How to use semantic versioning when compatibility differs between parts of a project - semantic-versioning

Suppose a project that consists of multiple parts
A file format definition
A library to interact with the file format
A CLI utility application that uses the library to perform tasks
I can do non-backwards compatible changes to (3) without breaking (1) or (2).
I can do non-backwards compatible changes to (2) without breaking (1), but (3) would break.
I can do non-backwards compatible changes to (1) without breaking (3), but (2) would break.
Does this mean that these parts must be different project, so they can have different version numbers?

A version string can refer to a collection of independently versioned API's/packages, a single API, an API and implementation, etc. Basically you have to be cognizant of exactly what it is you are applying a version number to, and what your customers expect. Semantic versioning is all about telling your customers about the risks you think they will take, if they accept an update from you.
From your description, I think you have three things that need to be versioned:
The file format.
The library.
the CLI utility application.
Whether you develop them in one, two or three repos is up to you. It's not uncommon for a file format specification to be developed and versioned independently of any implementations that depend on it. Whether your library and CLI utility belong together or in separate repo's is a matter of your development process logistics and customer expectations. Do you have consumers of the library that don't require your utility?
Whether they reside in one repo, two or three, you should package and version them separately. This implies independent feeds and packaging scripts.


Purpose build metadata in SemVer?

In Semantic Versioning
Build metadata MAY be denoted by appending a plus sign and a series of dot separated identifiers immediately following the patch or pre-release version. Identifiers MUST comprise only ASCII alphanumerics and hyphens [0-9A-Za-z-]. Identifiers MUST NOT be empty. Build metadata MUST be ignored when determining version precedence. Thus two versions that differ only in the build metadata, have the same precedence. Examples: 1.0.0-alpha+001, 1.0.0+20130313144700, 1.0.0-beta+exp.sha.5114f85, 1.0.0+21AF26D3—-117B344092BD.
What is the purpose of including build meta?
What is the difference between the commit 1.2.3+abc and 1.2.3+bcd?
In what kind of scenario including build meta data will help?
This is mostly for information purposes. You can encode full commit id in the build metadata, so it's faster to analyze from what commit this software was actually build on, or you can encode the date/time of the particular build, machine it was build on.
The version usually only increments when you do a proper release. While developing the application, the version remains unchanged. But the commit id will change with every snapshot that is released to the development environment.

How should inter-related software packages be versioned?

Some open-source projects make combined releases where the version number of each package(library) is increased to the same version.
Examples in Java are:
This implies that some packages may get a new version even though they have not changed (nor their dependencies). I don't think this violates semantic versioning.
Benefits I see is that:
Users can use a single version to monitor and upgrade
All users likely to use the same combination of libraries
Users using just one out of many libraries might be notified about an "update" though the package to download has not changed
If many users use just a sub-package, then all bug reports for one version are equally for a range of versions, which is difficult to track. Reverting to the previous "different" version to avoid a bug becomes more complex.
One alternative to single-versioning is to use a BOM (Bill-of-materials).
Different concepts of BOMs exist:
A BOM can list several dependencies to include in their versions (e.g. Linux apt Meta-packages)
A BOM can define versions (and other restrictions) for dependencies to be used if the dependency is included (e.g. Java Maven dependencyManagement section of BOM)
The BOM allows to declare which configuration(combination) of library-versions have been tested together, and allows separate groups of users to all use the same configuration, helping with bug reports and reproducibility.
Not all software distribution and buildsystems support the BOM concept equally well, though.

GCC: Specifying a Minimum Shared Library Version

I inherited and maintain a Linux shared library that is very closely coupled with specific hardware; let's call it This library has been around for some time and "just worked". This library has now become a dependency for several higher-layer applications.
Now, unfortunately, new hardware designs have forced me to create symbols with wider types, thereby resulting in There have been only additions; no deletions or other API changes. The original, narrow versions of the updated symbols still exist in their original form.
Additionally, I have an application (say, myapp) that depends on libfoo. It was originally written to support the 0.0.0 version of the library but has now been reworked to support the new 0.1.0 APIs.
For backwards compatibility reasons, I would like to be able to build myapp for either the old or new library via a compile flag. The kernel that a given build of myapp will be loaded on will always have exactly one version of the library, known at compile time.
The Question
It is very likely that libfoo will be updated again in the future.
When building myapp, is it possible to specify a minimum version of libfoo to link against based on a build flag?
I know it is possible to specify the library name directly on the build CLI. Will this cause myapp to require exactly that version or will later versions of the lib with the same major revision still be able to link against it (ex. I am really hoping to not have to update every dependent app's build each time a new minor version is released.
Is there a more intelligent way of accomplishing this in an application-agnostic way?
How do you link to a specific version of a shared library in GCC
You are describing external library versioning, where the app is built against,, etc. Documentation here.
Using external library versioning requires that exactly the same version of be present at runtime.
This is generally not the right technique on Linux, which, through the magic of symbol versioning, allows a single to provide multiple incompatible definitions of the same symbol, and thus allows a single library serve both the old and the new applications simultaneously.
In addition, if you are simply always adding new symbols, and are not modifying existing symbols in incompatible way, then there is no reason to increment the external version. Keep at version 0, provide a int foo_version_X_Y; global variable in it (as well as all previous versions: foo_version_1_0, foo_version_1_1, etc.), and have an application binary read the variable that it requres. If an application requires a new symbol foo_version_1_2 and is run with an old library that only provides foo_version_1_1, then the application will fail to start with an obvious error.

How to generate a dependency diagram from a set of XSD files?

See the title: I have around 50 XSD files importing each other (with tags) and I need to analyze their dependencies.
Do you know any software (preferably free) to generate a dependency diagram automatically from these files?
I did not find any existing program to do that, so... I developed my own! It is called GraphVisu.
There is a first program to generate the graph structure from seed XSD files, and another one to visualise graphs. I also included a detection of clusters of interrelated nodes (called "strongly connected components" in graph theory).
Feel free to use it!
I am not aware of any free solution tailored specifically for XSD. If I would have to build it using freely available components, I would probably consider GraphViz. You would need to write a module to generate the data needed by GraphViz which will come from parsing the XSD files. The latter is kind of trivial, if you take into account how schema location works and is resolved, and handle correctly circular dependencies. The good thing is that GraphViz is supported on a wide set of platforms, and as long as you can parse XML, you could be set.
I've also developed my own, in form of an XML Schema Refactoring (XSR) add-on for QTAssistant. This particular feature set has been around since 2004, so it works really well, including WSDL and XSD files.
I can interpret differently what you asked, so I'll refer to what you could do with XSR:
XSD files dependencies
This is a simple one, showing a hierarchical layout.
This is a more complex one, showign an organic layout.
intra-XSD file schema components dependencies: can be filtered on arbitrary criteria (not sure what you meant by with tags).
XSD file set schema components dependencies (same as the above, but one can navigate across different files)
The tool comes with an automation library, where you can write a few lines of C# or Java script code which you can then invoke using QTAssistant shell or a command line shell to integrate it with an automatic build process.
Other features include the ability to export the underlying data using GraphML, that is if you wish to analyse or process the graph further (e.g. topological sorting, cycles, etc.)

Importance of compiling single-threaded v. multi-threaded (and lib naming conventions)?

[ EDIT ] ==>
To clarify, in those environments where multiple targets are deployed to the same directory, Planet Earth has decided on a convention to append "d" or "_d" or "_debug" to the "DEBUG" version (of a library or executable). Such a convention can be considered "ubiquitous" and "understood", although (of course) not everybody does this.
SIMILARLY, to resolve ambiguity between "shared" and "static" versions of a library, a common convention is to append something to distinguish between the static-and-shared (like "myfile.lib" for shared-import-lib-on-Windows and "myfile_s.lib" for static-import-lib-on-Windows). While Posix does not have this ambiguity based on file extension, remember that the file extension is not used on the "link line", so it is similarly useful to be able to explicitly specify the "static" or "shared" version of a library.
For the purpose of this question, both "debug/release" and "static/shared" are promoted to "ubiquitous convention to decorate the file name root".
QUESTION: Does any other deployment configuration get "promoted" to this level of "ubiquitous convention" such that it would become explicit in the file target root name?
My current guess is "no". For the answer to be "Yes", it would require: More than one configuration for given target is intended to be "used" (and thus deployed to a common directory, which is the assumed basis for the question).
In the past, we compiled with-and-without "web plug-in" capability, which similarly required that name decoration, but we no longer build those targets (so I won't assert that as an example). Similarly, we sometimes compile with-and-without multi-byte character support, but I hate that, so I won't assert that either.
We're establishing library naming conventions/policy, to be applied across languages and platforms (e.g., we support hybrid products using several languages on different platforms, including C/C++, C#, Java). A particular goal is to ensure we handle targets/resources for mobile development (which is new to us) in addition to our traditional desktop (and embedded) applications.
Of course, one option is to have different paths for targets from different build configurations. For the purpose of this question, the decision is made to have all targets co-locate to a single directory, and to "decorate" the library/resource/executable name to avoid collisions based on build configuration (e.g., "DEBUG" v. "RELEASE", "static lib" v. "shared/DLL", etc.)
Current decision is similar to others on the web, where we append tokens to avoid naming collisions:
MyName.lib (release build, import for shared/dll)
MyName_s.lib (release build, static lib)
MyName_d.lib (debug build, import for shared/DLL)
MyName_ud.lib (Unicode/wide-char, debug, import for shared/DLL)
MyName_usd.lib (Unicode/wide-char, static lib, debug)
(The above are Windows examples, but these policies similarly apply to our POSIX systems.)
These are based on:
d (release or debug)
u (ASCII or Unicode/wide-char)
s (shared/DLL or static-lib)
QUESTION: We do not have legacy applications that must be compiled single-threaded, and my understanding is that (unlike Microsoft) POSIX systems can link single- and multi-threaded targets into a single application without issue. Given today's push towards multi-core and multi-threaded, Is there a need in a large enterprise to establish the following to identify "single-" versus "multi-threaded" compiled targets?
t (single-threaded or multi-threaded) *(??needed??)*
...and did we miss any other target collision, like compile with-and-without STL (on C++)?
As an aside, Microsoft has library naming conventions at: and their DLL naming conventions at:
A similar question on SO a year ago that didn't talk about threading and didn't reference the Microsoft conventions can be found at: What is proper naming convention for MSVC dlls, static libraries and import libraries
You are using an ancient compiler. There is no need to establish such a standard in an enterprise, the vendor has already done this. Microsoft hasn't shipped a single-threaded version of the CRT for the past 13 years. Similarly, Windows has been a Unicode operating system for the past 17 years. It makes zero sense to still write Unicode agnostic code these days.
But yes, the common convention is to append a "d" for the debug build of a library. And to give a DLL version of a library a completely different name.
