How to hide api request payload in the browser? - node.js

Using Express with React on the front end, and want to hide the request payload, but couldn't figured it out how to do it.
it looks like the below image
backend code sample:'/fit_spend', (req, res) => {
const {avg_unit_price,
showEnv}= req.body;
any help please?

I can't make comments yet, but I think the best way to handle this is to make sure a user is logged in and make your call a protected route. As other users have said, you can't control the client side of things.


External web service redirects the user and posts data to my callback URL. How do I render the posted data to the user in an Express/Next.js app?

Any help would be hugely appreciated! Been stuck on this for a few days.
I have an Express/Next.js app where:
I send the user to an external website
user makes a payment
external website redirects and posts data back to my callback URL.
So now I have the user on a route but also want to display the data that was sent back.
I have an endpoint to successfully grab the data:"/payment-complete", async (req, res) => {
const transactionID = req.body.trans_id;
How would I pass the data to the user who is already on that route? Or pass the data before the page is rendered?
The flow of data is third party > my server > user and I'm not sure how to make this work.
I'd be grateful for any help/direction with this.
If anyone comes across this - the problem was that in Express (and other languages) you can't redirect or render a view for an AJAX POST request but you can if the POST request is coming from a submitted html form. The web service was in fact POST-ing the data and redirecting my users with a form and so I could render a view.
Following code worked using Handlebars templating engine to send the render."/payment-ok", async (req, res) => {
const transactionID = req.body.trans_id;
return res.render("rendertest", { id: transactionID });
Should also possibly work with app.render to send a Next.js view instead, but I wanted to render from a separate routes file.

Is it bad practice to wrap express app within socketio connection?

I'm making a webgame, and if I have a route that looks like:'/create_account', (req, res) => {
var email =
var pass = req.body.pass
res.json({response: "created"})
Anyone can post data to using postman, or curl or something, and my website will start creating account for them even though they are not even on my webpage.
I found an interesting workaround, and I wanted to know if this is safe, or even a good idea. Basically I wrap my app routes within a connection:
io.on('connection', function(socket) {'/create_account', (req, res) => {
//code goes here
I tested it, and it seems that this way you can only post to /create_account if you are actually connected to the webpage.
What (if any) are the disadvantages to doing this? If this is a bad idea, whats's a better way to prevent people from posting data if they aren't on my site.
#Ruslan's suggestion about CSRF tokens is sound and probably your best option, wrapping everything in seems like too much complexity. Here's a library that does that:

How to make Express return a new html with axios post

I have an express server. I have two routes as get methods.
app.get('/main',(req, res) => {
res.sendFile(`main.html`, {root: staticPath});
app.get('/signin', (req, res) => {
res.sendFile('signin.html', {root: staticPath});
I want to build my app as a single page react application. But before I let the user see this single page, I want to show a sign in, sign up screen. So when user clicks the sign in or sign up buttons, I want to send signin.html as response from the express server.
Here is my code on the browser from a react class
I can console.log() from the express route and verify that the code gets executed within the 'signin' route, but the html view doesn't change on the browser even though I send back a html file. How do I make it happen?
I'm by no means an expert, but here are my two cents. Instead of setting up your front end to receive an HTML file from the server, a more efficient approach would be the following.
Build the signup and login pages on the front end.
Set up routing between these pages.
Send the login/signup details from client to server via /login or /signup routes that you set up in Express. These details would usually be in the req.body object (make sure to install the bodyparser package from NPM).
You could then use JWTs to authenticate users and maintain sessions.
If you're looking for server-side rendering with React, here is an article for your reading pleasure :) Sorry if I made no sense.

Submitting a Form Action Post for API, do I need a post route?

I am using the npm "twit" and it is ultimately posting Twitter Status Updates. I have the user fill out a form and the action of the form is a post request to a path like home/tweet/.
In my express router I have a route home/tweet/. The Form data isn't really being posted there though, the reason I am doing this is because I am extracting the form fields qith req.body and then inside the router I am making the post request to Twitter to create a new tweet. Here is what it looks like:"/tweet/", function(req,res){
var tweet = req.body.tweet;'statuses/update', { status: myFuncs.encode(myFuncs.key, tweet) }, function(err, data, response) {
Even though this works, it feels a little hacky to me. Is there a better way to design this? Is there a better way to extract the Form Fields without using a post request using req.body, or a get request using req.query?
Although, I agree that it seems "hacky"---as you put it---but unfortunately, since Twitter has not enabled CORS on its API, you have no choice but to use an intermediary, such as your server. Alternatively, you may use a third-party service, but that still is an intermediary just like your server.

How can a Sails controller get request history

I am developing a website using Nodejs (with Sails & Passport frameworks). I am wondering how a Sails controller get the request history of a user.
For instance, a user requests for '/', but a controller redirects the user to '/signin'. Then the user requests for '/signin' using res.redirect(). So the request history looks like
Now a SignInController handles the request and at the end, it want to redirect the user back to '/'. So the controller should know the history of the user's request. I guess there should be some frameworks which can record request histories and store them using session or something. Could anyone give me some hints about this?
Let me know if I understood well but what you want to do is to redirect the user to whatever URL he was before a login, right?
To do that you can use the policies (which are executed for all requests, only on the methods you want).
What we do here is save the latest position only (Not the entire history)
In api/policies/ensureReturnToUrl:
'use strict';
module.exports = function (req, res, next) {
req.session.returnTo = req.url;
return next();
The configuration part look like that in config/policies.js:
'*': ['passport', 'isAuthenticated', 'ensureReturnToUrl'],
AuthController: {
'*': ['passport']
You will have to be careful here to put this policy in the right place only. For example, you don't want to have it on you "/signin" methods (That goes against the whole point)
Then, after a successful login, you just have to read the "returnTo" property and redirect the user: (For example in a AuthController)
if (req.session.returnTo) {
} else {
Obviously this need to be adapted for your use case but the policies are definitely what you need.
