Google Translate V2 - translate

I've used Google Translate for years with excellent results. Now, Google has deprecated my version and now employs Google.Cloud.Translation.V2.
The Nuget Install-Package Google.Cloud.Translation.V2 -Version 2.0.0 installs, but causes the dreaded yellow screen saying is can't find one thing after another, and also System.Net.Http version conflicts. Manually edit Web and Machine configs, and on and on.
Also, Google samples reference things with undefined namespaces. i have the Google credentials json file.
I really don't want to change Environment vars in a production environment.
Bottom line? I'm in agreement with hundreds of folks saying that this is a nightmare.
With Nuget, it's usually easy to install, reference and run. Not so here. Google's primers on this are unnecessarily verbose and impossible, at least for me, to follow. This should be Nuget, reference, code.
I think I'm up to about 100 folks with the same problem. Aaaargh!

OK, figured this out and while the instructions are all over the board, the process is not.
This is for C#.
You need an account at Google that enables Google.Cloud.Translation.V2.
Once enabled, you'll need a json credentials file. Download it and save it.
The instructions show how to use the Package Manager Console to allow these to work.
In your translate class, add these:
using Google.Cloud.Translation.V2; //PM> Install-Package Google.Cloud.Translation.V2 -Version 2.0.0
using Google.Apis.Auth.OAuth2; //PM> Install-Package Google.Apis.Oauth2.v2 -Version
Then this (the encoding can be whatever you need):
var translated = TranslateText("en", "ar", "Happy Translating");
public string TranslateText(string srclang, string destlang, string trns)
var utf8 = new UTF8Encoding(false);
var client = TranslationClient.Create(GoogleCredential.FromFile(path to json credentials file));
var result = client.TranslateText(
text: trns,
targetLanguage: destlang, // ar
sourceLanguage: srclang, // en
model: TranslationModel.Base);
// or model: TranslationModel.NeuralMachineTranslation);
return utf8.GetString(utf8.GetBytes(result.TranslatedText));
Result: سعيد الترجمة


Can't load Features.Diagnostics

I'm creating a web client for joining Teams meetings with the ACS Calling SDK.
I'm having trouble loading the diagnostics API. Microsoft provides this page:
You are supposed to get the diagnostics this way:
const callDiagnostics = call.api(Features.Diagnostics);
This does not work.
I am loading the Features like this:
import { Features } from '#azure/communication-calling'
A statement console.log(Features) shows only these four features:
DominantSpeakers: (...)
Recording: (...)
Transcription: (...)
Transfer: (...)
Where are the Diagnostics??
User Facing Diagnostics
For anyone, like me, looking now...
ATOW, using the latest version of #azure/communication-calling SDK, the documented solution, still doesn't work:
const callDiagnostics = call.api(Features.Diagnostics);
call.api is undefined.
However, once the call is instantiated, this allows you to subscribe to changes:
const call = callAgent.join(/** your settings **/);
const userFacingDiagnostics = call.feature(Features.UserFacingDiagnostics);"diagnosticChanged", (diagnosticInfo) => {
});"diagnosticChanged", (diagnosticInfo) => {
This isn't documented in the latest version, but is under this alpha version.
Whether this will continue to work is anyone's guess ¯\(ツ)/¯
Accessing Pre-Call APIs
Confusingly, this doesn't currently work using the specified version, despite the docs saying it will...
Features.PreCallDiagnostics is undefined.
This is actually what I was looking for, but I can get what I want by setting up a test call asking for the latest values, like this:
const call = callAgent.join(/** your settings **/);
const userFacingDiagnostics = call.feature(Features.UserFacingDiagnostics);
Hope this helps :)
Currently the User Facing Diagnostics API is only available in the Public Preview and npm beta packages right now. I confirmed this with a quick test comparing the 1.1.0 and beta packages.
Check the following link:
Features are imported from the #azure/communication-calling,
for example:
const {
} = require('#azure/communication-calling');

ag-grid-community vs ag-grid-enterprise new Grid

I have a Node client-side application with the latest ag-grid version.
I was using ag-grid-community without any issues with this require line
const {Grid} = require('ag-grid-community');
and this new
new Grid(agGridDiv, agGridOptions);
but if I change the require to
const {Grid} = require('ag-grid-enterprise');
the new fails with exception 'Grid is not a constructor'
How can I fix this? I have tried various changes such as new Grid.Grid etc but nothing seems to work.
For latest 23.1.1 version this page:
// ECMA 5 - using nodes require() method
const AgGrid = require('ag-grid-enterprise');
Another way to follow this guide, it all depends on which repository you download the dependencies from.
import {Grid, GridOptions} from '#ag-grid-community/core';
import {LicenseManager} from '#ag-grid-enterprise/core';
// or
const {Grid, GridOptions} = require('#ag-grid-community/core');
I used core and it worked for import.
For old version:
Grid, like everything else, needs to be imported from ag-grid-community.
1) ag-grid-enterprise is pure additive functionality for ag-grid-community.
2) You will use ag-grid-enterprise via the ag-grid-community api not explicit. Use ag-grid-enterprise for LicenseManager only.
I would recommend starting with the old version, since the source code of the new version is minified and it will be more difficult for you to understand many nontrivial nuances.

SaxonJS on Node.js

I'm trying to run an empty simple code snippet to test SaxonJS 1.1.0 on NodeJs v8.11.1 on Windows 10.
But I got this error :
PS C:\XXX\sandbox\xsl-transformation> node main.js
ReferenceError: JSTestDriver is not defined
at initialize (C:\XXX\sandbox\xsl-transformation\Saxon-JS-1.1.0\SaxonJS.js:17136:25)
Looking at the source code, I can see :
function initialize() {
"use strict";
if (inBrowser) {
saxonPrint("Saxon-JS " + getProcessorInfo().productVersion + " in browser", 0);
} else {
// Currently only Nashorn. (Later need to distinguish from Node case)
// Nashorn JSTestDriver
saxonPrint("Saxon-JS " + getProcessorInfo().productVersion + " in
// node NodePlatform
if (typeof platform.initialize === "function") {
It seems Node Platform is not implemented.
However, in the documentation, it is written :
We're talking here primarily about running Saxon-JS in the browser.
However, it's also capable of running in server-side JavaScript
environments such as Node.js (not yet fully supported in this
I deeply search a code snippet of SaxonJS/NodeJS but I did not find one.
Has anyone a snippet code of SaxonJS working on NodeJS ?
I'm afraid the documentation was somewhat jumping the gun. We do have users who have reported getting the code to run under Node.js, and we have done it ourselves "in the lab", but it requires source code tweaks to the issued product. As released, the code runs under two platforms, the browser platform and Nashorn (and under Nashorn, it assumes our test harness which is not released).
We're working on a version for Node.js. Doing this properly as a product needs a lot of functionality that isn't in the browser version, for example in XML parsing and serialization, debugging support, command line interfaces and APIs, etc.
Node.js Saxon-Js Instructions
This S/O question is the first listed on Google for "node.js saxon-js". So I'm answering this 4 years late because of the visibility.
[Terminal] npm install saxon-js
const saxonJs = require('saxon-js');
const fs = require('fs');
function transformDocument(source, destination, transformation, parameters) {
var xml = fs.readFileSync(source).toString()
var stylesheetParams = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(parameters)
.map(o => `QName('', '${o}') : '${parameters[o]}'`).join(",")
const html = saxonJs.XPath.evaluate(
map {
'source-node' : parse-xml($xml),
'stylesheet-location' : $xslt,
'stylesheet-params': map {${stylesheetParams}},
'delivery-format' : 'serialized'
params : {
'xml' : xml,
'xslt' : 'file:' + transformation
fs.writeFileSync(destination, html)
source: xml file name
destination: output file name
transformation: xsl file name
parameters: regular json object containing any params for xslt
(-) extremely slow
(+) doesn't require running something on the command line every time the xslt file changes
(+) easy to use function signature based on xslt usage over the last 22 years
(+) doesn't crash
I didn't find any "Getting Started" for this. Not from Google, at least. I pieced together a working solution from multiple S/O answers.
This took me 3 hours. I hope this saves multiple developers 3 hours each.
I tried getting 'source-location' to work with a file: url, but no beans
sync I/O of course isn't necessary, it should work fine with async and nested callback functions. However, this isn't why its' slow. The xpath transform() function is quite slow, for some reason.
For some reason, this solution is stable and doesn't crash. Using Saxon-C over in Python keeps crashing, but this does not.

Embedded C Parse Server migration serverURL

I want to try to change embedded c linux ParseClient to point to my heroku hosted parser url but I couldn't find any command like Parse.serverURL = "" like iOS, Androind, and etc. in this example
In the latest version 1.0.4 of the sdk there is a new initialize method that also takes a serverUrl.
ParseClient parseInitializeWithServerURL(const char *applicationId, const char *clientKey, const char *serverURL);
It seems like everything should work, but the issue for this is still open on github so I'm not entirely sure. You can follow it here.

WifiLock under-locked my_lock

I'm tring to download an offline map pack. Trying to reverse engineer the example project from the skobbler support website, however when trying to start a download the download manager crashes.
What my usecase is: show a list of available countries (within the EUR continent) and make the user select a single one, and that will be downloaded at that time. So far I have gotten a list where those options are available. Upon selecting an item (and starting the download) it crashes.
For the sake of the question I commented out some things.
Relevant code:
// Get the information about where to obtain the files from
SKPackageURLInfo urlInfo = SKPackageManager.getInstance().getURLInfoForPackageWithCode(pack.packageCode);
// Steps: SKM, ZIP, TXG
List<SKToolsFileDownloadStep> downloadSteps = new ArrayList<>();
downloadSteps.add(new SKToolsFileDownloadStep(urlInfo.getMapURL(), pack.file, pack.skmsize)); // SKM
//downloadSteps.add(); // TODO ZIP
//downloadSteps.add()); // TODO TXG
List<SKToolsDownloadItem> downloadItems = new ArrayList<>(1);
downloadItems.add(new SKToolsDownloadItem(pack.packageCode, downloadSteps, SKToolsDownloadItem.QUEUED, true, true));
mDownloadManager.startDownload(downloadItems); // This is where the crash is
I am noticing a running download, since the onDownloadProgress() is getting triggered (callback from the manager). However the SKToolsDownloadItem that it takes as a parameter says that the stepIndex starts at 0. I don't know how this can be, since I manually put that at (byte) 0, just like the example does.
Also, the logs throw a warning on SingleClientConnManager, telling me:
Invalid use of SingleClientConnManager: connection still allocated.
This is code that gets called from within the manager somewhere. I am thinking there is some vital setup steps missing from the documentation and the example project.
