I have have unzipped newrelic files onto amazon linux and have both the installer.sh and config_defaults.sh
I have the license key in the parameter store which I am able to call
I install newrelic with the following command
sudo ./installer.sh GENERATE_CONFIG=true LICENSE_KEY=$APIKEY
sudo systemctl start newrelic-infra # to start the service
Where APPIKEY comes from the parameter store.
However when I do
sudo systemctl start newrelic-infra
I get error message
level=error msg="can't load configuration file" component="New Relic Infrastructure Agent" error="no license key, please add it to agent's config file or NRIA_LICENSE_KEY environment variable"
How can I make the agent recognize the license key?
It seems you are installing the infrastructure agent on a Amazon Linux 2 host by following the manual or assisted tarball installation flow. Note that not all features and integrations are available with that setup.
New Relic provides linux packages and a step by step installation in the web interface (see "Add more data" in the New Relic One web).
The standard installation steps for Amazon Linux 2 would be:
echo "license_key: YOUR_LICENSE_KEY" | sudo tee -a /etc/newrelic-infra.yml && \
sudo curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/newrelic-infra.repo https://download.newrelic.com/infrastructure_agent/linux/yum/el/7/x86_64/newrelic-infra.repo && \
sudo yum -q makecache -y --disablerepo='*' --enablerepo='newrelic-infra' && \
sudo yum install newrelic-infra -y
Here's the documentation explaining the different install scenarios.
You can get additional support from the community on the Explorers Hub.
We are creating dev environments for developers in GCP cloud.
Every developer would have a dedicated Linux VM in GCP for day to day development tasks & testing
Linux VM is a dev environment(with multiple tools installed for source code checkout etc...). Docker daemon is another tool, needed, for day to day tasks.
So, Linux VM should have docker daemon(installed) to launch docker containers(for testing).
Can we install docker daemon on Linux VM? if yes, please provide steps..
When I build VMs for developers that require Docker, I use a startup script so that Docker is installed when the VM is created. This script can also be used in a terminal window to manually install Docker.
This script is for Debian/Ubuntu systems.
One variable is required. $USER needs to be added to the docker group so that users can run containers without sudo permissions. This script runs commands with sudo which is not required as a startup script but is required for a normal user.
#!/bin/bash -v
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install apt-transport-https -y
curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/gpg | sudo apt-key add -
sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu focal stable"
sudo apt update
apt-cache policy docker-ce
sudo apt install docker-ce -y
sudo usermod -aG docker ${USER}
echo "User ${USER} added to docker group. Re-login to assume docker group membership."
You can refer the document provided by digital ocean.
I was able to successfully setup docker using the above and once docker is installed, make sure to add your user into docker group. Please refer this link for post installation tasks.
I created VM (virtual machine) instance on Google Cloud with CentOS 7 as OS to install Tableau Server and http access to it using set of commands from online free video. After successful installation I try to use web browser to get an access to Tableau Configuration and I see nothing but an error message "Connection took too long".
Pretty much I didn't do anything else yet because on video everything is right and smooth. Already asked owner of video but who knows how busy he is and if consider it his responsibility to answer the questions.
sudo -i
yum update -y
sudo yum install wget -y
wget https://downloads.tableau.com/tssoftware/tableau-server-2018-2-0.x86_64.rpm
chmod 777 tableau-server-2018-2-0.x86_64.rpm
sudo yum install tableau-server-2018-2-0.x86_64.rpm
adduser admin
passwd admin
usermod -aG wheel admin
systemctl status firewalld.service
systemctl disable firewalld.service
systemctl stop firewalld.service
su - admin
cd /opt/tableau/tableau_server/packages/scripts.20182.18.0627.2230/
sudo ./initialize-tsm --accepteula
sudo usermod -G tsmadmin -a admin
source /etc/profile.d/tableau_server.sh
After many starts and stops and checking the Tableau Server application status I still not able to have web access to configuration page.
Any suggestions please?
I would follow the Linux install docs. You are missing a few steps like registration and configuring the initial node.
Also, you shouldn't install as su - admin. You want to install in the user space using sudo.
When you do get the server up and running you should be able to run tsm status and see that Tableau Server is running. If you still cannot reach the server after that then there is probably something going on with the networking with the GCP settings.
Any body Please tell me how to setup the rippled server in my local system and how to call the API's for generating address and doing the transactions with out using the Rippled public server(s1.ripple.com ).
Thanks in advance
Here is simple steps to setup ripple mainnet server in your system
You can also go through the link as below -
Minimum System Requirements
A rippled server should run comfortably on commodity hardware, to make it inexpensive to participate in the network. At present, we recommend the following minimum requirements:
Operating System:
Production: CentOS or RedHat Enterprise Linux (latest release) or Ubuntu (16.04+) supported
Development: Mac OS X, Windows (64-bit), or most Linux distributions
CPU: 64-bit x86_64, 2+ cores
Disk: Minimum 50GB SSD recommended (1000 IOPS, more is better) for the database partition
Testing: 8GB+
Production: 32 GB
Amazon EC2's m3.large VM size may be appropriate depending on your workload. A fast network connection is preferable. Any increase in a server's client-handling load increases resources needs.
Installation on CentOS/Red Hat with yum
This section assumes that you are using CentOS 7 or Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.
Install the Ripple RPM repository:
$ sudo rpm -Uvh https://mirrors.ripple.com/ripple-repo-el7.rpm
Install the rippled software package:
$ sudo yum install --enablerepo=ripple-stable rippled
Configure the rippled service to start on system boot:
$ sudo systemctl enable rippled.service
Start the rippled service
$ sudo systemctl start rippled.service
Installation on Ubuntu with alien
This section assumes that you are using Ubuntu 15.04 or later.
Install yum-utils and alien:
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install yum-utils alien
Install the Ripple RPM repository:
$ sudo rpm -Uvh https://mirrors.ripple.com/ripple-repo-el7.rpm
Download the rippled software package:
$ yumdownloader --enablerepo=ripple-stable --releasever=el7 rippled
Verify the signature on the rippled software package:
$ sudo rpm --import https://mirrors.ripple.com/rpm/RPM-GPG-KEY-ripple-release && rpm -K rippled*.rpm
Install the rippled software package:
$ sudo alien -i --scripts rippled*.rpm && rm rippled*.rpm
Configure the rippled service to start on system boot:
$ sudo systemctl enable rippled.service
Start the rippled service
$ sudo systemctl start rippled.service
It can take several minutes for rippled to sync with the rest of the network, during which time it outputs warnings about missing ledgers. After that, you have a fully functional stock rippled server that you can use for local signing and API access to the XRP Ledger.
You can use the rippled commandline interface as follows:
$ /opt/ripple/bin/rippled
Additional Configuration (Must needs to do according your IP)-
rippled should connect to the XRP Ledger with the default configuration. However, you can change your settings by editing the rippled.cfg file (located at /opt/ripple/etc/rippled.cfg when installing rippled with yum). You must change the IP setting with your own entered IP and then connected with this setup server using java script code.
See the rippled GitHub repository for a description of all configuration options.
Changes to the [debug_logfile] or [database_path] sections may require you to give the rippled user and group ownership to your new configured path:
$ chown -R rippled:rippled <configured path>
Restart rippled for any configuration changes to take effect:
$ sudo service rippled restart
For more dig into ripple RPC and command kindly go through below link
Hope this will help..
I'm using the Azure Resource Manager Template to generate an Azure TeamCity server with an agent on the same Linux CoreOS Azure VM. All the tools are there for building .NET Core projects, but for Xamarin projects, I need the Visual Studio Build Tools enabled on the box.
Following the instructions on http://www.mono-project.com/download/vs/#download-lin, I tried logging onto the agent by connecting to the VM via SSH, and then running:
docker exec -it [container id] bash
apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv-keys 3FA7E0328081BFF6A14DA29AA6A19B38D3D831EF
apt install apt-transport-https
echo "deb https://download.mono-project.com/repo/ubuntu vs-xenial main" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mono-official-vs.list
apt update
apt install mono-devel #Also apt-install mono-complete
However, even after rebooting the TeamCity VM, there is still an unmet requirement, listed as "Mono4.5_x86 exists".
Installing Mono on the agent works; however, every time I restart the agent, the installation is removed.
How can I install Mono on the build agent so that it persists when I restart the agent?
This took ages to fix, but I managed to find the solution eventually.
By default, the Azure Resource Manager for TeamCity does not contain Mono in its Docker image. You can install Mono on the Docker image, but then as soon as you restart the agent, the changes are not persisted.
You have to customise it following the instructions in https://hub.docker.com/r/jetbrains/teamcity-agent/.
Start off by creating a new image:
docker run -it -e SERVER_URL="http://<my-teamcity-server>.westeurope.cloudapp.azure.com" -v /mnt/data/teamcity-mono-agent:/data/teamcity_agent/conf --name="teamcity-mono-agent" jetbrains/teamcity-agent
Then start the agent using
docker start teamcity-mono-agent
Start a bash session in the agent with
docker exec -it teamcity-mono-agent bash
and in the bash terminal, install Mono using the sequence of instructions in the original question. (You may need to check the version of Linux that is running in the container, and modify these steps accordingly. There are detailed instructions on the Mono website.)
Once you have installed Mono, check the installation by typing mono, and then exit the bash session.
Commit the image using
docker commit teamcity-mono-agent mono-agent
And then restart the agent:
docker restart teamcity-mono-agent
In your TeamCity project, go to the build step and choose "MSBuild" from the dropdown. Choose "Mono xBuild 4.5" for the MSBuild version, "4.0" for the MSBuild Tools version, and x64 for the Platform.
Your new agent should now be able to pick up builds that require Mono.
Primary Content Reference:
Beginner at linux cmd and MongoDB on Virtual Machines here.
The Tutorial: Install MongoDB on a virtual machine running CentOS Linux in Windows Azure
Is an easy follow until you reach
The Section: Install and run MongoDB on the virtual machine
As someone use to using a x64 Win8 OS I am completely lost on how I am suppose to bypass the permission denial that won't allow me to touch 10gen.repo or sudo yum install mongo-10gen mongo-10gen-server. Can someone please respond with a ELI5 format?
Related Resources:
You need to create the repository file with sudo as well.
Try this:
$ echo "[MongoDB]
name=MongoDB Repository
enabled=1" | sudo tee -a /etc/yum.repos.d/10gen.repo
$ sudo yum update
And then:
sudo yum install mongo-10gen mongo-10gen-server
Hope it helps