Stripe – refund from connected account, without charging the account - stripe-payments

I have a connected stripe account. Example transaction looks like this:
Charged to a customer: 69.00PLN
Application fee: 10.35PLN
Stripe's processing fee: 2.31PLN
Profit for the connected account: 56.34PLN
The customer agreed that if applicable, the service can be refunded, but the amount that was paid (here 69.00PLN) will be reduced by Stripe's processing fee – we do not want the Connected Account to pay for it.
When I issue a refund from within the connected account dashboard, it looks like this (the amount entered is 69.00 - 2.31 = 66.69):
After the refund is processed, the net value for the connected account looks like this:
Is it possible to refund the value reduced by Stripe's processing fee, without touching the application fee? I just want to fully refund the application fee + profit for the connected account.

The answer here is to first refund the fee (here 10.35PLN) from the main Stripe account and then refund the rest (66.69PLN) from the connected account.


Taking fee and payment reservation Stripe

Pretty new to Stripe, we're building an online marketplace. Each user can buy assets from any other user. We also take fees for each payment.
We go with connected accounts. Seller goes through the onboarding flow (create connected account, create account link etc), while buyer is registered as a customer of our platform on Stripe.
Now, whenever buyer makes a payment we create a payment intent to pay to us (amount + 20% fee via):
Then we create new payout to seller (amount) using source transaction from payment intent above:
await stripe.transfers.create({
amount: payment.amount * 100,
currency: payment.currency,
destination: seller.stripeAccountId,
source_transaction: sourceTransaction,
Is this the preferred and best way of handling this? In terms of time, we need first to wait for payment to settle to our bank account to be able to payout seller?
Is there any better way of doing this instead of manual payouts?
Is there a way to make direct transfer to connected account when user does payment?
I tried with payment intent, specifying connected account id in request, but API is complaining that customer id is on our platform but account id is specified, so it's not possible obviously.
Also, manual payouts would come handy to simulate payment escrow/deposit. When user create a request for some asset, we would immediately transfer certain amount to our account, like reserving that amount. And if the seller accepts the offer, we would do a payout. If seller rejects the offer, we would do payout to the buyer, giving him back his money.
Does this make sense?
Thanks in advance
You don't need Payout (yet) in your use case. You are doing Separate Charges and Transfers, and fund simply moves from your Account's balance to Connected Account's balance. It hasn't been out of your Connected Account's balance to your Connected Account's bank account yet, which is called "Payout".
In another word, Payout is separated process than Charges and Transfers. Charges and Transfers can happen immediately, and Payouts normally happen later on a daily basis or manually.
Find more explanation on Connect Balance.
There is also Destination Charge which is simpler than Separate Charges and Transfers. I recommend Destination Charge unless you have specific reason to use Separate Charges and Transfers, ie. you need to transfer to multiple Connected Accounts on one payment.

How to make custom payment to a customer

I am looking for a way to make payment to a customer like a business do.
for eg. a business will ask you to fill the form with bank name, acoount number IFSC code etc.
so customer can receive a payment.
I have user who is having a digital wallet with some amount.
I want to transfer the amount to user's provided bank account on the request.
I saw stripe documentation but I am not sure if stripe support custom payment.
Stripe provides refund as per below method where I have to provide charge id string
and because of charge id stripe will refund only the amount which was charged earlier and this is linked to particular charge only.
const stripe = require('stripe')('your_stripe_key');
const refund = await stripe.refunds.create({
charge: 'charge_id_string',
amount: 100,
I want to make custom payment/refund so I can transfer users wallet available balance to bank account.
Any suggestion will be appreciated.
I don't think you should use Refund because you can only create a refund based on an existing charge.
You should probably look at Transfer, which allows you to send funds from your Stripe account to a connected account. In your use case, you should create a connected account for your customer so that you can transfer refunds to your customer and eventually payout to their bank account.
Visit here to learn more about Stripe Connect.

How to generate invoices for the application fees with Stripe direct charges?

I'm launching a marketplace where some professionals offer their services and customers can book and pay them online. I take percentage fees in the process and I use stripe direct charges for that. So when a customer proceed to a stripe payment though my website the professional (the connected account) gets paid and automatically pays me (the platform account) the application fees percentage that I set.
I've searched on stripe website and couldn't find an answer: Is it possible to generate automatically some invoices from my platform account to the connected account that would be related to the application fees ?
For example if the professional's price is 10$ and the application fees that I set is 10% how could I generate the 1$ invoice to the professional ?
I only found how to build or generate invoices for connected account to their customers but not invoices involving the platform account and the connected account.
It seems like what you are looking for is an application_fee[1] . As the diagram[2] displays, the professional (Connected account) charges the customer directly but your application fee is collected and deposited in your account during the funds flow of the Connected account.
This does not provide any invoice to the professional since the application_fee is sent to your account at the same time as the remaining funds are transferred to the Connected account. This process allows you to have a set percentage based application fee you charge the professionals on your marketplace.
The application_fee approach is the recommended way of collection a fee as part of a direct charge. This will not generate an invoice to your Connected accounts automatically but you could always generate one of your own (outside of Stripe) as a record of the fee for those accounts.

Stripe payment and bank account

Is it possible with Stripe to perform a test transaction to ensure that an account is funded?
I would like to :
take the Credit Card ID at the moment of the booking (but no payment at that moment)
make the customer pay AFTER the service has been done
What you likely want is to place a hold on the card for the given amount, and then capture the funds later after the service has completed. When placing a hold the given amount is authorized and guaranteed by the cardholder's bank. You'll often see these types of transactions show up on your online bank statement when renting a car or when checking-in to a hotel room. When processing your payment with Stripe you would set the capture_method on the PaymentIntent to manual which tells Stripe to only authorize the given amount. Then, once the service is rendered you would capture the funds. The following guide covers the approach in detail:

Stripe appears to be billing twice for each Subscription

We are using Stripe subscription. In that if a user creates a Product then they can set the price suppose $9.99.
If the other users wants to subscribe the same product they have to pay $9.99. From the paid $9.99, the admin will get 2% and (2.9 + 0.30)% Stripe fee will be deducted and the remaining amount will be sent to the product creator's connect account.
The issue is if the user subscribe a product, a charge is created and the amount deducted from the subscriber. Then the invoice will generate and that time, again the amount will deduct from the subscriber a/c. Double time payment cuts from the subscriber's account.
I'm using destination-charges method to apply the charge and transfer the amount to creator's connect account for any subscription in the invoice.payment_succeeded webhook's method.
How to prevent 2nd time payment deduction?
enter image description here
Creating a subscription will generate an invoice that will charge for the upcoming period(they are charged in advance, so if you had also done a destination charge before creating the subscription, you are charging the customer twice — I assume that's what you mean?
What you probably want to do here is one of :
instead of doing a one-off destination charge or doing a transfer manually from a webhook handler, just set the application fee on the subscription so it's deducted from the invoice instead, by setting the destination of the funds and the application fee you keep :
if for some reason that is not an option and you still need to do a separate charge than the first invoice, maybe create the subscription with trial_end set until the next billing date, which will skip the first payment (sine you already processed it)
