I am trying to convert the info above to date and time and keep milliseconds. Does anyone have a formula for this?
I give up trying to find a perfect match on this site:
=--SUBSTITUTE(LEFT(A1,LEN(A1)-1),"T"," ")
Then format the cell: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.00
A system I am using provides UTC time in the following format: "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.000".
What Excel formula could I use to convert this to a date and time format of: "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.000 PST?
I'm a complete noob, and even finding similar questions didn't get me to figure out the proper syntax and make it work.
Thanks for any help in advance!
How do I modify the following to be D/M/YYYY?
8/7/20 6:20 PM
8/17/20 4:24 PM
Currently it is M/D/YY
Here is what I have done to no avail:
=VALUE(LEFT(A2,FIND(" ",A2,1)-1)) - This is to extract the date portion (because excel sees it as text)
Tried to convert the date to a D/M/Y using 'text to columns' but that does not work. Excel sees the middle number as the date so anything over 12 and it throws an error.
Thank for any help on this. It's breaking me.
=TEXTJOIN("/",,FILTERXML("<a><b>"&SUBSTITUTE(LEFT(TEXT(A1,"d/m/yy")&" ",FIND(" ",TEXT(A1,"d/m/yy")&" ")-1),"/","</b><b>")&"</b></a>","//b["&{2,1,3}&"]"))+MID(TEXT(A1,"\ hh:mm AM/PM"),FIND(" ",TEXT(A1,"\ hh:mm AM/PM"))+1,99)
and then format the output as desired.
Note: I am US based so I had to reverse it in the demo.
Another Note: If one is US based dealing with UK dates then change the d/m/yy to m/d/yy and it will work.
I am desperately trying to change a Date Time stamp from UTC to Seoul. I tried to follow the following discussion Excel - How to convert UTC date time but this seems to deal with addressing the T and +03:00 which I have no idea about. My excel sheet has a simple '5/21/2016 5:39:35 AM' which is in UTC. How can I change it to Seoul time? Thanks a million for any help!
It's just as the title says, I cannot convert the serial numbers generated from the DATE and TIME function to a Date and Time Format.
I have this date: 27/11/2012 1:09 PM (originally typed in as text and not acknowledged as date and time, because it was aligned to the left). So instead, I decided to use the DATE and TIME function like so:
=(DATE(2014,8,26) & TIME(13,27,0))
It resulted with a serial number. So I googled on ways how to convert the serial number to a date format. OF course, I already tried formatting a cell by right-clicking it and selecting the Date category but still no luck.
Now that I think about it, is the formula above alright? I mean is it okay to use date and time in one cell? By the way, the dates and times were manually typed in in one cell. And I do not have an option to segregate each date and time elements per cell.
UPDATE: So I tried doing it with just the DATE function only and the formatting worked. Is there any way that even the time is included?
=(DATE(2014,8,26) + TIME(13,27,0))
Use "+" for date and time concord-nation :)
Essentially I have two timestamps as YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm and I want to find the time elapsed in days.
Excel can do this either with just time or just the date but not when the two are combined. I realize that this is not an uncommon timestamp format, and there is probably some way to calculate this simply with Excel functionality.
Any help would be appreciated :)
This is a duplicate of several questions in the past - so if someone wants to look for one of those and flag this question as a duplicate - that would probably be appropriate - but in the meantime:
Good Luck.
You can convert the timestamp to date only with INT(), giving you the following formula: