Resolving a recursive socket.on("data") call - node.js

I have a node socket server that needs to receive data more than once during a single socket.on('data') call. It's sorta like socket.on('data') is running recursively. I think I've just configured this really really wrong, but I don't know enough NodeJS to figure it out.
Here's an example of the issue:
const net = require("net");
const socket = new net.Socket();
const port = process.argv[2];
socket.connect(port, "", () => {
// We communicate with another server, always with "type" -> "result" messages.
socket.write(JSON.stringify({ type: "connect", result: "JavaScript" }));
function get_query(query) {
queryMessage = JSON.stringify({
type: "query",
result: query,
// This is the critical line that I don't know how to resolve.
// Right at this point I need wait for another socket.on('data') call
return socket.giveMeThatQuery()
socket.on("data", (data) => {
let jsonData = JSON.parse(data);
if (jsonData["type"] == "call_func") {
let funcToCall = func_reg[jsonData["result"]];
// This will need to call get_query 0-n times, dynamically
result = funcToCall();
let finishMessage = JSON.stringify({
type: "finish_func",
} else if (jsonData["type"] == "query_response") {
// This has to connect back to get_query somehow?
// I really have no idea how to approach this.
// async functions? globals?
function func1() {
return "bird"; // some funcs are simple
function func2() {
// some are more complicated
let data = get_query("Need " + get_query("some data"));
return "cat" + data;
function func3() {
let data = get_query("Need a value");
let extra = '';
if (data == "not good") {
extra = get_query("Need more data");
return data + "dog" + extra;
var func_reg = { func1, func2, func3};
This server is just an example, I can edit or provide more context if it's needed. I suppose if you're looking at this question right after it's posted I can explain more on the live stream.
Edit: adding an example of using globals and while true (this is how I did it in Python). However, in Python, I also put the entire funcToCall execution on another thread, which it doesn't seem like is possible in Node. I'm beginning to think this is actually just impossible, and I need to refactor the entire project design.
let CALLBACK = null;
function get_query(query) {
queryMessage = JSON.stringify({
type: "query",
result: query,
while (true) {
let temp = CALLBACK;
CALLBACK = null;
return temp;
} else if (jsonData["type"] == "query_response") {
CALLBACK = jsonData["result"];

I was correct, what I wanted to do was impossible. Node (generally) only has one thread, ever. You can only be waiting in one place at a time. Async threads or callbacks doesn't solve this, since the callback I would need is another socket.on, which makes no sense.
The solution is yield. This allows me to pause the execution of a function and resume at a later time:
function* func2() {
let data = (yield "Need " + (yield "some data"));
yield "cat" + data;
yield 0;
function* func3() {
let data = (yield "Need a value");
let extra = '';
if (data == "not good") {
extra = (yield "Need more data");
yield data + "dog" + extra;
yield 0;
I updated the server.on to handle these generator function callbacks and respond differently to the yield 0;, which indicates the function has no queries. Here's the final server.on.
server.on("data", (data) => {
try {
let jsonData = JSON.parse(data);
let queryResult= null;
let queryCode = null;
if (jsonData["type"] == "call_func") {
var script = require(jsonData["func_path"]);
FUNC_ITER = script.reserved_name();
} else if (jsonData["type"] == "queryResult") {
queryResult = jsonData["result"];
queryCode =;
if (queryCode.value == 0) {
let finishMessage = JSON.stringify({
type: "finish_func",
result: null,
} else {
let exeMessage = JSON.stringify({
type: "queryCode",
result: queryCode.value,
} catch (err) {
crashMessage = JSON.stringify({
type: "crash",
result: err.stack,
And an example of the node files I generated containing the custom functions:
function* reserved_name() {
(yield "return " + String("\"JavaScript concat: " + (yield "value;") + "\"") + ";")
yield 0;
module.exports = { reserved_name };
If you're wondering, this is for a language called dit, which can execute code in other languages. There's a Python server that talks to these other languages. Here's an example I finished last week which uses Python, Node, and Lua as the guest languages:


Messages are large, You may want to consider smaller messages. node-ipc and swift (OSX)

I have a node app that is trying to communicate with a swift application using a unix socket.
I am broadcasting a Message ever 3 seconds using the following code with node-ipc:
const ipc = require('node-ipc').default;
// Run IPC server for testing
const first = "FIRST";
const second = "SECOND";
const ipcSocketPath = `/tmp/${ipcAppId}`;
async function setupCoreCommunicationIpc() {
await new Promise((resolve) => {
ipc.serve(ipcSocketPath, () => {
ipc.server.on('ping', (data, socket) => {
ipc.server.emit(socket, 'pong');
return resolve(true);
function sendMessage(message, payload = {}) {
ipc.server.broadcast(message, { ...payload, "valueOne": first, "valueTwo": seconds });
(async () => {
try {
await setupCoreCommunicationIpc()
} catch (e) {
// Deal with the fact the chain failed
// `text` is not available here
setInterval(async () => {
await sendMessage("first:message", {core_id: ipcAppId, app_id: ipcAppId, message_id: 5})
}, 3000);
The code on swift is a bit more complicated. But I am able to connect to the unix socket and receive the message. The Problem is the sending of the AckMessage. I tried different approaches for sending the message but it would not work. Here is the code in swift:
func startSocketStack(valueOne: String, valueTwo: String){
let MTU = 65536
let path = "/tmp/\(valueTwo)"
print("starting socket at: %\(path)%")
let client = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0)
var address = sockaddr_un()
//address.sun_family = UInt8(AF_UNIX)
address.sun_family = sa_family_t(AF_UNIX)
//address.sun_len = UInt8(MemoryLayout<sockaddr_un>.size)
address.sun_len = UInt8(MemoryLayout<UInt8>.size + MemoryLayout<sa_family_t>.size + path.utf8.count + 1)
strlcpy(&address.sun_path.0, path, MemoryLayout.size(ofValue: address.sun_path))
var adressUnwrap = address
withUnsafePointer(to: &adressUnwrap) {
$0.withMemoryRebound(to: sockaddr.self, capacity: 1) {
let connection = connect(client, $0, socklen_t(address.sun_len))
if (connection != 0) {
print("startSocket: could not connect to socket at \(path)")
var buffer = UnsafeMutableRawPointer.allocate(byteCount: MTU,alignment: MemoryLayout<CChar>.size)
while(true) {
let readResult = read(client, &buffer, MTU)
if (readResult == 0) {
break; // end of file
} else if (readResult == -1) {
print("Error reading form client\(client) - \(errno)")
break; // error
} else {
let strResult = withUnsafePointer(to: &buffer) {
$0.withMemoryRebound(to: CChar.self, capacity: MemoryLayout.size(ofValue: readResult)) {
String(cString: $0)
print("Received form client(\(client)): §\(strResult)§")
let trimmedString = strResult.components(separatedBy: .whitespacesAndNewlines).joined()
struct Message: Decodable {
let type: String
let data: MessageData
struct MessageData: Decodable {
var valueOne: String
var valueTwo: String
var message_id: String
struct AckMessage: Encodable {
let type: String
let data: Bool
do {
let jsonMessage = trimmedString.components(separatedBy: "}")[0] + "}" + "}"
let jsonData = jsonMessage.trimmingCharacters(in: CharacterSet.newlines).data(using: .utf8)!
let receivedMessage: Message = try JSONDecoder().decode(Message.self, from: jsonData)
let messageId =
let ackMessage = AckMessage(type: messageId, data: true)
let jsonAckMessage = try JSONEncoder().encode(ackMessage)
let delimiter = #"\f"#.bytes
let jsonAckMessageWithDelimiter = jsonAckMessage + delimiter
// first attempt
do {
try jsonAckMessageWithDelimiter.withUnsafeBytes() { [unowned self] (buffer: UnsafeRawBufferPointer) throws -> Int in
let buffer = buffer.baseAddress!
let bufSize = jsonAckMessageWithDelimiter.count
var sent = 0
var sendFlags: Int32 = 0
while sent < bufSize {
var s = 0
s = send(client, buffer.advanced(by: sent), Int(bufSize - sent), sendFlags)
if s <= 0 {
if errno == EAGAIN{
// We have written out as much as we can...
return sent
sent += s
return sent
} catch {
// second attempt
jsonAckMessageWithDelimiter.withUnsafeBytes {
guard let pointer = $0.baseAddress?.assumingMemoryBound(to: UInt8.self) else {
write(client, pointer, jsonAckMessageWithDelimiter.count)
} catch {
print("Error on received message \(error)")
In my node application I can not receive the AckMessage because I get the following error:
Messages are large, You may want to consider smaller messages.
Now from my experience from Windows and Linux I know that \f is the delimiter that should indicate the end of the message. I am sending it at the end of my json but it is somehow not recognized.
What could be the problem? Is the delimiter wrong? Is the buffersize a Problem?
When logging what I send it says that it has sent all 61 bytes as expected.
For anyone having this problem using "\u{000C}" instead of "\f" is the solution.

nodeJS: how to call an async function within a loop in another async function call

I am trying to call one async function from inside a loop run by another async function. These functions call APIs and I am using request-promise using nodeJS.
functions.js file
const rp = require("request-promise");
// function (1)
async email_views: emailId => {
let data = {};
await rp({
url: 'myapiurl',
qs: { accessToken: 'xyz', emailID: emailId },
method: 'GET'
.then( body => { data = JSON.parse(body) })
.catch( error => { console.log(error} );
return data;
The above JSON looks like this:
records: [
contactID: 123456,
contactID: 456789,
I am running a loop to get individual record, where I am getting a contactID associated with each of them.
// function#2 (also in functions.js file)
async contact_detail: contactId => {
let data = {};
await rp({
url: 'myapiurl2',
qs: { accessToken: 'xyz', contactID: contactId },
method: 'GET'
.then( body => { data = JSON.parse(body) })
.catch( error => { console.log(error} );
return data;
The above function takes one contactId as parameter and gets that contact's detail calling another API endpoint.
Both functions work fine when they are called separately. But I am trying to do it inside a loop like this:
const result = await email_views(99999); // function#1
const records =;
let names = "";
for( let i=0; i<records.length; i++) {
const cId = records[i].contactID;
const contact = await contact_detail(cId); // function#2
names += + " " + + " ";
The problem is I am only getting the first contact back from the above code block, i.e. even I have 20 records from function#1, in the loop when I am calling contact_detail (function#2) for each contactID (cId), I get contact detail once, i.e. for the first cId only. For rest I get nothing!
What is the correct way to achieve this using nodeJs?
const { App } = require("jovo-framework");
const { Alexa } = require("jovo-platform-alexa");
const { GoogleAssistant } = require("jovo-platform-googleassistant");
const { JovoDebugger } = require("jovo-plugin-debugger");
const { FileDb } = require("jovo-db-filedb");
const custom = require("./functions");
const menuop = require("./menu");
const stateus = require("./stateus");
const alexaSpeeches = require("./default_speech");
const app = new App();
app.use(new Alexa(), new GoogleAssistant(), new JovoDebugger(), new FileDb());
let sp = "";
async EmailViewsByContactIntent() {
try {
const viewEmailId =
this.$session.$data.viewEmailIdSessionKey != null
? this.$session.$data.viewEmailIdSessionKey
: this.$inputs.view_email_Id_Number.value;
let pageIndex =
this.$session.$data.viewEmailPageIndex != null
? this.$session.$data.viewEmailPageIndex
: 1;
const result = await custom.email_views_by_emailId(
const records =;
if (records.length > 0) {
const totalRecords =;
this.$session.$data.viewEmailTotalPages = totalRecords;
sp = `i have found a total of ${totalRecords} following view records. `;
if (totalRecords > 5) {
sp += `i will tell you 5 records at a time. for next 5 records, please say, next. `;
this.$session.$data.viewEmailIdSessionKey = this.$inputs.view_email_Id_Number.value;
for (let i = 0; i < records.length; i++) {
const r = records[i];
/* Here I want to pass r.contactID as contactId in the function contact_detail like this: */
const contact = await custom.contact_detail(r.contactID);
const contact_name = + " " +;
/* The above two lines of code fetch contact_name for the first r.contactID and for the rest I get an empty string only. */
const formatted_date =" ")[0];
sp += `contact ID ${spellOut_speech_builder(
)} had viewed on ${formatted_date} from IP address ${
}. name of contact is, ${contact_name}. `;
if (totalRecords > 5) {
sp += ` please say, next, for next 5 records. `;
} else {
sp = ``;
} catch (e) {
I am building an alexa skill using JOVO framework and nodeJS.
As a test, I only returned the contactId which I am passing to the contact_detail function and I am getting the correct value back to the above code under my first UPDATE.
async contact_detail: contactId => {
return contactId;
It seems even after getting the value right, the function is somehow failing to execute. However, the same contact_detail function works perfectly OK, when I am calling it from another place. Only doesn't not work inside a loop.
What could be the reason?
I must be missing something but don't know what!
You are mixing async await and promises together which is causing you confusion. You typically would use one of the other(as async await effectivly provides syntax sugar so you can avoid dealing with the verbose promise code) in a given location.
Because you mixed the two you are in a weird area where the behavior is harder to nail down.
If you want to use async await your functions should look like
async contact_detail: contactId => {
try {
const body = await rp({
url: 'myapiurl2',
qs: { ... }
return JSON.parse(body);
} catch(e) {
//This will return undefined in exception cases. You may want to catch at a higher level.
or with promises
async contact_detail: contactId => {
return rp({
url: 'myapiurl2',
qs: { ... }
.then( body => JSON.parse(body))
.catch( error => {
//This will return undefined in exception cases. You probably dont want to catch here.
Keep in mind your current code executing the function will do each call in series. If you want to do them in parallel you will need to call the function a bit differently and use something like Promise.all to resolve the result.
Here you go:
const result = await email_views(99999); // function#1
const records =;
let names = "";
await Promise.all( record => {
let cId = record.contactID;
let contact = await contact_detail(cId);
names += + " " + + " ";
I'm posting this as an answer only because I need to show you some multi-line code as part of throubleshooting this. Not sure this solves your issue yet, but it is a problem.
Your contact_detail() function is not properly returning errors. Instead, it eats the error and resolves with an empty object. That could be what is causing your blank names. It should just return the promise directly and if you want to log the error, then it needs to rethrow. Also, there's no reason for it to be declared async or to use await. You can just return the promise directly. You can also let request-promise parts the JSON response for you too.
Also, I notice, there appears to be a syntax error in your .catch() which could also be part of the problem.
contact_detail: contactId => {
return rp({
url: 'myapiurl2',
qs: { accessToken: 'xyz', contactID: contactId },
json: true,
method: 'GET'
}).catch( error => {
// log error and rethrow so any error propagates
throw error;
Then, you would call this like you originally were (note you still use await when calling it because it returns a promise):
const result = await email_views(99999); // function#1
const records =;
let names = "";
for( let i=0; i<records.length; i++) {
const cId = records[i].contactID;
const contact = await contact_detail(cId);
names += + " " + + " ";

Proper way to make callbacks async by wrapping them using `co`?

It is 2016, Node has had nearly full ES6 support since v4, and Promises have been around since 0.12. It's time to leave callbacks in the dust IMO.
I'm working on a commander.js-based CLI util which leverages a lot of async operations - http requests and user input. I want to wrap the Commander actions in async functions so that they can be treated as promises, and also to support generators (useful for the co-prompt library I'm using for user input).
I've tried wrapping the CB with co in two ways:
.action(program => co(function* (program) {...})
.catch(err => console.log(err.stack)) );
2) program.command('myCmd').action(co.wrap(function* (program) { .. }));
The problem with 1) is that the program parameter isn't passed
The problem with 2) is that errors are swallowed...
I'd really like to get this working as it yields much nicer code in my use case - involving a lot of http requests and also waiting for user input using the co-prompt library..
Is it a better option altogether perhaps to wrap program.Command.prototype.action somehow?
I've used a bespoke version of something like co to get a db.exec function which uses yield to do database request. You can pass parameters into a generator function (I pass in a connection object - see the comment where I do it).
Here is by db.exec function that is very similar to what co does
exec(generator) {
var self = this;
var it;
debug('In db.exec iterator');
return new Promise((accept,reject) => {
debug('In db.exec Promise');
var myConnection;
var onResult = lastPromiseResult => {
debug('In db.exec onResult');
var obj =;
if (!obj.done) {
debug('db.exec Iterator NOT done yet');
} else {
if (myConnection) {
debug('db.exec released connection');
debug('db.exec Promise Resolved with value %d',obj.value);
self._connection().then(connection => {
debug('db.exec got a connection');
myConnection = connection;
it = generator(connection); //This passes it into the generator
onResult(); //starts the generator
}).catch(error => {
logger('database', 'Exec Function Error: ' + error.message);
the connection object also wraps by database connection object and provides a generator function ability to process the rows of the results from the database, but I won't post that here (although the example below is using it to process the rows).
Here is an example of using the exec function to run a sequence of sql
db.exec(function*(connection) {
if ( === ADMIN_USER) {
debug('Admin Logon'); = ADMIN_DISPLAY;
user.keys = 'A';
user.uid = 0;
let sql = 'SELECT passwordsalt FROM Admin WHERE AdminID = 0';
yield connection.execSql(function*() {
let row = yield;
if (row) {
user.nopass = (row[0].value === null);
} else {
user.nopass = false;
debug('Admin Password bypass ' + user.nopass.toString());
} else {
debug('Normal User Logon');
let sql = `SELECT u.UserID,PasswordSalt,DisplayName,AccessKey,l.LogID FROM Users u
LEFT JOIN UserLog l ON u.userID = l.userID AND DATEDIFF(D,l.LogDate,GETDATE()) = 0
WHERE u.UserName = #username`;
let request = connection.request(sql);
let count = yield connection.execSql(function*() {
let row = yield;
if (row) {
user.uid = row[0].value; = row[2].value;
user.keys = (row[3].value === null) ? '' : row[3].value;
user.nopass = (row[1].value === null) ;
user.lid = (row[4].value === null) ? 0 : row[4].value;
debug('Found User with uid = %d and lid = %d, keys = %s',
user.uid, user.lid, user.keys);
if (count === 0) {
debug('Not Found User');
// couldn't find name in database
if (!user.nopass) {
debug('Need a Password');
//user has a password so we must check it
passGood = false; //assume false as we go into this
let request = connection.request('CheckPassword');
yield connection.callProcedure(function*() {
let row = yield;
if (row) {
//got a valid row means we have a valid password
passGood = true;
} else {
passGood = true;
if (!passGood) {
debug('Not a Good Pasword');
} else {
if (user.uid !== 0 && user.lid === 0) {
let sql = `INSERT INTO UserLog(UserID,LogDate,TimeOn,UserName) OUTPUT INSERTED.logID
let request = connection.request(sql);
yield connection.execSql(function*() {
let row = yield;
if (row) {
user.lid = row[0].value;
debug('Users Log Entry = %d',user.lid);
.catch((err) => {
logger('database','Error on logon: ' + err.message);
There is a quite simple way to do async function in Commander.js
async function run() {
/* code goes here */

Synchronous http request in node js?

I'm looking for a simple way to perform synchronous http-requests in node.js, but it's still getting async responses ...
I've realised that node.js is recommended to async jobs, but in my case,
I need the synchronous response to call other functions that use this data, if it's null/undefined, I can't proceed with the flow...
What's the better way to do that?
Here's my code:
function callCellId(data) {
console.log("Data: " + data);
var towers = [],
rscp = [];
var request = require('sync-request');
for (var x = 0; x < data.length; x++) {
console.log("Request data: \n");
rscp[x] = data[x].rscp;
var res = request('POST', '' + data[x].mcc + '&mnc=' + data[x].mnc + '&lac=' + data[x].LAC + '&cellid=' + data[x].cellID + '&format=json');
console.log("loop " + x);
data = res.getBody().toString();
console.log("rsp: " + data);
towers[x] = {
'longitude': data.lon,
'rscp': rscp[x],
'signal': data.averageSignalStrength
console.log("Content for triangulation" + JSON.stringify(towers));
return towers;
Using async in a loop cloud be tricky.
I solved this without external libraries using generators:
LoopOperation: function() {
//define generator with the main loop
var loopIterator = function*() {
for (var index = 0; index < 10; index++) {
var result = yield asyncOperation( (res) =>; //do something asyc and execute () => when done as callback
}();; //start loop
Since the nodejs nature is async, every time we need some sync call (like this nested request stack), we're able to use promises
"A Promise is an object representing the eventual completion or failure of an asynchronous operation"
const request = require('request-promise');
function callCellId(data) {
let towers = [];
let options = {
url: '',
method: 'POST',
json: true
data.forEach(location => {
options.body = {
mcc: location.mcc,
mnc: location.mnc,
lac: location.lac,
cellId: location.cellID
request(options).then(cellInfo => {
longitude: cellInfo.lon,
rscp: location.rscp,
signal: cellInfo.averageSignalStrength
}).catch(err => {
console.log('Could not get cellId Info for',location);
return towers;

Generic wrapper to harmonise functions to async style

I would love to write a generic wrapper that takes a function, and returns the "async-style" version of that function IF it wasn't async to start with.
Trouble is, there is no easy way to know whether the call is sync or async. So... this basically "cannot be done". Right?
(Note that the wrapper should harmonise sync functions to async style, and LEAVE async functions alone)
var wrapper = function( fn ){
return function(){
var args =, 0);
var cb = args[ args.length - 1 ];
// ?!?!?!?!?
// I cannot actually tell if `fn` is sync
// or async, and cannot determine it!
console.log( fn.toString() );
var f1Async = wrapper( function( arg, next ){
next( null, 'async' + arg );
var f2Sync = wrapper( function( arg ){
return 'sync' + arg;
f1Async( "some", function(err, ret ){
console.log( ret );
f2Sync( "some other", function(err, ret ){
console.log( ret );
You cannot find out what the accepted arguments of a function are, so you cannot find out if it takes a callback or not.
In javascript there is no way to check if the last argument of a function is a function, because in javascript you do not define the types of your arguments.
My solution works by getting a list of the parameters in the function, then using a RegExp to see if that parameter is used as a function. Also, in the case that the callback is not being used directly (like passing it to something else), it has a list of argument names to be considered as a callback.
And the code is:
var STRIP_COMMENTS = /((\/\/.*$)|(\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\/))/mg;
var CALLBACK_NAMES = [ "next", "done", "callback", "cb"];
function getParamNames(func) {
var fnStr = func.toString().replace(STRIP_COMMENTS, '')
var result = fnStr.slice(fnStr.indexOf('(')+1, fnStr.indexOf(')')).match(/([^\s,]+)/g)
if(result === null)
result = []
return result
function checkIfParamIsFunction(func, paramName){
var fnStr = func.toString();
if (fnStr.replace(new RegExp("(" + paramName + "\s*\([A-Za-z0-9,\.]*\)?!{|" + paramName + ".apply\([A-Za-z0-9,\.]*\)|" + paramName + ".call\([A-Za-z0-9,\.]*\))", ""), "{<._|/}") != fnStr) { // Remove All Calls to the arg as a function, then check to see if anything was changed.
return true;
} else {
return false;
function makeAsync(func) {
var paramNames = getParamNames(func);
if (checkIfParamIsFunction(func, paramNames[paramNames.length - 1])
|| CALLBACK_NAMES.indexOf(paramNames[paramNames.length - 1]) != -1) {
// Function Is Already async
return func;
} else {
return function () {
var args =;
var cb = args.pop();
cb(func.apply(this, args));
function test1(a){
return (a+' test1');
function test2(a, callback){
return callback(a+' test2')
function main(){
var tested1 = makeAsync(test1);
var tested2 = makeAsync(test2);
tested1('hello', function(output){
console.log('holy shit it\'s now async!!');
tested2('world', function(output){
console.log('this one was already async tho');
Simply call makeAsync(function) and it will return an async function. This will work if you use function.apply or .call.
It simply cannot be done. End of story.
Though, this is not the answer, but a good alternative. I have provided example of browser based JavaScript but same class can be used on Node as well.
To solve this problem, promises were developed. However we use a modified version of promise as follow.
function AtomPromise(f)
// Success callbacks = [];
// Error callbacks = [];
this.i = f;
this.state = 'ready';
AtomPromise.prototype ={
finish: function(s,r) {
this.result = r;
var c = s ? :;
this.state = s ? 'done' : 'failed' ;
for(var i=o ; i< c.length; i++){
invoke: function(f) {
this.state = 'invoking';
then: function(f) {;
failed: function(f){;
value: function(v) {
if(v !== undefined ) this.result = v;
return this.result;
pushValue: function(v) {
var _this = this;
setTimeout(100, function () {
_this.finish(true, v);
//wrap jQuery AJAX
AtomPromise.ajax = function( url, options ) {
return new AtomPromise(function (ap){
$.ajax(url, options)
.then( function(r){ ap.finish(true, r); })
.failed( function (){ ap.finish( false, arguments) });
}) ;
//Wrape sync function
AtomPromise.localStorage = function( key ) {
return new AtomPromise(function (ap){
var v = localStorage[key];
}) ;
// Calling Sequence
AtomPromise.ajax( 'Url' ).then( function(ap) {
AtomPromise.localStorage( 'Url' ).then( function(ap) {
Both functions are now asynchronous. Push Value method makes result route through setTimeout that makes further calls asynchronous.
This is used in Web Atoms JS to wrape async code into single attribute and by following one pattern you can get rid of async callback hell.
Disclaimer: I am author of Web Atoms JS.
