Print Odd and Even Number in List Using Python - python-3.x

Get the Value from user and Print the Odd and Even Number using List in Python

would you like to try this code which simplify the flow and make it more Pythonic:
nums = map(int, input("Input some numbers: ").split()) # get all numbers in one shot
results = [[], []] # declare the results to store evens and odds
for n in nums: # put each number in their own list or bucket. one shot.
results[n % 2].append(n)
evens, odds = results # unpacking these 2 lists
print(f' evens list: {evens}' ) # confirm the results is ok
print(f' odds list: {odds} ')

I have written the code below to solve this, but please at least make an effort to answer the question before asking.
# Get the Value from user and Print the Odd and Even Number using List in Python
number = int(input("How many numbers do you want? "))
for i in range(0,number):
add = int(input("Enter Number: "))
even = []
odd = []
for num in lst:
if num % 2==0:
even += [num]
odd += [num]
print("even: ", even)
print('odd: ', odd)

number = int(input("Enter How Many Number you want!"))
for i in range(0,number):
add = int(input("Enter Next Number:"))
print("Numbers in the list",values)
def oddEven(valuesList):
OddResult = []
EvenResult = []
for i in valuesList:
if i % 2== 0:
return OddResult,EvenResult
OddResult, EvenResult = oddEven(values)
print("Print Even Number ",EvenResult)
print("Print Odd Number",OddResult)


Having an issue relating to finding an Armstrong number from a list in Python [duplicate]

n=int(input("Enter a Number: "))
print (z)
#The z here is the same value which I enter, yet it doesn't work.
#If I enter 407 as n, z becomes (4^3)+(0^3)+(7^3) which is 407
if (z==n):
#But even when 407==407, it just wont print the bottom statement
print ("The number is Armstrong")
print ("The number isn't Armstrong")
#it prints that it isn't an Armstrong number
After the while loop, n already became 4//10 which is 0, so it'll never equal z which is 407.
You will want to keep a copy of the original input for comparison.
As a general advice, use a debugger or at least print() your objects to see where the assignments went wrong.
Without using any built-in method
Armstrong number is 371 because 3**3 + 7**3 + 1**3 = 371. according this rule 123 is not Armstrong number because 1**3 + 2**3 + 3**3 is not equal to 123
def count_digit(n):
count = 0
while n > 0:
count += 1
n //= 10
return count
def is_armstrong(n):
given = n
result = 0
digit = count_digit(n)
while n > 0:
reminder = n % 10
result += reminder ** digit
n //= 10
return given == result
>> True
>> False
You can take in your initial number as a string so we can more easily convert it to a list. We can then map to create that list of ints. After we can use list comprehension to raise all int in that list to the power that is the len of our list. If the sum of this list equals our input, then we have an Armstrong number.
n = input('Enter a number: ')
nums = list(map(int, n))
raised = [i**len(nums) for i in nums]
if sum(raised) == int(n):
print('The number is Armstrong')
print('The number is not Armstrong')
Expanded list comprehension:
raised = []
for i in nums:
i = i**len(nums)
Alternate for map:
nums = []
for i in n:
i = int(i)
I corrected your code:
n = int(input("Enter a Number: "))
x = 0
y = 0
z = 0
num = n
while n > 0:
x = n % 10
y = x**len(str(num))
z = z+y
n = n//10
if (z == num):
print ("The number is Armstrong")
print ("The number isn't Armstrong")
But you can still do it in many ways better. Look at the code of vash_the_stampede and ggorlen.
def isArmstrong(n):
print(f"{n} is {'' if int(n) == sum(int(i)**len(n) for i in n) else 'not '}an Armstrong number")
isArmstrong(input("Please enter a number: "))
Definition: a number n is an Armstrong number if the sum of each digit in n taken to the power of the total digits in n is equal to n.
It's important to keep track of the original number n, because it'll be needed to compare against the result of z (your variable representing the sum). Since you're mutating n in your while loop, there's no grounds for comparison against your original input, so if (z==n): isn't working like you expect. Save n in another variable, say, original, before reducing it to 0.
Additionally, your code has arbitrarily chosen 3 as the number of digits in the number. For your function to work correctly for any number, you'll need a way to count its digits. One way is to convert the number to a string and take the length.
I strongly recommend using descriptive variable names which reduces the chance of confusing yourself and others. It's only apparent that z represents your sum and x your remainder by virtue of reading through the code. If the code was any longer or more complex, it could be a nightmare to make sense of.
Lastly, Python is not a particularly flexible language from a style standpoint. I recommend adhering to the style guide as best as possible to keep your code readable.
Here's a working example:
def armstrong(n):
total = 0
original = n
digits = len(str(n))
while n > 0:
total += (n % 10) ** digits
n //= 10
return total == original
if __name__ == "__main__":
while 1:
print(armstrong(int(input("Enter a Number: "))))
Enter a Number: 407
Enter a Number: 1234
Enter a Number: 23
Enter a Number: 8
Enter a Number: 371
Try it!
def Armstrong(n):
global total
for i in m:
if total==int(n):
print ("it is Armstrong number")
print("it is not Armstrong number")
Armstrong(input("enter your number"))

Sumlist and appending problems

I am trying to create a program that takes in four numbers they can be negative or positive and it should sum all the numbers together and then print the sum.
My problem comes with the append line, I am trying to place it inside the list but it keeps coming up with an error and I am unsure why.
Here is the Code:
def sumList(NumList, list):
sum = 0
for num in list:
sum = sum + num
return sum
NumList = []
while (True):
number = int(input("please enter a number: "))
if (number != 0):
number.append(number, NumList) #Here keeps coming up as an error
Thank you for having the time to read this.
Honestly, your code is a mess. This works:
numlist = []
number = int(input("please enter a number: "))
while number != 0:
number = int(input("please enter a number: "))
To sum the values of an iterable, you can simply use the builtin sum function. And to append something to a list, use list.append(value)
It should be NumList.append(number) or NumList.extend(number)
code snippet:
def sumList(NumList, list):
sum = 0
for num in list:
sum = sum + num
return sum
NumList = []
while (True):
number = int(input("please enter a number: "))
if (number != 0):
NumList.append(number) #correct this

I was supposed to count the unique digits in a number but getting this int object not iterable on 4th line and not sure how to fix it

x = int(input("Enter the number: "))
count = 0
for elements in range(0,10):
for i in (x):
if elements == i:
count += 1
That error raise because an integer is not an iterate object unlike strings, list, etc. So what you can do it's just work with a string, then use set (which get the unique values) and then get the length of it and you won't need to traverse with a for loop as below:
x = input("Enter the number: ")
unique_digits = set(x)
Hope it will help you :)
x = input("Enter number: ")
count = 0
for elements in range(10):
for t in x:
if (int(t)==elements):
count += 1

How to add a word at the end of my sentence in for loop

I'm pretty new in Python and I'm trying to make a simple code which returns evens numbers and the largest number i've introduced by command.
#! python3
lista = []
par = set()
num = int(input("Type a number: "))
while num >= 0:
num = int(input("Type a number: "))
#print("%s %d" % ("The largest number you introduced is ",max(lista)))
print("The largest number you introduced is {lista:d}".format(lista = max(lista)))
for i in lista:
if i % 2 == 0:
#print(i,end=" ")
print("Even numbers are",", ".join(par),end=".")
The thing is I want It returns a msg like this: "The even numbers are 2, 4, 8, and 10."
I can't find the way to add an and at the end of my sentence. Can someone help me?

Separating positive even, positive odd, negative odd, and negative even numbers into new arrays

I am trying to separate the -odd, -even, even, and odds into separate arrays. I have done this in matlab but confused with how this would work in python. All I got so far is how to generate a user inputted array
print('Enter 10 numbers: ')
for l in range (0,num):
numbers = float(input('Enter value #'+str(l+1)+' : '))
print('Your numbers are: ',l1 )
Here's a working example that does what you need and starts with your code to populate the "l1" list.
negative_odds = []
negative_evens = []
evens = []
odds = []
for num in l1:
if num % 2 == 0:
if num < 0:
if num < 0:
print('-odd: ', negative_odds)
print('-even: ', negative_evens)
print('even: ', evens)
print('odd: ', odds)
