v3 Unsupported protocol version error - node.js

I'm stuck with the newer version of Everything was fine but when I wanted to upgrade to 3, everything just broke, and currently on the client, I'm getting a 400 HTTP status code with the following JSON response -
{"code":5,"message":"Unsupported protocol version"}
Server-side config -
const io = require("")(server, {
cors: {
origin: config.clientURL,
methods: ["GET", "POST"],
credentials: true,
Client-side config -
const socket = io(backendURL, {
withCredentials: true,
I've tried very many things and redeployed many times but the error didn't go away.
For reference, I've these github repos -
Client in react.js - GitHub repo
Server in nodeJs and - GitHub repo

Looks like there may be a mismatch between versions of your and server.
First, update the servers with allowEIO3 set to true (added in
const io = require("")({
allowEIO3: true // false by default
After you've upgraded the (latest right now is 3.1.1), you can set it back, or remove it since default is false
const io = require("")({
allowEIO3: false

I install old version by
npx create-nuxt-app#2.15.0
It will install nuxt with express.js in one project.
Then update npm packages by commands:
npx npm-check-updates -u
npm i
And goes well between nuxt and on server


Socket.IO (Client) doesn't work after deploying with ViteJS and ReactJS

I'm developing an application in ReactJS (18.2) using Vite (4.1) and Socket.IO-client (4.6) and everything works correctly locally, while running in dev mode (npm run dev) and also after deploying (npm run build + npm run preview).
However, when trying to use this deploy on Github Pages or Netlify, the application simply does not seem to run any of the features related to Socket.IO. It also doesn't send any type of error to the console, preventing me from being able to understand what could be going wrong.
I did different tests, running the application on Github and Netlify, trying different configurations on Vite, but the problem persists.
One of the possible solutions I found was to add the command { transports: ['websocket'] } to the connection parameters:
const socket = io(SERVERURL, {
transports: ['websocket', 'polling', 'flashsocket'],
path: '/SERVERPATH',
forceNew: true,
reconnectionAttempts: 3,
timeout: 2000,
I would like to understand what could be going wrong.
The issue was resolved by changing the URL of the websocket server connection from HTTP to to WSS.
const socket = io(wss://, {
transports: ['websocket'],
path: '/SERVERPATH',
forceNew: true,
reconnectionAttempts: 3,
timeout: 2000,
}); and heroku CORS problem after deployment

I set up my server on heroku but I have problem with getting data from it to my app. I get cors error:
My app is hosted on gh-pages. Here is how my setup looks like:
const io = require("")(port, {
cors: {
origin: "",
methods: ["GET"],
What should I put in origin, should it be gh-pages link or heroku app link? How can I fix that?
This is how my request looks like:
I tried putting or, to origin property but none of this worked
For anyone having the same problem - I just removed / after url in origin and it worked :)
You should pass { cors: true, origin: <your-client-url> } as config option.

Connect node.js PostgreSQL database and Vue client locally

New to all of this so this might be the wrong setup. I have set up one project which uses node to connect to a postgreSQL. This works and I can start this from VS Code using:
node index.js
and the response is:
App running on port 3000.
Another project is a client and has been created Vue. This is started using
npm run serve
The response is:
App running at:
- Local: http://localhost:8080/
The Vue client gets data from a source using the code below and then displays it. In this example it uses some dummy data and works fine.
created: function () {
.then(res => {
this.users =;
However if I change the source above to communicate with the local postgreSQL database server:
I quite rightly get the security issue in the browser console when trying to connect:
Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading
the remote resource at http://localhost:3000/users/. (Reason: CORS
header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' missing)
So how do I intergrate the node.js part and the vue client part?
The answer to the question is below but I changed very slightly. The following was added to the index.js file (the node postgreSQL part). It is importing cors and saying allow conneciton from localhost:8080. Works perfectly:
import cors from 'cors';
const corsOptions = {
origin: 'http://localhost:8080'
You have to install lib cors. For that in your project folder just run the command:
npm i --save cors
After that lib is installed you should import and configure in your server application. To enable your front-end communicate with server side application.
const express = require('express');
const logger = require('morgan');
const cors = require('cors'); //<--install this lib
const app = express();
cors({ credentials: true, origin: true });//enable some headers for handling authentication tokens
app.use(cors());//use in your server
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'test') { app.use(logger('dev')); }
module.exports = app;
As stated by the documentation, when you use the function cors() its equivallent to:
"origin": "*",
"preflightContinue": false,
"optionsSuccessStatus": 204

Nestjs server does not serve client

I have a split app using nestjs on the server and an Angular app as the client. Setting up websockets with seemed pretty easy using the #nestjs/websockets module and on the client I used ngx-socket-io. I used this repo as basis. Now when I update the project's #nestjs/websockets dependency to the latest version I get
CORS errors and
an error that the client couldn't load the client js file
I expected CORS problems and after the update, I could fix them by adding
origin: 'http://localhost:4200',
credentials: true,
to my main.ts file, but I don't know why the client file is not served. With the version of the repo (5.7.x) there are neither CORS errors nor problems with serving the file.
I tried a couple of settings of #WebSocketGateway(), moving to a different port, setting serveClient (even though it should be true by default), but nothing seemed to work. Any advice?
In my case
I replaced
app.useWebSocketAdapter(new WsAdapter(app));
import { WsAdapter } from '#nestjs/platform-ws';
app.useWebSocketAdapter(new IoAdapter(app));
in main .ts from
import { IoAdapter } from '#nestjs/';
Worked like a charm!
The problem was that nestjs did separate the lower level platform (, express, fastify, ...) from the nestjs modules. The websocket module requires to install an underlying platform, for
npm install --save #nestjs/
To serve the client file it seems like there also needs to be an HTTP platform installed, for express
npm install --save #nestjs/platform-express
More info in the migration guide for v6.
I had the same problem. i was opening the client side of the application in the web-browser, but directly from my filesystem (i would double click on the file index.html next to the little dummy fake-front-end.js on my desktop for example...). It seems that the CORS problem would persist until i actually accessed the index.html through a proper server. So i created a route on my backend, to serve the index.html, and the fake-front-end.js.
There is a section about CORS on the officual documentation. And there is a section on the nestjs website, but both didnt really helped in my case.

"ReferenceError: WebSocket is not defined" when using RxJs WebSocketSubject and Angular Universal

I'm setting up an angular 6.x univeral project in order to leverage its SSR (Server-Side Rendering) capabilities. In my app, I'm using websocket communication using RxJs.
More specifically, I'm, using WebSocketSubject and webSocket in my angular universal 6.x project, which works fine on the browser platform. However, when running the node web server (that contains the SSR stuff (Server-Side Rendering)), an error is thrown:
ReferenceError: WebSocket is not defined
Example code:
// not actually code from the reproduction repo
import { WebSocketSubject, webSocket } from 'rxjs/webSocket';
const socket: WebSocketSubject<any> = webSocket('wss://');
socket.subscribe(msg => doSomething(msg));
Please note, that the error doesn't occur on the browser version of the app (i.e. ng serve won't throw the error), but only after compiling the SSR stuff and running the express web server. To reproduce the error, the builds have to be run first:
# install dependencies
npm install
# build angular bundles for browser and server platforms
npm run build:client-and-server-bundles
# build the webserver
npm run webpack:server
# start the webserver
npm run serve:ssr
# the app is now being served at http://localhost:8081/
# open it in the browser and the error will occur: 'ReferenceError: WebSocket is not defined'
I've also set up a reproduction repo.
Environment I'm using:
Runtime: Angular 6
RxJS version: 6.2.0, 6.2.1, 6.2.2 (tested all)
Edit 2018-08-02
I was able to address the problem more accurately. It seems, that this is also a webpack problem. Angular Universal creates a js bundle for running the angular app on the node server, but there is natively no websocket implementation on Node. Therefore, it has to be added manually as a dependency (npm package). I tried adding it to the js server bundle (const WebSocket = require('ws'); manually, which resolves the problem (i.e. ReferenceError disappears). However, when I add it to the TypeScript code that gets transcompiled into the js bundle later on, it won't work.
Further details
The webpack loader ts-loader is used for compiling TypeScript => JavaScript
The websocket depedency was added to the package.json: "ws": "^6.0.0"
Attempting to reference the ws dependency by adding const WebSocket = require('ws'); to the uncompiled TypeScript code won't resolve the issue. It would get compiled into var WebSocket = __webpack_require__(333); in the js output file, the dependency won't be able to be resolved.
Manually changing var WebSocket = __webpack_require__(333); => const WebSocket = require('ws'); in the compiled js file would resolve the issue, but of course it's a hack.
So, the questions are:
Can I "force" webpack to compile the dependency const WebSocket = require('ws'); => const WebSocket = require('ws'); (no changes)?
Or, would it might be a better solution, to register this dependency in the angular universal npm package and create a pull request?
The RxJS webSocket function can receive a WebSocket Constructor as an argument. This can be used to run webSocket in a non-browser/universal environment like this.
const WebSocketConstructor = WebSocket || require('ws')
const socket: WebSocketSubject<any> = webSocket({
url: 'wss://',
WebSocketCtor: WebSocketConstructor,
// OR...
import { WebSocket, ...otherStuff... } from 'ws';
import { webSocket, ...otherStuff... } from 'rxjs/webSocket';
const socket$ = webSocket({
url: 'wss://',
WebSocketCtor: WebSocket,
All it takes is this:
// set WebSocket on global object
(global as any).WebSocket = require('ws');
And of course, we need the ws dependency as well in the package.json:
npm i ws -s
In nodeJS apps with ES6 or similar, you must use this:
global.WebSocket = require('ws')
For example:
import { WebSocketSubject, webSocket } from 'rxjs/webSocket';
global.WebSocket = require('ws'); // <-- FIX ALL ERRORS
const subject = webSocket('ws://...');
No more errors.
My first answer!! Cheers
I created a npm package using websockets.
To provide compatibility for server side js and browser js i use this code.
(Note: it is typescript)
if (typeof global !== 'undefined') {
(global as any).WebSocket = require('ws');
Like you mentioned, the browser already has a WebSocket in its global object window but node does not.
Since the browser does not have global, this simple check works well.
Compiled code:
if (typeof global !== 'undefined') {
global.WebSocket = require('ws');
