How to dereference Uuid type? - rust

I'm using the Uuid crate to give unique ids to instantiate each new version of a Node struct with a unique identifier. Sometimes I'd like to filter these structs using .contains() to check if a struct's id is inside some array of Vec<Uuid>.
use uuid::Uuid;
struct Node {
id: Uuid,
impl Node {
fn new() -> Self {
let new_obj = Node {
id: Uuid::new_v4()
fn id(&self) -> Uuid {
fn main() {
let my_objs = vec![
let some_ids = vec![my_objs[0].id(), my_objs[3].id()];
fn filter_objs(all_items: &Vec<Node>, to_get: &Vec<Uuid>){
for z in to_get {
let wanted_objs = &all_items.iter().filter(|s| to_get.contains(* == true);
However this gives the error:
error[E0614]: type `Uuid` cannot be dereferenced
--> src/
32 | let wanted_objs = &all_items.iter().filter(|s| to_get.contains(* == true);
| ^^^^^^^
How can I enable dereferencing for the Uuid type to solve this problem?

Uuid doesn't implement the Deref trait so it can't be dereferenced, nor does it need to be since you're trying to pass it as an argument to a function with expects a reference. If you change * to & the code compiles:
fn filter_objs(all_items: &Vec<Node>, to_get: &Vec<Uuid>) {
for z in to_get {
let wanted_objs = &all_items
// changed from `*` to `&` here
.filter(|s| to_get.contains(& == true);


How do I extract information about the type in a derive macro?

I am implementing a derive macro to reduce the amount of boilerplate I have to write for similar types.
I want the macro to operate on structs which have the following format:
struct SomeStruct {
records: HashMap<Id, Record>
Calling the macro should generate an implementation like so:
impl MyTrait for SomeStruct {
fn foo(&self, id: Id) -> Record { ... }
So I understand how to generate the code using quote:
pub fn derive_answer_fn(item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
let generated = quote!{
impl MyTrait for #struct_name {
fn foo(&self, id: #id_type) -> #record_type { ... }
But what is the best way to get #struct_name, #id_type and #record_type from the input token stream?
One way is to use the venial crate to parse the TokenStream.
use proc_macro2;
use quote::quote;
use venial;
pub fn derive_answer_fn(item: proc_macro::TokenStream) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
// Ensure it's deriving for a struct.
let s = match venial::parse_declaration(proc_macro2::TokenStream::from(item)) {
Ok(venial::Declaration::Struct(s)) => s,
Ok(_) => panic!("Can only derive this trait on a struct"),
Err(_) => panic!("Error parsing into valid Rust"),
let struct_name =;
// Get the struct's first field.
let fields = s.fields;
let named_fields = match fields {
venial::StructFields::Named(named_fields) => named_fields,
_ => panic!("Expected a named field"),
let inners: Vec<(venial::NamedField, proc_macro2::Punct)> = named_fields.fields.inner;
if inners.len() != 1 {
panic!("Expected exactly one named field");
// Get the name and type of the first field.
let first_field_name = &inners[0];
let first_field_type = &inners[0].0.ty;
// Extract Id and Record from the type HashMap<Id, Record>
if first_field_type.tokens.len() != 6 {
panic!("Expected type T<R, S> for first named field");
let id = first_field_type.tokens[2].clone();
let record = first_field_type.tokens[4].clone();
// Implement MyTrait.
let generated = quote! {
impl MyTrait for #struct_name {
fn foo(&self, id: #id) -> #record { *self.#first_field_name.get(&id).unwrap() }

Access Impl field from closure before field is alloc'ed in Rust?

I am new to Rust, as will probably be obvious.
Basically I have this scenario you can see below where, I create a new type that has a closure added to it, but this closure needs to access data which has not yet been created. The data will be created by the time the closure gets called, but when the closure is initially created the data is not yet available.
What is the best way to do deal with?
I am also curious if my closure was not a closure, but rather a private function in my implementation, how would I access that data? This closure/function is a callback from WasmTime and requires an explicit method signature which does not allow me to add $self to it. So how could I get at the instance fields of the implementation without a reference to $self in the function parameters?
pub struct EmWasmNode {
wasmStore: Store<WasiCtx>,
wasmTable: Table,
impl EmWasmNode {
pub fn new(filePath: &str) -> Result<Self> {
let engine = Engine::default();
// let module = Module::from_file(&engine, "wasm/index.wast")?;
let module = Module::from_file(&engine, filePath)?;
let mut linker = Linker::new(&engine);
wasmtime_wasi::add_to_linker(&mut linker, |s| s)?;
let wasi = WasiCtxBuilder::new()
let mut store = Store::new(&engine, wasi);
linker.func_wrap("env", "emscripten_set_main_loop", |p0: i32, p1: i32, p2: i32| {
println!("emscripten_set_main_loop {} {} {}", p0, p1, p2);
/*** How would I access wasmTable and wasmStore from here to execute more methods??? ***/
//let browserIterationFuncOption:Option<wasmtime::Val> = Self::wasmTable.get(&mut Self::wasmStore, p0 as u32);
// browserIterationFuncOption.unwrap().unwrap_funcref().call(&store, ());
let instance = linker.instantiate(&mut store, &module)?;
let table = instance
.get_export(&mut store, "__indirect_function_table")
let start = instance.get_typed_func::<(), (), _>(&mut store, "_start")?; store, ())?;
Ok(EmWasmNode {
wasmStore: store,
wasmTable: table.unwrap(),
You have to instantiate a struct before. I suggest the more simple code below to see my idea.
struct Atype
name: String,
impl Atype
pub fn new() -> Self
Self{ name: String::from("zeppi")}
pub fn test(&self) -> ()
let func = | x | { println!("{} {}", &, x);};
fn main() {
let o = Atype::new();

How do I use PickleDB with Rocket/Juniper Context?

I'm trying to write a Rocket / Juniper / Rust based GraphQL Server using PickleDB - an in-memory key/value store.
The pickle db is created / loaded at the start and given to rocket to manage:
fn rocket() -> Rocket {
let pickle_path = var_os(String::from("PICKLE_PATH")).unwrap_or(OsString::from("pickle.db"));
let pickle_db_dump_policy = PickleDbDumpPolicy::PeriodicDump(Duration::from_secs(120));
let pickle_serialization_method = SerializationMethod::Bin;
let pickle_db: PickleDb = match Path::new(&pickle_path).exists() {
false => PickleDb::new(pickle_path, pickle_db_dump_policy, pickle_serialization_method),
true => PickleDb::load(pickle_path, pickle_db_dump_policy, pickle_serialization_method).unwrap(),
.manage(Schema::new(Query, Mutation))
routes![graphiql, get_graphql_handler, post_graphql_handler],
And I want to retrieve the PickleDb instance from the Rocket State in my Guard:
pub struct Context {
pickle_db: PickleDb,
impl juniper::Context for Context {}
impl<'a, 'r> FromRequest<'a, 'r> for Context {
type Error = ();
fn from_request(_request: &'a Request<'r>) -> request::Outcome<Context, ()> {
let pickle_db = _request.guard::<State<PickleDb>>()?.inner();
Outcome::Success(Context { pickle_db })
This does not work because the State only gives me a reference:
26 | Outcome::Success(Context { pickle_db })
| ^^^^^^^^^ expected struct `pickledb::pickledb::PickleDb`, found `&pickledb::pickledb::PickleDb`
When I change my Context struct to contain a reference I get lifetime issues which I'm not yet familiar with:
15 | pickle_db: &PickleDb,
| ^ expected named lifetime parameter
I tried using 'static which does make rust quite unhappy and I tried to use the request lifetime (?) 'r of the FromRequest, but that does not really work either...
How do I get this to work? As I'm quite new in rust, is this the right way to do things?
I finally have a solution, although the need for unsafe indicates it is sub-optimal :)
use pickledb::{PickleDb, PickleDbDumpPolicy, SerializationMethod};
use serde::de::DeserializeOwned;
use serde::Serialize;
use std::env;
use std::path::Path;
use std::time::Duration;
pub static mut PICKLE_DB: Option<PickleDb> = None;
pub fn cache_init() {
let pickle_path = env::var(String::from("PICKLE_PATH")).unwrap_or(String::from("pickle.db"));
let pickle_db_dump_policy = PickleDbDumpPolicy::PeriodicDump(Duration::from_secs(120));
let pickle_serialization_method = SerializationMethod::Json;
let pickle_db = match Path::new(&pickle_path).exists() {
false => PickleDb::new(
true => PickleDb::load(
unsafe {
PICKLE_DB = Some(pickle_db);
pub fn cache_get<V>(key: &str) -> Option<V>
V: DeserializeOwned + std::fmt::Debug,
unsafe {
let pickle_db = PICKLE_DB
.expect("cache uninitialized - call cache_init()");
pub fn cache_set<V>(key: &str, value: &V) -> Result<(), pickledb::error::Error>
V: Serialize,
unsafe {
let pickle_db = PICKLE_DB
.expect("cache uninitialized - call cache_init()");
pickle_db.set::<V>(key, value)?;
This can be simply imported and used as expected, but I think I'll run into issues when the load gets to high...

srml_system::Trait::Hash equality comparison

How can I perform an equality comparison on substrate Hash trait?
Say I have the following code, with owned_vec contains a vector of Hash:
use support::{decl_module, decl_storage, decl_event, dispatch::Result,
StorageValue, StorageMap, ensure, traits::Currency };
use system::ensure_signed;
// this is needed when you want to use Vec and Box
use rstd::prelude::*;
use runtime_primitives::traits::{ As, Hash };
use parity_codec::{ Encode, Decode };
// Our own Cat struct
#[derive(Encode, Decode, Default, Clone, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub struct Kitty<Hash, Balance> {
id: Hash,
name: Option<Vec<u8>>,
base_price: Balance, // when 0, it is not for sale
// This module's storage items.
decl_storage! {
trait Store for Module<T: Trait> as CatAuction {
Kitties get(kitties): map T::Hash => Kitty<T::Hash, T::Balance>;
KittyOwner get(owner_of): map T::Hash => Option<T::AccountId>;
OwnedKitties get(kitties_owned): map T::AccountId => Vec<T::Hash> = Vec::new();
decl_module! {
pub struct Module<T: Trait> for enum Call where origin: T::Origin {
fn deposit_event<T>() = default;
pub fn transaction(origin, kitty_id: T::Hash) -> Result {
let sender = ensure_signed(origin)?;
let kitty_owner = Self::owner_of(kitty_id).ok_or("Kitty has no owner.")?;
let mut kitty = Self::kitties(kitty_id);
<OwnedKitties<T>>::mutate(kitty_owner, |owned_vec| {
let kitty_index = 0;
for (i, el) in owned_vec.iter().enumerate() {
// This is where the compilation error occurs!
if el != { continue }
kitty_index = i;
It gives me compiler error that:
no implementation for `&<T as srml_system::Trait>::Hash == <T as srml_system::Trait>::Hash
help: the trait `core::cmp::PartialEq<<T as srml_system::Trait>::Hash>` is not implemented for `&<T as srml_system::Trait>::Hash`
help: consider adding a `where &<T as srml_system::Trait>::Hash: core::cmp::PartialEq<<T as srml_system::Trait>::Hash>` bound
Thank you!
p.s: Aware the tutorial says that looping through a vector is not encouraged in runtime module implementation.

How to use wirefilter over an infinite stream of data

I am writing a program to use wirefilter in order to filter data from an infinite stream.
But it seems that I cannot use a compiled ast in a loop because of lifetimes and when I try to compile, this is the output:
error: borrowed data cannot be stored outside of its closure
--> src/
31 | let filter = ast.compile();
| ------ that variable is valid at time of its declaration
32 |
33 | for my_struct in data.filter(|my_struct| {
| ----------- borrowed data cannot outlive this closure
34 | let execution_context = my_struct.execution_context();
| ^^^^^^^^^ ----------------- cannot infer an appropriate lifetime...
| |
| cannot be stored outside of its closure
error: aborting due to previous error
error: Could not compile `wirefilter_playground`.
To learn more, run the command again with --verbose.
use wirefilter::{ExecutionContext, Scheme};
lazy_static::lazy_static! {
static ref SCHEME: Scheme = Scheme! {
port: Int
struct MyStruct {
port: i32,
impl MyStruct {
fn scheme() -> &'static Scheme {
fn execution_context(&self) -> ExecutionContext {
let mut ctx = ExecutionContext::new(Self::scheme());
ctx.set_field_value("port", self.port).unwrap();
fn main() -> Result<(), failure::Error> {
let data = expensive_data_iterator();
let scheme = MyStruct::scheme();
let ast = scheme.parse("port in {2 5}")?;
let filter = ast.compile();
for my_struct in data.filter(|my_struct| {
let execution_context = my_struct.execution_context();
}).take(10) {
println!("{:?}", my_struct);
fn expensive_data_iterator() -> impl Iterator<Item=MyStruct> {
(0..).map(|port| MyStruct { port })
name = "wirefilter_playground"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2018"
wirefilter-engine = "0.6.1"
failure = "0.1.5"
lazy_static = "1.3.0"
is it possible to make it work? I would like to yield only the filtered data for the final user otherwise the amount of data would be huge in memory.
Thank you in advance!
It looks like the problem is with the lifetime elision in return structs. In particular this code:
fn execution_context(&self) -> ExecutionContext {
is equivalent to this one:
fn execution_context<'s>(&'s self) -> ExecutionContext<'s> {
Which becomes obvious once you realize that ExecutionContext has an associated lifetime.
The lifetime of ExecutionContext does not have to match that of the MyStruct so you probably want to write:
fn execution_context<'e>(&self) -> ExecutionContext<'e> {
or maybe:
fn execution_context<'s, 'e>(&'s self) -> ExecutionContext<'e>
where 'e: 's {
depending on whether your context will eventually refer to any content of MyStruct.
