use getObject() from forge-api npm, how to make the return result as a download link? - excel

I am using forge-api getObject() to download the excel from BIM360 hub. I set up express sever in the backend and make the call in the frontend.
I could get the result of the object and it looks like this:
So my question is:
How can I convert the result as a download link correctly? I could download the excel, but the excel can not be opened...
My code looks like this:

I think all you need to modify in your backend code is to return content.body, instead of content
See e.g.
It might even be better if you generated a pre-signed URL for the file and passed that to the client. In that case, the file would not be downloaded to your server first and then to the client, but directly to the client in a single step.


apollo graphql query an uploaded file

Apollo Server 2.0 has the ability to receive file uploads as described in this blog post.
However, all the tutorials and blog posts I found only showed how to upload a file. Nobody demonstrated how to actually retrieve the file back to display it onscreen.
Does anybody know how to properly query the file contents for display onscreen?
Also, there's the possibility that maybe there is no way of querying a file and you have to build a separate rest endpoint to retrieve the contents?
Some thoughts:
I imagine the query to be something like
query {
fetchImage(id: 'someid')
with the respective server-side definition
type Query {
fetchImage(id : ID!): Upload //maybe also a custom type, but how do I include the actual file contents?
Hint: Upload is a scalar type that apollo-server automatically adds to your type definition. It is used for the upload so I imaging it also being usable for the download/query. Please read the blog post mentioned above for more information.
The response from a GraphQL service is always serialized as a JSON object. Technically, a format other than JSON could be used in serialization but in practice only JSON is used because it meets the serialization requirements in the spec. So, the only way to send a file through GraphQL would be to convert the file into some format that's JSON-compatible. For example, you could convert a Buffer to a byte array and send that as an array of integers. You would also have to send the appropriate mime type. It would be up to the client to convert the byte array back into a usable format on receiving the response.
If you go this route, you'd have to use your own scalar or object type -- the Upload scalar does not support serialization so it will throw if you try to use it as an output type (and it's not really suitable for this sort of thing anyway).
However, while doing this is technically possible, it's also inadvisable. Serializing a larger file could cause you to run out of memory since there's no way to stream data through GraphQL (the entire response has to be in memory before it can be sent). It's much better to serve the file statically (ideally using nginx instead of Node). If your API needs to refer to the file, it can then just return the file's path.
You can do this by installing express with apollo server.
Install above package and instantiate Express object with Apollo Server as explained in package docs.
Then set the static folder using express like this
app.use("/uploads", express.static("uploads")); //Server Static files over Http
uploads is my static folder & /uploads will server get request to that path
//Now I can access static files like this

Downloading file from Dropbox API for use in Python Environment with Apache Tika on Heroku

I'm trying to use Dropbox as a cloud-based file receptacle for an app/script. The script, written in Python, needs to take PDFs from the Dropbox and use the tika-python wrapper to convert to string.
I'm able to connect to the Dropbox API and use the files_download_to_file() method to download the PDFs to disk, and then use the tika from_file() method to pull that download file from the disk to process. Example:
# Download ex.pdf to local disk
dbx.files_download_to_file('/my_local_path/ex_on_disk.pdf', '/my_dropbox_path/ex.pdf')
from tika import parser
parsed = parser.from_file('ex_on_disk.pdf')
The problem is that I'm planning on running this app on something like Heroku. I don't think I'm able to save anything locally and then access it again. I'm not sure how to get something from the Dropbox API that can be directly referenced by the tika wrapper to run the same as above. I think the PHP SDK has a file_get_contents and a file_put_contents set of methods but it doesn't appear to have a companion in the Python SDK.
I've tried using the shareable links in place of a filename but that hasn't worked. Any ideas? I know there's also the files_download method which downloads the FileMetadata object but I have no idea what to do with this and am having trouble finding more about it.
TLDR; How can I reference a file on Dropbox with a filename string such as 'example.pdf' to be used in another function that is trying to read a file from disk, without saving that Dropbox file to disk?
I figured it out. I used the files_download method to get the byte string and then use the from_buffer method of tika instead:
md, response = dbx.files_download(path)
file_contents = response.content
parsed = parser.from_buffer(file_contents)

Watch folder for created file and upload created file to server using Node RED

I want to watch folder using node red. If any file created then I want to upload that file to server using node red http request node.
I have used node-red-contrib-wfwatch module for folder watch and http request module for api call.
I am able to get change event on file created but how can i pass select file to http request body as form data. I have no idea how to do it.
I am new in Node Red so can anyone please help for achieve this.
Here what I want to achieve
Structure of Node red display here
The node-red-contrib-wfwatch node doesn't get the file, just sends a message with following payload:
changeType: "update",
filePath: "/tmp/foo"
You need to use File node for this purpose. But before that, because the File node expects the filename be in msg.filename not in msg.payload.filePath you need to add Change node:
and connect the whole thing like this:
Just replace the Debug node with your HTTP Request one.

Nodejs if file exists from different url

Is it possible to check if image exists using absolute path? I have 2 apps using one domain, but with different ports. I want to check if the file exists on other app. For example from I want to check if this file exists: I have tried to do it with fs.exists, fs.existsSync, fs.Stats, but it on the first 2 functions it always returns false and on the fs.Stats it returns error "ENOENT, no such file or directory", but I can view the file entering url on browser. How can I do it?
The fs functions look for files on your local filesystem. If you want to see if a remote file exists, you'll have to make an HTTP request using the http module, request module or the like.

How to retrieve the content of a pull request patch file from a private repo?

I have a private repo and I need to get the patch file contents from a pull request.
I am using this nodejs api.
console.log(p.patch_url); //I get the patch url something like:
How can I get the content of that file either using the API or some other method (curl, etc)?
github.repos.getContent doesn't seem to help (or I might sending the wrong path for this file).
It seems that I missed this:
Alternative Response Formats
Pass the appropriate media type to fetch diff and patch formats.
from the GitHub API documentation.
Info regarding the format: Media:
