DocuSign returning HTML from Authentication only when the application is under a domain - docusignapi

i'm integrating the docusign api with my angular application, everything is working good, i created a proxy configuration in order to do the api calls, im using the demo url since i have a demo developer account.
The problem is that when i run my program in local (using localhost) the authentication token is successfully returned by the oauth call but when i upload my program on an external domain the same call returns me an html with irrelevant information with status 200 OK.
I tried to search this on google but i can't find nothing good.
What should i do?
this is the error i get:
error: {error: SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0
at JSON.parse ()
at XMLHtt…, text: "<!doctype html>↵↵↵ <meta ch…b0a19788ec.js" defer="">↵↵"}headers: DmlazyInit: ()=> {…}lazyUpdate: nullnormalizedNames: Map(0) {}proto: Objectmessage: "Http failure during parsing for"name: "HttpErrorResponse"ok: falsestatus: 200statusText: "OK"url: ""proto: Bm

The OAuth call you are making has a parameter called redirectUri.
Look for &redirect_uri= in the URL.
You have to change that for each location, if you put this in a domain - then you cannot use localhost in there.
This URL has to match exactly to where you deployed your application.
For the second call, make sure to make it a POST, not GET, add the headers like this: (more information)
curl --header "Authorization: Basic NWMyYjhkN.....FhODg2MQ=="
--data "grant_type=authorization_code&code=eyJ0eXAi.....QFsje43QVZ_gw"
--request POST


While performing load testing on SharePoint app, it shows error for WinAuth, how to resolve it?

I have recorded the script in JMeter, and while validating it, it is throwing an error for the winauth/sso, how to resolve it. my app has oAuth and me have to authenticate it.
I'm running the script for WinAuth, it gets highlighted in red color and under Response Body, it is displaying "Unauthorized"
I have added the HTTP Cookie Manager (check in, HTTP Authorization Manager.[images are added down the below for verification purpose]
I'm not able to view the Token_id also.
1. showing winAuth sso error
2. showing all parameters with its respective values.
You have to do at least three steps:
Add HTTP Cookie Manager (and check in
Add HTTP Authorization Manager
Using the Regular Expression Extractor extract Authentification token from the first request (from login page) and send it to the second requests.
See that article to get ideas about how to use the Regular Expression Extractor to extract authentication token

csrf token in bluemix deployed node instance

Hi I used the deploy to bluemix button at the top right of this page
to create an Alchemy language node server. It runs ok -
but when I try to post to it using postman I get the response 'internal server error'.
Checking the server logs, it seems to respond to the request with
code: 'EBADCSRFTOKEN', error: 'invalid csrf token'
Even if I try to send the csrf from the webpage version of the site, it still doesn't work.
I feel like I have missed something in the configuration of the server but don't know what. I'm not great with servers etc so sorry if this is super basic.
EDIT - I should mention I have also tried sending an apikey in the request which I got from the service credentials section in the alchemy service bit off the dashboard but the same error occurs.
EDIt - The call to the API I am making looks like this:
with headers:
text: 'this is some dummy text I have made'
I have also tried adding apikey to the headers.
You do not POST your application, you have to POST to the API.
Here is the link with API URL and various samples:
For example, here is a curl request for keywords:
curl -X POST \
-d "outputMode=json" \
-d "url=" \
Make sure you export $API_KEYto your environment before running the command above. You can find the $API_KEY in the AlchemyAPI instance you created in Bluemix.

Invalid authorization code when trying to get access token in spotipy

I am trying to authenticate my python app to a specific user using spotipy. I have done this before with a few other users with no problems. This user however each time I try I keep getting '{"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"Invalid authorization code"}'
I have also tried manually a couple different ways including curl:
curl -H "Authorization: Basic OTQxNDliNjI3...WRhMzk5YTY2ZTliZWY=" -d grant_type=authorization_code -d code=AQByvdq4Vr9-L_ZLrySeTOx...pm1vmb8vwGe2GUXcmTY#= -d redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A8888%2Fcallback
{"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"Invalid authorization code"}
I have tried both putting the client_code and client_secret in the header (as shown above) and in the post body both with the same error
keep in mind I am using the exact code I get from my callback url as soon as I can (cut and paste) and like I said before, this method has worked with other users with no problems. Can anyone think of anything else I can try?
Spotipy currently has a bug where it doesn't correctly parse out the code from a given redirect_uri if that uri contains a trailing "#" segment. When spotipy propmts for you to paste in the redirect_uri do so by copying the uri without including the "#" and everything following it

Does DocuSign Connect work with basic HTTP auth details?

I am using DocuSign connect to update the state of my app after an event happens on a document.
I have set up my account like so:
At the moment my "URL to Publish" looks something similar to However when I look in the logs I always seem to receive something similar to:
error: Exception in EnvelopeIntegration.RunIntegration: key :: :: Error - The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized
When I copy the Envelope Data into a file locally (complete-webhook.xml) and I run the following command through the command line it seems to run successfully:
curl -i -X POST -d #complete-webhook.xml
Has anybody got any ideas as to the reason why this could be happening?
When you use a url such as, your client takes the username:password part of the url and uses it to create an Authorization: Basic header.
You can try it yourself, create a and then use the curl command
curl -X POST -d "fizz=buzz"
# where 12345 is your address
The result on
A request to just /12345 (the incoming url does not include the username or password)
The request includes the header Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=
If you put dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ= through a base64 decoder, you get username:password
Answer, at this point, the Connect system does not support sending basic authentication information when it calls listeners. I have filed an internal feature request.
Your listener url can include a query parameter that serves as a password. eg. `
Then, in your listener, simply reject any request that does not include the pw query parameter and the value that you chose.
In its requests to your listener, the Connect system will use any query parameters that you originally set when you added the Connect subscription.

Can't get client-credentials access token to authorize Power BI

I'm trying to use the Power BI REST API, using an access token acquired with the "client credentials" method, but I keep getting 403 Forbidden on my requests.
My code follows the pattern demonstrated in this AzureAD sample. In fact, to isolate this problem, I'm running that sample code (with my own values in the parameters.json, of course):
expiresIn: 3599,
tokenType: 'Bearer',
expiresOn: Tue Sep 01 2015 16:56:07 GMT-0500 (CDT),
resource: '00000002-0000-0000-c000-000000000000',
accessToken: 'eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsIng1dCI6Ik1uQ19WWmNBVGZNNXBPWWlKSE1iYTlnb0VLWSIsImtpZCI6Ik1uQ19WWmNBVGZNNXBPWWlKSE1iYTlnb0VLWSJ9.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.YTGJfdW1wP09bDHwwsv3FPAmEpmQdc_kifvgY-1KjhkZWANfYtd050wfeZdNgMUeSPZyFdWnoBjnJ4xrlDtnsADwV1Grr6TXYcymPLofbY-xy0cjyvzxTmM11DJ9XN8A4tkgvK0jtR-YyIjPw5EKJSKyeEbD9U3mWsE_gu7IzKzXl8e-dfVAqRYS6WHZy6_0FaNmppPDls5s_QIPOHofFSiWVISw41Mz0fQnP2QEGyceOCvKYJtrUOCDwfVuwFS-gSLmYvEGOJfmIjftP3srda0JPirVzBeU0IFJJ1KW81kE5cfKw1KkBB04VVetRUs_7HqloYaKKiTybauhXAodRQ',
isMRRT: true,
_clientId: '[snip]',
_authority: '[snip]'
When I use that access token in a curl request, as follows, I get a 403:
curl -vv -X GET -H"Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsIng1dCI6Ik1uQ19WWmNBVGZNNXBPWWlKSE1iYTlnb0VLWSIsImtpZCI6Ik1uQ19WWmNBVGZNNXBPWWlKSE1iYTlnb0VLWSJ9.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.YTGJfdW1wP09bDHwwsv3FPAmEpmQdc_kifvgY-1KjhkZWANfYtd050wfeZdNgMUeSPZyFdWnoBjnJ4xrlDtnsADwV1Grr6TXYcymPLofbY-xy0cjyvzxTmM11DJ9XN8A4tkgvK0jtR-YyIjPw5EKJSKyeEbD9U3mWsE_gu7IzKzXl8e-dfVAqRYS6WHZy6_0FaNmppPDls5s_QIPOHofFSiWVISw41Mz0fQnP2QEGyceOCvKYJtrUOCDwfVuwFS-gSLmYvEGOJfmIjftP3srda0JPirVzBeU0IFJJ1KW81kE5cfKw1KkBB04VVetRUs_7HqloYaKKiTybauhXAodRQ"
Wondering if that curl request was flawed somehow, I snooped out an access token “the wrong way” via browser webtools, and the above works fine, returning a 200 and a JSON response listing my datasets.
I did also notice that the return code is 403 (forbidden), not 401 (unauthorized), so I wondered if the authorization was okay but the permissions on the Power BI side were wrong. But I also get 403 when I use any garbage text for the access token (e.g., Authorization: Bearer foo), so I discarded that theory.
So. I think I have a valid test, and I’m getting what I think is a valid access token (from that client-credentials-sample.js code), but it’s still not working. What am I missing?
With the assistance of some Microsoft folks (thanks, Jon Gallant & Josh Caplan), I've learned that authenticating with an OAuth client-credentials flow, as I was doing with that JavaScript sample, provides insufficient access. To use Power BI, authentication needs to be based on a particular user.
I tried using:
the similar JavaScript sample username-password-sample.js
a resource value of (thanks, slugslog)
adding username and password to the parameters.json
That got me closer, but I was still getting a 400 response: "error_description":"AADSTS90014: The request body must contain the following parameter: 'client_secret or client_assertion'. …".
A hack to the adal-node library (hardcoding the client secret, i.e., oauthParameters[OAuth2Parameters.CLIENT_SECRET] = "my-client-secret"; after line 217 of token-request.js) was enough to get back an access token which works in the Authorization header for my original curl call.
Of course hardcoding that value in there isn't my final solution. I don't plan to use the adal-node library, anyway. But as far as this proof-of-concept for this authentication case goes, that's the answer I came to.
Make sure that your app that you registered with AAD has the read write all datasets permission. That should solve the problem.
This is not an answer but one step forward in the debug process. I think the resource for which the token is requested should be "". I've seen these in multiple references; one of them is linked below. Even after changing this, I still get a 403. As the OP mentioned if we use the accessToken from the powerBI portal, everything works.
So I tried this with my own app, the following command works (for me):
curl -vv -X GET -H"Authorization: Bearer ey....qqqq"
BTW, the extra "v" after -v seems redundant.
So what I can conclude is that your application is missing the required permissions to call Power BI's APIs.
One thing you might try is grab one of our samples, create a new application in AAD for it, and then see if the authorization token works for it. Here's a good one to try:
