Neovim doesn't recognize right curly braces ( } ) using spanish keyboard - vim

When I press ALT GR + รง, appears ^_ instead of }
*Edit: I can't either write characters like # or #

It seems that is a problem with neovim version 0.4 for windows. That's the current stable release.
Updating to 0.5 pre-release version should solve your problem.


Android Studio - jump back and forth between matching braces using a single key sequence

I had to move from Eclipse to Android Studio for Android development. Many features are better, several are worse. In particular I miss the jump between matching braces (opening -> closing brace and v.v.) by means of a single key sequence.
I managed to find that CTRL ] takes you from the opening brace to the closing one, CTRL [ takes you from closing to opening brace. If the wrong [ or ] symbol is used when you ara already at an opening or closing brace, then the editor jumps to the next brace of that type.
Is there any key sequence which jumps between matching braces, like Eclipse does?
I think you want
these move to the open and close brackets.
You want a single combination to do both?
Use Ctrl
+ shift
+ M
If this helps anyone using Android Studio on a Mac OS X machine, to jump back and forth between matching braces or parentheses, use
control + m
or possibly
control + shift + m
I am using Android Studio 4.2.1 and now it seems like need to use cmd + shift + m to move to matching bracket.
Also, this one conflicts with one of the MacOS short cut and can be modified to ctrl + shift + m
Single key solution
You can do it as
Go to setting->keymap find Move Caret To Matched Brace add a shortcut to it.
That shortcut will take you to the end If you are at the opening brace And at the start if you are at the ending brace.
Additional :
1. For the Windows:
- Use <kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>]</kbd> to move to the closing bracket.
- Use <kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>[</kbd> to move to the opening bracket.
For the Mac:
- Use <kbd>cmd</kbd> instead of <kbd>Ctrl</kbd>.
2. For the Windows:
- Use <kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>}</kbd> to move to the closing bracket with the code selection.
- Use <kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>{</kbd> to move to the opening bracket with the code selection.
For the Mac:
- Use <kbd>cmd</kbd> instead of <kbd>Ctrl</kbd>.

Sublime Text Editor snippet to remove parentheses

Sublime is able to add parentheses, brackets (curly and square), apostrophes, and quotes to highlighted text by default. I've tried but can't seem to find a way to have it remove those as well. What I'd like to be able to do is highlight some text that is surrounded by parentheses and have it remove those. Is there a good way to do that using snippets?
I suspect it can be done with use of allFollowingCharacter and allPrecedingCharacter but it seems those might be from a previous version of Sublime when those were in XML instead of the current JSON...?
Any help would be appreciated!
With surround you can do this. Install it via Package Control. (Package Control Installation)
Open the command palette:
CTRLSHIFTP on Linux and Windows,
Search for Surround: delete surround and type in ( and Enter and you are done!
I'm surprised this question isn't searched more regularly!
BracketHighlighter is an excellent utility that includes convenient deleting of parenthesis. To cut to the chase, install BracketHighlighter and set bh_remove_brackets to whatever shortcut you'd like to be able to delete parentheses. Search up bh_remove_brackets in the example sublime keymap to see an example!

In Sublime Text 3 Vintage Mode, using semicolon to find next result in 'f' motion does not work

I'm using Vintage Mode in Sublime Text 3 on OS X 9.0.
In Vim, pressing f and then any character searches for the next instance of that character on the same line. I can then press ; to continue searching for the next instance of that character on that line. The , key does the same thing but in the opposite direction.
Neither of these commands function in Vintage Mode.
How can I bind those actions (next instance of character, previous instance of character) to ; and , ? Or is there an alternative hotkey in Sublime for some reason?
Don't know about the built in vintage, but you may be interested in using Vintageous. It's much more feature complete (in my opinion) than the included vintage mode.
Adding to the answer by Benjamin.
In Sublime 3, Vintage is already in the ignored_packages list
(if you look in Sublime Text menu->Preferences->Settings - Default)
However, this is how you would do it.
"ignored_packages": ["Vintage"]
Updating to the latest Sublime Text 3 build (3083 right now) fixes this problem with Vintage mode. Now ; and , work as expected.

Jumping to corresponding / matching Brackets in Coda Editor

I'm using Coda IDE on Mac OSX.
In eclipse there's a feature called "Jump to matching bracket" (invoked by Command+Shift+P).
Is there any equivalent, or perhaps a plugin, in Coda ?
I know this is months later, but figured better to leave my findings here in case someone else winds up here, too.
I recently started using Coda 2 and have been looking to just jump to a matching bracket (in Textpad on Windows it was something like Ctrl+M).
This is the closest I've found:
For visualizing: while typing passing over a bracket will animate a circle over its matching one (you're out of luck if it's off thescreen!)
For cursor placement: at the parenthesis or bracket Command+B (or double clicking it) will select the block, you can then just hit the left or right arrow to move past or preceding the selection
For both: you can use cold folding, Ctrl+Command+left arrow to fold and right arrow to unfold
For HTML: try this plugin and use Ctrl+B: (Github | Google Code) (don't use the new version named Emmet or something to that effect, the plugin did not work for me, this old one I'm linking to still seems to work for Coda 2 as of this writing (Coda 2.0.4))
Not as obvious as other editors/IDEs and may take some getting used to.

Keyboard shortcut to "Comment" a line in NANO?

I love NANO. It's always there, it can slice and dice, and its NOT VIM!
But I am constantly hitting Command / - inadvertently - as I go along, out of habit.. Most IDE's use this convention to "comment out" a line.
NANO has great syntax highlighting.. so it knows the context of my documents.. but I haven't been able to figure out a way to get it to perform this basic, yet relatively important function.. Hand-commenting is for the birds.
I suppose this is sorta a super-user question, but in my experience, this would get a bunch of blank stares and then a few people asking who Nano was, so... here it is...
Oh and PS, brownie points for anyone that knows how to get DashCode to be able to do this as well... It would be the finest Javascript IDE EVER if it could perform this trick... and I'm convinced Apple omitted the feature for just that reason, lol.
The simplest workaround I've found:
set the cursor at the first row that should be commented-out
hit twice 'M-R' (or 'Alt-r'; in order to Replace a RegExp)
Search for: '^'
Replace with: '# '
Replace this instance?: 'y'
press 'y' for each row to be commented-out
The same procedure, replacing '# ' by ''
New in nano 2.6
(2016 June 17)
comment/uncomment lines with default binding M-3 (Meta-3)
If you do not like the default mapping, note following:
Using Ctrl-/ by rebinding it in ~.nanorc with bind ^/ comment main is not possible. On a linux console this is equivalent to a backspace (
Some possible alternatives could be:
Meta-; (emacs)
Alt-/ (micro)
While accepted answer is de jure correct, it doesn't really help if you're not proficient in Nano already.
Indeed since Nano 2.6 this functionality is available as M-3 (Meta-3). But what it actually means (see doc) is that comment\uncomment can be done via these hotkeys:
<Alt> + 3 // <Alt> is default <Meta> command
<Esc> + 3 // Single <Esc> should also work
And since usually you need to comment out several lines, you can use Alt + a (or Meta + a / Esc + a) to switch to selection mode which will allow to select several lines. Then comment command will be applied on all selected lines at once.
Related question: How to comment multiple lines in nano at once?
