Can I put a progress bar in dockerfile COPY? - node.js

I have created a dockerfile for my nodejs project
I am first copying the code files of current directory to docker image
COPY ./ ./
I wonder, is there any option (or some other way), using which I can see the progress of copy in terminal ?
something like ...
50% completed ...
It will be more helpful if I can do the same when using docker-compose !


GitHub Actions: How to use Docker image from GitHub registry in a Docker action?

I recently created my first Docker container action, and it works perfectly as intended. The Dockerfile for this action uses python:3.9-slim. It looks like this:
FROM python:3.9-slim
COPY repo ./repo
COPY scripts ./scripts
COPY requirements.txt ./
RUN python develop
I'm now thinking of publishing the Docker image from the above Dockerfile on Docker/GitHub registry and using it in the Docker action. Essentially the idea is to simplify the image build process, so the action can run faster.
I have a couple of questions related to doing this, #1 is the question in the title:
I found this page which explains how to have a workflow to publish the Docker image. If I publish to GitHub registry, how can I go about using it? For images on Docker, that seems straightforward.
With this Docker container action, I want to make sure that it uses the version specified in uses: username/action-repo#v???. Thus, I think it would make sense to have the FROM in this new Dockerfile configured for the specific image tag that will be used. Is that the best way to go about it?

Build docker image jar file : COPY failed: no source files were specified

I have a leshan server jar file (to which I have made some changes) obtained by running the maven clean install. I specify that I work in linux and I put this jar file inside a "leshan_docker" folder contained in the desktop. within the same folder there is also a dockerfile to build the server image, and it is written as follows:
FROM openjdk:8-jre-alpine
COPY /Desktop/leshan_docker/leshan-server-demo-*.jar /Desktop/leshan_docker/
CMD ["java", "-jar", "/leshan-server-demo-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar"]
but when I go to build through this command:
sudo docker build -f Dockerfile3 -t leshan-server3 .
It reports me the following error:
Sending build context to Docker daemon 12MB
Step 1/3 : FROM openjdk:8-jre-alpine
---> f7a292bbb70c
Step 2/3 : COPY /Desktop/leshan_docker/leshan-server-demo-*.jar /Desktop/leshan_docker/
COPY failed: no source files were specified
How can I go about solving the problem? Thanks in advance for your answers.
Your source path with the COPY command should be relative to the build context. Your build context is in the folder you're running sudo docker build in since the final argument you gave was .. I highly recommend taking a look at the docs.
The destination path for the COPY command should be relative to the path in your container. What may work now is to move your .jar to the root directory and run it from there.
So if your jar files are in the same directory you're running the command in, change it to:
COPY leshan-server-demo-*.jar /
It would be better practice to actually create a new directory in the container to hold your .jar file to keep your work more organized.

docker image directory does not exist during build

I'm building a simple image from a Dockerfile: (note, pm3 is the name of the folder this Dockerfile lives in)
FROM continuumio/miniconda3
MINTAINER Jordan Miller
COPY . /opt/repos/
WORKDIR /opt/repos/pm3/
RUN ls -la
RUN python /opt/repos/pm3/lib/
ENTRYPOINT ["python","/opt/repos/pm3/src/web/"]
I use docker build -f Dockerfile -t jm/pm3 . to build it. Now I thought this was working great last week, but I made some changes and it broke. so I ran docker system prune to clean everything out. But that didn't fix it so I think it's something wrong with the code.
At any rate, here's the error I get:
Step 7/9 : RUN python /opt/repos/pm3/lib/
---> Running in f842a282a6a0
Invalid requirement: '/opt/repos/pm3/lib/'
File '/opt/repos/pm3/lib/' does not exist.
But it really is there, in my windows machine there's a lib folder in the pm3 folder and there is a in the lib folder. should I not include the entire path to it on the linux box or something?
I included that line RUN ls -la after it gave me the error because I wanted to see if it copied over the folder correctly. but the output of that didn't show me anything had copied over, it showed an empty file. so I don't understand really what's going on. If the working directory really is /opt/repos/pm3 then shouldn't I see src when I run ls?
I'm hoping there's something obvious about linux or docker that I'm missing here. any ideas?
so I discovered by creating an image without the RUN python /opt/repos/pm3/lib/ that it doens't create a folder after the /opt/repos/ called pm3 like my root directory of the Dockerfile is in.
So I had to add that in manually to the command:
COPY . /opt/repos/ -> COPY . /opt/repos/pm3/

$(pwd) - one level up

I'm pretty new to the bash/shell script world, I'm trying to do the below and it could be pretty simple but I wasn't able to figure out the command, would be great if someone could help me out here and also point me to some documentation wrt to shell script topics. Thank you in advance.
My and Dockerfile resides under a folder called .settings and this folder lives directly under the app root. Now inside my and Dockerfile when I refer something like $(pwd) or COPY . /apps/ it might not work since my and Dockerfile does not live directly under the app root.
What command I can use in this scenario inside the files that I referenced above. Hope I made it clear. Once again this could be very simple since I'm a newbie in this arena I find it a little difficult.
inside, reference to $(pwd)
docker run \
-u root \
--rm \
-v $(pwd):/app \ ----> this $(pwd) references the application root, but if I
move this inside a folder called .settings then the $(pwd) context
would change and I still want to refer it to the root.
The last arg to docker build, often something like docker build . is the build context in docker. This directory is sent to the server where the build runs and all COPY and ADD commands are performed using this context. These commands do not run on the client, and docker is a client/server application, so anything not in that context simply doesn't exist for the purpose of building an image.
So in the above example, docker build . the current directory is the build context and if that's run while you're inside of the .settings directory, only those files are part of the build context. Therefore your script needs to pass a different directory, and also reference where the Dockerfile is inside of that build context. That would look like:
docker build -f .settings/Dockerfile ..
When you do this, all of the COPY and ADD commands will now be relevant to parent directory, so you may need to adjust your Dockerfile to compensate.
For your $(pwd) reference, you can either cd .. before running your docker run command or update the command to look like:
docker run \
-u root \
--rm \
-v $(pwd)/..:/app \
<your image>

'docker build' gives error that 'docker run' doesn't. How are they different?

My project is setup like this:
./ -
compiled files from frontend and backend directories get put here
frontend files...
docker build ../ --tag myImage
# The build script compiles all my assets and places
# them in the top level 'build' directory which i am
# trying to link to my docker image so I can recompile
# on each file change and have the changes show in the docker image.
docker run --volume /path/to/build/dir:/src/app myImage
FROM node:4.4.7
RUN ls src/app
The RUN command in the Dockerfile gives me this error when the build command from the startServer script is called:
ls: cannot access src/app: No such file or directory
If I change RUN to CMD it gives no error. Also, even after the build gives that error, it finishes the build and the docker run command gives no error.
Is the 'docker build' command actually trying to add the 'build' folder to the image from which containers are launched? Or is it just compiling some commands for the images to use when they are made?
If it is the later, how do you make one Dockerfile that is used for both building and running that works in both cases?
I feel like I might be missing a crucial concept with Docker, but I've gone through the tutorials and docs and couldn't solve this.
There is no src/app folder in the node image, so this is an expected error. The node image expects you to add your own /usr/src/app, either with a COPY step in your build, or with a volume mapping after the build is finished.
The RUN gives a step to run to add a layer to the resulting built image, so an ls makes little sense there since you didn't modify the image with new content.
The CMD gives a default command to run if one is not passed at the end of the docker run, so if you do a docker run node /bin/bash, the ls src/app CMD will never be run. This also runs after other steps in your build, and after any volume mounts you may be running on your container, which would create this folder.
When you run the docker image, you mount data volume to /src/app
But in docker script, you tried to access src/app
Because the default working directory is not a root. you cannot access src directory.
so, edit your docker file to
FROM node:4.4.7
RUN ls /src/app
