Crossover require in NodeJS - result empty object - node.js

I have two files with differents functions in a NodeJS program, and each files require the other file to get function inside.
On the seond file included by require, the required element is empty.
On index.js
const bar = require('./bar.js');
const foo = require('./foo.js');
On foo.js
const bar = require('./bar.js');
var sayHello = function(){
var name = bar.getName();
console.log('Hello '+name);
module.exports = {
sayHello : sayHello
On bar.js
const foo = require('./foo.js');
var getName = function(){
return 'Paul';
module.exports = {
getName : getName
When we lauch this code, the error bellow is displyed :
TypeError: bar.getName is not a function
And if I make a console.log(bar); in foo.js, the result is an empty object {}
To solve this problem we can include the foo.js file first, but in this case, it is the foo object in the bar.js file that will be empty.
Is it impossible to make crossover required with two files?


Does object destructuring while require cause memory leak in Node.js?

I am building an application where memory is very costly. I have imported modules and constants as shown below in multiple files. Does it cause memory leak?. My understanding is that require('module_name') is singleton but if we use it along with object destructuring then new variables are created for each require. Now if below style is used throughout the project then its too much variable declaration right?
const { createUser, updateUser } = require('user_manager'); // importing functions from user module
const { APPLICATION: USER_LIMIT } = require('config'); // importing constants from config file
const createUser = () {
// Some code here
const updateUser = () {
// Some code here
module.exports = {
module.exports = {
// Many such constants.
Small experiment on object destructuing:
var { name, getName } = require('./module1')
var module1 = require('./module1')
var module2 = require('./module2');
console.log(`local name Before: ${name}`);
console.log(`local name Before: ${getName()}`);
name = "Alex";
console.log(`local name After: ${name}`);
console.log(`local name After: ${getName()}`);
console.log(`Module1 name After: ${}`);
console.log(`Module1 name After: ${module1.getName()}`);
console.log(`Module2 name Before: ${}`);
console.log(`Module2 name Before: ${module2.getName()}`); = "Ajax";
console.log(`Module2 name After: ${}`);
console.log(`Module2 name After: ${module2.getName()}`);
const Module1 = require("../require_vs_new/Module1");
module.exports = {
name: "Dheemanth",
getName: function () {
module.exports = {
name: "Dheemanth",
getName: function () {
No, it's behaving normally:
The destructured "name" variable has "Dheemanth" value until you override it with "Alex".
The destructured "getName" variable is a function where "this" refers to nothing so the returned value is undefined.
Your module1 tests behaves normally, "getName" is attached to it so "this" is defined.
Your module2 tests also behaves normally and you are able to change the returned value by overwriting "".
You may want to read about the this keyword that it a bit special in javascript.

NodeJS/Express share function between multiple routes files [duplicate]

Let's say I have a file called app.js. Pretty simple:
var express = require('express');
var app = express.createServer();
app.set('views', __dirname + '/views');
app.set('view engine', 'ejs');
app.get('/', function(req, res){
res.render('index', {locals: {
title: 'NowJS + Express Example'
What if I have a functions inside "tools.js". How would I import them to use in apps.js? I supposed to turn "tools" into a module, and then require it? << seems hard, I rather do the basic import of the tools.js file.
You can require any js file, you just need to declare what you want to expose.
// tools.js
// ========
module.exports = {
foo: function () {
// whatever
bar: function () {
// whatever
var zemba = function () {
And in your app file:
// app.js
// ======
var tools = require('./tools');
console.log(typeof; // => 'function'
console.log(typeof; // => 'function'
console.log(typeof tools.zemba); // => undefined
If, despite all the other answers, you still want to traditionally include a file in a node.js source file, you can use this:
var fs = require('fs');
// file is included here:
The empty string concatenation +'' is necessary to get the file content as a string and not an object (you can also use .toString() if you prefer).
The eval() can't be used inside a function and must be called inside the global scope otherwise no functions or variables will be accessible (i.e. you can't create a include() utility function or something like that).
Please note that in most cases this is bad practice and you should instead write a module. However, there are rare situations, where pollution of your local context/namespace is what you really want.
Update 2015-08-06
Please also note this won't work with "use strict"; (when you are in "strict mode") because functions and variables defined in the "imported" file can't be accessed by the code that does the import. Strict mode enforces some rules defined by newer versions of the language standard. This may be another reason to avoid the solution described here.
You need no new functions nor new modules.
You simply need to execute the module you're calling if you don't want to use namespace.
in tools.js
module.exports = function() {
this.sum = function(a,b) { return a+b };
this.multiply = function(a,b) { return a*b };
in app.js
or in any other .js like myController.js :
instead of
var tools = require('tools.js') which force us to use a namespace and call tools like tools.sum(1,2);
we can simply call
and then
in my case I have a file with controllers ctrls.js
module.exports = function() {
this.Categories = require('categories.js');
and I can use Categories in every context as public class after require('ctrls.js')()
Create two js files
// File cal.js
module.exports = {
sum: function(a,b) {
return a+b
multiply: function(a,b) {
return a*b
Main js file
// File app.js
var tools = require("./cal.js");
var value = tools.sum(10,20);
console.log("Value: "+value);
Console Output
Value: 30
create two files e.g app.js and tools.js
const tools= require("./tools.js")
var x = tools.add(4,2) ;
var y = tools.subtract(4,2);
const add = function(x, y){
return x+y;
const subtract = function(x, y){
return x-y;
module.exports ={
Here is a plain and simple explanation:
Server.js content:
// Include the public functions from 'helpers.js'
var helpers = require('./helpers');
// Let's assume this is the data which comes from the database or somewhere else
var databaseName = 'Walter';
var databaseSurname = 'Heisenberg';
// Use the function from 'helpers.js' in the main file, which is server.js
var fullname = helpers.concatenateNames(databaseName, databaseSurname);
Helpers.js content:
// 'module.exports' is a node.JS specific feature, it does not work with regular JavaScript
module.exports =
// This is the function which will be called in the main file, which is server.js
// The parameters 'name' and 'surname' will be provided inside the function
// when the function is called in the main file.
// Example: concatenameNames('John,'Doe');
concatenateNames: function (name, surname)
var wholeName = name + " " + surname;
return wholeName;
sampleFunctionTwo: function ()
// Private variables and functions which will not be accessible outside this file
var privateFunction = function ()
I was also looking for a NodeJS 'include' function and I checked the solution proposed by Udo G - see message His code doesn't work with my included JS files.
Finally I solved the problem like that:
var fs = require("fs");
function read(f) {
return fs.readFileSync(f).toString();
function include(f) {
eval.apply(global, [read(f)]);
Sure, that helps.
Create two JavaScript files. E.g. import_functions.js and main.js
1.) import_functions.js
// Declaration --------------------------------------
module.exports =
// ...
// Implementation ----------------------------------
function add(x, y)
return x + y;
function subtract(x, y)
return x - y;
// ...
2.) main.js
// include ---------------------------------------
const sf= require("./import_functions.js")
// use -------------------------------------------
var x = sf.add(4,2);
var y = sf.subtract(4,2);
The vm module in Node.js provides the ability to execute JavaScript code within the current context (including global object). See
Note that, as of today, there's a bug in the vm module that prevenst runInThisContext from doing the right when invoked from a new context. This only matters if your main program executes code within a new context and then that code calls runInThisContext. See
Sadly, the with(global) approach that Fernando suggested doesn't work for named functions like "function foo() {}"
In short, here's an include() function that works for me:
function include(path) {
var code = fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf-8');
vm.runInThisContext(code, path);
say we wants to call function ping() and add(30,20) which is in lib.js file
from main.js
lib = require("./lib.js")
output =;
//Passing Parameters
console.log("Sum of A and B = " + lib.add(20,30))
lib.js ()
return "Ping Success"
//Functions with parameters
return a+b
Udo G. said:
The eval() can't be used inside a function and must be called inside
the global scope otherwise no functions or variables will be
accessible (i.e. you can't create a include() utility function or
something like that).
He's right, but there's a way to affect the global scope from a function. Improving his example:
function include(file_) {
with (global) {
eval(fs.readFileSync(file_) + '');
// the declarations are now accessible here.
Hope, that helps.
let { func_name } = require('path_to_tools.js');
func_name(); //function calling
let func_name = function() {
//function body
module.exports = { func_name };
It worked with me like the following....
//Any other private code here
// Code you want to export
exports.function1 = function(params) {.......};
exports.function2 = function(params) {.......};
// Again any private code
now in the Main.js file you need to include Lib1.js
var mylib = requires('lib1.js');
Please remember to put the Lib1.js in node_modules folder.
Another way to do this in my opinion, is to execute everything in the lib file when you call require() function using (function(/* things here */){})(); doing this will make all these functions global scope, exactly like the eval() solution
(function () {
funcOne = function() {
console.log('mlt funcOne here');
funcThree = function(firstName) {
console.log(firstName, 'calls funcThree here');
name = "Mulatinho";
myobject = {
title: 'Node.JS is cool',
funcFour: function() {
return console.log('internal funcFour() called here');
And then in your main code you can call your functions by name like:
Will make this output
bash-3.2$ node -v
bash-3.2$ node main.js
mlt funcOne here
Alex calls funcThree here
{ title: 'Node.JS is cool', funcFour: [Function: funcFour] }
internal funcFour() called here
Pay atention to the undefined when you call my object.funcFour(), it will be the same if you load with eval(). Hope it helps :)
You can put your functions in global variables, but it's better practice to just turn your tools script into a module. It's really not too hard – just attach your public API to the exports object. Take a look at Understanding Node.js' exports module for some more detail.
I just want to add, in case you need just certain functions imported from your tools.js, then you can use a destructuring assignment which is supported in node.js since version 6.4 - see
(both files are in the same folder)
module.exports = {
sum: function(a,b) {
return a + b;
isEven: function(a) {
return a % 2 == 0;
const { isEven } = require('./tools.js');
output: true
This also avoids that you assign those functions as properties of another object as its the case in the following (common) assignment:
const tools = require('./tools.js');
where you need to call tools.isEven(10).
Don't forget to prefix your file name with the correct path - even if both files are in the same folder, you need to prefix with ./
From Node.js docs:
Without a leading '/', './', or '../' to indicate a file, the module
must either be a core module or is loaded from a node_modules folder.
Include file and run it in given (non-global) context
"data": "XYZ"
var fs = require("fs");
var vm = require("vm");
function include(path, context) {
var code = fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf-8');
vm.runInContext(code, vm.createContext(context));
// Include file
var customContext = {
"define": function (data) {
include('./fileToInclude.js', customContext);
Using the ESM module system:
export default function foo() {};
export function bar() {};
import foo, {bar} from './a.js';
This is the best way i have created so far.
var fs = require('fs'),
includedFiles_ = {};
global.include = function (fileName) {
var sys = require('sys');
sys.puts('Loading file: ' + fileName);
var ev = require(fileName);
for (var prop in ev) {
global[prop] = ev[prop];
includedFiles_[fileName] = true;
global.includeOnce = function (fileName) {
if (!includedFiles_[fileName]) {
global.includeFolderOnce = function (folder) {
var file, fileName,
sys = require('sys'),
files = fs.readdirSync(folder);
var getFileName = function(str) {
var splited = str.split('.');
return splited.join('.');
getExtension = function(str) {
var splited = str.split('.');
return splited[splited.length - 1];
for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
file = files[i];
if (getExtension(file) === 'js') {
fileName = getFileName(file);
try {
includeOnce(folder + '/' + file);
} catch (err) {
// if (ext.vars) {
// console.log(ext.vars.dump(err));
// } else {
// }
var lara = new Lara();
You still need to inform what you want to export
function Lara() {
this.webServer = new WebServer();
Lara.prototype.webServer = null;
module.exports.Lara = Lara;
You can simple just require('./filename').
// file: index.js
var express = require('express');
var app = express();
var child = require('./child');
app.use('/child', child);
app.get('/', function (req, res) {
app.listen(process.env.PORT, function () {
console.log('Example app listening on port '+process.env.PORT+'!');
// file: child.js
var express = require('express'),
child = express.Router();
child.get('/child', function(req, res){
child.get('/', function(req, res){
module.exports = child;
Please note that:
you can't listen PORT on the child file, only parent express module has PORT listener
Child is using 'Router', not parent Express moudle.
Node works based on commonjs modules and more recently, esm modules. Basically, you should create modules in separated .js files and make use of imports/exports (module.exports and require).
Javascript on the browser works differently, based on scope. There is the global scope, and through clojures (functions inside other functions) you have private scopes.
So,in node, export functions and objects that you will consume in other modules.
The cleanest way IMO is the following, In tools.js:
function A(){
function B(){
module.exports = {
Then, in app.js, just require the tools.js as following: const tools = require("tools");
I was as well searching for an option to include code without writing modules, resp. use the same tested standalone sources from a different project for a Node.js service - and jmparattes answer did it for me.
The benefit is, you don't pollute the namespace, I don't have trouble with "use strict"; and it works well.
Here a full sample:
Script to load - /lib/foo.js
"use strict";
var Foo = function(e){ = e;
Foo.prototype.x = 1;
return Foo;
SampleModule - index.js
"use strict";
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
var SampleModule = module.exports = {
instAFoo: function(){
var Foo = eval.apply(
this, [fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '/lib/foo.js')).toString()]
var instance = new Foo('bar');
console.log(; // 'bar'
console.log(instance.x); // '1'
Hope this was helpfull somehow.
Like you are having a file abc.txt and many more?
Create 2 files: fileread.js and fetchingfile.js, then in fileread.js write this code:
function fileread(filename) {
var contents= fs.readFileSync(filename);
return contents;
var fs = require("fs"); // file system
//var data = fileread("abc.txt");
module.exports.fileread = fileread;
In fetchingfile.js write this code:
function myerror(){
console.log("Hey need some help");
console.log("type file=abc.txt");
var ags = require("minimist")(process.argv.slice(2), { string: "file" });
if( || !ags.file) {
var hello = require("./fileread.js");
var data = hello.fileread(ags.file); // importing module here
Now, in a terminal:
$ node fetchingfile.js --file=abc.txt
You are passing the file name as an argument, moreover include all files in readfile.js instead of passing it.
Another method when using node.js and express.js framework
var f1 = function(){
var f2 = function(){
module.exports = {
f1 : f1,
f2 : f2
store this in a js file named s and in the folder statics
Now to use the function
var s = require('../statics/s');
To turn "tools" into a module, I don't see hard at all. Despite all the other answers I would still recommend use of module.exports:
module.exports = {
myFunction: function () {
// your logic in here
let message = "I am message from myFunction";
return message;
Now we need to assign this exports to global scope (in your app|index|server.js )
var util = require('./util');
Now you can refer and call function as:
console.log(util.myFunction()); // prints in console :I am message from myFunction
To interactively test the module ./test.js in a Unix environment, something like this could be used:
>> node -e "eval(''+require('fs').readFileSync('./test.js'))" -i
var mymodule = require("./tools.js")
module.exports.<your function> = function () {
<what should the function do>

Best practice using Node: pass a reference or use require import?

I'm new to Node.js, can someone explain the advantage and disadvantage of the 2 methods below? Which one should be used?
in app.js:
var foo = require("./foo");
var foo2 = require("./foo2");
both foo.js & foo2.js:
var needImport = require("./bar");
foo.prototype.dostuff = function()
in app.js:
var needImport = require("./bar");
var foo = new require("./foo")(needImport);
var foo2 = new require("./foo2")(needImport);
both foo.js and foo2.js:
var needImport;
function foo(needImportPassed) {
needImport = needImportPassed
foo.prototype.dostuff = function()
The question is basically asking is there an advantage to passing a reference of bar module? or just let the other files request that particular module everytime? (bar.js is not a persistent connection, just a bunch of helper functions, so is bar.js read twice as compared to just once in the second approach?)
I don't understand why you modify foo prototype. You have two solutions :
in app.js
var foo = require('./foo');
var foo2 = require('./foo2');
in foo2.js and foo.js
var bar = require('./bar');
module.exports = {
doStuff : () => bar.doOtherStuff()
in app.js
var bar = require('./bar');
var foo = require('./foo')(bar);
var foo2 = require('./foo2')(bar);
in foo.js and foo2.js
module.exports = (bar) => ({
doStuff : () => bar.doOtherStuff()
You should use the first solution as it is a more common pattern and it allows to create true modular code. In app.js you doesn't need to know which module is needed by foo or foo2.

What does this line in NodeJs mean?

I'm wondering what does these require lines in NodeJs mean.
var debug = require('debug')('morgan')
var deprecate = require('depd')('morgan')
I'm going through the index.js of morgan package in NodeJs. Normally require only has one parameter (package).
require returns what ever was defined in the package. In the cases above they are functions and so the second parameter is actually calling the function. If you break it out it would look like this:
var debugFunctionFactory = require('debug');
var debug = debugFunctionFactory('morgan');
debug('this is a test debug command');
The implementation is easy if the module in question returns a function. And in the case of debug and deprecate it returns a function that returns a function:
// Module code:
module.export = function(customName) {
return function(message) {
console.log(customName + ': ' + message);
// Your code:
var foo = require('module'); // => function
var bar = foo('foobar'); // => function
bar('baz'); // "foobar: baz"
// More concisely:
var foo = require('module')('foobar'); // => function
foo('baz'); // "foobar: baz"

Call exported function koajs

I have a koa app which has a bunch of functions split up into separate files. When one route is called I need to pass the context this to another function (which is also a route) in an separate file.
File a.js route - = function *() {
this.body = 'Some Value';
File b.jsroute -
var a = require('a'); = function *() {
this.body = yield; // this obviously doesn't work.
I want to be able to yield with the current context (this) and have it operate like it is being called by the normal router.
I think your shared functionality is better placed in a middleware where both /foo and /bar routes can call yield this.sharedFeature(opts).
If you want to go your way, then just do yield
There are few problems there. one is you have to return the value (or pass the value back in the callback). Also there is a problem how a.js is required. You need to add the path to it "./a" (or where ever you store it), not "a". Here is the revision (Note that I'm not including koajs in the code since this is just javascript/nodejs issue):
// a.js = function() {
this.body = 'Some Value';
return this;
// b.js
var a = require('./a'); // assumes a.js is in same directory as b.js = function () {
var aThis;
// c.js
var b = require('./b');; // <<<<< prints "Some Value"
This is how the context of bar() can be passed to foo():
// a.js = function(bScope) {
console.log("this is bValue of b scope: %s", bScope.bValue);
// b.js
var a = require('./a'); = function () {
this.bValue = "value of b";;
// c.js
var b = require('./b');; // <<<<<<<< prints "this is bValue of b scope: value of b"
