cURL command works on linux but not windows - linux

Good Day All,
I've got a cURL command here
curl -X POST https://*.com/graph/api/v1/graphql -H 'content-type:application/json' -H 'Authorization:bearer *token*' -d '{"query": "{ assets(query: { searchTerm: \"hello-world-sys-app-v1\" ,type: \"app\"}) { groupId, assetId, version, type } }"}'
This runs as expected on linux and returns like this
However when running on windows I get an error like this
The request's Content-Type is not supported. Expected:
application/jsoncurl: (6) Could not resolve host: application
curl: (6) Could not resolve host: bearer
curl: (6) Could not resolve host: dc411cee-c007-4955-ab45-87522b2713ad'
curl: (3) [globbing] nested brace in column 17
I've tried a few solutions i've read on here without luck
I've tried a few different combinations of single quotes and double quotes but just getting errors, I've tried using a data file too, but i get similar errors. I have a feeling it is a simple issue, but I can't seem to figure out the syntax.
Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you

I've suffered the same pain a few days ago, and on Windows the -d must be between double quotes so you've to escape those inside. Something like this (I didn't test it):
-d "{\"query\": \"{ assets(query: { searchTerm: \"hello-world-sys-app-v1\" ,type: \"app\"}) { groupId, assetId, version, type } }\"}"
Om Windows you have Invoke-RestMethod in PowerShell which seems (and only seems) is more accurate. More info here:

If you are using something like Git Bash on Windows you may be hitting the problem with forward slash translations.

I've got it working now on windows, Although I still don't know exactly why its working but I first replaced all the single quotes with double quotes and was still getting errors. but after adding three backslashes I'm able to get a proper response.
curl -X POST "https://*.com/graph/api/v1/graphql" -H "content-type:application/json" -H "Authorization:bearer *" -d "{\"query\": \"{ assets(query: { searchTerm: \\\"hello-world-sys-app-v1\\\" ,type: \\\"app\\\"}) { groupId, assetId, version, type } }\"}"


invalid UTF-8 JSON error on Couchdb Find request using regex

I have a problem when sending a POST request to my couchdb database using curl.
curl -X POST http://admin:password#localhost:3005/fisconet/_find -d '{"selector":{"fields":{"keywords":{"$regex":".*évasion fiscale.*"}}}}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"
This is the error I get:
{"error":"bad_request","reason":"invalid UTF-8 JSON"}
If I remove the accent of the regular expression {"$regex":".*evasion fiscale.*"}, I don't get the error but I don't find what I'm looking for.
Couldn't find anything on the internet that worked.

Curl request with comma in the directory name in bash

I have problem to execute curl request in the directory has comma in the name using bash command line.
curl --request POST --form "file=#$PWD/input_file" > output_file
if the directory name is
"test" works
"test test" works
"test, test" doesn't work.
I tried many ways to escape characters like quotations, back slush, changing IFS... but still getting error "failed creating formpost data".
Could someone advise how I should treat such directory names?
This looks like a case curl isn't designed to handle. However, by passing the filename on stdin, you can avoid needing it to correctly parse that value at all.
curl --request POST --form "file=#-" <input_file >output_file

zsh: no matches found when $ curl -s -X localhost:60702/api/bundle?name=light%20reading | j q '.'

I am working through the Node.js The Right Way book by Jim Wilson. I am currently trying to use a PUSH request to create a new bundle with the specified name.
* curl -X POST http://:/api/bundle?name=
However, when I use the command:
$ curl -s -X POST localhost:60702/api/bundle?name=light%20reading | jq '.'
rather than getting the JSON indicating that a Bundle has been created, I get: zsh: no matches found: localhost:60702/api/bundle?name=light%20reading
The command should be using a POST request to create a new All of my code is bit for bit identical to the code listed in the book. Any ideas?
Can you try
curl -s -X POST 'localhost:3000/api/bundle?name=light%20reading'
i.e wrap the url within '
This seems to be an issue with zsh solved here.
There are several ways to solve this:
You can escape the question mark ? in the url by quoting the url as explained by #huzaifa-saifuddin to avoid zsh treating it as a wildcard character.
As explained here, you can create an alias for curl: alias curl='noglob curl'
As explained here, you can disable to nomatch handling by adding the following to your ~/.zshrc: unsetopt nomatch

Sending a post json with curl get error

Im trying to create a bash script to make github pull requests here its my code:
Gist Code
I get this error:
curl: (6) Could not resolve host: on
curl: (3) [globbing] unmatched close brace/bracket in column 63
"message": "Problems parsing JSON",
"documentation_url": ""
Please help
More/proper quoting:
body=$(printf '{"title":"%s","body":"%s","head":"clamour:%s","base":"%s"}' "$TITLE" "$DESCRIPTION" "$TARGET" "$SOURCE")
curl -H "$auth" -d "$body" "$PROJECT/pulls"
All user-supplied variables must be quoted (unless you know exactly why you want to leave then unquoted).
Enclosing a variable name in ${braces} is not the same as "$quoting".
I find using printf tends to be more clear than mixing double and single quotes with variable interpolation.
Get out of the habit of using ALLCAPS variable names: one day you'll use PATH=... and then wonder why your script is broken
you are using a lot of variables
try to do it like this
read also this Difference between single and double quotes in Bash

How do I POST LF with curl command line tool?

I'm trying to POST to the HTTP gateway of an SMS provider (Sybase 365) using CURL from a Linux shell script.
I need to pass the following data (note the [ ] and LF characters)
If I submit a file using the -F parameter, CURL removes the LF e.g.
curl -F #myfile ""
results in this at the server (which is rejected)
Is there anything I can do to avoid this or do I need an alternative tool?
I'm using a file containing my data for testing but I'd like to avoid that in practice and POST directly from the script.
Try using --data-binary instead of -d(ata-ascii).
From the manual:
--data-binary (HTTP) This posts data in a similar manner as --data-ascii does, although when using this option the entire context of the posted data is kept as-is.
If you want to post a binary file without the strip-newlines feature of the --data-ascii option, this is for you. If this option is used several times, the ones following the first will append data.
ETA: oops, I should read the question more closely. You're using -F, not -d. But --data-binary may be still be worth a shot.
Probably a silly thought, but I don't suppose it actually requires CRLF instead of just LF?
Alternatively, have you tried using the --data-binary option instead of -F?
I've got this working using -d
request=`printf "[MSISDN]\nList=$number\n[MESSAGE]\nText=$message\n[END]\n"`
response=`curl -s -u $username:$password -d "$request"`
Curiously, if I use -d #myfile (where myfile contains LF separated text), it doesn't work.
I also tried --data-binary without success.
curl "url" --data-binary #myfile
posts new lines in the data [tested on curl 7.12.1]
