nsExec::ExecToStack fails when running NSIS script tring to run DOS command - nsis

Please note that I am attempting to create a data file as part of my installation script. Here is what I am using:
# Create config.dat based on user`s previous selection
nsExec::ExecToStack '"$SYSDIR\cmd.exe" #echo ServerPort = 2003 > $INSTDIR\config.dat'
Pop $0 # return value/error/timeout
Pop $1 # printed text, up to ${NSIS_MAX_STRLEN}
DetailPrint '$SYSDIR\cmd.exe "#echo ServerPort = 2003 > $INSTDIR\config.dat" printed: $1'
DetailPrint ""
DetailPrint " Return value: $0"
DetailPrint ""
When I run the script, the above returns a 0, so I think it should have worked but when I check the installation directory I see that no config.dat file has been created.
Also, I have tried this command,
nsExec::ExecToStack '#echo ServerPort = 2003 > $INSTDIR\config.dat'
But when I use it the display prints:
Return value: error
Here are websites I have looked at but it is still not clear to me how to get nsExec working.
Does nsExec::ExecToStack is waiting the process to finish?(NSIS)
Exec vs ExecWait vs ExecShell vs nsExec::Exec vs nsExec::ExecToLog vs nsExec::ExecToStack vs ExecDos vs ExeCmd
Execute Command-Line Command from NSIS
Does anyone have any suggestions? TIA.

Please note that I have found the issue. I thought nsExec mainly worked with the command line, but you have to start with cmd:
nsExec::ExecToStack 'cmd /c "#echo ServerPort = 2003 > config.dat"'
For details please see:
Execute Command-Line Command from NSIS


NSIS executing a system command

I'm trying to create a scheduled task with privileges in my NSIS script.
Using this command:
schtasks /create /ru "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" /SC ONSTART /RL "HIGHEST" /TR "C:\Program Files (x86)\MyProgram\MyProgram.exe" /tn MyProgram.Kickstart
From cmd.exe with privileges I managed to do it, but now I need to let the NSIS script doing it.
Reading the documentation and the internet I've found this command:
; ........
ExecShell "runas" "myprogram.bat"
; ........
where "myprogram.bat" is the bat containing the command, but I've also tried to put the schtasks in it.
Currently it seems that no batch runs, even if I have this log:
Processing script file: "C:\Foo\prova.nsis"
OutFile: "C:\Foo\testnsis.exe"
Section: "TestFST"
ExecShell: runas: "C:\Foo\kickstart.bat" ""
if I add 2> kickstart.log in bat and I execute it outside NSIS, i get the log filled as expected, but nothing from the script.
Also consider that, for sake of simplicity and testing purposes, I've wrote a very basic script launched from powershell:
# Powershell
makensis.exe /O"C:\Foo\prova.log" "C:\Foo\prova.nsis"
OutFile "C:\Foo\testnsis.exe"
Section TestFST
ExecShell "runas" "C:\Foo\kickstart.bat"
and I might missing something, since I'm completely new to this.
What am I missing?
You should use full paths everywhere. When elevating the current directory is often set to the system32 directory and 2> kickstart.log would write there.
ExecShell works fine for me:
FileOpen $0 "$PluginsDir\Test.cmd" w
FileWrite $0 "#echo off$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "echo Hello World$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 'call whoami /groups | find "1-5-32-544"$\r$\n'
FileWrite $0 'echo Log test string > "%temp%\test.log"$\r$\n'
FileWrite $0 "ping -n 42 localhost > nul$\r$\n"
FileClose $0
ExecShell "runas" "$PluginsDir\Test.cmd"
That being said, the runas verb has some issues and if you know you are always going to perform elevated tasks then your installer should also request elevation (RequestExecutionLevel Admin).

Why my nsis script can not run command with execWait on Windows 10?

I want my nsis script to run the command line which is installed by my previous statements in my script successfully. But it always fails showing
C:\mypath\SystemMaitainer.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
I put the related code after "install" section as below:
Section "install"
// Files copy statements
Section "command"
nsExec::ExecToLog 'cmd.exe /c "$INSTDIR\SystemMaitainer.exe" -install'
Pop $0
DetailPrint ""
DetailPrint " Return value: $0"
DetailPrint ""
How to fix my problem? Thanks! Why the statement about "nsEXec" always fails, but the command can run successfully in cmd ?
After investigation, my script can work, I should put the execwait command and the copy statements together as below:
Section "serverice"
SetOutPath "$SYSDIR"
file "mycmd.exe"
ExecWait '"$SYSDIR\mycmd.exe" -option'
But it worked perfectly on Windows 7, but it fails on Windows 10, ExecWait can't run successfully, and without the ret error message, please help me again! I am very appreciate guys who helped me!
That error message is coming from cmd.exe. SystemMaitainer is spelled incorrectly, perhaps that is the problem? Or maybe you disabled WOW64 redirection around the copy command but not the exec command?
You don't have to prefix the command with cmd /c if you are not doing stdout redirection.
$SysDir is special because there are two system32 directories on a 64-bit system.
You can access the 64-bit system32 directory in a 32-bit process with $WinDir\SysNative\ or with the macros in x64.nsh:
!include x64.nsh
ExecWait '"$SysDir\app.exe"'

Unable to run command prompt commands using NSIS

I want to run a service using NSSM, doing so from Command Prompt (ran as administrator) works. Commands used in command prompt are:
# Command Prompt commands
C:\Windows\system32>cd C:\Users\D-002\Downloads\nssm-2.24\win64
nssm install TestService "C:\Program Files (x86)\CodeBlocks\Testing Projects\TestServiceProgram\bin\Debug\TestServiceProgram.exe"
Service "TestService" installed successfully!
But I want to achieve same functionality using NSIS. Running following script doesn't create TestService.
# NSIS script
; name the installer
OutFile "Installer.exe"
; default section start; every NSIS script has at least one section.
;nssm folder is placed in same folder where Installer.exe is created
ExecWait 'cd "$EXEDIR\nssm\win64"'
ExecWait 'nssm install TestService "$EXEDIR\TestServiceProgram.exe"'
; default section end
As I have no prior knowledge of NSIS, if anybody could indicate, what I am doing wrong or missing ?
Check if the service is created into service list. Are created but not running?
If is created but not running remember that Services are executed with System32 as working directory and here you must place eventually config file.
You can install service with SimpleSC plugin (http://nsis.sourceforge.net/NSIS_Simple_Service_Plugin):
Here my code:
Section "Install Service"
SimpleSC::ExistsService "MyService" ;
pop $0
${If} $0 == "0" ;
SimpleSC::StopService "MyService"
DetailPrint "Service found"
DetailPrint "Installing My"
SimpleSC::InstallService "MyService" \
"My Service Description" \
16 \
2 \
"$ServiceFolder\MyService.exe" \
"" \
"" \
"" \
SimpleSC::SetServiceDescription "MyService" "MyService description"
DetailPrint "Installation of MyService completed"
SimpleSC::StartService MyService"
DetailPrint "Service started."

NSIS: environment variable created doesn't work

I am creating a Env Variable and then appending it to the PATH variable in my NSIS installer script on Win7 - 64 bit.
Push "MyPath"
Push "D:\MyFolder\bin;D:\MyFolder\lib"
Call WriteEnvStr
Push "%MyPath%"
Call AddToPath
Now after installation I can see both the variable in cmd prompt
Path=%MyPath%;<my existsing path>
But any exe/dll from are not found at run time.
If I run the cmd prompt as Administrator and then run exe, it runs fine.
It also works if I run exe directly as an Administrator.
Also interesting is that if I open Environment editor, double click on MyPath variable and click OK (without changing anything), my exe's run fine without running as Administrator.
And now if I check Path in cmd prompt, MyPath variable is substituted
Path=D:\MyFolder\bin;D:\MyFolder\lib;<my existsing path>
I tried to add "Call EnvVarUpdate" after creating the env variable but it doesn't work.
I am using NSIS Unicode version 2.46.3
Your chances of adding/modifying the path without losing data in path by truncating it would be much greater by using the registry.
ReadRegStr $0 HKCU "Environment" Path
StrCpy $1 "D:\MyFolder\bin;D:\MyFolder\lib"
StrCpy $2 "$0;$1"
WriteRegStr HKCU "Environment" Path "$2"
If your system has an AUTOEXEC.BAT file then any PATH setting in AUTOEXEC.BAT will also be appended to the %PATH% environment variable. This is to provide compatibility with old installation routines which need to set the PATH. All other commands in AUTOEXEC.BAT are ignored however. And this is more or less obsolete anyway.
But we could just continue with your method however just try a different means of acomplishing your goal. I have not tested this but you can try something similar to this:
StrCpy $R0 "MYPATH"
StrCpy $R1 "D:\MyFolder\bin;D:\MyFolder\lib"
System::Call `Kernel32::SetEnvironmentVariable(t"$R0",t"$R1")`
Now include your new variable in the path like the following:
ReadEnvStr $R0 COMSPEC
ReadEnvStr $R1 MYPATH
ExecDos::Exec /TOSTACK `"$R0" /c "SetX PATH=%PATH%;$R1 -m"`
You can now easily change that one variable %MYPATH% at any time in the future and the PATH will reflect the new value.
${EnvVarUpdate} $0 "PATH" "A" "HKLM" "C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin"
StrCpy $R0 "$0"
System::Call 'Kernel32::SetEnvironmentVariableA(t, t) i("PATH", R0).r2'
ReadEnvStr $R0 "PATH"
ExecWait "$INSTDIR\tmp\batchfile.bat

Checking if the application is running in NSIS before uninstalling

I am new to NSIS, and I need to know that in the uninstaller, how I can check if the application (which is in C++) is running and close it before uninstalling.
Here is a slightly more friendly version for using NSProcess that requests the app to close rather than terminates it (Owen's answer)
${nsProcess::FindProcess} "${APP_EXE}" $R0
${If} $R0 == 0
DetailPrint "${AppName} is running. Closing it down"
${nsProcess::CloseProcess} "${APP_EXE}" $R0
DetailPrint "Waiting for ${AppName} to close"
Sleep 2000
DetailPrint "${APP_EXE} was not found to be running"
Use the NsProcess plugin. Download it here -> NSProcess
How to use it? As simple as:
${nsProcess::KillProcess} "${APP_EXE}" $R4
where APP_EXE is the name of your application...
The download will also tell you how to use it... :)
Depending on the application, you have a couple of choices:
If your application has a window with a somewhat unique class name, you could use FindWindow
If your application creates a named kernel object (Mutex etc) you can check for it by calling the correct native win32 API with the system plugin
Use a 3rd party plugin like FindProcDLL
Just make sure that the first thing that install or un-install does is to delete all xyz.tmp files in %TEMP (or any other app writable directory) before the below for loop runs. No plugins required.
!macro IsRunning
ExecWait "cmd /c for /f $\"tokens=1,2$\" %i in ('tasklist') do (if /i %i EQU xyz.exe fsutil file createnew $TEMP\xyz.tmp 0)"
IfFileExists $TEMP\xyz.tmp 0 notRunning
;we have atleast one main window active
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "XYZ is running. Please close all instances and retry." /SD IDOK
