Haskell binary trees traversal order with fold - haskell

I defined my own Data Type BinTree, which describes my binary trees:
data BinTree a = Empty | Node a (BinTree a) (BinTree a) deriving (Show,Eq)
After that I implemented three sort-functions for the binary trees: preorder, inorder and postorder:
preorder :: BinTree a -> [a]
preorder Empty = []
preorder (Node x lt rt) = [x] ++ preorder lt ++ preorder rt
inorder :: BinTree a -> [a]
inorder Empty = []
inorder (Node x lt rt) = inorder lt ++ [x] ++ inorder rt
postorder :: BinTree a -> [a]
postorder Empty = []
postorder (Node x lt rt) = postorder lt ++ postorder rt ++ [x]
To improve my order-functions, I implemented the foldTree function (which works as a normal foldr function, but with binary trees):
foldTree :: (a -> b -> b -> b) -> b -> BinTree -> b
foldTree f e Empty = e
foldTree f e (Node x lt rt) = f x (foldTree f e lt) (foldTree f e rt)
And now I got stuck, because I cant't figure out how to combine the order-functions with the foldTree.
Can someone give me a hint please?

If by "combine" you mean implement each of the three functions using the last one, then this my recent answer seems to be of use, e.g.
preorder t = foldTree (\a l r -> (a :) . l . r) id t []
inorder t = foldTree (\a l r -> l . (a :) . r) id t []
postorder t = foldTree (\a l r -> l . r . (a :)) id t []
Trying it out:
> t = Node 1 (Node 2 Empty (Node 3 Empty Empty)) (Node 4 (Node 5 Empty Empty) Empty)
2 4
. 3 5 .
. . . .
> inorder t
> preorder t
> postorder t
The correct type of your function is, of course,
foldTree :: (a -> b -> b -> b) -> b -> BinTree a -> b
-- ^^^


How to define listTree so that it returns a list containing all the elements in order?

listTree :: Tree a -> [a]
listTree = foldTree f z
f x y z = x + y + z
z = []
This is what I have so far, but my f is wrong because the expected type is Tree a -> [a] but the actual is Tree [a] -> [a]
data Tree a
= Tip
| Bin (Tree a) a (Tree a)
deriving (Show, Eq)
foldTree :: (b -> a -> b -> b) -> b -> Tree a -> b
foldTree f z Tip = z
foldTree f z (Bin l x r) = f (foldTree f z l) x (foldTree f z r)
This is fold and data type for tree.
Need help with defining f.
First of all, combining lists uses ++ in haskell. + is only used for adding numbers. Second, the variable y is of type a, not [a], so you cannot use ++ on it directly.
listTree :: Tree a -> [a]
listTree = foldTree f z
f x y z = x ++ [y] ++ z
z = []

BST: how to define `insert` in terms of catamorphic fold?

I have a typical binary search tree data type:
data Tree a
= Empty
| Branch a (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving Show
and a catamorphism
foldt :: b -> (a -> b -> b -> b) -> Tree a -> b
foldt empty _ Empty = empty
foldt empty branch (Branch a l r) = branch a (foldt empty branch l) (foldt empty branch r)
I tried to define an insert function using foldt and got some interesting results:
insert :: (Ord a) => a -> Tree a -> Tree a
insert x = foldt (single x) insertb
where insertb a left right
| x == a = Branch x left right
| x < a = Branch a (insert x left) right
| x > a = Branch a left (insert x right)
ghci> mytree = insert 2 (Branch 3 Empty Empty)
ghci> mytree
Branch 3 (Branch 2 (Branch 2 Empty Empty) (Branch 2 Empty Empty)) (Branch 2 Empty Empty)
Of course, a traditional insert method behaves as expected:
insert' :: (Ord a) => a -> Tree a -> Tree a
insert' x Empty = single x
insert' x (Branch a left right)
| x == a = Branch x left right
| x < a = Branch a (insert' x left) right
| x > a = Branch a left (insert' x right)
ghci> mytree2 = insert' 2 (Branch 3 Empty Empty)
ghci> mytree2
Branch 3 (Branch 2 Empty Empty) Empty
Is there a way to define insert in terms of foldt, or am I barking up the wrong tree (ha) here?
Let's define a function
insertMaybe :: Ord a => Tree a -> Maybe a -> Tree a
This function takes a tree, and maybe an element. In the Just case, the element is inserted. In the Nothing case, the tree is returned unchanged. So then we can define
insert a t = insertMaybe t (Just a)
insertMaybe :: Ord a => Tree a -> Maybe a -> Tree a
insertMaybe = foldt leaf branch
leaf (Just new) = ?
leaf Nothing = ?
branch a l r Nothing = ?
branch a l r (Just new)
| ... = ?
data Ins a = Ins
{ inserted :: Tree a
, notInserted :: Tree a }
insert a t = inserted (insertAndNot a t)
-- Return the tree with the
-- element inserted, and also unchanged.
insertAndNot :: Ord a => a -> Tree a -> Ins a
insertAndNot new = foldt leaf branch
leaf = Ins ? ?
branch a ~(Ins li lni) ~(Ins ri rni)
| ... = Ins ? ?
The above solutions have a major efficiency problem: they completely rebuild the tree structure just to insert an element. As amalloy suggested, we can fix that by replacing foldt (a catamorphism) by parat (a paramorphism). parat gives the branch function access to both the recursively modified and the unmodified subtrees.
parat :: b -> (a -> (Tree a, b) -> (Tree a, b) -> b) -> Tree a -> b
parat leaf _branch Empty = leaf
parat leaf branch (Branch a l r) =
branch a
(l, parat leaf branch l)
(r, parat leaf branch r)
Conveniently, it's also slightly easier to define insert using parat. Can you see how? This ends up being an efficient version of the "alternative" way I suggested for using foldt.
Thanks to dfeuer and amalloy for the tips on paramorphisms, TIL!
Given a paramorphism for the Tree data type:
parat :: b -> (a -> (Tree a, b) -> (Tree a, b) -> b) -> Tree a -> b
parat empty _ Empty = empty
parat empty branch (Branch a l r) =
branch a
(l, parat leaf branch l)
(r, parat leaf branch r)
we can write an insert function as:
insert :: Ord a => a -> Tree a -> Tree a
insert x = parat (single x) branch
where branch a (l, l') (r, r')
| x == a = Branch x l r
| x < a = Branch a l' r
| x > a = Branch a l r'
ghci> mytree = insert 2 (Branch 3 Empty Empty)
ghci> mytree
Branch 3 (Branch 2 Empty Empty) Empty
testing a bigger tree...
import Data.Function
mytree :: Tree Integer
mytree = (Branch 3 Empty Empty) & insert 2 & insert 4 & insert 6 & insert 5 & insert 10
inorder :: Tree a -> [a]
inorder = foldt [] (\a l r -> l ++ [a] ++ r)
ghci> mytree
Branch 3 (Branch 2 Empty Empty) (Branch 4 Empty (Branch 6 (Branch 5 Empty Empty) (Branch 10 Empty Empty)))
ghci> inorder mytree

In-order traversal of binary trees using fold in Haskell

I'm trying to programme an in-order traversal of a binary tree in Haskell using a fold - which I've defined as:
foldB :: (x -> u -> u -> u) -> u -> BTree x -> u
foldB f a Nil = a
foldB f a (BNode x l r) = f x (foldB f a l) (foldB f a r)
I've defined an in-order traversal of a binary tree:
inorder :: Ord a => BTree a -> [a]
inorder Nil = []
inorder (BNode a x y) = inorder x ++ [a] ++ inorder y
But I can't seem to get them both to work together:
inorderFold :: Ord a => BTree a -> [a]
inorderFold = foldB inorder []

Can this implementation of in-order traversal of a binary tree be improved?

I wrote a straightforward in-order-traversal function (toList1) for a binary tree. However, I worry about its complexity (memory / time). Is there a better way to implement it?
data Tree a = Empty | Node a (Tree a) (Tree a)
toList1 :: (Tree a) -> [a]
toList1 Empty = []
toList1 (Node x lx rx) = (toList lx) ++ [x] ++ (toList rx)
Haskell's append ++ performs linearly in the length of its left argument, which means that you may get quadratic performance if the tree leans left.
One possibility would be to use difference list.
Another one would be to define a Foldable instance:
data Tree a = Empty | Node a (Tree a) (Tree a)
instance Foldable Tree where
foldr f z Empty = z
foldr f z (Node a l r) = foldr f (f a (foldr f z r)) l
then, in-order-traversal comes out naturally:
toList :: Tree a -> [a]
toList = foldr (:) []
\> let tr = Node "root" (Node "left" Empty Empty) (Node "right" Empty Empty)
\> toList tr

How do you represent nested types using the Scott Encoding?

An ADT can be represented using the Scott Encoding by replacing products by tuples and sums by matchers. For example:
data List a = Cons a (List a) | Nil
Can be encoded using the Scott Encoding as:
cons = (λ h t c n . c h t)
nil = (λ c n . n)
But I couldn't find how nested types can be encoded using SE:
data Tree a = Node (List (Tree a)) | Leaf a
How can it be done?
If the Wikipedia article is correct, then
data Tree a = Node (List (Tree a)) | Leaf a
has Scott encoding
node = λ a . λ node leaf . node a
leaf = λ a . λ node leaf . leaf a
It looks like the Scott encoding is indifferent to (nested) types. All it's concerned with is delivering the correct number of parameters to the constructors.
Scott encodings are basically representing a T by the type of its case expression. So for lists, we would define a case expression like so:
listCase :: List a -> r -> (a -> List a -> r) -> r
listCase [] n c = n
listCase (x:xs) n c = c x xs
this gives us an analogy like so:
case xs of { [] -> n ; (x:xs) -> c }
listCase xs n (\x xs -> c)
This gives a type
newtype List a = List { listCase :: r -> (a -> List a -> r) -> r }
The constructors are just the values that pick the appropriate branches:
nil :: List a
nil = List $ \n c -> n
cons :: a -> List a -> List a
cons x xs = List $ \n c -> c x xs
We can work backwards then, from a boring case expression, to the case function, to the type, for your trees:
case t of { Leaf x -> l ; Node xs -> n }
which should be roughly like
treeCase t (\x -> l) (\xs -> n)
So we get
treeCase :: Tree a -> (a -> r) -> (List (Tree a) -> r) -> r
treeCase (Leaf x) l n = l x
treeCase (Node xs) l n = n xs
newtype Tree a = Tree { treeCase :: (a -> r) -> (List (Tree a) -> r) -> r }
leaf :: a -> Tree a
leaf x = Tree $ \l n -> l x
node :: List (Tree a) -> Tree a
node xs = Tree $ \l n -> n xs
Scott encodings are very easy tho, because they're only case. Church encodings are folds, which are notoriously hard for nested types.
