It has both types of values.
from pyspark.sql.functions import *
from pyspark.sql.types import *
df = spark.read.parquet('hdfs path')
df = df.select("id", "code")
df=df.withColumn("id1", df["id"].cast(LongType()))
res1=df.select("id1", "code")
res1.show(1, False)
It shows me the data frame but when i try to perform some operations on them
res1.groupBy('code').agg(countDistinct("id1")).show(1, False)
I get Column: [id], Expected: int, Found: INT64
I tried mergeSchema did not work either.
from pyspark.sql.functions import *
from pyspark.sql.types import *
df1 = spark.read.parquet('hdfs path')
df2 = df1.select("id", "code")
df3 = df2.withColumn("id1", df2["id"].cast(LongType()))
res1=df3.select("id1", "code")
res1.show(1, False)
res1.groupBy("code").agg(countDistinct("id1")).show(1, False)
This should work. In spark Dataframes are immutable so you should not assign the value of transformation operation to a same df variable, you should use a different variable name. In scala it would give you compile time error but in python its allowed so you don't notice it.
if you want you could also chain all of your transformation and get a single df variable and perform groupby operation on it as below :
df = spark.read.parquet('hdfs path').select("id", "code").withColumn("id1", col("id").cast(LongType())).select("id1", "code")
df.groupBy("code").agg(countDistinct("id1")).show(1, False)

Filter dataframe based on groupby sum()

I want to filter my dataframe based on a groupby sum(). I am looking for lines where the amounts for a spesific date, gets to zero.
I have solve this by creating a for loop. I suspect this will reduce performance if the dataframe is large.
It also seems clunky.
newdf = pd.DataFrame()
newdf['name'] = ('leon','eurika','monica','wian')
newdf['surname'] = ('swart','swart','swart','swart')
newdf['birthdate'] = ('14051981','198001','20081012','20100621')
newdf['tdate'] = ('13/05/2015','14/05/2015','15/05/2015', '13/05/2015')
newdf['tamount'] = (100.10, 111.11, 123.45, -100.10)
df = newdf.groupby(['tdate'])[['tamount']].sum().reset_index()
df2 = df.loc[df["tamount"] == 0, "tdate"]
df3 = pd.DataFrame()
for i in df2:
df3 = df3.append(newdf.loc[newdf["tdate"] == i])
print (df3)
The below code is creating an output of the two lines getting to zero when combined on tamount
name surname birthdate tdate tamount
0 leon swart 1981-05-14 13/05/2015 100.1
3 wian swart 2010-06-21 13/05/2015 -100.1
Just use basic numpy :)
import numpy as np
df = newdf.groupby(['tdate'])[['tamount']].sum().reset_index()
dates = df['tdate'][np.where(df['tamount'] == 0)[0]]
newdf[np.isin(newdf['tdate'], dates) == True]
Hope this helps; let me know if you have any questions.

HiveQL to PySpark - issue with aggregated column in SELECT statement

I have following HQL script which needs to be puti nto pyspark, spark 1.6
insert into table db.temp_avg
avg(b) ,
from db.temp WHERE flag is not null GROUP BY a, c;
I created few versions of spark code, but I'm stuggling how to get this averaged column into select.
Also I found out that groupped data cannot be write this way:
df3 = df2.groupBy...
part of pyspark code:
temp_table = sqlContext.table("db.temp")
df = temp_table.select('a', 'avg(b)', 'c', 'flag').toDF('a', 'avg(b)', 'c', 'flag')
df = df.where(['flag'] != 'null'))
# this ofc does not work along with the avg(b)
df2 = df.groupBy('a', 'c')
Thx for your help.
Correct solution:
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
df = sqlContext.sql("SELECT * FROM db.temp_avg").alias("temp")
df = df.select('a', 'b', 'c')\
.groupby('a', 'c')\
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
df = sqlContext.sql("select * from db.temp_avg")
df = df.select('a',
.groupby('a', 'c')\
Then you can save the table by

Filtering rows in Spark Dataframe based on multiple values in a list [duplicate]

I want to filter a Pyspark DataFrame with a SQL-like IN clause, as in
sc = SparkContext()
sqlc = SQLContext(sc)
df = sqlc.sql('SELECT * from my_df WHERE field1 IN a')
where a is the tuple (1, 2, 3). I am getting this error:
java.lang.RuntimeException: [1.67] failure: ``('' expected but identifier a found
which is basically saying it was expecting something like '(1, 2, 3)' instead of a.
The problem is I can't manually write the values in a as it's extracted from another job.
How would I filter in this case?
String you pass to SQLContext it evaluated in the scope of the SQL environment. It doesn't capture the closure. If you want to pass a variable you'll have to do it explicitly using string formatting:
df = sc.parallelize([(1, "foo"), (2, "x"), (3, "bar")]).toDF(("k", "v"))
sqlContext.sql("SELECT * FROM df WHERE v IN {0}".format(("foo", "bar"))).count()
## 2
Obviously this is not something you would use in a "real" SQL environment due to security considerations but it shouldn't matter here.
In practice DataFrame DSL is a much better choice when you want to create dynamic queries:
from pyspark.sql.functions import col
df.where(col("v").isin({"foo", "bar"})).count()
## 2
It is easy to build and compose and handles all details of HiveQL / Spark SQL for you.
reiterating what #zero323 has mentioned above : we can do the same thing using a list as well (not only set) like below
from pyspark.sql.functions import col
df.where(col("v").isin(["foo", "bar"])).count()
Just a little addition/update:
choice_list = ["foo", "bar", "jack", "joan"]
If you want to filter your dataframe "df", such that you want to keep rows based upon a column "v" taking only the values from choice_list, then
from pyspark.sql.functions import col
df_filtered = df.where( ( col("v").isin (choice_list) ) )
You can also do this for integer columns:
df_filtered = df.filter("field1 in (1,2,3)")
or this for string columns:
df_filtered = df.filter("field1 in ('a','b','c')")
A slightly different approach that worked for me is to filter with a custom filter function.
def filter_func(a):
"""wrapper function to pass a in udf"""
def filter_func_(col):
"""filtering function"""
if col in a.value:
return True
return False
return udf(filter_func_, BooleanType())
# Broadcasting allows to pass large variables efficiently
a = sc.broadcast((1, 2, 3))
df = my_df.filter(filter_func(a)(col('field1'))) \
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
import pandas as pd
df_spark.createOrReplaceTempView("df") # we need to create a Temp table first
spark.sql("SELECT * FROM df where Departments in ('IOT','Big Data') order by Departments").show()
