Upload/Encode files via REST API - node.js

I can't seem to find any documentation for uploading and encoding on the microsoft docs for AMS. All I see is live stuff. I do see this on the dotnet SDK, but not for node.js, so I'm trying to find something using the REST API. Does anyone have any microsoft docs or tutorials for uploading and encoding Azure Media Services v3 using the REST API?
Thanks for any help (I'm a newbie here)

For REST see the following: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/media-services/latest/stream-files-tutorial-with-rest
For Node.js see the following: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/media-services/latest/stream-files-nodejs-quickstart

We are adding more and more Node.js content now that the newer Typescript SDK is out there.
Keep an eye on samples here.
I built a simple upload and encode sample here.
Let me know if that gets you started and if that is enough information to understand the basics.
I would avoid trying to roll your own REST based SDK client, since there is very helpful retry logic built into the official NOde.js/TypeScript SDK for Media Services.


Set read status of getstream.io notification feed via rest api or php sdk

I need to update read/ seen status of getstream notification feed via rest api or php sdk. Would be a great help if someone can help me out on this.
Reason is, I'm using rest api to integrate getstream with a flutter app Im developing. I though it would be easier than using native sdk as Im only using small amount of features
Answering my own questions as this was real tough to find,

How to upload large file to azure using typescript

I was looking for a way to upload large big files to azure data lake store using typescript but end up with no answer, have any one done this? Thanks in advance.
I found a way to give REST API calls to send data to azure data lake, this is the link i'm following https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-lake-store/data-lake-store-data-operations-rest-api.
It is successful through PostMan, but now the big hurdle i am facing is the way to make these requests in typescript. Have anyone did this?
I am not aware of samples for Typescript. However, if you are trying to upload large files using the REST API, you will need to handle errors, retries, etc in your code. Instead of the REST API, can you use the SDKs that we provide? https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-lake-store/data-lake-store-get-started-java-sdk - This is link to Java SDK. We also have Python SDK and .NET SDK. These SDKs handle a lot of the heavylifting for you that needs to be done when using the REST APIs.
Sachin Sheth
Program Manager, Azure Data Lake.

When to use which library? azure-mobile-apps-js-client and cordova-plugin-ms-azure-mobile-apps

I am confused about the following two Microsoft Azure libraries:
Does anybody know which one to use when? Or what are the advantages of one over other?
From their names, it appears that the "azure-mobile-apps-js-client" will not contain cordova features while "cordova-plugin-ms-azure-mobile-apps" does. Is that the only difference?
My previous questions were more generic. So adding some more comments to give you more context on why I have those questions.
I was building an Ionic 2 app some time back then stopped it for a couple of months. Now getting back on Ionic app and see this new JS Client library (azure-mobile-apps-js-client) around. My Ionic 2 app is basically going to invoke/call REST endpoints implemented in Azure Mobile App backend developed using Node.js.
Last time when I was developing it by following Microsoft documentation for Azure Mobile Apps, I tried to use "cordova-plugin-ms-azure-mobile-apps" as per the docs.
Now I see this new library (azure-mobile-apps-js-client).
And therefore I have confusion on which one really to use. If anybody has a link that describes both of these libraries in detail and their differences then please do share the link. It would be great!
The cordova plugin is the JS client wrapped in a plugin. Use whichever is more convenient for you.

What are the steps for migrating from Parse to Azure Mobile Services?

For those who've already migrated from Parse's Cloud Code to Azure's Mobile Services or those who have a good enough grasp of both to know how this would be done: Can you outline the high-level steps for migrating off of Parse and into Azure?
My concerns:
Parse has an excellent ACL system but I wonder if there are scripts to translate it into Azure's DBs and tables.
I wonder what's a close mock-equivalent of Parse's JS SDK so that I could Simply swap out Parse.. with Azure.. and still have code running seamlessly.
Is this a pipe-dream?
Parse enables you to export files in a JSON format. You will find this feature under the Settings tab for your Parse app.
Since the announcement of the Parse shutdown, Microsoft has posted guidance on migrating from Parse here: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/azure-welcomes-parse-developers/
Perhaps a bit too late for the OP but hope it helps.

using Spotify's webAPI in an iOS app

So I'm in the process of developing an iOS app and I wanted to use the Spotify web API for searching and looking up songs in Spotify. However, I can't really tell if that is how to do it or if there would be better ways to do it and wanted to clarify before I began. Thanks in advance!
If you'd like the use the Web API, it works just the same as any other JSON REST API, so a lot of the tutorials out there for doing that on iOS will help you just fine. For converting between JSON and Objective-C data structures, newer iOS versions have NSJSONSerialization, otherwise I can recommend the open-source TouchJSON.
Also, you might want to look at CocoaLibSpotify, which is an Objective-C library for interacting with the Spotify service in a much more integrated way than the Web API — including music streaming. However, it does require a Spotify user be logged in to use.
