Pubspec.yaml 1.22.1 - android-studio

So I am creating my application and decided to go to pubspec.yaml to see my fonts. And when I look at my pubspec.yaml, I only see this code. 1.22.1 . I don't know what happened. Last time I know, I re install my android studio because it got an error that I needed to fix and since the, this happened. What should I do? It doesn't have errors or bug my app works fine but how can I edit my pubspec if this happen


Can't use specific Icons in imported flutter project

this might be a quick one.
I've imported a Flutter project which a colleague created via VS Code into Android Studio (via Git - Bitbucket).
(I've worked on another new Flutter project just this day.)
The problem is: some icons he used aren't found by the compiler for me.
Examples of working icons:
Not working:
Also, no matter in which file I'm in, there's a hint window above stating: 'Pub get' has not been run and I get the option to run get dependencies (pub get) or upgrade dependencies (pub upgrade).
When I first imported the project, the compiler didn't even know what Flutter is. After I executed pub get the first time, most of the errors were gone. The only ones missing are the few icons. But the hint saying I didn't do pub get is still there which was never like this in my other projects.
What can I do?
Btw, pub outdated says dev_dependencies: all up-to-date and
Dependencies are all on the latest resolvable versions.
Newer versions, while available, are not mutually compatible.
I run into this problem a while ago. The way I managed to solve it is:
go to Vs code setting and search flutter create and disable Flutter Create Offline
I hope this is helpful!
Got it! Turns out I changed some internal flutter file some while back and it wouldn't upgrade the flutter version automatically until I did "flutter upgrade -force".

Expo SDK 38 error: "AR module has been removed from expo package" even though no AR module is usedt

I was trying to run this on iOS simulator but got this error. The app runs fine on android and android simulator though. I did some research and this could be from outdated Expo SDK but mine is SDK 38. This app uses three.js + expo-graphics, not sure if they are related. Any help is appreciated, thank you !
I had the same issue and until expo-graphics is updated to completely remove the AR package you will need to go into the expo-graphics folder and comment out any line involving AR, including the entirety of the ARCameraState.js and ARRunningState.js files. Hopefully this helps even though it is a very messy solution

AndroidStudio update destroyed everything and I need help as to which way I should rebuild (details of fiasco within)

After this huge mess from one AndroidStudio update, am cleaning everything and starting from scratch.
I'd like to ask if anyone knows if I should go with specific versions of Java.
But first my headache, although I just cleaned my computer of AndroidStudio.
I have Win 10 64 bit
HAD AndroidStudio 1.51 (it said it was JRE:1.7.0_79-b15 amd64)
After the update I had a "Unsupported major.minor version 52.0" error
Following some posts I upgraded the Java on my machine.
First "1.8.0_74" but AndroidStudio couldn't find the JDK directory, so I installed "1.8.0_73" and AndroidStudio found the JDK directory. But then I started getting rendering errors but with Rendering Problems Exception raised during
Anyway, that's it. This has become such a tragedy that I would rather start from scratch, but if anyone could point me as to the proper (steps) of which way I should go, I would really appreciate it.
Thanks ahead,
I met this issue when I updated the api android 23 N (preview). In xml editor, change the Api to render into Api 23 android 6.0 and Autimatically Pick best.This would solve the problem.
refer: link
Yes.. i also faced same problem,I have resolved with changing the version to api 23.generally it will take best/latest version ,in my case its set to N preview.

Same code from support7Demos behaves different on different devices on AppCompat DayNight Mode 23.2.0

I have downloaded the Android Support 23.2.0 and imported support7Demos under directory /Android/sdk/extras/android/support/samples/Support7Demos without making any changes. After importing the necessary dependencies, it builds successfully and generate an apk. I installed the apk on Smartisan T1 with API 19. The day night mode works as expected. But it does not work on Nexus 5 with API 23.
Please be noticed that the code is from the Android official Support V7 sample, I did not make any changes at all.
The same apk installed on different devices work different.
This is the link to download the apk to check it out.
You could also check out the two videos that recorded to see the difference.
Is it a bug? And if it is a bug, is there any workaround?
To those who still wonders the answer, here it is :
It's issue with of support library which is fixed now.
It is the official answer quoted from the bug logged in here

The parameter is incorrect

When I try to add a service reference to my project in Visual Studio I keep getting the error " The parameter is incorrect" I know it's not the code because it doesn't happen on my coworkers computer. I have uninstalled and reinstalled Visual Studio to see if the problem is with my installation. But that doesnt seem to fix it.
I am using visual Studio 2012.
Did anyone come across this issue before? Please help!
I had this problem with a project that was copied out of ClearCase. the .csproj file still had the reference telling visual studio that its still under CC. I removed the following references and it worked.
<SccProjectName>Rational ClearCase</SccProjectName>
<SccLocalPath>Rational ClearCase</SccLocalPath>
<SccAuxPath>Rational ClearCase</SccAuxPath>
<SccProvider>Rational ClearCase</SccProvider>
I had the same issue after updating SQLite plugin for windows phone.
It seems like the sqlite-net-wp8 project (which is a wrapper to work with the plugin) had some import method from that plugin and when the version changed the wrapper didn't work anymore.
The solution was to downgrade the sqlite plugin to a version that is compatible with the wp8 wrapper.
Edit: The wrapper had an update so I've upgraded both the plugin and wrapper and now the issue is fixed.
If it shows any project in your solution with "(failed)" next to it's name try to remove it and re-add it to your solution and it will tell you what the issue exactly is.
In addition to Frisons answer - the issue works aswell the other way round:
If you are using ClearCase, make sure that the entries mentioned by Frison are available in your project file. I just had this case that one of the projects in my solution did not (however) had these entries and i got the very same error. Adding these lines fixed this issue for me.
I got the same error for WindowsPhone project, after make a clear manifest the error disappeared.
