Google OAuth 2.0 doesn't call the callback function - node.js

I've tested this passport google strategy locally and it works well, the callback function is called successfully and I can login using the google account. However when I push this code to the production server I see that the callback function is not being called. From the user perspective when they click on the link to use the google strategy they are presented with the google 'pick an account' screen, and then it loads for a bit before dumping them back on the page they were on before. I don't see where the problem is. Thank you in advance for your help!
passport.use('google', new GoogleStrategy({
clientID: "redacted",
clientSecret: "redacted",
callbackURL: "/google/callback"
function(accessToken, refreshToken, profile, done) {
const userQueryString = `
SELECT firstName, lastName, AgentReference, agent_number, website_password, account_type, status, state, BIN(Flags) as flags
FROM compass.agent
WHERE googleID = ?`;
console.log("google profile: \n", profile);
//pull the user data for the agent with the same googleID as the selected accoutn at login.
db.query(userQueryString,[],(err, response, fields)=>{
if(err) {
} else if(response.length === 0) {
done(null, false);
} else if(response[0].status === 'Terminated') {
console.log('account is terminated.');
done(null, false);
} else {
let user = {
id: response[0].AgentReference
, accountType: response[0].account_type
, agent_number:response[0].agent_number
, name:response[0].firstName + ' ' + response[0].lastName
, state: response[0].state
, flags: response[0].flags
let flagRegex = RegExp('^[0-1]*1[0-1]{9}$');
return done(null, user);
} else {
return done(null, false, {message: "You do not have access to this feature. Please speak with your manager for more information."})

Adding proxy:true to the google strategy fixed the issue for me. The callback URL was being sent to google as http instead of https because of this.


Passport JS Google oauth20 callback missing req object

I have seen some similar questions here but the answer is irrelevant to mine, as I have declared passReqToCallback.
I am trying to create an authentication system with passport. I have successfully integrated passport-local, which register/logs in user and creates a session but am having an issue in the logic of the google strategy:
passport.use(new GoogleStrategy(
clientID: process.env.GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID,
clientSecret: process.env.GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET,
callbackURL: process.env.GOOGLE_CALLBACK_URL,
passReqToCallback: true
(req, accessToken, refreshToken, profile, done) => {
* This if statement is failing, as far as I can tell there is no req object being passed despite declaring it above
// If user is logged in, proceed to simply link account
if (req.user) {
req.user.googleid =;
req.user.googleEmail = profile.emails[0].value;
req.user.googleDisplayName = profile.displayname;
pool.query('UPDATE users SET googleid = ?, google_email = ?, google_display_name = ? WHERE id = ?', [
function(err, rows) {
// If google account is duplicate (linked to different account) will return error
if (err) {
return done(err, false, {message: "The Google account you tried to link is associated with another account."});
return done(null, req.user);
// Check if google account is registered
pool.query('SELECT * FROM users WHERE googleid = ?', [], function(err, rows) {
if (err) {
return done(err);
// If not logged in but user already registered, log in
if (rows.length) {
return done(null, rows[0]);
// If no existing record, register the user.
else {
let newUser = {
email: profile.emails[0].value,
// Google account specific fields
googleDisplayName: profile.displayName,
method: "gl", // This field ties this new user to the google account
// General fields (taken from the stuff google gives us)
googleEmail: profile.emails[0].value
let insertQuery = "INSERT INTO users (email, googleid, google_display_name, method, first_name, last_name, google_email) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
pool.query(insertQuery, [,
function(err, rows) {
if (err) return done(err, null); = rows.insertId;
return done(null, newUser);
So essentially the first if is supposed to see if the user is already authenticated and then just link the account as so. However, in practice, it will skip this even when authenticated and proceed to the rest of the logic, which works absolutely fine. It will go on to create a new account at the else statement (or return error if email is taken, I still need to implement that part).
But, interestingly, if I am logged in while using it, it doesn't log me in as the new user as it otherwise would, instead it keeps me logged in as the current session.
Where have I gone wrong? Why is the req.user not detected? I have also tried using req.isAuthenticated() with the same result.
Below is my callback route, if helpful:
// Google
router.get('/oauth/google', passport.authenticate('google', {
scope: ['email', 'profile']
// Callback
router.get('/oauth/google/redirect', passport.authenticate('google', {
successRedirect: '/account',
failureFlash: 'Something went wrong. Please enable third party cookies to allow Google to sign in.',
failureRedirect: '/login'
UPDATE 1: If I try (!req.user), same result, skips to below, not sure what that means is happening

Error "Failed to serialize user into session" when using passport.js for Azure AD

I am trying to follow the Office 365 Graph API tutorial here.
However I keep running into the below error after I sign-in.
Error: Failed to serialize user into session
at pass (C:\Users\SODS\devzone\src\nodejs\o365-graph\graph-tutorial\node_modules\passport\lib\authenticator.js:271:19)
at serialized (C:\Users\SODS\devzone\src\nodejs\o365-graph\graph-tutorial\node_modules\passport\lib\authenticator.js:276:7)
at passport.serializeUser (C:\Users\SODS\devzone\src\nodejs\o365-graph\graph-tutorial\app.js:20:3)
at pass (C:\Users\SODS\devzone\src\nodejs\o365-graph\graph-tutorial\node_modules\passport\lib\authenticator.js:284:9)
at Authenticator.serializeUser (C:\Users\SODS\devzone\src\nodejs\o365-graph\graph-tutorial\node_modules\passport\lib\authenticator.js:289:5)
at IncomingMessage.req.login.req.logIn (C:\Users\SODS\devzone\src\nodejs\o365-graph\graph-tutorial\node_modules\passport\lib\http\request.js:50:29)
at Strategy.strategy.success (C:\Users\SODS\devzone\src\nodejs\o365-graph\graph-tutorial\node_modules\passport\lib\middleware\authenticate.js:235:13)
at verified (C:\Users\SODS\devzone\src\nodejs\o365-graph\graph-tutorial\node_modules\passport-azure-ad\lib\oidcstrategy.js:98:21)
at Strategy.signInComplete [as _verify] (C:\Users\SODS\devzone\src\nodejs\o365-graph\graph-tutorial\app.js:63:10)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)
The serializeUser method looks like below:
//Configure passport
//In-memory storage of users
let users = {};
//Call serializeUser and deserializeUser to manage users
passport.serializeUser((user, done) => {
//Use the OID prop of the user as the key
users[user.profile.oid] = user;
done(null, user.profile.oid);
passport.deserializeUser((id, done) => {
done(null, users[id]);
The problem might be that user.profile.oid seems to be undefined inside the callback function of serializeUser (tried also replacing arrow functions with normal ones but didn't work either).
But the oid is being set during the sign-in and I can see it when I trace the values in the code below.
//Callback when the sign-in is complete and an access token has been obtained
async function signInComplete(iss, sub, profile, accessToken, refreshToken, params, done) {
console.log('iss profile oid -->' + profile.oid);
if (!profile.oid) {
return done(new Error("No OID found in user profile."), null);
try {
const user = await graph.getUserDetails(accessToken);
if (user) {
//Add properties to profile
profile['email'] = user.mail ? user.mail : user.userPrincipalName;
} catch(err) {
done(err, null);
//Create simple oauth token from raw tokens
let oauthToken = oauth2.accessToken.create(params);
//Save the profile and token in users storage
users[profile.oid] = {profile: oauthToken};
return done(null, users[profile.oid]);
Which is the call for the OIDCStratergy.
//Configure OIDC stratergy
passport.use(new OIDCStaregy(
identityMetadata: `${process.env.OAUTH_AUTHORITY}${process.env.OAUTH_ID_METADATA}`,
clientID: process.env.OAUTH_APP_ID,
responseType: 'code id_token',
responseMode: 'form_post',
redirectUrl: process.env.OAUTH_REDIRECT_URI,
allowHttpForRedirectUrl: true,
clientSecret: process.env.OAUTH_APP_PASSWORD,
validateIssuer: false,
passReqToCallback: false,
scope: process.env.OAUTH_SCOPES.split(' ')
So the question is is the undefined users.profile.oid the issue here? If so where & why does it get lost?

Passport-ldapauth fails to execute verify callback

Please , I have setup passport ldapauth which works fine with all parameters, the problem is if the username or password is wrong, the it does not execute further to the verify callback function at all. It just stops. Due to this I cannot give feedback to the users to indicate what is actually wrong. Is there any clue what I am missing?. This is the structure
passport.use('ldapStudent', new LdapStrategy({
usernameField: 'username',
server: {
url: '..........',
bindDn: '.............',
bindCredentials: '..........',
searchBase: '..............',
searchFilter: '.............',
searchAttributes: ['givenName','sn'],
tlsOptions: {
ca: [fs.readFileSync('./ssl/server.crt', 'utf8')]
function (req, user, done) {
//now check from the DB if user exist
//check if user email exist;
User.findOne({'EmailAddress': user}, function (err, userdata) {
// In case of any error, return using the done method
if (err)
return done(err);
//user exist redirect to home page and send user object to session
if (userdata) {
return done(null, userdata);
}else {
//new user, add them to the user model
var newUser = new User();
newUser.EmailAddress = req.body.username,
newUser.JoinedDate =,
newUser.UserType = 'Student' (err, result) {
if (err) {
console.log('Error in Saving NewUser: ' + err);
} else {
var PostActivity = {
ActivityName: req.res.__('Student Joined'),
UserID: result._id,
UserIP: (req.header('x-forwarded-for') || req.connection.remoteAddress ) + ' Port: ' + req.connection.remotePort
console.log('User Registration successful');
return done(null, newUser, req.flash('SuccessMessage', req.res.__('You have been successfully Registered')));
return done(null, false, req.flash('ValidationError', req.res.__('Wrong password and/or email address')));
This is where i actually do the login'/login', passport.authenticate('ldapStudent', {
successRedirect: '/',
failureRedirect: '/userlogin',
failureFlash: true
The code works well , just as I expect, the parameters for the ldap option object are intentionally omitted.
The problem is when the user credential are not correct, the verify callback does not get executed at all and so, I can not return a flash message for the user to know what is happening
passport-ldapauth does not execute the verify callback if there is nothing to verify which is the case if the credentials are incorrect and the user is not received. This is in general how the strategies tend to work, e.g. passport-local does not execute verify callback if the username or password is missing.
Strategies, passport-ldapauth included, also usually include a (configurable) message for the failure flash. General configurable login failure messages for passport-ldapauth are listed in the documentation. Each of the messages also has a default value so even when not configured the failure flash message is set (given of course that you have flash middleware in use)
Also, you are not supposed to use req.flash() in the callback of the verify function but to supply an info message.

Authenticate user with passport through LinkedIn login

I have built a login system in Passport and works quite well. Now, I want to integrate LinkedIn login in my system. I already have clientID, clientSecret etc. needed to login. This is the code that is called when the LinkedIn login button is pressed.
passport.use('linkedin', new OAuth2Strategy({
authorizationURL: '',
tokenURL: '',
clientID: clientid,
clientSecret: clientsecret,
callbackURL: '/linkedinLogin/linkedinCallbackUrlLogin',
passReqToCallback: true
function(req,accessToken, refreshToken, profile, done) {
req.session.code = accessToken;
process.nextTick(function () {
done(null, {
code : req.code
Both the console.log() calls in the callback function are successfully fired, this means I am successfully logged in through LinkedIn and I receive my access token. The part where I connect with LinkedIn is thus correct, what I am missing is the part where I actually log in the user. As you can see, the callbackURL points to /linkedinLogin/linkedinCallbackUrlLogin. This is what I do in that route:
app.get('/linkedinLogin/linkedinCallbackUrlLogin', passport.authenticate('linkedin', {
session: false,
I just specify a successRedirect and a failureRedirect. Note that if I put session : true I receive as an error Failed to serialize user into session, so for now I keep it to false.
The successRedirect is successfully called. In that route I call a GET request to LinkedIn to access some data about the user. I want to store this data in my DB and remember the user that logged in. This is how I do it:
host: '' ,
path: '/v1/people/~?format=json' ,
port:443 ,
headers : {'Authorization': ' Bearer ' + req.session.code}
function(myres) {
myres.on("data", function(chunk) {
var linkedinJsonResult = JSON.parse(chunk);
User.findOne({linkedinLogin :}, function(err, userSearchResult){
if(err) {
throw err;
//user found, login
else {
//create user
var newUser = new User(
url : linkedinJsonResult.siteStandardProfileRequest.url,
name : linkedinJsonResult.firstName + " " + linkedinJsonResult.lastName,
linkedinLogin :,
regDate : new Date()
//save user, user){
throw err;
Let me explain the code there. After getting the data of the user I check the field "id" that is received. If this id matches one of my users' linkedinLogin field stored into the DB, I consider it already registered (the user has been found in the DB), thus I have to log him/her in. Otherwise I just create a new user using the data received from the GET request.
My question is, in both the cases - the user is found in my DB, or the user has to be created - how can I set req.user to be my user whenever it interacts with my website? Is it sufficient to just do req.user = userSearchResult (if the user is found, inside the if statement) or req.user = user (if the user has been created, inside the callback), or should I call some passport functions that will set it for me?
All the other passport functions related to the registration and login of users without using LinkedIn login are working fine. I am just worried about making this LinkedIn login work with passport.
Thank you.
passport.js will automatically set the req.user object to the object you will pass as the second argument to the done function of the strategy callback.
This means that you should do something like this:
function(req,accessToken, refreshToken, profile, done) {
req.session.code = accessToken;
process.nextTick(function () {
// retrieve your user here
getOrCreateUser(profile, function(err, user){
if(err) return done(err);
done(null, user);
I hope this helps.

Rerequest does not work with passport-facebook-token

I need emails from facebook for my app to work correctly. However, the user has an option of turning off email from the auth screen. When that happens I get an empty emails field like this
Here's my original request
passport.authenticate('facebook-token', { scope :['email'] }, function(err, profile) {
fbhandler(req, res, err, profile);
})(req, res);
and here's where I handle the returned values
passport.use(new FacebookTokenStrategy({
clientID: config.facebookAuth.clientID,
clientSecret: config.facebookAuth.clientSecret,
profileFields: ['id', 'displayName', 'emails', 'name']
function(token, refreshToken, profile, done) {
console.log ("##### %j", profile);
var id =,
email = profile.emails[0].value,
methodId = 2;
if (email == "") {
return done(res.json({
errors: "Facebook",
.. Do normal stuff.
and the fbhandler
var fbhandler = function(req, res, err, profile) {
console.log("###### %j" ,profile);
if (!profile) {
passport.authenticate('facebook-token', { authType: 'rerequest', scope :['email'] }, function(err, profile) {
//Do normal stuff
})(req, res);
} else {
//do normal stuff
The rerequest never puts up the auth screen again (actually it just flashes for a second) and it returns empty emails once again.
This seems to be a passport issue and not a FB rerequest issue since I was able to do this successfully with FB JS SDK. You can view this at (click on fb login at the bottom, edit info in the auth screen and uncheck email address) Notice how it pops up the email address auth screen once again with no option to turn it off.
How can I ensure that the auth screen will popup again for email?
