Django initialising AppConfig multiple times - python-3.x

I wanted to use the ready() hook in my AppConfig to start django-rq scheduler job. However it does so multiple times, every times I start the server. I imagine that's due to threading however I can't seem to find a suitable workaround. This is my AppConfig:
class AnalyticsConfig(AppConfig):
name = 'analytics'
def ready(self):
print("Init scheduler")
from import save_hits
scheduler = django_rq.get_scheduler('analytics')
scheduler.schedule(datetime.utcnow(), save_hits, interval=5)
Now when I do runserver, Init scheduler is displayed 3 times. I've done some digging and according to this question I started the server with --noreload which didn't help (I still got Init scheduler x3). I also tried putting
import os
if os.environ.get('RUN_MAIN', None) != 'true':
default_app_config = 'analytics.apps.AnalyticsConfig'
in my however RUN_MAIN appears to be None every time.
Afterwards I created a FileLock class, to skip configuration after the first initialization, which looks like this:
class FileLock:
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
return os.access(f"{instance.__class__.__name__}.lock", os.F_OK)
def __set__(self, instance, value):
if not isinstance(value, bool):
raise AttributeError
if value:
f = open(f"{instance.__class__.__name__}.lock", 'w+')
def __delete__(self, obj):
raise AttributeError
class AnalyticsConfig(AppConfig):
name = 'analytics'
locked = FileLock()
def ready(self):
from import save_hits
if not self.locked:
print("Init scheduler")
scheduler = django_rq.get_scheduler('analytics')
scheduler.schedule(datetime.utcnow(), save_hits, interval=5)
self.locked = True
This does work, however the lock is not destroyed after the app quits. I tried removing the .lock files in but it also runs multiple times, making this pointless.
My question is: How can I prevent django from calling ready() multiple times, or how otherwise can I teardown the .lock files after django exits or right after it boots?
I'm using python 3.8 and django 3.1.5


Running pytest with thread

I have a question for pytest
I would like to run same pytest script with multiple threads.
But,i am not sure how to create and run thread which is passing more than one param. (And running thread with pytest..)
for example I have
from selenium import webdriver
import pytest
self.browser = webdriver.Chrome()
def test_title(self):
assert "Project WEB" in self.browser.title
def test_login(self):
print('Testing Login')
ID_BOX = self.broswer.find_element_by_id("ProjectemployeeId")
PW_BOX = self.broswer.find_element_by_id("projectpassword")
ID_BOX.send_keys(self.ID) # this place for ID. This param come from
PW_BOX.send_keys(self.PW) # this place for PW. It is not working. I am not sure how to get this data from
import threading
import time
from test_web import SAMPLETEST
ID_List = ["0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7"]
PW_LIST = ["0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7"]
threads = []
print("1: Create thread")
for I in range(8):
print("Append thread" + str(I))
t = threading.Thread(target=SAMPLETEST, args=(ID_List[I], PW_LIST[I]))
for I in range(8):
print("Start thread:" + str(I))
i was able to run thread to run many SAMPLETEST class without pytest.
However, it is not working with pytest.
My question is.
First, how to initialize self.brower in insde of SAMPLETEST? I am sure below codes will not be working
self.browser = webdriver.Chrome()
Second, in, how can i pass the two arguments(ID and Password) when I run thread to call SAMPLTEST on
ID_BOX.send_keys(self.ID) # this place for ID. This param come from
I was trying to build constructor (init) in SAMPLETEST class but it wasn't working...
I am not really sure how to run threads (which passing arguments or parameter ) with pytest.
There are 2 scenarios which i could read from this:
prepare the test data and pass in parameters to your test method which could be achieved by pytest-generate-tests and parameterise concept. You can refer to the documentation here
In case of running pytest in multi threading - Pytest-xdist or pytest-parallel
I had a similar issue and got it resolved by passing an argument in form of a list.
I replaced below line
thread_1 = Thread(target=fun1, args=10)
thread_1 = Thread(target=fun1, args=[10])

Cause python to exit if any thread has an exception

I have a python3 program that starts a second thread (besides the main thread) for handling some events asynchronously. Ideally, my program works without a flaw and never has an unhandled exceptions. But stuff happens. When/if there is an exception, I want the whole interpreter to exit with an error code as if it had been a single thread. Is that possible?
Right now, if an exception occurs on the spawned thread, it prints out the usual error information, but doesn't exit. The main thread just keeps going.
import threading
import time
def countdown(initial):
while True:
initial = initial[1:]
if __name__ == '__main__':
helper = threading.Thread(target=countdown, args=['failsoon'])
The countdown will eventually fail to access [0] from the string because it's been emptied causing an IndexError: string index out of range error. The goal is that whether the main or helper dies first, the whole program dies alltogether, but the stack trace info is still output.
Solutions Tried
After some digging, my thought was to use sys.excepthook. I added the following:
def killAll(etype, value, tb):
print('KILL ALL')
traceback.print_exception(etype, value, tb)
os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGKILL)
sys.excepthook = killAll
This works if the main thread is the one that dies first. But in the other case it does not. This seems to be a known issue ( I will try some of the workarounds there.
While the example shows a main thread and a helper thread which I created, I'm interested in the general case where I may be running someone else's library that launches a thread.
Well, you could simply raise an error in your thread and have the main thread handle and report that error. From there you could even terminate the program.
For example on your worker thread:
self.result = self.do_something_dangerous()
except Exception as e:
import sys
self.exc_info = sys.exc_info()
and on main thread:
if self.exc_info:
raise self.exc_info[1].with_traceback(self.exc_info[2])
return self.result
So to give you a more complete picture, your code might look like this:
import threading
class ExcThread(threading.Thread):
def excRun(self):
#Where your core program will run
def run(self):
self.exc = None
# Possibly throws an exception
import sys
self.exc = sys.exc_info()
# Save details of the exception thrown
# DON'T rethrow,
# just complete the function such as storing
# variables or states as needed
def join(self):
if self.exc:
msg = "Thread '%s' threw an exception: %s" % (self.getName(), self.exc[1])
new_exc = Exception(msg)
raise new_exc.with_traceback(self.exc[2])
(I added an extra line to keep track of which thread is causing the error in case you have multiple threads, it's also good practice to name them)
My solution ended up being a happy marriage between the solution posted here and the SIGKILL solution piece from above. I added the following submodule to my package:
import threading
import sys
import traceback
import os
import signal
def sendKillSignal(etype, value, tb):
print('KILL ALL')
traceback.print_exception(etype, value, tb)
os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGKILL)
original_init = threading.Thread.__init__
def patched_init(self, *args, **kwargs):
print("thread init'ed")
original_init(self, *args, **kwargs)
original_run =
def patched_run(*args, **kw):
original_run(*args, **kw)
sys.excepthook(*sys.exc_info()) = patched_run
def install():
sys.excepthook = sendKillSignal
threading.Thread.__init__ = patched_init
And then ran the install right away before any other threads are launched (of my own creation or from other imported libraries).
Just wanted to share my simple solution.
In my case I wanted the exception to display as normal but then immediately stop the program. I was able to accomplish this by starting a timer thread with a small delay to call os._exit before raising the exception.
import os
import threading
def raise_and_exit(args):
threading.Timer(0.01, os._exit, args=(1,)).start()
raise args[0]
threading.excepthook = raise_and_exit
Python 3.8 added threading.excepthook which makes it possible to handle this more cleanly.
I wrote the package "unhandled_exit" to do just that. It basically adds os._exit(1) to after the default handler. This means you get the normal backtrace before the process exits.
Package is published to pypi here:
Code is here:\_\
Usage is simply:
import unhandled_exit

Recursivity and multithread collisions in Python 3

Good afternoon
I am trying to modify my recursive function to a multithreaded recursive function to reduce process time.
I have implemented a RLock object on where it was necessary.
My recursive function must prints a nested array with 98 lines but using multithreading sometimes there are collisions and I am not retrieving all nodes.
(With it is works with the synchronous method)
I have tried to reproduce the behavior of my code:
class Foo(object):
def __init__(self, name): = name
self.nodes = []
self.lock = threading.RLock()
class Git(object):
def __init__(self):
self.lock = threading.RLock()
git = Git()
def getChildrenFiles(node):
with node.lock:
with git.lock:
# sending some commandes to git repository and get some files
myRecursiveFunction(child, False)
def myRecursiveFunction(foo, async=True):
with foo.lock:
# (Simulation) Retrieving Foo children name from local files
if not foo.nodes:
pool = ThreadPool(os.cpu_count())
if async:
results = []
for fooChildren in foo.nodes:
results.append(pool.apply_async(getChildrenFiles, (fooChildren,)))
all(res.get() for res in results)
for fooChildren in foo.nodes:
pool.apply(getChildrenFiles, (fooChildren,))
if __name__ == "__main__":
foo = Foo("MyProject")
'''print foo as Tree Like :
I have finally found the problem, it iss very specific to my program but I will still try to explain it.
In the function getChildrenFiles I am using a lock for the git object and the git object is declared as a global variable.
The problem was that I am sending some command like:
def getChildrenFiles(node):
with node.lock:
with git.lock:
with git.lock:
myRecursiveFunction(child, False)
And between the first command and the second one, an other thread has locked the git object and some files used by the git object in the first thread were changed in the other thread. Then an custom exception was raised.

QObject and QThread relations

I have a pyqt4 gui which allows me to import multiple .csv files. I've created a loop that goes through this list of tuples that have the following parameters (filename + location of file, filename, bool,bool, set of dates in file)=tup.
I've created several classes that my gui frequently refers to in order to pull parameters off a projects profile. Let's call this class profile(). I also have another class that has a lot of functions based on formatting, such as datetime, text edits,etc...let's call this classMyFormatting(). Then I created a QThread class that is created for each file in the list, and this one is called Import_File(QThread). And lets say this class takes in a few parameters for the __init__(self,tup).
My ideal goal is to be able to make an independent instance of MyFormatting() and profile() for the Import_File(QThread). I am trying to get my head around on how to utilize the QObject capabilities to solve this..but I keep getting the error that the thread is being destroyed while still running.
for tup in importedlist:
importfile = Import_File(tup)
I was thinking of having the two classes be declared as
def __init__(self):
def func1(self,stuff):
def func2(self):
def __init__(self):
def func11(self,stuff):
def func22(self):
AND for the QThread:
def __init__(self,tup):
common_calc_stuff = self.calc(tup[4])
f = open(tup[0] + '.csv', 'w')
self.tup = tup
# this is where I thought of pulling an instance just for this thread
self.MF = MyFormatting()
self.MF_thread = QtCore.QThread()
self.MF_thread.start() = profile()
self.prof_thread = QtCore.QThread()
def func33(self,stuff):
def func44(self):
def run(self):
if self.tup[3] == True:
elif self.tup[3] ==False:
if self.tup[2] == True:
Am I totally thinking of it the wrong way? How can I keep to somewhat of the same structure that I have for the coding and still be able to implement the multithreading and not have the same resource tapped at the same time, which I think is the reason why my qui keeps crashing? Or how can I make sure that each instance of those objects get turned off that they don't interfere with the other instances?

QSlider stuck though still emitting sliderMoved

In my PyQt4-based program, QSliders (with signals sliderMoved and sliderReleased connected to callables) sometimes "freeze", i.e. they don't move anymore when trying to drag them with the mouse, even though sliderMoved and sliderReleased are still emitted.
This behaviour happens seemingly randomly, sometimes after running the program for hours -- making it more or less impossible to reproduce and test.
Any help to solve this issue would be welcome.
EDIT: This is with PyQt 4.10.4 on Python 3.4 and Windows 7.
After some debugging I am pretty sure that this was due to calling a GUI slot from a separate thread, which (I knew) is forbidden. Fixing this to use a proper signal-slot approach seems to have fixed the issue.
After calling the patch function defined below, all slot calls are wrapped by a wrapper that checks that they are called only from the GUI thread -- a warning is printed otherwise. This is how I found the culprit.
import functools
import sys
import threading
import traceback
from PyQt4.QtCore import QMetaMethod
from PyQt4.QtGui import QWidget
def patch():
"""Check for calls to widget slots outside of the main thread.
qwidget_getattribute = QWidget.__getattribute__
def getattribute(obj, name):
attr = qwidget_getattribute(obj, name)
if type(obj) not in SLOT_CACHE:
meta = qwidget_getattribute(obj, "metaObject")()
SLOT_CACHE[type(obj)] = [
method.signature().split("(", 1)[0]
for method in map(meta.method, range(meta.methodCount()))
if method.methodType() == QMetaMethod.Slot]
if (isinstance(attr, type(print)) and # Wrap builtin functions only.
attr.__name__ in SLOT_CACHE[type(obj)]):
attr, assigned=functools.WRAPPER_ASSIGNMENTS + ("__self__",))
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
if threading.current_thread() is not threading.main_thread():
print("{}.{} was called out of main thread:".format(
type(obj), name), file=sys.stderr)
return attr(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
return attr
QWidget.__getattribute__ = getattribute
