Why bittorrent need chunk hash - bittorrent

In the torrent file,every chunk(or piece) has a SHA1 hash.
Sure, this hash is used for verification because public network is unreliable.
In a private network, if all peers is reliable, should this hash been ignored, i.e skip chunk verification in client ?
Is there other consideration about using hash? e.g. network transfer error or software bug.

In a private network, if all peers is reliable
Hardware is never 100% reliable. At large scale you're going to see random bitflips everywhere. TCP and UDP only have weak checksums that will miss a bit flip happening in flight every now and then. Memory may not be protected by ECC. Storage might not even be protected by checksums.
So eventually there will be some corruption go uncaught if data isn't verified.
Generic SHA1 software implementations already are quite fast and should be faster than most common network or storage systems. With specialized SHA1 instructions in recent CPUs the cost of checksumming should become even lower, assuming the software makes use of them.
So generally speaking the risk of bitrot is not worth the very tiny decrease in CPU load. There might be exceptional situations where that is not the case, but it would be up to the operator of that specific system to measure the impact and decide whether he can accept bitrot to save a few CPU cycles.


Can't we enforce a limited number of attempts to prevent quantum computing from cracking our RSA encryption in the future? Or am I missing something?

It is often said that quantum computing could eventually be the end of modern encryption, and data security companies will eventually need to discover and implement quantum safe encryption. But can't a company just set limits on how many password attempts are allowed in a given time? Couldn't this slow down the brute force enough to keep data safe for several hundred+ years?

PCIe - DMA: Consistent vs. Streaming Memory

Currently I'm adding DMA to my PCIe driver for Linux. As I'm reading through the documentation it makes mention of consistent, or coherent, memory by using the API:
but never really talks about why to use it or what it does. It seems to mention to call the function for best practices and future proofing. The best I can gather is that consistent DMA memory does not have cache effects and the memory is written between device (FPGA) and CPU without any software/driver intervention once set up correctly (assuming I read correctly).
So my questions are:
Assuming a PCIe device does not require consistent memory then why would anyone use it, or in what cases is consistent memory used?
If I use consistent memory then do I not need to implement an interrupt in the PCIe driver for DMA? If true, then how does the userpsace code and device know a transfer has occurred?
If I transfer a lot of small packets, ~50 bytes, continuously and on occasion larger packets, ~6 kB, which DMA memory is better: consistent or streaming?
Think about it this way: "Consistent" means it will be automatically coherent between CPU and bus without doing anything to specifically synchronize it. For example - say I have a memory ring for inbound and outbound packets. It's lifespan will be the entire time the system is in use, and I'm going to be checking it all the time. I want this to be always consistent, because if it isn't I would have to (manually) flush or synchronize the caches, and if this were costly, and I had to do this very time I touched the ring - it would be nightmare.
On the other hand - let's take a single data buffer I'm transferring. I't kind of a "one off" deal. I can let the device transfer it - and maybe it takes many PCI cycles to complete the DMA. And maybe this is inconsistent. That's okay - but when it's done I can flush/sync caches/force consistency. If it took a tiny bit of extra time to do so - no problem - because I'm just doing it once.
So you might ask "why not make everything consistent". Answer is there is generally some level of overhead to make things consistent. Depending on the architecture, this could be significant. So in such cases, there are provisions to allow for inconsistent (streaming) mappings which don't do cache consistency (but require an explicit sync). So allowing an inconsistent transfer could gain you some performance.
Remember too - there are some cases where you would never need any consistency. For example - reading a buffer from a network device to memory, then writing that memory to a disk controller. This data may never be read/used by the CPU at all - so why bother placing any overhead on the CPU cache to track it.
As for you comment about the "interrupt" - this is kind of odd. In a "normal" case - you might have a control structure in consistent memory (like a Tx/Rx rings) which you could poll to tell you if the transaction was done. But the actual data transferred would be in a different memory which could be streaming or non-consistent.
1)Imagine you want to transfer a huge amount of data via PCIE, with high rate. you have to use scatter/gather list, and you can use a consistent memory for prepare this list for FPGA, so FPGA can read this list very fast and then do the transmissions.
2)Of course you need interrupts, otherwise you have to use polling which is very slow and unreliable.
3)If you use larger consistent memory, you can minimize interrupt/polling overheads, so they are faster, but windows usually don't allow you to allocate large consistent memory.

How does the kernel entropy pool work?

I'm using /dev/urandom to generate random data for my programs. I learned that /dev/random can be empty because, unlike /dev/urandom, it doesn't use SHA when there are not enough bytes generated. /dev/random uses "the kernel entropy pool". Apparently it relies on keyboard timings, mouse movements, and IDE timings.
But how does this really work?
And wouldn't it be possible to "feed" the entropy pool making the /dev/random output predictable?
What you are saying is spot on, yes theoretically it is possible to feed entropy into /dev/random, but you'd need to control a lot of the kernel "noise" sources for it to be significant. You can look at the source for random.c, to see where /dev/random picks up noise from. Basically, if you control a significant number of the noises sources, then you can guess what the others are contributing to the entropy pool.
Since /dev/urandom is a Hash chain seeded from /dev/random, then you could actually predict the next numbers, if you knew the seed. If you have enough control over the entropy pool, then from the output of /dev/urandom you might be able to guess this seed, which would enable you to predict all the next numbers from /dev/urandom, but only if you keep /dev/random exhausted, otherwise /dev/urandom will be reseeded.
That being said, I haven't seen anyone actually do it, not even in a controlled environment. Of course this isn't a guarantee, but I wouldn't worry.
So I'd rather use /dev/urandom and guarantee that my program doesn't block while waiting for entropy, instead of using /dev/random and asking the user to do silly things, like moving the mouse or bang on the keyboard.
I think you should read On entropy and randomness from LWN, hopefully it will calm your worries :-).
Should you still be worried, then get yourself a HRNG.
Here is a small note on entropy:
I think the concept of entropy is generally difficult to grasp. There is an article with more information on Wikipedia. But basically, in this case, you can read entropy as randomness.
So how I see it, is that you have a big bag of coloured balls, the higher entropy in this bag the harder it is to predict the next colour drawn from the bag.
In this context, your entropy pool is just a bunch of random bytes, where one cannot be derived from the previous, or any of the others. Which means you have high entropy.
I appreciate the depth of jbr's answer.
Adding a practical update for anyone currently staring at a ipsec pki command or something similar blocking on empty entropy pool:
I just installed rng-tools in another window and my pki command completed.
apt-get install rng-tools
I am in the midst of reading a paper at
and made note of the section where it says:
"For library developers:
Default to the most secure configuration. Both OpenSSL
and Dropbear default to using /dev/urandom instead of
/dev/random, and Dropbear defaults to using a less secure
DSA signature randomness technique even though
a more secure technique is available as an option."
The authors address the tradeoff of an application hanging while waiting for entropy to build /dev/random to get better security compared to a quick, but less secure, result from /dev/urandom.
Some additional Info:
IRQF_SAMPLE_RANDOM : This interrupt flag specifies that interrupts generated by a device should contribute to kernel entropy pool
Interrupt are what devices like mouse, keyboard etc (devices) are sending asynchronously.

Getting linux to buffer /dev/random

I need a reasonable supply of high-quality random data for an application I'm writing. Linux provides the /dev/random file for this purpose which is ideal; however, because my server is a single-service virtual machine, it has very limited sources of entropy, meaning /dev/random quickly becomes exhausted.
I've noticed that if I read from /dev/random, I will only get 16 or so random bytes before the device blocks while it waits for more entropy:
[duke#poopz ~]# hexdump /dev/random
0000000 f4d3 8e1e 447a e0e3 d937 a595 1df9 d6c5
<process blocks...>
If I terminate this process, go away for an hour and repeat the command, again only 16 or so bytes of random data are produced.
However - if instead I leave the command running for the same amount of time, much, much more random data are collected. I assume from this that over the course of a given timeperiod, the system produces plenty of entropy, but Linux only utilises it if you are actually reading from /dev/random, and discards it if you are not. If this is the case, my question is:
Is it possible to configure Linux to buffer /dev/random so that reading from it yields much larger bursts of high-quality random data?
It wouldn't be difficult for me to buffer /dev/random as part of my program but I feel doing this at a system level would be more elegant. I also wonder if having Linux buffer its random data in memory would have security implications.
Sounds like you need an entropy deamon that feeds the entropy pool from other sources.
Use /dev/urandom.
A counterpart to /dev/random is
/dev/urandom ("unlocked"/non-blocking
random source[4]) which reuses the
internal pool to produce more
pseudo-random bits. This means that
the call will not block, but the
output may contain less entropy than
the corresponding read from
/dev/random. While it is still
intended as a pseudorandom number
generator suitable for most
cryptographic purposes, it is not
recommended for the generation of
long-term cryptographic keys.
Have you got, or can you buy, a Linux-compatible hardware random number generator? That could be a solution to your underlying problem. See http://www.linuxcertified.com/hw_random.html

Do you expect that future CPU generations are not cache coherent?

I'm designing a program and i found that assuming implicit cache coherency make the design much much easier. For example my single writer (always the same thread) multiple reader (always other threads) scenarios are not using any mutexes.
It's not a problem for current Intel CPU's. But i want this program to generate income for at least the next ten years (a short time for software) so i wonder if you think this could be a problem for future cpu architectures.
I suspect that future CPU generations will still handle cache coherence for you. Without this, most mainstream programming methodologies would fail. I doubt any CPU architecture that will be used widely in the next ten years will invalidate the current programming model - it may extend it, but it's difficult to drop something so widely assumed.
That being said, programming with the assumption of implicit cache coherency is not always a good idea. There are many issues with false sharing that can easily be avoided if you purposefully try to isolate your data. Handling this properly can lead to huge performance boosts (rather, a lack of huge performance losses) on current generation CPUs. Granted, it's more work in the design, but it is often required.
We are already there. Computers claim cache coherency but at the same time they have a temporary store buffer for writes, reads can be completed via this buffer instead of the cache (ie the store buffer has just become a incoherent cache) and invalidate requests are also queued allowing the processor to temporarily use cache lines it knows are stale.
X86 doesn't use many of these techniques, but it does use some. As long as memory stays significantly slower than the CPU, expect to see more of these techniques and others yet devised to be used. Even itanium, failed as it is, uses many of these ideas, so expect intel to migrate them into x86 over time.
As for avoiding locks, etc: it is always hard to guage people's level of expertise over the Internet so either you are misguided with what you think might work, or you are on the cutting edge of lockfree programming. Hard to tell.
Do you understand the MESI protocol, memory barriers and visibility? Have you read stuff from Paul McKenney, etc?
I don't know per se. But I'd like to see a trend toward non-cache coherent modes.
The conceptual mind shift is significant (can't just pass data in a method call, must pass it through a queue to an async method), but it's required as we move more and more into a multicore world anyway. The closer we get to one processor per memory bank the better. Because then we're working in a world of network message routing, where data is just not available rather than having threads that can silently stomp on data.
However, as Reed Copsey points out, the whole x86 world of computing is built on the assumption of cache coherency (which is even bigger than Microsoft's market share!). So it won't go away any time soon!
Here is a paper from reputed authors in computer architecture area which argues that cache coherence is here to stay.
"Why On-Chip Cache Coherence Is Here to Stay" -By Martin, Hill and Sorin
You are making a strange request. You are asking for our (the SO community) assumptions about future CPU architectures - a very dangerous proposition. Are you willing to put your money where our mouth is? Because if we're wrong and your application will fail it will be you who's not making any money..
Anyway, I would suspect things are not going to change that dramatically because of all the legacy code that was written for single threaded execution but that's just my opinion.
The question seems misleading to me. The CPU architecture is not that important, what is important is the memory model of the platform you are working for.
You are developing the application is some environment, with some defined memory model. E.g. if you are currently targeting x86, you can be pretty sure any future platform will implement the same memory model when it is running x86 code. The same is true for Java or .NET VMs and other execution platforms.
If you expect to port your current application at some other platforms, if the platform memory model will be different, you will have to adjust for it, but in such case you are the one doing the port and you have the complete control over how you do it. This is however true even for current platforms, e.g. PowerPC memory model allows much more reorderings to happen than the x86 one.
