Cronjob to add datestamp to file not running - cron

Good day everyone.
I have an issue, and Googling the issue has not helped me, basically I have the following requirement.
cronjob that runs 1st script, output is written to a file
file that is created, to have a date stamp
2nd script executes, mail the generated file as an attachment
The issue is with adding the timestamp, if I set the cron to run and just create a file with a generic filename the cronjob runs fine.
I have tried the following:
0 8-17/1 * * * python /usr/local/bin/ >> /usr/local/bin/file_`date +\%Y-%m-%d`.txt 2>&1 && python /usr/local/bin/
0 8-17/1 * * * python /usr/local/bin/ >> /usr/local/bin/file_$(date +"%Y-%m-%d").txt 2>&1 && python /usr/local/bin/
Server is running Ubuntu 16.04

You need to escape the percent-sign (%) with a backslash as explained in this answer (not mine).


Linux cronjob wget to file instead of STDOUT

I have a cronjob that was specified like this :
0 * * * * root bash /data/
Inside this is -> /data/ 0
As you can see, take two arguments, the first URL and the recursive depth. The script will call another with incremented depth counter and different url which is scrapped from the first run result and stop until it reaches certain depth.
Inside the, I am scrapping a website with this command
wget -O- $1 > main.htm
The problem is, main.htm is not created when this script is run via crontab. The log is saying it is saved to 'STDOUT', while when I manually run it it will save to 'main.htm'. How to solve this?
Output to file by doing the following.
wget -O {output-filename} $1

Shell script / Python3 file on crontab

I try to run the (shell script) in the crontab
This is the code in the script
#!/bin/sh -x
echo "Finish"
In the crontab terminal (crontab -e)
* * * * * /home/peteryph/Desktop/working/city_google/ > /home/peteryph/Desktop/working/city_google/echo2.txt
* * * * * /usr/bin/python3 /home/peteryph/Desktop/working/city_google / > /home/peteryph/Desktop/working/city_google/echo.txt
In the cron status
(peteryph) CMD (/home/peteryph/Desktop/working/city_google/ > /home/peteryph/Desktop/working/city_google/echo2.txt)
(peteryph) CMD (/usr/bin/python3 /home/peteryph/Desktop/working/city_google / > /home/peteryph/Desktop/working/city_google/echo.txt)
In the main_schedule, the code looks like this
(I did import the files. They are a lot of them, so I did not put them right here.)
print("Please wait.........\n")
infor = update()
infor.clear_previous_value() #update the data in the DB
start_time = time.time()
infor.select_update() #insert the data into DB
print("Running time --%s seonds--" %(time.time() - start_time) + "\n")
I try to execute both python file and script at the same time, but I only receive the echo from the python file. But the data did not insert into the Database on both python file and script on the crontab.
However, the script works when I execute it manually.
(I do have non-English character in my file, would that effect the crontab ?)
(Or does the path of the database has to be absolute path ? )
I found where the PROBLEMS are.
First, you have to use absolute path for your database when you call the database for sqlite3.
Second, make sure your shell script is executable :P

Scheduler doesn't work in vTiger

I am an intern on a company in Malta. The company has just made a big change from sugarCRM to vTigerCRM. Now we have a problem with the scheduler. What we want is, when a mail is entered it should automatically get synced with the organisations and contacts (I can link them when I click on the "SCAN NOW" button of the mailconverter). But I want it automatically.
But my cron files are not getting updated.
I installed a cron on the linux server with the code below:
*/15 * * * * sh /vtiger_root/cron/ >/dev/null 2>&1
I adapt code the PHP_SAPI and I added the permissions on the proper files. But still. (as we speak my schedule task for the mail is at 1)
So every 15 minutes the is supposed to run vtigercron.php. But it doesn't happen. When I run vtigercron manually every things works fine. (The scheduler cron states get updated) but not with the cron file on the server.
Can somebody please be my hero?
In our crontab -
(sudo) vim /etc/crontab
I scheduled the job like this:
*/15 * * * * webdaemon /bin/bash /var/www/vtigercrm6/cron/
Are you getting any errors in /var/log/syslog or /var/log/messages or whichever system log that your OS uses?
This tutorial actually works:
A simpler way:
In the file vtigercron.php, change the line
if(vtigercron_detect_run_in_cli() || (isset($_SESSION["authenticated_user_id"]) && isset($_SESSION["app_unique_key"]) && $_SESSION["app_unique_key"] == $application_unique_key)){
if(vtigercron_detect_run_in_cli() || ($_REQUEST["app_unique_key"] == $application_unique_key) || (isset($_SESSION["authenticated_user_id"]) && isset($_SESSION["app_unique_key"]) && $_SESSION["app_unique_key"] == $application_unique_key)){
and then use
as cron job URL.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: You may find your app_unique_key in (look for $application_unique_key in it).
Please replace xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx in the URL above with the 32-chars $application_unique_key you find in, and with your vtiger install location.

PHP iconv error using Zend Lucene when executing script via cron, but not on commandline

I am executing a PHP script via the command line which, for a specific user, runs fine when executed on the commandline, but when the exact same command is put into the same user's crontab, a PHP iconv error is returned.
The commandline is utilising the Yii framework and the Zend Lucene library, but I'm not sure if that's pertinent.
I've made all executable and script paths absolute in the crontab line and can verify that it works when executed directly on the commandline.
I wrapped the actual PHP invocation in a one-line shell script, as I read elsewhere here that this solved a similar problem for someone, but no joy.
The command successfully executed on the commandline is:
/bin/sh /var/www/yii-projects/projectname/protected/scripts/ >> /var/lucene/lucene.log
The content of the script is:
/usr/bin/php /var/www/yii-projects/projectname/protected/scripts/cron.php lucene buildIndex
And the crontab line is:
*/10 * * * * /bin/sh /var/www/yii-projects/projectname/protected/scripts/ >> /var/lucene/lucene.log
The error shown in the log when the crontab executes is:
PHP Error[8]: iconv(): Detected an illegal character in input string
in file /var/www/yii-projects/projectname/protected/vendors/Zend/Search/Lucene/Analysis/Analyzer/Common/Text.php at line 58
0 /var/www/yii-projects/projectname/protected/vendors/Zend/Search/Lucene/Analysis/Analyzer/Common/Text.php(58): iconv()
1 /var/www/yii-projects/projectname/protected/vendors/Zend/Search/Lucene/Analysis/Analyzer.php(125): Zend_Search_Lucene_Analysis_Analyzer_Common_Text_CaseInsensitive->reset()
2 /var/www/yii-projects/projectname/protected/vendors/Zend/Search/Lucene/Index/SegmentWriter/DocumentWriter.php(98): Zend_Search_Lucene_Analysis_Analyzer_Common_Text_CaseInsensitive->setInput()
3 /var/www/yii-projects/projectname/protected/vendors/Zend/Search/Lucene/Index/Writer.php(244): Zend_Search_Lucene_Index_SegmentWriter_DocumentWriter->addDocument()
4 /var/www/yii-projects/projectname/protected/vendors/Zend/Search/Lucene.php(1410): Zend_Search_Lucene_Index_Writer->addDocument()
5 /var/www/yii-projects/projectname/protected/vendors/Zend/Search/Lucene/Proxy.php(500): Zend_Search_Lucene->addDocument()
6 /var/www/yii-projects/projectname/protected/commands/LuceneCommand.php(97): Zend_Search_Lucene_Proxy->addDocument()
7 unknown(0): LuceneCommand->actionBuildIndex()
8 /var/www/yii-projects/yii-1.1.12.b600af/framework/console/CConsoleCommand.php(173): ReflectionMethod->invokeArgs()
9 /var/www/yii-projects/yii-1.1.12.b600af/framework/console/CConsoleCommandRunner.php(68): LuceneCommand->run()
10 /var/www/yii-projects/yii-1.1.12.b600af/framework/console/CConsoleApplication.php(92): CConsoleCommandRunner->run()
11 /var/www/yii-projects/yii-1.1.12.b600af/framework/base/CApplication.php(162): CConsoleApplication->processRequest()
12 /var/www/yii-projects/projectname/protected/scripts/cron.php(14): CConsoleApplication->run()
I cannot think of any reason why there is any difference, given the measures taken, and the fact that the user is the same in both cases.
Please help!
Edit - I should also confirm that the underlying data that is being indexed is not changing - I've executed both scenarios alternately many times and get the above results consistently.
Try with the -f switch and directly from crontab:
/usr/bin/php -f /var/www/yii-projects/projectname/protected/scripts/cron.php lucene buildIndex
Also are you sure that the text of the command you are passing is in UTF8? Could there be some other symbol there? Maybe a BOM? You can check this with a HEX editor - open your shell script, omit all the letters and see what's left. Usually a BOM in UTF8 is EF BB BF but it may not be a bom at all. Just check.
Necessary shell environment variables are not available to crontab job, so added this to irishhp users's crontab:
which resolved.

Creating a Named Cron Job

How do you create a cron job from the command line, so that it shows up with a name in gnome-schedule?
I know how to create a cron job using crontab. However, all my jobs show up with a blank name. I'd like to better document my jobs so I can easily identify them in gnome-schedule, or similar cron wrapper.
Well, just made a cronjob in Scheduler, and took a look at my crontab file, and it looked like this:
0 0 * * * ls >/dev/null 2>&1 # JOB_ID_1
Notice the JOB_ID_1 at the end.
I went into ~/.gnome/gnome-scheduler/, looked at the files there, and there was one named just 1 (as in the number "one") which had a bit of info, including the name
So, I made a second cronjob:
0 0 * * * ls -al >/dev/null 2>&1 # JOB_ID_2
Copied the file 1 to 2 to match the JOB_ID_2, changed the description, making the file as:
title=This is a test
Then I switched over to Gnome-Schedule, and it had added the cronjob, and had the name updated.
Follow the same steps, and you should be able to manually name any cronjob you want
