How can I mock remote network devices in Linux? - linux

I am making a system that needs to be able to determine if a host is reachable or not by pinging it.
As part of a small end-to-end smoke test suite, I want to be able to bring up hosts and tear them down during the test suite, to test that my system responds correctly. Unfortunately, actually spinning up remote hosts and tearing them down is costly and extremely slow.
Is there any way I can mock this in Linux?
Bonus points if this doesn't require running the test suite as root.
My hope is that I can create a few virtual interfaces, assign arbitrary IP addresses for them and bring them up/down during the test to simulate hosts going down and coming back up. I should even be able to simulate open ports on the hosts using netcat, which would also be tremendously useful. I haven't had any luck figuring this out yet though (if it's even possible), I suspect my combined Google-fu and network engineering skill points are too low.

Depending on your network requirements I think Docker could fit your needs.


Is there be a difference between ab testing on localhost and hostname?

I test my website using ab as ab -n 10000 -c 1000 and I got response as 160 #/second. But when i test it as ab -n 10000 -c 1000 http://localhost/path the response is totally different 1500 #/second.
Normally you should not be running load generator (ab or any other tool) on the same host where application under test lives as load testing tools themselves are very resource intensive and you may run into the situation when application under test and load generator are struggling for the same CPU, RAM, Network, Disk, Swap, etc.
So I would recommend running ab from another host in your intranet, this way you will be able to get more clear results without aforementioned mutual interference. Remember to monitor baseline OS health metrics using vmstat, iostat, top, sar, etc. on both application under test and load generator side - it should give you more clear picture regarding what's going on and what is the impact of the perceived load.
You may also want to try out a more advanced tool as ab has quite limited load testing capabilities, check out Open Source Load Testing Tools: Which One Should You Use? article for more information on the most prominent free and open source load testing solutions (all listed tools are cross-platform so you will be able to run them on Linux)
From what I understand, you are testing the same website in 2 different configurations:, which is testing the remote website from your local computer,
http://localhost/path, which is testing the a local copy of website on your local machine, or being tested directly in the machine where the website is hosted.
Testing your remote website involves the network connection between your computer and the remote server. when testing locally, all the goes through the loopback network interface which is probably several orders of magnitude faster than your DSL internet connection.

Best way to verify that untrusted node code doesn't send information over the network

I am hoping to use two untrusted node files. I want to be sure that they don't send any information over the network maliciously. I have access to the source code and have read it some what carefully but it is quite lengthy and complex, and some of it is minified, and someone writing very sneaky code could potentially do something tricky that I might have missed.
Is there an easy way to be sure (ie if it doesn't use the request or socket modules) that it cannot possibly be sending any data out over the network.
The code only requires the sys, fs, and tail modules and I will be running it without the request or socket module installed.
I am very new to node, are the other easy precautions that I can take?
This process is good for anything suspect, not just node.js
General Precautions:
run inside a virtual machine
ensure the host is adequately firewalled
run Wireshark locally to observe network traffic requests
Sometimes you need to go a step further. Some programs (on Windows in particular) can actually tell if you are attempting monitoring... (although I'd be a little surprised if a Javascript program could do that). But doing this can be educational anyway.
set up a second machine that acts as a gateway to the network
ensure it is adequately firewalled
connext the test machine physically only to the gateway
run Wireshark on the gateway and observe traffic from the test machine
That wont catch everything, you should still monitor with wireshark what happens in a real situation in case any traffic is context dependent.

Dev environment for multiple server setup - Nodejs

This is my first time building out something with multiple servers. I wanted to know if anyone could point me towards a guide for setting up a dev environment (windows) for a backend that will be set up on multiple servers ie one server for the API, one for another set of processes (ie file compression) and one for everything else.
Again, just trying to figure out if it's possible to set up a dev environment to test out the system on my local machine.
You almost certainly want to run virtual machines (on something like VMWare or VirtualBox) to really test multi-machine stuff. However, I also develop for multiple machines every day (we have an array of app servers, an array of background worker servers, e-commerce servers, cache stores and front proxies—and I still just develop on one virtual machine that has all that stuff running on it. Provided you make hostnames and ports configurable for everything, there's not much difference between localhost port 9000 and some.server.tld port 8080. Actually running all the VMs on a single computer would likely be painful, both in terms of system resources and complexity.
There are tools to help with setting up VMs with similar or the same configurations too. Take a look at and also
Just my $0.02.

Jenkins - Managing a pool of resources

I'm trying to set up a Jenkins system where a certain program has to be run on a board on the network, accessed using telnet. We're talking about hundreds of such jobs here, therefore we will be setting up multiple boards. Therefore, each job has to be allocated a board, but the catch is that only one job can have a certain board at the same time, otherwise the program fails.
The solution I have right now is using a master-slave set-up where I connect to the same machine using SSH (so a master and multiple slaves on the same machine). Each of the slave nodes then has a label for the IP address the program has to telnet to. This works, scheduling wise, but it might cause issues because all nodes connect using SSH to the same machine. Connecting to the boards using SSH is not an option.
Is there any way to get the same functionality as above, but then without using SSH to connect to the same machine? So basically I want to be able to say: we have n available machines, when a job comes in give it one of those machines and pass it a label belonging to that machine (its IP address in this case); now there are n-1 machines left.
Mutual exclusion comes close, but does not allow the above functionality, and jobs waiting for a resource take up one of the executors of a node.
Thanks a lot!
I realize your problem is probably solved already years ago, but in case someone else is looking for the answer and runs into this.
You can use "Lockable resources" plugin and set the ip address as the name of the resource and use label such use test-board-ip.It is simple and easy to use.
Another possibility is to use "External resources dispatcher" plugin. It provides a bit more possibilities, but it has a bug that causes it to hang sometimes. And it seems there is no maintenance any more (last updates from 2013).
Maybe you should hava a look at the Lock and Latches Plugin. You are able to lock a resource with this plugin with only requireing the job to lock the board you want to.

How to find connected hosts at network (vpn or lan)

I'm looking for possible solutions to the following need:
I have a VPN configured (using openVPN over Linux, BTW), and I want to know at any moment which hosts are connected to it. I recognize that it probably is the same thing as trying to know which hosts are connected to a lan, so any of the solutions might do the job...
The fact is that I once used a hamachi vpn on linux and with it I had the chance to know which hosts were connected to a particular network where I belonged, so I was wondering if something similar might be possible in openVPN (or even any VPN and/or any LAN).
Preferably, I'm looking for opensource/free sw solutions, or maybe the hints to program it myself (in the most simple way if possible, not that I don't know how to program, but I'm trying to achieve this in a simple manner). But anyway, if there are no os/fsw solutions, any other one might do...
Thanks a lot!
Mexico city
An easy way to do this with OpenVPN in linux is to use the client-connect and client-disconnect scripts on the server end to maintain a list for you. The client-connect script can log the $common_name environment variable (and also its $trusted_ip, if you like) each time a client connects, and the client-disconnect script can remove that client from the list.
If you also write both connections and disconnections to a different time-stamped log, you'll have a permanent record of the time and duration of each connection.
