How to click href in VBA Excel - excel

I have an issue to click link <a href below and That Link is Dynamic, here the script that I've made :
Set Menu_KKPTs = HTMLdoc.getElementsByTagName("a")
For Each Menu_KKPT In Menu_KKPTs
Next Menu_KKPT
and the HTML Code:
<li class="menu-item" jeniswp="">
<a href="//index.php?r=awp/awpargp/kkpt&n=eNpjYGBgEmEWZMkrKC8Q5Dc0MTEws7S0MLM0NDUwMBBkKckoy">
<i class="icon-doc"></i>
<span class="title">
Thanks for the help!


Excel VBA using Selenium - click on href link

I want to Click on href "add_record.php" by VBA Excel Selenium.
Inspect of Targeted site:
<li class="active">
<i class="fa fa-dashboard"></i><span>Dashboard</span></li>
<li class=""><i class="fa fa-link"></i> <span>Add New Record</span></li>
<li class=""><i class="fa fa-link"></i> <span>Add Record from SRF Portal</span></li>
<li class=""><i class="fa fa-link"></i> <span>List/Edit/Followup</span></li>
<a href="#">
Just to click this element use css selector. * means finding any text as specified after =.

Click open nested unordered HTML list(drop-down menu) using Python and Selenium

I would like to click open navigation bar element ("Residential Detached") shown here:
Here's the HTML behind this element:
<div id="app_banner_menu">
<ul class="AspNet-Menu">
<li><a data-bind="" url="/ParagonLS/Home/Page.mvc" tabDescription="Home" subTabDescription="" subTabMaxAllowed="0" targetEx="" rel="" subTabGroup="false" subTabGroupAdd="false" subTabStartIndex="" subTabGroupClose="false" fullWindow="False" hideAddressBar="False"><span id="home-nav" class="MenuIcons homeButton"></span></a></li>
<span id="search-nav" class="MenuIcons searchButton"></span>
Search By Class
<li><a data-bind="" url="/ParagonLS/Search/Property.mvc/Index/1" tabDescription="Residential Detached" subTabDescription="Criteria" subTabMaxAllowed="3" targetEx="" rel="" class=" SearchByClass1 " subTabGroup="true" subTabGroupAdd="true" subTabStartIndex="0" subTabGroupClose="true" fullWindow="False" hideAddressBar="False">Residential Detached</a></li>
<li><a data-bind="" url="/ParagonLS/Search/Property.mvc/Index/2" tabDescription="Residential Attached" subTabDescription="Criteria" subTabMaxAllowed="3" targetEx="" rel="" class=" SearchByClass2 " subTabGroup="true" subTabGroupAdd="true" subTabStartIndex="0" subTabGroupClose="true" fullWindow="False" hideAddressBar="False">Residential Attached</a></li>
This is the code I wrote to accomplish the same, but it doesn't work.
resedential_detached_class = browser.find_element_by_xpath("//div[contains(text(),'Residential Detached')]").click()
How can I pick just that element and click open it? It will lead me to a new page.
Have you try this selenium tag:
resedential_detached_class = browser.find_element_by_link_text('Residential Detached').click()

BeautifulSoup .find() capturing too much text (how do I narrow it down?)

wondering how to target the "Switch" text on the below html:
<div class="product_title">
<a href="/game/pc/into-the-breach" class="hover_none">
<h1>Into the Breach</h1>
<span class="platform">
<a href="/game/pc">
<div class="product_data">
<ul class="summary_details">
<li class="summary_detail publisher" >
<span class="label">Publisher:</span>
<span class="data">
<a href="/company/subset-games" >
Subset Games
<li class="summary_detail release_data">
<span class="label">Release Date:</span>
<span class="data" >Feb 27, 2018</span>
<li class="summary_detail product_platforms">
<span class="label">Also On:</span>
<span class="data">
Switch </span>
so far I am capturing the "Also On:" text as well (with a lot of spaces) with this code:
self.playable_on_systems_label.setText(self.html_soup.find("span", class_='platform').text.strip() + ', ' + self.html_soup.find("li", class_='summary_detail product_platforms').text.strip())
how do I capture (in this case) only the "Switch" text?
FYI - for the first half of the statement (capturing the "PC") text works fine just not the "also on" text
Thanks in advance,
Your query is getting the entire span element with class="summary_detail product_platforms", which is going to include all the text starting from "Also On:" until "Switch." Try something like .find('a', href=re.compile("^.+switch.+$")) or alternately (using CSS) .select("a[href*=switch]") (solution from here)
you can use BeautifulSoup select() function to navigate the the "Switch" text, check this code!!!
rom bs4 import BeautifulSoup
html = '''<div class="product_title">
<a class="hover_none" href="/game/pc/into-the-breach">
<h1>Into the Breach</h1>
<span class="platform">
<a href="/game/pc">
<div class="product_data">
<ul class="summary_details">
<li class="summary_detail publisher">
<span class="label">Publisher:</span>
<span class="data">
<a href="/company/subset-games">
Subset Games
<li class="summary_detail release_data">
<span class="label">Release Date:</span>
<span class="data">Feb 27, 2018</span>
<li class="summary_detail product_platforms">
<span class="label">Also On:</span>
<span class="data">
<a class="hover_none" href="/game/switch/into-the-breach">Switch</a> </span>
soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')
text ='.summary_detail.product_platforms .hover_none')[0].text.strip()

Can segmented-control in Ratchet support multiple rows of control-items?

Can segmented-control in Ratchet support multiple rows of control-items? The code snippet below will make all the items in one row.
<div class="segmented-control">
<a class="control-item active">row1</a>
<a class="control-item">row1</a>
<a class="control-item">row1</a>
<a class="control-item">row1</a>
<a class="control-item">row1</a>
<a class="control-item>row2</a>
<a class="control-item">row2</a>
<a class="control-item">row2</a>
<a class="control-item">row2</a>
<a class="control-item">row2</a>

How do I select a JS tab in watir-webdriver?

I have a webpage which has tab list, the HTML looks like this for this piece:
<div id="content">
<div class="col span-6">
<div class="section first no-border">
<h2>New Search</h2>
<ul class="tabs clear">
<li id="simple-li" class="current">
<a onclick="switch_search_type('SimpleSearch');; return false;" href="#">Simple</a>
<li id="structured-li">
<a onclick="redirect_to_search('/search/structured_searches/new'); return false;" href="#">Wizard</a>
<li id="advanced-li" class="">
<li id="custom-li" class="">
<a onclick="switch_search_type('ComplexQuerySearch');; return false;" href="#">Custom</a>
<div class="tabbed-panel">
I want to select the "Custom" item in this tab list. I tried multiple things but have failed, some of the things I tried:, "custom-li").click
browser.select_list(:id, "custom-li").set("Custom"), "id('custom-li')/x:a").click
browser.select_list(:id => 'custom-li').select "Custom"
I am new to watir-webdriver. Any feedback and help is greatly appreciated.
Try this:
browser.a(:text => "Custom").click
