What is the difference between readdir and opendir in FUSE - fuse

In the libfuse documentation there are both readdir and opendir as defined operations.
From what I have found, readdir is the one which will list out the contents of a directory. If so, what is the function of opendir? The documentation states that this opens the directory but what does opening a directory actually mean if it is not simply listing its content?

opendir doesn't do any listing. It's purpose is to open a file handle, which is the interface on which the listing can be done using readdir. It does the checking of the existence of the directory path, whether the caller has permissions to open, etc and so it might return an error in case it's not possible to do the listing.
The handle provided by opendir serves as a listing state context - it holds the current listing offset and it can be manipulated to be rewinded or to jump ahead forward using seek.
The relation between the two corresponds to open and read. In addition, these Fuse functions implement the real OS functions:


what happens when calling ```touch .``` in linux?

this is a very specific question
I'm mainly interested in the open() system calls the happen when running touch ..
So I ran strace touch . and saw that opennat() is called three times.
but I'm not really understanding whats going on; as touch . does not print anything in the console and does not create a new file named "." since "." is a pointer to the current folder and can be seen by running ls -a so nothing is created since that name is already in use.
this is my assumption:
open() is called to check if the specified file name already exits, if a file descriptor is returned this means that the name is already in use and the operation is canceled.
please correct me if I'm wrong.
GNU touch prefers to use a file descriptor when touching files, since it's possible to write touch - > foo and expect the file foo to be touched. As a result, it always tries to open the specified path as a writable file, and if that's possible, it then uses that file descriptor to update the file timestamp.
In this case, it's not possible to open . for writing, so openat returns EISDIR. touch notices that it's a directory, so its call to its internal fdutimensat function gets an invalid file descriptor and falls back to using utimensat instead of futimens.
It isn't the case that the openat call is used to check that the file exists, but instead that using a file descriptor for many operations means that you don't have to deal with path resolution multiple times or handle symlinks, since all of those are resolved when the file descriptor is opened. This is why many long-lived programs choose to open a file descriptor to their current working directory, then change directories, and then use the file descriptor with fchdir to change back. Any pchanges to permissions after the program starts are not a problem.

How do I get the filename of an open std::fs::File in Rust?

I have an open std::fs::File, and I want to get it's filename, e.g. as a PathBuf. How do I do that?
The simple solution would be to just save the path used in the call to File::open. Unfortunately, this does not work for me. I am trying to write a program that reads log files, and the program that writes the logs keep changing the filenames as part of it's log rotation. So the file may very well have been renamed since it was opened. This is on Linux, so renaming open files is possible.
How do I get around this issue, and get the current filename of an open file?
On a typical Unix filesystem, a file may have multiple filenames at once, or even none at all. The file metadata is stored in an inode, which has a unique inode number, and this inode number can be linked from any number of directory entries. However, there are no reverse links from the inode back to the directory entries.
Given an open File object in Rust, you can get the inode number using the ino() method. If you know the directory the log file is in, you can use std::fs::read_dir() to iterate over all entries in that directory, and each entry will also have an ino() method, so you can find the one(s) matching your open file object. Of course this approach is subject to race conditions – the directory entry may already be gone again once you try to do anything with it.
On linux, files handles held by the current process can be found under /proc/self/fd. These look and act like symlinks to the original files (though I think they may technically be something else - perhaps someone who knows more can chip in).
You can therefore recover the (possibly changed) file name by constructing the correct path in /proc/self/fd using your file descriptor, and then following the symlink back to the filesystem.
This snippet shows the steps:
use std::fs::read_link;
use std::os::unix::io::AsRawFd;
use std::path::PathBuf;
// if f is your std::fs::File
// first construct the path to the symlink under /proc
let path_in_proc = PathBuf::from(format!("/proc/self/fd/{}", f.as_raw_fd()));
// ...and follow it back to the original file
let new_file_name = read_link(path_in_proc).unwrap();

Open file by inode

Is it possible to open a file knowing its inode?
ls -i /tmp/test/test.txt
529965 /tmp/test/test.txt
I can provide path, inode (above 529965) and I am looking to get in return a file descriptor.
This is not possible because it would open a loophole in the access control rules. Whether you can open a file depends not only on its own access permission bits, but on the permission bits of every containing directory. (For instance, in your example, if test.txt were mode 644 but the containing directory test were mode 700, then only root and the owner of test could open test.txt.) Inode numbers only identify the file, not the containing directories (it's possible for a file to be in more than one directory; read up on "hard links") so the kernel cannot perform a complete set of access control checks with only an inode number.
(Some Unix implementations have offered nonstandard root-only APIs to open a file by inode number, bypassing some of the access-control rules, but if current Linux has such an API, I don't know about it.)
Not exactly what you are asking, but (as hinted by zwol) both Linux and NetBSD/FreeBSD provide the ability to open files using previously created “handles”: These are inode-like persistent names that identify a file on a file system.
On *BSD (getfh and fhopen) using this is as simple as:
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/mount.h>
fhandle_t file_handle;
getfh("<file_path>", &file_handle); // Or `getfhat` for the *at-style API
// … possibly save handle as bytes somewhere and recreate it some time later …
int fd = fhopen(&file_handle, O_RDWR);
The last call requiring the caller to be root however.
The Linux name_to_handle_at and open_by_handle_at system calls are similar, but a lot more explicit and require the caller to keep track of the relevant file system mount IDs/UUIDs themselves, so I'll humbly link to the detailed example in the manpage instead. Beware, that the example is not complete if you are looking to persist the handles across reboots; one has to convert the received mount ID to a persistent filesystem identifier, such as a filesystem UUID, and convert that back to a mount ID later on. In essence they do the same however. And just like on *BSD using the later system call requires elevated privileges (CAP_DAC_READ_SEARCH to be exact).

is there a way to change the target of symlink /proc/self/exe?

hi all:
recently i'm working on make checkpoint on linux process and encountered a problem,it looks like that when i munmap memory map of the executable to current process,the symlink /proc/self/exe is dead.what i want is to make this symlink pointing to a other executable(the one for my resumed processs),is that possible?i tried delete it and recreate, permission denied. english is not my native language, i hope i've made my point,thanx
prctl(PR_SET_MM_EXE_FILE, ...)
Supersede the /proc/pid/exe symbolic link with a new one pointing to a new executable file identified by the file descriptor provided in arg3 argument. The file descriptor should be obtained with a regular open(2) call.
No. /proc is completely managed by the kernel and does not allow changes like that.
But you may be able to start a new process (with fork() perhaps) and map your memory snapshot into that.

Implementing FUSE

I want to implement a file system using FUSE. When the contents of the directory is requested, only the types of files in that directory will be reported as subdirectories. For example, if there are ugur.PDF, guler.JPG and devatate.PNG files in the directory, the files themselves will not be reported, but types (PDF, JPG and PNG) will be reported instead. I tried to implement this file system. My problem is i can not imagine that how can i report without changing ls-l command? how does ls-l command work? (I have a readdir function and it loads file_type and file_name to buffer. I tried to change but i couldn't achive)
How does ls -l work? That seems to be the crux of the issue. It calls fstat(2). That system call fills the stat structure. When you implement a fuse provider, you are providing the data that ends up in the stat structure. If you want to change the directory structure, you return the necessary fabricated information for the various items.
I can think of two approaches to this:
1. Use a database like SQLite
you can store the files, path and file types in the database. Then when the user gets into some directory, you can say do some query like select file_types where path="" and populate as directories using filler()
2. Recursively traverse original path
you can create a list of all file types in the current directory, then use filler() to post them as directories. Then, when user enters any one directory, you can again do a check or something to see if cur_path is in last_path(orig directory), and you can select those file types and display them
